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1、A. do B. dont C . doesnt ( ) 8. This is apple. A. an B. a C. it ( ) 9. I like morning exercises. A . do B. dont C . isnt( )10. I like cats and they like .A. I B. my C. me 六.情景反应.(4分)( ) 1.你在动物园看见一只像猫但比猫大的动物,你想知道这是什么动物,该怎样问?A. Whats this? B. Is this a cat? C. Whos this?( ) 2.妈妈问你 Whats your favourite

2、 colour? 你该怎样回答:A. Its big . B. Its red . C. Its fat. ( ) 3. 当你站在一头大象前观看它时,你会用英语说:A. Its thin . B. This elephant is big. C. This elephant is small.( ) 4. 当李老师对你说 Hello, boys and girls .你们应该怎样说:A. Thank you . B. Hello, Miss Li. C. Hello.七. 连词成句.(10分)1. the, look, trees, at 2. fat, monkey, is, that3.

3、zoo, has, old, a, MacDonald4. its, look, a, panda5. riding, bikes, dont, like 八.读一读,判一判.(8分)A: What are your favourite sports, Mary?B: My favourite sports are table tennis, swimming and riding bikes. I dont like football. What about you, Jim? I like basketball, football and skating(滑冰). I dont like

4、skipping or boating(划船).1. Jim likes football and skating. ( )2. Jim doesnt like boating or skipping. ( )3. Mary doesnt like swimming. ( )4. Mary likes table tennis and riding bikes. ( )九.小作文.(8分)要求:请试着用 “I like ” 、 “ I dont like” 介绍你自己,不少于四句话.小学英语第二册期中测试题、笔试部分五、从A.B.C.D中找出不同类的单词,将序号填在提前括号内。( ) 1. A

5、. rice B.noodles C.meat D.doll( ) D.pear( )3.A.yellow C. window )4.A.short B.long C.small D.tiger( ) C.they D. He ( ) 6, A elephant B monkey C noodles D bird ( )7, A Chinese B Maths C science D Christmas ( ) 8 A play B about C sleep D pass 6、单项选择,将

6、编号填入括号中。( )1. I go to school_ the morning . A. in B. at C. On( ) 2. _ are they ? Theyre oranges. A.Who B. What C. Do ( )3. Tom likes _ bikes. A. ride B. riding C. rides ( ) 4. Look_the trees . A. at B. of C. In( )5. What are they? They are _. A. lion B. a lion C. Lions ( )6. We have Spring Festival

7、_ China A. at B. on ( ) 7 Does Tom _ football ? A likes B like C liking ( ) 8-Pass me the rice ,please . -_. A Thank you ,mom ! B Happy Christmas ! C Here you are !( )9 I like _ A a meat B a dog C a milk ( ) 10 This is _ bag ,_ bag is on the desk A my,he B his ,she C her ,my 7、根据上句找下句,将下句序号填在题前

8、括号中。( )1.What do you have at school? A. Yes, he does.( )2.Does he like basketball? B. No, I dont.( )3.Do you like apples? C. I have Chinese and Maths .( )4.Whats your favourite song? D. They are lions.( )5.Is it fat? E. Its the ABC song.( )6.What are they? F. No, it isnt.九,下列句子的顺序都打乱了,你能正确地排序吗?1 、co

9、mputer toy favourite a game is my _.2、 monkey and tall that is fat _. 3 、I like dont bikes ridding 4、 does like bananas Daming _?5、 goes to he school on Mondays 6 、in do what do you the morning7、do play you football afternoon the in _?8 、Lingling what does have at today school _? 三年级英语期末试题一、按照要求完成下列

10、各题(10分) (复数形式)_ 2.big(反义词)_3.thin(反义词)_ 4.short (反义词)_5.monkey (复数形式)_二、选出不同类的单词(10分)( ) B.doll ( )2.A.yellow B.white C.what ( )3.A.doll B.kite ( ) B.he C.she ( )5.A.tall B.our C.short ( )6.A.lion B.elephant C.big ( )7.A.small ( )8.A.they B.tiger C.we ( )9

11、.A.monkey ( ) B.swimming C.skipping 三、单行选择(20分)( )1. -Whats this ? - _ a tiger .A.Its B.Theyre C.theyre ( )2.Its _elephant A. a B. an C.the ( )3.-What are they ? -_elephantsA.Its B.Theyre C.its( )4.Her favorite colour is B.a cat )5.Here _are A.your C.I( )6.

