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1、 我们盼望关心全部的参展者,把他们迁移到网上,关心他们在阿里巴巴上卖东西但这也没有胜利。由于当时人们觉得在线买卖和贸易展会是相互冲突的。 今日我又回来了。我回来的缘由,是要找到互联网经济缺失的那重要一部分。 过去20年,互联网特别胜利,但是我发觉一个特别惊奇的事情,很少有互联网公司能健康的、安静的活过3年。这意味着大部分互联网公司只要“蜜日”,“蜜周”,他们甚至没有蜜月。 问题在哪里?缺了什么?我坚决的信任,缺的那部分,能够在欧洲找到。是什么?无论你能否喜爱,过去20年,互联网对人类社会产生了巨大的影响,每个人都信任互联网为世界做出了宏大的贡献。 而很多传统企业厌烦互联网,由于互联网毁掉了他们

2、的生意。但是为什么互联网公司担忧?你看到谷歌,facebook,亚马逊,eBay和阿里巴巴,我们全部的人每天担忧。 我们觉得这里面肯定有问题。我们必需找到一个处理方案,让我们的公司能够像奔驰,西门子一样,活得长期而健康。 假如一个行业不能活的超过3年,假如不是全部的公司能够欢乐的生存超过3年,那这个行业永久无法成为主流,这个行业永久不行能深深根植于经济所以,我们要做什么才能找到处理方案?世界正在快速转变,我们今日的科技进展特别特别快速,大部分人不晓得IT是什么,互联网是什么。IT科技和数字科技,这不只仅是不同的技术,而是人们思索方式的不同,人们对待这个世界方式的不同。 我们不晓得世界30年后会

3、变成什么样,我们不晓得数据在30年后会长成什么样但是我们信任,整个世界在30年后会大大转变。假如第一次和其次次技术革命释放了人的体力,那这次技术革命释放了人的脑力,脑力在革新。 将来的世界,我们将不再由石油驱动,而是由数据驱动;将来的世界,生意将是C2B而不是B2C,用户转变企业,而不是企业向用户出售由于我们将有大量的数据。制造商必需共性化,否则他们将特别困难。 将来的世界,全部的制造商他们生产的机器,这些机器不只会生产产品,它们必需说话,它们必需思索。机器不会再由石油和电力驱动,机器由数据来支撑。 将来的世界,企业将不再会关注于规模,企业不再会关注于标准化和权力,他们会关注于敏捷性,灵敏性,

4、共性化和用户友好。而且我剧烈信任,在将来的世界,我们会有许多女性领袖由于在将来人们将不会只关注在肌肉力气,而会愈加注重才智,注重关怀和责任。 我认为,互联网必需找到那个缺失的部分。这个缺失的部分就是鼠标和水泥携手合作,找到一个方法让互联网经济和实体经济能够结合。 只要当鼠标和水泥结合时,互联网公司才能活下来,才能快乐的活30年。假如这个结合实现,那才能被称作D!conomy,不只仅是数字经济,我叫它数据经济,全部的东西都会被转变。 并且我信任这个世界将会因而变得特别漂亮,同时也特别富有挑战性。像苹果这样的公司告知我们将来的样子是什么样的。 有一种东西将会在机器中流淌,那就是数据。我们在一个创新

5、,雄心,创造和创意的宏大时代,我信任每个人都在特别努力的工作,实现他们的幻想。 今日我们看到了真实世界的工人,卡车司机和嬉戏玩家全部这些人在过去,是不行能利用科技实现他们的幻想的。但今日,数据让一切成真。 但我剧烈的信任,不是科技转变了世界,是科技背后的幻想转变了世界。假如是科技转变了世界,我不会在这儿,我没有被训练成一个科技专家,我对电脑一无所知,我对互联网也了解的不多。 但是我有一个强大的幻想,我要关心中小企业。所以14年前我来这里想向欧洲出售中国产品,没有胜利。 14年后我想关心欧洲企业向中国向世界,通过互联网出售产品。是幻想在驱动这个世界,不只仅是科技。 女士们先生们,让我们共同努力,

