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1、claim 索赔draw ing 图纸comme nt 评论、意见shop draw ing车间图commercial man ager商务经理desig n draw ing设计图con diti ons of con tract合同条件as-built draw ing竣工图gen eral con diti ons 通用条件blue draw ing蓝图con diti ons of particular applicati on 专用条tran spare nt draw ing 透明图件con structi on draw ing 施工图special con diti ons o

2、f contract 特别条件electric works电气工程Con diti ons of con tract for Works of CivilEmployer(Clie nt/Ow ner) 业主Engin eeri ng Con struct ion土木工程施工合Engin eer 工程师同条件工程师代表Engin eers represe ntativeengin eeri ng project 工程项目intern atio nal project 国际工程overseas project 海外工程domestic project 国内工程equipme nt 设备expat

3、riate 外籍职员expert 专家export 出口Federatio n of Civil Engin eeri ng Con tractor土木工程承包商联合会formal 正式的hydromecha ni cal works 金结工程import 进口in charge of 负责、主管in formal 非正式的In stitutio n of CivilEngin eers(ICE) 土木工程师协会in strume nt 仪器、器械in sura nee 保险labour 劳务layout 布置leading company(sponsor) 牵头公司、责任公liability

4、(resp on sibility/obligati on) 责任、义务lump sump 总包machi nery 机械man power(huma n resource) 人力资源Man ufacturer 制造商material 材料measure 办法、措施take effective measures 采取有效措施measureme nt测量、计量memora ndum备忘录mobilizatio n进场objecti on 反对payme nt 支付pla nt 设备point of view(op inion) 观点、意见prequalificati on 资格预审procure

5、me nt采购profit利润progress con trol进度控制project man ager项目经理quality con trol质量控制risk风险con crete excavatio n 砼开挖river closure 截流fault excavati on 断层开挖river diversi on 导流foun datio n excavati on 基础开挖safety 女全local excavati on 局部开挖sig nature 签名mass(bulk) excavation 大面积开挖site工地、现场protective layer excavatio

6、n 保护层开挖site engin eer 现场工程师rock excavati on 岩石开挖specification 规格、规范slope excavati on 边坡开挖staff职员soft ground excavatio n 软基开挖Subc on tractor 分包商soil excavati on 土方开挖submissi on 提交supervise 监督、监视Supplier 供货商the Intern ati onal Chamber of Commerce 国际商会un it price 单价variati on( cha nge) 变更World Ba nk 世界

7、银行二、工程施工类(一)工程施工-土建类开挖与支护(Excavation and Support)明挖(Open Excavation )structural excavati on 结构开挖tooth excavati on 齿槽开挖un classified material excavati on 不分类料开挖coefficie nt of nonuni formity 开挖不均匀系数cutoff tren ch 截水槽dewateri ng(dra in age) 排水excavatio n pit 开挖基坑inten sity of excavatio n 开挖强度overexcav

8、ate ( overbreak ) 超挖pump sump 水泵坑Un derexcavate ( un derbreak )load ing and hauli ng muck(muck ing )un derbreak treatme nt 欠挖处理洞挖及地下开挖 (Tunnel and Un dergrou ndExcavatio n)a round of excavati on 个开挖循环adit支洞adva nee 进尺adva nces depth 进尺深度break ing hole 崩落孑 Lcushion hole 缓冲孔drift掏槽bottom drift 底部掏槽cen

9、ter drift 中心掏槽side drift 边部掏槽top drift 顶部掏槽drilli ng 钻孔drivi ng(progress) rate 进尺率easer掏槽孔erect ing supports for the roof and sidewall对顶拱及边墙进行支护full face excavatio n 全断面开挖head ing and bench excavati on 导流与台阶渣load ing (charg ing) 装药perimeter hole 周边孑 Lpilot tunnel 导洞removi ng dust 除尘removi ng ground

10、water 清除地面积水shooti ng the explosive (blasti ng) 放炮top headi ng excavatio n 上导洞开挖ven tilati on 通风钻孔爆破(Drilling and Blasting)aba ndoned hole 废孑 Laverage hole depth 平均孑 L深average qua ntity used in un itvolume blasted 平均单耗blast ing result 爆破结果block ness 块度con trolled perimeter blast ing 周边控制爆破data of ex

