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1、只不过是实践的问题。“市值第一”头衔易主具有很强的象征意义反映出特定行业在不同时期对美国经济的影响力。2中国是美国最大的债权国,此次美国主权信用评级的下调,给中国外汇储备管理带来一定压力。清华大学经济管理学院教授宋逢明称:“降级可能带来投资者对美债的抛售行为,不排除美元贬值的可能,这可能会让中国外汇储备遭遇一定的损失。”分析人士认为,美国长期主权信用评级的下调,会带来美元走势的继续疲软,可能会给我国出口形式带来一定影响,同时增加我国的输入性通胀压力。Key Words:主权信用评级:Sovereign Credit Rating抛售:Sell Off外汇储备:Foreign Exchange

2、ReserveChina, the largest foreign holder of American debt, faces increased pressure on its foreign reserve management. The dowgrading may cause investors to seel off US debt and consequently the depreciation of US dollars. If this happens, China will suffer losses on its foreign exchange reserve, sa

3、id Song Fengming, professor at School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua Universty.Analysts said the downgrading of the US long-term sovereign credit rating may leak to a weaker US dollar, which may briing a negative impact onto Chinas export market as well as imported inflation.3奢侈品牌皮尔卡丹日前发布了一款名

4、为Pierre Cardin PC-7006的平板电脑。这是该公司首次推出平板电脑产品,这款PC-7006还配有精致的皮尔卡丹皮套,日前仅在英国有售,售价为275英镑。一位平板电脑专家评点道:“皮尔卡丹的确是十分流行的时尚品牌,但这款PC-7006平板电脑几乎在每一个指标上都缺斤少两。Key Words:平板电脑:tablet指标:departmentLuxury brand Pierre Cardin has released a tablet called Pierre Cardin PC-7006, Its the first tablet offering from the compa

5、ny and the designer tablet comes with a leather cover.The tablet is only available in the UK as yet, and is going for 275,A tablet expert said:It is true that Pierre Cardin is a very popular designer brand but the PC-7006 lacks in almost every department.4The Federal Reserve on Tuesday took the unpr

6、ecedented step of pomissing to keep interest rates near zero for at least 2 more years, adding it was considering further action, sparking a rebound in stocks, Reuters reported.据路透社报道,美联储史无前例的承诺将至少维持近乎为零的利率到2013年中,并考虑采取进一步行动,这一举动将刺激股票市场反弹。5温家宝总理10日主持召开国务院常务会议,决定开展高速铁路及其在建项目的安全大检查,并适当降低新建高速铁路运营初期的速度,

7、对拟建铁路项目重新组织安全评估,暂停审批新的铁路项目。The State Council Wednesday ordered safety checks on high-speed railways and slower running speeds. The decision was made at an executive meeting of the State Council, which was presided over by Premier Wen Jiabao. The safety checks cover high-speed railways that are both

8、in operation and under construction. The statement also ordered newly-built high-speed trains to run at slower speeds during the initial stages. The government will reevaluate the system safety on rail projects that have received government approval but have not yet commenced construction, requiring

9、 a halt of approval of new railway projects选自2011白皮书2010年中国的国防原文:世界保持总体和平稳定的基本态势。国际社会携手应对国际金融危机初显成效,各国抓紧调整发展战略和模式,全力打造新的经济增长点,科技创新孕育新的突破,经济全球化有新的发展。On the whole, the world remains peaceful and stable. The international community has reaped the first fruits in joint efforts to respond to the global f

10、inancial crisis. All countries have stepped up to adjust their strategies and models for economic development, and no effort has been spared in attempting to foster new economic growth points. Scientific and technological innovations are breeding new breakthroughs. And economic globalization has ach

11、ieved further progress.2011白皮书-国防当前,国际形势正在发生新的深刻复杂变化。经济全球化、世界多极化、社会信息化进程不可逆转,和平、发展、合作的时代潮流不可阻挡,但国际战略竞争和矛盾也在发展,全球性挑战更加突出,安全威胁的综合性、复杂性、多变性日益明显。The international situation is currently undergoing profound and complex changes. The progress toward economic globalization and a multi-polar world is irrever

12、sible, as is the advance toward informationization of society. The current trend toward peace, development and cooperation is irresistible. But, international strategic competition and contradictions are intensifying, global challenges are becoming more prominent, and security threats are becoming i

13、ncreasingly integrated, complex and volatile.011.9.1翻译“每日一练”:共同分享发展机遇(2011白皮书-国防)2011白皮书-国防原文:21世纪的头十年,国际社会在开放与合作中发展,在危机与变革中前行。共同分享发展机遇,共同应对各种挑战,已成为各国的广泛共识。同舟共济、互利共赢,是实现人类共同发展繁荣的必由之路。In the first decade of the 21st century, the international community forged ahead in a new phase of opening up and co

14、operation, and at the same time faced crises and changes. Sharing opportunities for development and dealing with challenges with joint efforts have become the consensus of all countries in the world. Pulling together in the time of trouble, seeking mutual benefit and engaging in win-win cooperation

