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1、( )5. Where are they going? A. The mall B. The park C. The zoo B) 请听下面4段对话和1段独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前你都将有30秒钟的时间阅读各小题。每段对话或独白读两遍。(20分)请听第1段对话,回答第6至第7小题。( )6. Where is the new library?A. On Town Road B. Between Town Cinema and Old Harry. C. Next to the Culture Theater ( )7. W

2、hat can they do in the video room? A. They can read magazines B. They can listen to CDs. C. They can surf the Internet 请听第2段对话,回答第8至第10小题。( )8. What are the two speakers doing? A. They are talking on the phone. B. They are visiting Sanya. C. They are listening to the weather report.( )9. Whats the w

3、eather like in Sanya now?A. Warm and dry B. Sunny and windy C. Hot and wet( )10. When are Mikes family going to Sanya?A. Next month B Next week C. Next year 请听第3段对话,回答第11至第13小题。(15分)( )11. Where is the Dumpling House?A. On the left of the school B On the right of the school C. Behind the school ( )1

4、2. What does Tommy think of the Japanese Restaurant?A. He thinks the food there is the best in town.B. He thinks the prices there are the lowest in town .C. He thinks the food there is the most expensive in town.( )13. Where are they going to have lunch at last?A. The Dumpling House B. The Japanese

5、Restaurant. C. The Sichuan Food Restaurant 请听第4段对话,回答第l4至第l6小题。( )14. Whats the matter with the boy?A. He has a headache. B. He has a toothache. C. He has a sore throat.( )15 When did the problem start?A. This morning. B. Yesterday evening. C. Yesterday morning.( )16. What does the doctor tell the b

6、oy to do?A. Get some rest. B. Take some medicine. C. Go to see a dentist. 请听第1段独白,回答第17至第20小题。( )17. Was yesterday the speakers mothers birthday?A. Yes, it was B. No, it wasnt C. We dont know( )18. Did the speaker buy a gift for her mother yesterday? A. Yes, she did B. No, she didnt C. We dont know(

7、 )19. What was the speakers special gift?A. Helping her mother do housework B. Doing her homework. C. Buying a lot of things to her mother( )20. How did the speakers mother feel when she saw everything her daughter did?A. Tired. B. Happy. C. Sad.笔试部分(95分)二、单项填空(15分)( )21. .He lives_in the_village, b

8、ut he is never_.A.alone; alone; lonely B.alone; lonely; C.lonely; lonely D.lonely; alone.( )22. You dont look well._?I have a sore back.A. How are you B. Whats the matter C. Can I help you D. Who is speaking( )23. My sister is only 4 years old and she has difficulties English stories. A read B readi

9、ng C to read( )24. .Pollution is a serious problem. Scientists have _ some good ways to save it. A. come up with B. come on C. come out D. come up( )25. Do you want to buy the camera?Yes, but it is _expensive_ I cant afford it.A. so, as to B. such, that C. so, that D. enough, that( )26. The cat is .

10、You should take it to an animal hospital.A.dead B.death C.dying D.died( )27. Aron water five days later.A.ran out B.used out C.ran out of D.used out of( )28. -Could you please me that book? -Yes, I . Just a minute. A bring, can B to bring, could C bring, could( )29. She used to _with her parents, bu

11、t now she is used to _ with her classmates at school. A. live; living B. live; live C. living; living D. living; live( )30. Dont forget to take your bag when you _ the bus. A. get off B. take off C. turn off D. put off( )31. We have to _ our school sports meeting because of the bad weather.A. hold B

12、. put off C. put down D. attend( )32. If you see any litter on the school playground ,youd better_.A. give it away B. pick up it C. turn it off D. pick it up( )33. Its important for us _.A. eat vegetables B. to eat junk foodC. eating vegetables D. not to eat junk food( )34. Dont worry . She can look

13、 after your pet _. A. careful enough B. enough careful C. carefully enough D .enough carefully( )35. I saw him when I passed by.A.ran B. to run C.runs D.running三、完型填空(25分)A) 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(每小题1分)A rich American went to Paris and bought a picture painted by a F

14、rench artist. The American thought the picture should be very fine because he 36_a lot of money for it. When he came to his hotel he wanted to hang the 37 up on the wall. He 38 it for a long time, but he couldnt 39 which was the top and which was the bottom(底部).The American 40 the picture this way a

15、nd 41way, but he still couldnt 42 .Suddenly, he had 43. He 44 the picture in the dining room and invited the painter of the picture to 45. When the painter came, the American said 46 to him about the picture. 47 they went into the dining room to have dinner. He looked 48 at the picture several times

16、. Then he put on his 49 and looked at the picture again and again. At last he 50 that the picture was up side down.( )36. A. cost B. spent C. paid D. took( )37. A. map B. cap C. picture D. kite( )38. A. looked after B. looked at C. looked for D. looked up( )39. A. tell B. say C. talk D. speak( )40.

