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视听说第二班3 listening in 原文翻译Word格式.docx

1、 Ive heard he is really good. Hes good if youre a hard worker. He expects a lot. Oh, I guess thats good. I hope I can keep up with everyone else in the class. Maybe I need your help after class. Youre welcome.(Voice-over: Jenny catches up with Harrison after the first class.) Harrison, wait up! So w

2、hat do you think of the professors lecture? I think about half of what he said went over my head. Dont worry. A lot of what he said is explained in the reading. Hey, would you mind if I borrowed your notes tonight to look them over? No problem. We dont have class until Wednesday. Here you go. Thanks

3、. I just want to make sure Im prepared for the seminar. Yeah. Participation in the discussion is an important part of the education here.哈里森:我是哈里森。很高兴见到你。詹妮:我是詹妮。那么,你买了本生物课的书。我想每个人都必须在上课前开始上课。不,通常没有人在第一天做很多事情,因为它仍然在下降。那是什么?H:从班到班,找出哪一个是最好的。你以前有过这个老师吗?我听说他真的很好。他是个很好的人,如果你是个勤奋的人。他期望很多。哦,我想那很好。我希望我能跟上班

4、上的其他同学。也许课后我需要你的帮助。不客气。(旁白:詹妮在第一堂课后赶上了哈里森。)哈里森,等一下!那你觉得教授的讲座怎么样?我想他说的话有一半超过了我的头脑。别担心。他在阅读中解释了许多他说的话。嘿,你介意我今晚借你的笔记看一下吗?没问题。我们直到星期三才有课。干得好。谢谢。我只是想确保我为研讨会做好了准备。是的。参加讨论是这里教育的一个重要部分(二)Consider these tips on elective courses and youll choose those that will serve you best.To begin with, you should select

5、the courses that fit your profession. It is a good idea to choose elective courses closely related to your chosen profession. Potential employers will appreciate every bit of extra training and knowledge that they dont have to give you. For example, you may select elective courses in chemistry, biol

6、ogy or even physics if you are doing a science major. For business majors, select electives in accounting, business administration, and even computing, as youll never know when these will come in handy in the corporate world.Moreover, you can choose an education that includes many fields of study. I

7、f you are taking a heavy load of career-related courses, you may prefer electives that are not directly related to your major. If you receive a well-rounded education, some employers believe that you have better potential. For example, if you have courses in science along with your business degree,

8、you could possibly win a job over someone who majored purely in business with no outside electives. Finally, you can also select a challenging elective course. Part of getting an education is learning how to learn, and elective courses should help you achieve this goal. You need not to memorize all

9、the information from each class, but you should get a better understanding of the world. So, pick elective courses that challenge your belief system and make you look at the world in a different way. For instance, you can consider a philosophy elective if you have been told that you are a little nar


11、位,你可能会胜过那些只主修商业而没有外部选修课程的人。最后,你也可以选择具有挑战性的选修课。接受教育的一部分是学习如何学习,选修课应该能帮助你达到这个目标。你不需要记住每堂课的所有信息,但是你应该更好地了解世界。所以,选择那些挑战你的信仰体系的选修课程,让你以不同的方式看待世界。例如,如果你被告知你有点狭隘,你可以考虑选择哲学。(三)It is interesting to note how straight A students achieve academic excellence. Here, according to educational experts and students t

12、hemselves, are the secrets of super-achievers.First, they know how to set priorities. Top students allow no intrusions on their study time. Once the books are open or the computer is turned on, phone calls go unanswered, TV shows unwatched, snacks ignored. Study is business, and business comes befor

13、e recreation. Also, good students can study anywhere and everywhere. Claudia Hill, an Arizona State University business professor recalls a runner who worked out every day. Hill persuaded him to use his spare time to memorize biology terms. Then he posted a list of biology terms on the mirror in the

14、 bathroom. He learned a few terms every day while brushing his teeth. Eventually, he scored high in the final examination. Moreover, top students schedule their time well. Study time is strictly a matter of personal preference. Some work late at night when the house is quiet. Others get up early. St

15、ill others study as soon as they come home from school when the work is fresh in their minds. All agreed, however, on the need for consistency. One student said, Whatever I was doing, I maintained a certain period of time every day for studying.Another important characteristic of super-achievers is