15、are the only ways for humankind to achieve common development and prosperity.2011.8.31翻译“每日一练”:坚持独立自主的和平外交政策(选自2011政府工作报告)我们将继续高举和平、发展、合作的旗帜,坚持独立自主的和平外交政策,坚持走和平发展道路,坚持奉行互利共赢的开放战略,坚持推动建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界,为我国现代化建设创造更加有利的外部环境和条件。We will continue to hold high the banner of peace, development and cooperatio

16、n; adhere to an independent foreign policy of peace and the path of peaceful development; pursue an open strategy of mutual benefit; promote the building of a harmonious world with lasting peace and common prosperity; and create a more favorable external environment and more beneficial external cond

17、itions for Chinas modernization.2011.8.30翻译“每日一练”:国际发展援助总规模逐渐扩大(选自2011白皮书-对外援助)选自2011白皮书-对外援助当前,国际发展援助总规模逐渐扩大,南南合作发展迅速,并成为南北合作有益、有效的补充。中国愿在南南合作的框架下,在尊重受援国意愿的基础上,与有关方开展优势互补、富有成效的三边和区域合作,共同推动全球减贫进程。At present, the scope of international aid for development is being gradually expanded. South-South coop

18、eration is developing rapidly, becoming an effective and beneficial supplement to South-North cooperation. Under the framework of South-South cooperation, China will work with all parties concerned to conduct complementary and fruitful trilateral and regional cooperation on the basis of respecting t

19、he needs of recipient countries and jointly promote the process of global poverty alleviation.2011.8.29翻译“每日一练”:我们要准确把握世界发展大势(选自2011共产党成立90周年讲话)选自2011锦涛共产党成立90周年大会讲话我们要准确把握世界发展大势,准确把握社会主义初级阶段基本国情,深入研究我国发展的阶段性特征,及时总结党领导人民创造的新鲜经验,重点抓住经济社会发展重大问题,作出新的理论概括,永葆科学理论的旺盛生命力。We should have a correct understand

20、ing of the global development trend and Chinas basic condition of being in the primary stage of socialism, find out more about the features of Chinas development at the current stage, review the new experience gained in a timely manner by the people led by the Party, and create new theories with the

21、 focus on major issues concerning economic and social development, so as to ensure the vitality of scientific theories.2011.8.28翻译“每日一练”:中国将继续抓住国家发展的重要战略机遇期(2011白皮书-国防)面向21世纪的第二个十年,中国将继续抓住国家发展的重要战略机遇期,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,坚持走和平发展道路,奉行独立自主的和平外交政策和防御性国防政策,统筹经济建设和国防建设,在全面建设小康社会进程中实现富国和强军的统一。Looking into the sec

22、ond decade of the 21st century, China will continue to take advantage of this important period of strategic opportunities for national development, apply the Scientific Outlook on Development in depth, persevere on the path of peaceful development, pursue an independent foreign policy of peace and a

23、 national defense policy that is defensive in nature, map out both economic development and national defense in a unified manner and, in the process of building a society that is moderately affluent on a general basis, realize the unified goal of building a prosperous country and a strong military.词

24、汇:深入贯彻落实apply sth. in depth防御性国防政策defense policy that is defensive in nature统筹map out全面建设build sth. on a general basis“抓住国家发展的重要战略机遇期”对于“抓住”,可能会有人直译为grasp,这里可以理解为“抓住/利用的优势”“在全面建设小康社会进程中实现富国和强军的统一”在全面建设小康社会进程中实现(建立)富国和强军的统一(目标),增译goal,building。8-27中国已经站在新的历史起点上,中国的前途命运与世界的前途命运更加密不可分。面对共同的机遇和挑战,中国坚持互信

25、、互利、平等、协作的新安全观,把中国人民的根本利益与世界人民的共同利益联系起来,把中国的发展与世界的发展联系起来,把中国的安全与世界的和平联系起来,努力以自身的和平发展推动建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。China has now stood at a new historical point, and its future and destiny has never been more closely connected with those of the international community. In the face of shared opportunities and co

26、mmon challenges, China maintains its commitment to the new security concepts of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination. By connecting the fundamental interests of the Chinese people with the common interests of other peoples around the globe, connecting Chinas development with that

27、of the world, and connecting Chinas security with world peace, China strives to build, through its peaceful development, a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity.历史起点historical point前途命运future and destiny坚持maintains its commitment to根本利益fundamental interests断句:面对共同的机遇和挑战,中国坚持互信、互利、平


29、媒体,倡导提供形式多样、内容丰富的互联网信息服务,以满足人们多样化、多层次的信息消费需求。1. The role of IT in promoting independent innovation, energy conservation, emission reduction and environmental protection has become ever more prominent. The Inter-net has emerged as a new strategic industry in Chinas development of low-carbon economy.2. The Chinese government will vigorously promote the development of websites featuring e-commerce and education, give impetus to the building of e-government, advocate the dev

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