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1、21.away把.扔掉;丢掉able有能力做砍倒;削减 24.instead代替;取代riding骑自行车(名词词组) 废弃物污染chopsticks(一次性)木筷forks塑料叉bins把垃圾扔进箱里placesclean保持公共场所干净of/about听说bowlsharkfinsoup一碗鱼翅汤southernChina在中国的南部off切除backinto扔回harmfulto对有害top在的顶部 38.notonly.butalso不仅.而且.39.foodchainoceansecosystem海洋生态系统中的食物链40.last2030years.在过去的20至30年中lawss

2、topsalefin健全法律去阻止鱼鳍买卖42.groupsaroundworld全球环境保护组织far当目前为止,迄今为止 44.scientificstudies科学研究against(doing)反对做. 46.cantafforddosth不能承担做某事action采取行动 48.add把.加起来;加起来49.ridecars开车出行bookspaper回收书和废纸gooduse好好利用.outof用.来建造某物53.beaninspirationsb成为某人的榜样 54.bring恢复;使想起重点句型:Weretryingsaveearth! 我们正在竭尽全力拯救地球!Hereare





7、.你总是主意不定。(太烦人了)helpingothers.他总是帮助别人。(他真是个好人)4)对于come,go,leave,arrive,start,fly,drive等表示位置移动的动词常可用进行时态表将来。leavingonWednesday.Minglater.基础练习用括号里所给词的适当形式填空。_(wood)tablemiddleroom.usedmany_(fisherman)village.didntbuycarbecause_(cost)much.tellmemachines_(advantage)_(act)uslotherpurpose.6. Hainan_(south)

8、China.supporthis_(science)research._(danger)tryit._(harm)mustgiveup._(strong)ourschool.11.“Stop_(talk)listenme,”theteachersaidus.dkeepwindowopenwhen_(sleep)summer.feltsorry_(be)lateagain.oldman_(like)basketballhewasyoung.hasbeen_(live)alone.Unit13练习题一、单选)donthinkyouveDisneyland,_AarenBhaven Cdo Dhav

9、e( villagerbridge_stonesyear.AoutBoutCtoDfor)3.Mybrotherwatchedfootballmatchhomework.AdoingBdoCdidDdoes)4.DoknowHarryPotterfunny.AsawBseeChaveseen Dwillseenaturalareasfuture.AsetBtosetup CbeDsetting)6.DolikeplayingcomputergamesNo,_.AusedBdidnDdonhavenever_strangeanimalbefore.AheardfromBListened Clis

10、tened)8.MissLiu,didcomeIntwoAhaveBhavegoneDhavewater_Yaan,SichuanProvinceimmediatelyafterearthquakehappened.AweresentBare CsendDsentchildrenwerehungrysaladquickly_AeatingBateCeatenDeat),sopassengers_smartunderground.Aplayed Bwill Careplayedchanges_Daqingsince1990s.Atookplace Bweretaken)13.Howdoescar

11、_Oh,that100,000yuan.AspendBCost CtakeDpay)14.Haveyou_schoolsportsmeetingYes,have.Atakepart BtakenCtakenDtook)15.What_doYoull_studyifwantgocollege.Acan;mayBshould;Cshould; Dmay;could )wellfriendstermADid;getBDoes; Cis;gottenDIs;gettingprocessdifficultproblemsveryquickly.Acan BmustCshouldDneedtoldbott

12、lesbe_use.AputBputDputs)19.IsTomtrainhe_likesdrivingcar.Bmay; Cmust; Dshould;)20.John,roomreallyneeds_.Sorry,llonce.AcleansBCleaned Dtocleaned二.完形填空 Do you want to became a superhero Have you ever tried to create your own superhero with your own special superpower You can make it if youre an -1-. Wh

13、en you try to think up superpowers to invent, you can let animals give you the idea for the invention. They have amazing -2- and you could use them as superpowers. Would you like to -3- Birds can! For years, people tried to be like birds to fly in the air. It seemed impossible, until two brothers na

14、med Orville and Wilbur Wright invented the plane. Being invisible(隐形的) is a cool superpower! Many animals look -4- the things around them. Actually they arent invisible, but theyre hard to see. Thats called camouflage(伪装). Inventors -5- these animals and created camouflage clothes. Now you can do th

15、e same as these animals, too! Maybe youd like to be a -6- swimmer Frogs(青蛙) can do that in water because of their special -7-. Scientists used this idea to create swimming flippers(鳍). Next time when you go swimming, dont -8- your flippers! How about being able to see at night Some animals, such as

16、cats have this ability. This helped scientists invent machines that let people see better in the dark. Inventors have given us so many cool things. They use the best superpower of alltheir -9-! What will you use your brain to create Check out your favorite -10- and decide what interesting inventions

17、 you can make! Then you can become an inventor.) Binventor C. engineer ). names Bmagic C. abilitiesBfly Cjump ) inBclose to Csimilar toBcollected Ccopied Bwise CfastBears CeyesBlose C. forgetBhands CbrainBsubjectsCplants 三、完成对话A: Hi, Mary. You look tired. Did you stay up late last nightB: No. I went

18、 to bed early last night. I am _ now because I was woken up in the midnight and couldnt fall asleep again. What happened At first, I just heard there was much noise _. I tried to hear what people were talking about but I couldnt hear _. So did you get up Yes. It was could. I got up, put on a thick c

19、oat and looked out of the window. What did you see I saw a group of people stand in a circle, talking _ and nervously in a loud voice. In the middle, there was an animal like a dog. Then I heard my parents getting up, too. And soon, my father went out. He _ have been going to see what had happened.

20、Yes. My mother walked to my bedroom and asked me to go back to sleep as I had to go to school today. So did your father tell you about the _ Yes. The animal was not a dog in fact. It was a wolf. A girl in our neighborhood found it when she walked home. She shouted loudly and _ and then someone called the police. The policemen s

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