17、A. painted B. turned C. used D. wrote( )41. A. that B. it C. one D. another( )42. A. see B. read C. decide D. look( )43. A. a way B. a pen C. a road D. an idea( )44. A. put B. hung C. stopped D. lent( )45. A. tea B. rice C. bread D. dinner( )46. A. nothing B. something C. hello D. sorry( )47. A. At

18、first B. Then C. At once D. at all( )48. A. heavily B. loudly C. straight D. carefully( )49. A. glasses B. coat C. trousers D. hat( )50. A. watched B. understood C. sat D. openedB) 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从方框所给的词中选出最恰当的10个词填空,每词限用一次。well in too on exciting see look played helpful sports difficult came Dave

19、 is an English boy. He 51_to China last year. He likes China. He wants to learn Chinese. Chinese is 52_to learn, but he thinks he can learn it 53 _. Tom is Daves brother. He likes China ,54_. He likes Chinese action movies. He thinks they are55_. “I cant speak Chinese well. But I like Chinese Kung F

20、u,” he tells his Chinese friends. Sally is Daves sister. She is a56_star in the school. She is good at ping-pong, she has57_ it for 5 years.Cara is Sallys friend. She likes Chinese chess. She often plays Chinese chess58_her computer. She also likes Chinese music. Maria, Caras sister, likes Beijing o

21、pera. She thinks it is interesting. She thinks it is59_for her to learn about Chinese history. She often goes to60_ Beijing Opera with his parents.四、阅读理解(40分)A)请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题2分) AIf you want to protect (保护) yourself,please remember the following ways of information. The

22、se ways will make you safe. Dont use earphones (耳机) when you are running in the school yard or in the street. You will keep yourself from the outside world and can easily get into trouble. If a stranger is following you,please dont go home directly. You may be safer in the street than you are in you

23、r home or in a lift. If necessary,please go and get help from others. When you take a bus,dont sit alone. You should sit behind the driver or with friends. Dont sleep. Your school bag should be carried towards the front of your body. Dont put it on your back. Dont play with matches (火柴) or candles (

24、蜡烛), because it may cause fire. If it causes fire,please call 119. ( )61. We cant use _ when we are running in the street. Aradios Bwatches Cearphones Dmobile phones ( )62.If a stranger follows you,you cant _.Aget help from others B. walk in the street Cgo home directly D. call your friends( )63. We

25、 should carry our school bags _ on the bus.Ain front of our bodies Bon the floor Con our backs Don the headsBA man decided to take off(动身)early from work and go drinking. He stayed there until the bar closed at three in the morning, and he was drunk(喝醉酒的) at that time. After leaving the bar, he retu

26、rned home on foot. When he entered his house, he didnt want to wake his wife, so he took off his shoes and started tiptoeing(用脚尖走) up the stairs. Halfway up the stairs, he fell down. That wouldnt have been so bad, but he had some empty bottles in his back pockets, and they broke. The broken glass hu

27、rt his back terribly. He was so drunk that he didnt know he was hurt. A few minutes later, when he was taking off his clothes, he noticed the blood, so he looked himself over in the mirror. He found his back was hurt terribly. He repaired the damage(受损的) as good as he could and then he went to bed.

28、The next morning his head was hurting, his back was hurting, and he was trying to think up a good story when his wife came into the bedroom. He told his wife his story. “Well, you really tied one on last night,” she said, “and where did you go?” “I worked late,” he said, “and I stopped for a cup of beer.” “A cup of beer? Thats a joke,” she replied, “and you were drunk last night. Where did you go?” “What makes you so sure I got drunk last night?” “Well,” she replied, “my first big clue(线索) was when I got up this morning, I found many Band-Aids(创可贴)

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