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1、A. forgot; to bringB. left;C. forgot; to takeD. left;4. Tom was cleaning the room while Jack_ TV.A. was watchingB. is watchingC. watchesD. watched5.The second YOG _ this summer in Nanjing.Yes.And many sports and cultural events _ at the same time.A. will hold; will take placeB. will be held; will be

2、 taken placeC. will hold;D. will be held;6. Many birds will _ their lives_ the loss of forests.A. lose; becauseB. lose; because ofC. lost;D. lost;7. There are _ visitors to thewetland park, and the number is becoming _ now.A. thousand of; larger and largerB. thousand of; more and moreC. thousands of

3、;D. thousands of;8. We were separated _ groups for thegame.A. ontoB. toC. intoD. by9.I have to leave now _ I can catchthe early bus.A. so thatB. as soon asC. becauseD. if10. It was very cold. He picked up sticks_, but sadly the house _.A. to make a fire; caught a fireB. to make a fire; caught fireC.

4、 to make fire;D. to make fire;11. Could you tell me _ at themeeting?A. what did he sayB. what does he sayC. what is he sayingD. what he said12.My mobile phone has _ of power.Really?Then you can use mine. Dont worry.A. run outB. run awayC. run upD. run on13.Will you plant trees tomorrow morning?_.We

5、will go if the weather is fine.A. Thats trueB. Of courseC. No problemD. It depends14.Trees can help reduce air pollution.Thatstrue. _, they can make the city cooler in hot summer.A. HoweverB. ThereforeC. MoreoverD. Otherwise15. The floor is very dirty. Will youplease _?A. to mop up itB. mop up itC.

6、to mop it upD. mop it up二、完形填空(共10题,共10分)1.My mother saysshe probably wouldnt love butterflies (蝴蝶) today if it werent for Mr Patti. When my mother Ada was a kid,she loved playing baseball and she wanted to (1) forthe New York Yankees. Then her brother Howie pointed out that there werent anywomen pl

7、aying Major League Baseball (棒球联赛). Ada realized he was right. That made her so angry that shestarted throwing baseballs into the air and hitting them as (2) as she could.One day Ada hita ball through Mr Pattis window. She was about to run away when a brightyellow butterfly flew through the hole in

8、the window. A blue butterfly (3) . Then a lot of colourful butterflies flew out like a rainbow (彩虹). Ada wanted to open her armsand (4) the butterflies.She didnt runaway (5) she heard Mr Patti shouting, “Hey! Youthere!” Ada almost jumped 12 feet. When she landed, Mr Patti handed her a netand a box.

9、He pointed to the butterflies and said, “One hundred butterflies. Weneed to get them all back. Go!”Running with thenet, Ada began to catch some of the butterflies. By the end of the day, her (6) was filled with butterfliesincluding the bright yellow butterfly.There were still 13 butterflies missing.

10、 Mr Patti showed Ada pictures (7) had taken of the missing butterflies. The photographs were sobeautiful that she could hardly catch her breath.“ (8) do you get them to stay still (静止的),” Ada asked.“Ill show you,”Mr Patti replied.And he did. Hetaught my mother everything he knew about photographing

11、butterflies. Thats her (9) now. It is good because there still arentany women playing in the major leagues.“Ill neverforget that day,” my mother says. “Breaking that window changed my (10) .” Then she goes into her workroom, which is filled with swirlingbutterflies.(1)A. cheer B. play D. act(

12、2)A. hard B. simply C.carefully D. early(3)A. formed B. produced C.followed D. interviewed(4)A. separate B. reuse C.display D. catch(5)A. so B. because C.after D. though(6)A. net B. box D. yard(7)A. she B. they C.I(8)A. How B. When C.Why D. Where(9)A. resource B. punishment C.hobby D. job(10)

13、A. project B. purpose D. project三、阅读理解(共15题,共15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。AHave you evercomplained why life is so tiring? Does the sky sometimes seem dark to you? Areyour studies sometimes not successful? Well, friends, cheer up and smile allthe time. If you see the world

14、 with your warm heart, youll find that the wholeworld smiles to you.While in school,sometimes you are tired of your lessons, but have you ever noticed the happysmile on your teachers face when you did a good job?One day it isfine. Just before you want to go out, it suddenly starts to rain. Maybe you

15、would feel very sad and start complaining about the weather. But dear friends,why dont you sit down and listen to the free concert that the natureoffers you? And with the timely rain, crops in the fields will grow better andbetter and farmers will have a food harvest.Althougheveryone wants to succee

16、d in what he tries to do, sometimes failure cant beavoided. I think failure is not terrible, and the terrible thing is that we areafraid of it and give up hope. When we face failure, we must be confident inourselves, draw a useful lesson from it and try our best to finish what we havedecided to do.