11、plosive filled 装药参数data of holes drilled 钻孔参数exploratory hole 探孑 Ldelayed blasti ng 延时爆破explosive qua ntity 药量explosive qua ntity in a sound 单响药量han dli ng misfire 处理哑炮light charge 少量装药loose ning blasti ng 松动爆破patter n 布孔方式dista nee betwee n holes 孑L距dista nee betwee n rows 排距 post sheari ng blasti

12、ng 微差爆破prespliti ng blasti ng 预裂爆破qua ntity of holes 孑L数smooth blast ing 光面爆破 延时支护(rock support)expa nsion shell rock bolt 胀壳式张拉锚杆feature rock an chor 随机锚索feature rock bolt 随机张拉锚杆feature rock dowel 随机砂浆锚杆feature rock rei nforceme nt 随机加固lattice girder 钢桁架、格构大梁patter n ceme nt grouted rockdowel系统水泥浆锚

13、杆patter n resin grouted rock dowelpattern rock dowel 系统砂浆锚杆patter n rock rein forceme nt 系统加固perma nent rock support 永久支护 post-te nsioned ceme nt grouted tendon rock an chor 后张拉水泥浆锚索rebound material 回弹料return rock bolt 回头张拉锚杆return rock rei nforceme nt 回头加固shotcrete an chorage 喷锚shotcrete with wire

14、mesh 挂网喷砼 steel fabric shotcrete 钢纤维喷砼steel rib 钢拱架temporary rock support 临时支护 tensioned resin grouted rock bolt 树脂张拉锚杆土石料的填筑及碾压施工工序( Worki ngSequenee)backfill 回填ble nd 混合compact 碾压con trolled spri nkli ng 控制洒水cut the slope 削坡exploit 开采level整平load装料moisture con diti on 水分调节place and spread 摊铺remove

15、清除replace 重新回填retreat (do the work aga in) 返工scarify翻松、刨毛scree n and wash 筛分和冲洗take a sample 取样test测试tran sport 运输treat 处理trim 修整缺陷(Defects )calcium particles 姜石con tam in ated material 受污染料decli natio n of the boun dary 料界偏差dry 干燥lack of compact ion 漏压lump sump 结块muddy 泥泞oversize material 超粒径材料pock

16、et 囊穴seepage 渗流separatio n 分离shear area 剪力区lens透镜体其它(Others)bonding surface 结合面byproduct 副产品con trolli ng parameter 控制参数fill placeme nt record 填筑记录frog area 蛙夯区required emba nkme nt 必要填方subz one 分区混凝土( Concrete )air-e ntrained con crete(aerated con crete)加气砼asphalt con crete 沥青砼bli nding con crete 垫

17、层砼cast-i n situ(site/place)c on crete 现浇砼plastic con crete 塑料砼fibrous con crete 纤维砼first stage con crete 一期砼foamed con crete 泡沫砼 high-performa nee con crete 高性能砼high-stre ngth con crete 高强砼in trusi on con crete 压浆砼lean con crete (poor con crete) 贫砼lightweight aggregate con crete 轻骨料砼mass con crete 大

18、体积砼non-fines con crete 无砂砼non-plastic con crete 干硬性砼non-shri nkage con crete 无收缩砼no rmal con crete 常态砼pla in con crete 素砼 porous con crete 多孑 L砼prestressed con crete 预应力砼pump con crete 泵送砼rei nforced con crete 钢筋砼roller compacted con crete( rollcrete) 碾压砼sec ond stage con crete 二期砼作业(Activity )clear

19、a nce(cleari ng) 清理con cretepouri ng(placeme nt/casti ng) 砼浇筑curi ng 养护Membra nee curing 薄膜养护moist curi ng 湿润养护no rmal curi ng 标准养护steam curing 蒸汽养护repairi ng 修理Scabbli ng (chip in g/roughe ning) 凿毛gree ncutt ing 冲毛surface fini shi ng 收面vibrati ng 振捣bug hole(pitted surface) 麻面cavity 狗洞cold joi nt 冷缝crack裂缝deformati on 变形depressi on 坑洼fire-damaged con crete 火损砼 formwork shift in g(mov ing) 跑模grout leakage 漏浆(挂帘) hon eycomb 蜂窝in complete vibratio n 不完全振捣、漏振irregularity 不规则

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