16、that they know how to read. According to a book entitled Getting Straight As, the secret of good reading is to be an active readerone who continually asks questions that lead to a full understanding of the authors message.有趣的是要注意学生是如何达到学业优秀的。根据教育专家和学生自己的说法,这里是超级成功者的秘密。首先,他们知道如何设定优先次序。尖子生不允许打扰他们的学习时间


18、功者的另一个重要特征是他们知道如何阅读。根据一本名为直言不讳的书,好阅读的秘诀就是“一个积极的读者不断地问问题,从而充分理解作者的信息。二单元(一)Martha:Do you think most people in your culture respect nature?Ed: I think so. Um. more now than before.M: What do you think is the most serious environmental problem in the world today?E: Today. I think damage to the ozone la

19、yer is a big problem, and another problem is pollution in big cities and things like that. How do you learn about environmental problems? Um. through school. A lot of clubs promote environmental safety, and some TV programs, too. They talk about environmental safety and stuff like that.Do you think

20、students should learn more about the environment at school? I think so. So, as they grow older, they can be more aware of all the problems that are going on, and also to prevent more problems from occurring. If you could create a new law to help the environment, what would it be? A new law for the e

21、nvironment? Um. Id probably say that when people throw away their cigarette butts, they have to throw them into the garbage bin, not just throw them everywhere because its just littering and I hate that. So they should be fined if they throw them on the floor or on the ground. Thats a good idea. Wha

22、t do you personally do to help protect the environment?m so against littering. I never litter. If I see somebody litter, I get really angry. So I always throw my trash into the garbage bin.玛莎:你认为你们文化中的大多数人都尊重自然吗?Ed:我想是这样。嗯。现在比以前多了。你认为当今世界上最严重的环境问题是什么?E:今天我认为臭氧层的破坏是一个大问题,另一个问题是大城市的污染等等。你如何了解环境问题?嗯通过学

23、校。很多俱乐部都在推广环境安全和一些电视节目。他们谈论环境安全和诸如此类的事情。你认为学生应该更多地了解学校的环境吗?因此,随着年龄的增长,他们能够更加意识到正在发生的所有问题,并且能够防止更多的问题发生。如果你能制定一个新的法律来帮助环境,那会是什么?一项新的环境法?我可能会说,当人们把烟头扔掉时,他们不得不把它们扔进垃圾箱,而不仅仅是到处乱扔,因为到处都是垃圾,我讨厌这样。所以他们应该被罚款,如果他们扔在地上或地上。M:这是个好主意。你个人做什么来保护环境?我反对乱丢垃圾。我从不乱扔垃圾。如果我看到有人乱扔垃圾,我会非常生气。所以我总是把垃圾扔进垃圾桶。If you see dead fi

24、sh floating on the river or notice that the water is discolored and smelly, you know the river has been polluted, and there are four main possible causes for it.First, fertilizer. If large amounts of fertilizer or farm waste drain into a river, the concentrations of nitrate and phosphate in the wate

25、r increase considerably. Algae use these substances to grow rapidly, turning the water green. This massive growth of algae leads to pollution. When the algae die, they are broken down by the action of the bacteria, which quickly multiply, using up all the oxygen in the water and therefore causing th

26、e death of fish.Second, industrial waste. Factories sometimes discharge chemical waste into rivers. Examples of such pollutants include cyanide, lead, copper, and mercury. These substances may enter the water in such high concentrations that fish and other animals are killed immediately. Sometimes t

27、he pollutants enter the food chain and accumulate until they reach toxic levels, eventually killing fish and other animals.Third, oil pollution. If oil enters a slow-moving river, it forms a rainbow-colored film over the entire surface, preventing oxygen from entering the water.Fourth, warm water. I

28、ndustry often uses water for cooling processes, sometimes discharging large quantities of warm water back into rivers. A higher temperature of the water lowers the level of dissolved oxygen and upsets the balance of life in the water.如果你看到死鱼漂浮在河上,或者注意到河水变色并有臭味,你就知道河水被污染了,这有四个主要原因。第一,肥料。如果大量的肥料或农业废物排


30、,破坏水中生命的平衡。 Although it is not an easy task, China is striving to fulfill the promise to cut its carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by 40 to 45 percent in the next 10 years.Zhang Guobao, Director of the National Energy Administration, said, The government puts great emphasis on seeking harmonious development between cities and the environment, and is readjusting the energy structure by giving priority to the development of clean and low-carbon energies, including hydroelectric, nuclear, wind, and sola

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