17、As a popular saying goes, failure is the mother of success.Attitude decideseverything. With an optimistic attitude, life is easy and pleasant. Lets smileto whatever we meet and the whole world will smile to us.(1)People sometimes complain _.A.the sky is always dark B.there is too much work to do C.i

18、t is always raining is very tiring(2)What does the underlined words “the freeconcert” refer to?A.The sound of the rain. B.The sound of children playing. C.The sound of the wind. D.The sound of childrenslaughter.(3)If there is a timely rain can go out with friends can listen to a

19、 concert C.crops in the fields will growbetter cant have a goodharvest(4)When we face failure, we _.A.should be confident in ourselves B.shouldnt be afraid C.shouldnt give up hope D.all of the above(5)Which is the best title for the passage?A.Smile and the world smiles toyou B.Complaining

20、about life C.Failure Is the mother of success D.It is very hard to succeed2.BThere was a pilot and four passengers in a small plane. Suddenlythere was something wrong with the machine while it was flying in the air. Thesmoke was everywhere in the plane. The pilot told the people there were onlyfour

21、parachutes (降落伞). They all became worried and started to make excuses (借口).“I must go and mend the machine,” said the pilot, taking one of theparachutes. There was nothing he could do, so he jumped out.The first passenger stood up. “Im a doctor,” he said. “I helppeople live longer and I save lives.”

22、 He also took a parachute and jumped out.The next passenger said, “I must have a parachute. I am a veryclever person. I have to go to an important match. I know Ill win the gamebecause I am the cleverest person there.” He picked up a pack and jumped out.Two passengers were leftan old businessman and

23、 a young mountainclimber. By this time the plane was going down fast. The businessman said,“Young man, I am old but youre still young. You take the last parachute.” Theyoung mountain climber smiled. “Dont worry, he said. “We can both jump tosafety because there are still two parachutes, Just now the

24、 clever personjumped out with my backpack.”(1)All the people in theplane became worried because _.A.they couldnt find the parachutes B.they saw the pilot jump out first C.something was wrong with the plane and one of them might die D.everyone had his own excuses(2)The clever man jumpedout with _.A.a

25、 parachute B.the backpack of the climber C.nothing D.two parachutes(3)All the followingpeople thought of themselves except _.A.the businessman B.the clever man C.the doctor D.the pilot(4)From the story we know_ would be dead.A.the clever man B.the businessman C.the pilot D.the mountain climber(5)_ w

26、as akind-hearted man.A.The pilot B.The doctor C.The mountain climber D.The businessman3.CWhen talkingabout a forest, what can you think of? Just trees? Or can you think of manyother things, such as singing birds, colourful plants and wild flowers?The forest is awhole world of its own. It is full of

27、many different living things. But eventhough they are all different, they have one thing in common: they all needeach other in order to live on.The trees feedthe forest “inhabitants (居民),” by making food in their leaves, by using sunlight to get waterand minerals (矿物) fromthe soil and air. Their dee

28、p network of roots joins the soil together and stopsit from drying out, making it possible for living things to live in it.Human beings (人类) are like the living thingsin the forest. We need others in order to live. We need the farmers to grow ourfood, railroad and truck drivers to bring it to our sh

29、ops and clerks (售货员) to sell it to us. We needpeople to prepare our food and cook it and others to take our waste thingsaway. Of course, we also need doctors, nurses, government leaders, mailmen,telephone operators, and many others.We also needother human beings in another way. We need people for friendship to talk overour problems and exchange ideas. Think how lonely and unhappy you would be ifyou lived all alone.Life is a matterof giving and taking. We need to help other p

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