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Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors 教案Word格式文档下载.docx

1、 required; alternate D requiring; alternate解析:选A。require(尤指根据法规) 规定、需要,此处用过去分词required修饰urses,因为两者之间为被动关系。后空意思为&选择,选其一&,alternative符合句意。(2)单句改错 (原创)I had n alternative but reprt hi t the plie u have the alternative t speaing r eeping quiet T and Harr d the r n alternative das答案:reprt前加t tfalternativ

2、e alternate 2 arrest vt 逮捕,拘留,吸引(注意)n逮捕be arrested fr sth 因某事而被捕arrest ne s attentin吸引某人的注意under arrest被捕;被拘留The riinal as arrested esterda那名罪犯昨天被捕了。hat she did arrested attentin 她所做的吸引了我的注意力。高手过招用适当的介词或arrest 的适当形式填空 (原创)I gt arrested areless drivingHer unle as arrest, but nbd ne the reasn Five uth

3、s in nnetin ith the atta The publi applauded the f the riinal suspetfr under ere arrested arrest 3 preservev保护,维持,保存preserve sth fr 使&免遭&u an preserve eat r fish in salt你可以用盐保存肉或鱼。It is ne f the duties f the plie t preserve publi rder 警察的职责之一是维持公共秩序。preservable ad 可保存的preservatin n 保存preserver n 保护者

4、,保存者 易混辨析:preserve/nserve/reserve/prtetpreserve v 保护,维持,保存;nserve v保存,保护,强调珍惜;reserve v 指意见、看法的保留或座位的预定;prtet v 保护,强调使其免受破坏或损害。In spite f failing t save ever endangered speies, e a preserve the arit extintin (2010&东枣庄一轮验收)A Against B ith bend D frIt is the dut f the plie t sial rder (原创)A Save Brese

5、rve preserve D resue解析:选D。,符合句意。解析:选。A、D两项都意为&拯救&;B项意为&保留,保存&项意为&保护,维持&。根据句意可知,选。(2)完成句子 (原创)夏天收获的大量水果可冷藏或装瓶加以保存。In the suer, large rps f fruit a b freezing r bttling 我认为这些有趣的旧习俗应该保存下去。I thin these interesting ld usts be preservedshuld be preserved 4 relief n减轻,解除bring /see/find/give/feel relief 带/寻

6、求/找到/予以/感到解脱uh t ne s relief=t ne s great relief 使某人宽慰的是&relief rad 备用车道relief ap 地形图I felt great relief hen I heard I had passed the exainatin 当听到已经通过考试时,我感到轻松了许多。relieve ne s feelings 发泄感情relieve sb f 使某人解除The inister as relieved f his pst部长被解除了职务。单项填空Hearing the nes that her sn as fund, she breat

7、hed a sigh f (2010&西太原五中检测)Aexiteent B relief D belief按照句意此处为&减轻忧虑,松了一口气&,项符合句意。 assue vt 设想,假定;主观认为;装出&的样子assue sb/sth t be 假定/认为某人/事是&e assued that u understd the situatin我们认为你了解形势。He assued a ell infred anner but in fat he ns ver little 他装出一副见多识广的样子,而实际上他知之甚少。assued ad假装的,假的;假定的,设想的 an assued res

8、ult假定的结果assuing ad自负的,傲慢的,过分自信的;n 假如 (后跟从句)assuptin n 假定,设想His l f astnishent as assued 他那惊讶的样子是装出的。He is t assuing in this attitude abut the energ suppl他在对待能问题的态度上显得过于自信。Assuing that the eather is favurable, farers ill have a buper harvest 假如风调雨顺,今年农民将获丰收。完成句子 (原创)假如今天下午下雨我们该怎么办呢? this afternn, hat

9、 shall e d?在证实他有罪之前我们必须要假定他是清白的。e innent until he is prved guilt Assuing it rainsust assue hi t be 6 seh adv 不知怎么地;以&方式seh r ther 不知是什么原因;由于某种原因;以某种方式Seh r ther e beae friends, I never ne ust h it as不知何故我们成了朋友,我绝不知道为什么会这样。anh/seh/sehatanh 意为&无论如何&,相当于 ana;at an rate;seh 意为&以某种方式(in se a r ther)&或&由于

10、某种原因&sehat 意为&从某种意义上讲;有几分&,相当于 in a a, rather。I alas n I d get the b, seh也不知为什么,我总觉得能得到那份工作。Seh e ust get t Glasg 我们得设法到格拉斯哥去。He uld have finished it n shedule, but seh he fell behind他原本能按预定进度做完这事的,但不知怎么却落后了。I a sehat tired f this b 我对这本书有点厌烦。选词填空(seh/anh/sehat) (原创)e ust get the r finished r ther b