6、这是一个精彩的世界,这是一个属于年轻人的世界,这是一个属于将来的世界。特别感激各位的倾听。 【相关英语旧事】Chinas Internet tycoon Jack Ma, founder of giant online merchant Alibaba, gave a glimpse of the future when he demonstrated a new e-payment system using facial recognition at the CeBIT IT fairin Germany.Criss-crossing the stage in the style of a

7、Silicon Valley pioneer late Sunday, Ma showed off the technology that uses facial recognition from a smartphone camera selfie as a digital signature,saying he had just used it to send a gift to the mayor of the events host city of Hanover.Ma, a former teacher, is known for thinking big, and at this

8、weeks CeBIT he was the keynote speaker, addressing an audience that included German Chancellor Angela Merkel.Like many other companies from the events official。2. 马云拥有幻想,拥有将来的英语演讲稿 马云“拥有幻想,拥有将来”的英语演讲稿详细内容:We are at the best time of the world. most people say to me “there is no opportunity, all the o

9、pportunities are gone by 阿里巴巴,by google, by facebook, by you. We have no chance. To me, I think this world is full of opportunities. When microsoft is there, people say oh my god, microsoft is the top, then came the 雅虎,when yahu is there, 雅虎is the top,then came the google .when google is coming, the

10、re is the Facebook. Every generation , every time, there is a opportunity. I have one belief ten years later in Peru there will be more rich people than today. Ten years later there will be more successful business in Peru than today. The world is coming better. It depends whether you see the opport

11、unities. Today the opportunity is the internet. Today the opportunity is the globalizations and today the opportunity is the financial crisis. Every crisis means something. I think today the world is moving from big company to small company. Remember thirty four years ago, Martin Luther King said I

12、have a dream-plan is beautiful. Today we have the United States the president Obama is bright and I tell you: small is beautiful. Ten years later small business will be the real leader of the global economy. And I strongly believe that this is what our business focused on. And I again and again told

13、 the team: 阿里巴巴 is of small business, by the small business and for the small business. Because we believe small business are the future. Last century because of warm and model all the business you should have large scale, large size, large amount of the resources to be concerned. This world people

14、start to use the individual, unique and flexible. And I strongly believe that, let us focus on small. Small really makes you been. Small business while the size is small but we have big dreams. The next thing is that never ever forget and give up your dreams. I know most people here like me small bu

15、siness will face a lot of challenges and a lot of opportunities. But never ever forget your first day love. That is the beautiful. Do not change if there are nine rabbits on the ground. Do not change yourself. Do not change the rabbits. Catch one rabbit. And I would like to give the suggestion is th

16、at when doing business, not think about today, and think about ten years later. Do business you always think about what is going to happen ten years later, five years later instead of the next day. If you think about the next day, you will always be disappointed. And today I still have a dream, I th

17、ink about ten years later what 阿里巴巴 can do. On our ten years anniversary, I told the twenty thousand employees of 阿里巴巴, we will build a platform that can help ten million Assamese around the world to survive. We want to create a hundred million jobs for the world. We want to make one billion people

18、consume online. This is the dream we have to stick to it. And which is the most important is that big companies must have small dreams and big companies must have the small goals. Small companies must have big dreams and small companies must have long-term goals. So if big companies have big dreams,

19、 they can go nowhere. If small companies have small dreams, they can go nowhere. So do the opposite. Big companies have small dreams and small goals you move fast and steady. If small companies have big dreams and long-term goals, you will last long.And last but the most important, I share with you

20、again is the entrepreneur. Today is very difficult, tomorrow is much more difficult, but the day after tomorrow is beautiful. Most people die tomorrow evening, and you will never see the sunshine of the day after tomorrow if you do not work hard today. Only we believe that life is tough. Life is tou

21、gh for everybody. If he can survive, I can survive. If he can be successful, there is no reason I cannot be successful. It is all about keeping on your dreams. Do not give up, try it in innovative ways, rely on the employees and serve your customers.马云,男,1964年9月10日生于浙江省杭州市,祖籍浙江省嵊州市(原嵊县)谷来镇, 阿里巴巴集团次要