12、-Does Amy like rice ? -No,_.A.she does B.he doest C.she doest( )7.-Do you like noodles ? -_A.Yes ,I does B. No,I do C. Yes,I do ( )8.Lets put on funny clothes_the party A.for C.of ( )9.Its cool and _in autumnA.wind B. hot C. windy( )10.My father goes to work _car A.on C.in四、情景交际(10分)( )1.你

13、在动物园看见一只像猫但是比猫大的动物,你想知道这是什么动物,该怎样问?A.What B.Is this a cat ? C. Who( )2.妈妈问你 Whats your favorite colour ?你该怎样回答:A.Its big B.Its red C. Its fat( )3.当你站在一头大象前面观看它时,你会用英语说:s thin B. This elephant is big. C.This elephant is small。( )4.当老师对你们说:Hello,boys and girls .你们应该怎么说:A.Thank you .Miss Li B. Hello,Mi

14、ss Li. C.Hello.( )5.在我国被称为“国宝”的动物是:A.monkey B.panda C.tiger 五、左右栏对话连线(10分)1.What does she have today ? A.I go swimming 2.Whats the time ,please ? B.She has Art and PE3.What does Sam do at the weekend ? C.Yes,I do 4.Do you like apples? D.He plays football5.What do you do at the weekend ? E.Its half p

15、ast two六、改错(10分)1.She have Music ,Art and PE. ( ) A B C2.What does Lingling does on Monday? ( ) A B C3.To Tuesdays , I play football. ( ) 4.I watch TV in the afternoon. ( ) 5.I go swimming in the morning. ( ) 七、英汉互译(10分)1.Whats you favorite song ?_2.My favorite toy is a kite. _3.I fly a kite in a pa

16、rk. _ 4.熊猫在帽子里.5.我步行去上学.八、连词成句(10分)1. fishing he the goes tree under _2. Amy does fly where kites3. are ten there on tree bananas the _4. to train he by goes Shanghai 5. small this is cat _九、阅读理解(10分) Sam in an English boy . He is a pupil . Hes ten . He is in Class Three ,Grade Three. He gets up at

17、6:30. He has breakfast at 7:00 and goes to school at 7:30. He goes to school on foot. ( )1.Sam is from_A.Chinese B.England C.America ( )2.-How does he go to school? -_A.By bike B.By bus C.On foot( )3.What time does he get up?A.At 6:30 B.At 7:00 C.At 7:30( )4.How old is he?A.10 B.12 C.11( )5.What tim

18、e does he have breakfast?B.At 6:新标准英语三年级下册期末试卷班级: 姓名:一、 写出相邻的英语字母。(20分)1. Aa _ Cc 2. Dd _Ff3.Gg Hh _ 4._Kk Ll5. Mm Nn_ 6.Xx_Zz 7.Ss_Uu8._Ww Xx 9.Pp_Rr 10.Rr_Tt二、选择正确的答案填在前面的括号里。( )1. Whats_ favourite song ?A. your B. you C. I )2.I go to school _seven oclock.A. inat on )3.Whats the time, please ?Its_

19、.A.half of ten B. half at ten C. half past ten )4.How doyou go towork?I go to work_bus. at in C. by )5.Have you got a computer?Yes_.A.I have B. I do C. I has )6. What_Lingling _at school ?She has English , Maths and Science.A. does , has B. does , have do , have ) 7. Its warm in _.A. spring B. summe

20、r C. winter ) 8.What do you _in winter?A. does B. doing C. do( ) 9._ is the pen?Its on the desk.A. Where B. What C. How( )10、What _they? A. am B. are C. is三、我会根据情景选择正确的答案。(10分)1. 你要告诉外国小朋友,今天不是春节,该怎么说: ) A. Its Spring Festival now.B. Its not Spring Festival today.2.妈妈要告诉你,你的钢笔在桌子上,她会说:A. Your pen is

21、 on the desk. B. Your pencil is on the desk.3.你想问大明你喜欢老虎吗,你会说:A. Do you like tiger? B. Does you like tiger?4.在新年时见到你的亲朋好友,你会对他们说:A. Happy birthday! B. Happy New Year!5. 你要告诉妈妈你喜欢吃花生,该怎么说: A. I like sweets. B. I like peanuts.四、连词成句。1、Smart got dress has a red ( . )_2、What weekend at do the do you (?)

22、_3、I skipping dont like ( . )4、you Do football in play the morning ( ? )5、is What the time ( ?五、找对应答语,把序号填入括号中(10分)。 ) 1. Does he eat peanuts? A. Thank you . ) 2. Happy Christmas! No , he doesnt . ) 3. What does Amy do at weekend? C. Its six oclock. ) 4. Whats the time? D. Theyre dogs. ) 5. Whatre they? E. She watches TV六、看图,读句子,选择恰当的句子将序号写在图下面的括号里。A、Its warm today , but its raining. B、Its hot and sunny today. C、Its snowing

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