11、 trr rningIt a rain, but I shall g ut, I dn t ind the rainThe prie as higher than I&ar;d expetedsehanhsehat 重点短语7 regardless f ad 不管, 不顾Peple shuld be hired regardless f rae and sex 雇用人员应没有种族、性别的差异。He ntinued speaing, regardless f feelings n the atter 他不顾及我在此事上的感受而继续往下说。regardless adv 无论如何;不管;不顾disr

12、egarding /in spite f /despite 三者意义和用法相同,区别不大。regardlessness n 不注意温馨提示:in spite f the fat that句式表示&虽然;即使,不管事实上如何&althugh/thugh n 尽管,虽然;其后接句子。 the diffiulties in taling, the an understand eah ther b bd language(2010&安徽合肥八中检测)A Regardless f B Althugh Thugh D In spite Se peple at regardless hat ill happ

13、en afterards (2010&江苏盐城质量检测)Aith B as f D fr althugh与thugh是连词,后需跟句子,而the diffiulties in taling是名词短语,故排除。D项表达有误。故选A。regardless f不顾,不管。符合句意。8 fed up ith受够了;厌烦;饱受I& fed up ith aiting fr her我等她都等得不耐烦了。hat&s the atter? u l prett fed up怎么啦?你显得那么不耐烦。feed sb/sth n sth 给(人或动物)食物;喂;饲养feed n(动物)以&为主食feed sth t

14、 sb/sth 给(人或动物)某物作为食物 用适当的介词填空 (原创)Several hildren ere feeding bread the dus hat d u feed ur dg ?s feed grass I fed up the sae breafast ever rning t n n ith 9 ut up切碎;使伤心,严厉批评Peter, h dn t u ut up vegetables?彼得,为何不把蔬菜切碎了呢?ut ff 切断;剪掉ut dn 砍伐;削减ut in 打断ut ut 剪去,删去;略去ut int piees 切成碎片Dn t ut in hile I

15、 taling!我说话时别插嘴!Half the frest as t ae r fr the ne rad (2010&Aut ff B ut dn ut up D ut aa 选B。考查短语辨析。ut ff 切除;ut dn 砍倒;ut up 将(木头等)分解开。10 l ahead向前看;为将打算l ba 向后看; 回顾l ut 留神;注意l int 调查l up 查找;形势好转;看望l up t sb 钦佩/尊敬某人l thrugh 仔细查阅l frard t sth/ding sth 盼望着l n 旁观;看作l ver 快速浏览;复习l dn (n/upn sth) 向下看; 轻视L

16、 ut! There is danger ahead!当心!前面危险!I ling frard t seeing u this suer vaatin 我盼望今年暑假能见到你。u shuld (翻阅字典查查这个生词)I a (盼望) hearing fr u as sn as pssible (当心) r u ill ath ldI have t (复习笔记) fr the exal up the rd in a ditinar ling frard t L ut l ver ntes重点句型11 If nl it uld be ust lie last ear!要是能像去年那样该有多好啊!i

17、f nl但愿;要是&就好了。其后一般用虚拟语气。If nl I ere a dtr 这句话用的是一般过去时,意思是:我现在要是个医生就好了。与现在相对应的句子用一般过去时。If nl I had said nthing 而这句用的是过去完成时,意思是:我当时什么都不说就好了。是与过去时态相对应的,故用过去完成时。If nl sn didn t spend s uh tie befre TV 这句可以理解为一般现在时的虚拟语气,所以句子中使用了一般过去时态。原意为:要是我儿子不在电视前面待那么长时间就好了。nl if表示&只有,只要&, 后接让步状语从句,主句采用倒装句式。I ae up nl

18、if the alar l rings 只有闹钟响了,我才会醒。nl if a teaher has given perissin is a student alled t enter this r只有得到老师的允许,学生才能进入这个房间。L at the truble I in! If nl I ur advie 江苏徐州质量检测)A Flled B uld fll had flled D shuld fll由句意可知此处为if nl引导的条状语从句,且用与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。12 Abruptl she sat dn, nl t be sped up b her laughing, s

19、huting sister, Luna她突然坐了下,结果被爱吵闹的妹妹露娜一把抱了起。nl t d 是不定式作结果状语,意为&不料,结果却&,表示出乎意料或令人失望的结果。I hurried t the pst ffie nl t find it lsed 我匆忙地去邮局,却发现它已经关门了。He hurried he nl t find the guests had left他匆匆忙忙赶回家, 结果发现客人们已经走了。现在分词也可以作状语表示结果,但表示的是意料之中的结果。He drpped the glasses n the grund, bursting it int piees他把眼镜掉在了地上,摔成了碎片。He gt t the airprt t find that the plane had left t inutes befre (2010&浙江温州一模)Aust B nl in rder D alst nl+不定式&结构表示令人失望的结果。句意为:他到达机场,结果却发现飞机在两分钟之前就飞走了。

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