22、创始人,现担当阿里巴巴集团董事局主席,日本软银董事,TNC(大自然爱护协会)中国理事会主席兼全球董事会成员,华谊兄弟董事,生命科学突破奖基金会董事。3. 马云言的英语演讲双语版 The following is the Ma at Stanford University speech: Ma : Hello everyone . Today I feel very honored to be here to meet you . About a few months ago , Stanford invited me to lecture . I did not expect . Many p

23、eople say that because of all about Yahoo , Alibaba, and many other news, this time to speak here is very sensitive . But since I made a promise that I came. Today, if you have any questions to ask me, I will be qestions. 以下为马云在斯坦福高校演讲全文: 马云:大家好。 我今日感到特别荣幸能来到这里和大家见面。大约几个月前,斯坦福邀请我来演讲。 我没有意料到。许多人说由于全部

24、关于雅虎,阿里巴巴,和很多其他的旧事,这个时间点来这里演讲是特别的敏感。 但是既然我做了一个承诺,我还是来了。今日假如你有任何问题要问我,我都会逐个回答。 I came to the United States today is the first 15 days , and I intend to stay here for a year . No one knows this plan . Even my company do not know. You asked me why I came here . To intend to do to prepare for the acquis

25、ition of Yahoo ? No, we are too sensitive. I came here because Im tired. Over the past 16 years was too tired . In 1994 I created my career, discovered the Internet, and crazy, and then gave up my teaching job . At that time I felt like a Mongolian eyes like riding on the back of the tiger blind , a

26、ll the way to throw beat fight, but still struggle, survive . Work for the government for 16 months after the 1999 establishment of Ali Baba . 今日是我来美国的第 15 天, 而且我准备在这里待上一年。 这个计 划没有人晓得。 甚至我的公司也不晓得。大家问我为什么要来这里。 要准备作收购雅虎的预备吗?不,大家都太敏感了。我来这里是由于 我累了。 过去 16 年来太累了。我在 1994 年开创我的事业,发觉了互 联网,并为之疯狂,然后放弃了我的老师工作。

27、那时候我觉得本人就 像是蒙了眼睛骑在盲虎背上似的,一路摔摔打打,但依旧奋斗着、生 存着。在政府机关工作了 16 个月之后,1999 年建立了阿里巴巴。 We are also fortunate to have a Taobao , Alipay , Ali clouds and other companies under the Group . Therefore , the establishment of Ali Baba 12 years later , I decided to rest for some time. In particular, this years challen

28、ge is too difficult , and this is what I did not expect to . Chinese people say that every 12 years is an animal year . Alibaba in China this year happens to be the first 12 years, have encountered many difficult issues , such as suppliers of fraud earlier this year because of events leading to the

29、resignation of chief executive officer , as well as the VIE issue , although I still do not know now what is the VIE , as well as the companys Taobao split into four decisions. So busy after all these things Im tired . I told myself , why not spend a year rest. 我们还幸运地拥有着淘bao网,领取宝,阿里云和集团下其他的公 司。 所以,

30、建立阿里巴巴 12 年后的今日, 我打算需要休息一段时间。 尤其今年的挑战实在是太艰苦了,这也是我没有意料到的。中国人说 每 12 年是一个本命年。 阿里巴巴今年在中国刚好是第 12 年,也遇上 了很多麻烦的问题, 好比今年初由于供应商欺诈大事导致首席执行官 辞职,还有 VIE 的问题,虽然我到现在仍旧不晓得什么是 VIE,以及 把淘bao分成四个公司的决策。所以,忙完全部这些事情之后我累了。 我告知本人,为什么不花个一年好好休息。 In particular, next year is my personal year, which would surely be more difficul

31、t this year . I want to spend a little more time to properly prepare to meet next year more difficult and more difficult challenge . I need a good rest in order for the 3-4 years after the challenge to prepare. This year if things went wrong, we can criticize Taobao , Alibaba CEO or Ali cloud . But

32、after three years , if things went wrong, and that is myfault. So Im going to spend some time in the United States ponder and relax. Two days ago, I started practicing again from golf to relax . Therefore, the purpose of coming to the U.S. is really not so complicated is that we speculate . 尤其明年是我个人的本命 年,确定会比今年更辛苦。 我想要花多一点时间好好预备,迎接明 年更艰苦更困难的挑战。 我需要好好

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