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1、So precious is time that we cant afford to waste it. 10. 虽然形容词 + as + 主语 + beRich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory. (by no means = in no way = on no account 一点也不)11. 通过可以做By doing sth., can By taking exercise, we can always stay healthy. 12. 可以使 enable sb.

2、to do sth. Listening to music enable us to feel relaxed. 13. 我们绝对不能.On no account can we do On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge. 14. 是做的时候了It is time sb. did sth.It is time the authorities concerned took proper steps to solve the traffic problems. 15. .的人.Those who Those who violate t

3、raffic regulations should be punished. 16. 没有人不.There is no one but There is no one but longs to go to college. 17. 不得不be + forced/compelled/obliged + to do sth. Since the examination is around the corner, I am compelled to give up doing sports. 18. 可想而知的是It is conceivable that 是明显的It is obvious tha

4、t 是显然的It is apparent that + It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life. 19. 那就是.的原因That is the reason why Summer is sultry. That is the reason why I dont like it. 20. 过去的一段时间,一直在做For the past + 一段时间,+ 现在完成进行式For the past two years, I have been busy preparing for the examina

5、tion. 21. 从过去的某个时间开始,做Since + 过去式,+ 现在完成式Since he went to senior high school, he has worked very hard. 22. .是值得的It pays to do sth.It pays to help others. 23. 是基于 be based on The progress of thee society is based on harmony. 24. 不遗余力地做Spare no effort to do sthWe should spare no effort to beautify our

6、 environment. 25. 让.明白bring home to sb. sth. We should bring home to people the value of working hard. 26. 与.息息相关be closely related to Taking exercise is closely related to health. 27. 养成.的习惯Get into the habit of doing sth. = make it a rule to do sth.We should get into the habit of keeping good hour

7、s. 28. 因为Due to/Owing to/Thanks to + sth. / doing sth.Thanks to his encouragement, I finally realized my dream. 29. 感叹句What + 形容词 + 名词 +(主语 + 谓语)! = How + 形容词 +(主语+谓语)!What an important thing it is to keep our promise! How important a thing it is to keep our promise!30. 令人不满意 leave much to be desire

8、dThe condition of our traffic leaves much to be desired. 31. 对有严重的影响Have a great influence on Smoking has a great influence on our health. 32. 对有好处,对有坏处do good to ,do harm to Reading does good to our mind. Overwork does harm to health. 33. 对造成了威胁pose a great threat to Pollution poses a great threat

9、to our existence. 34. 尽力做do ones utmost to do sth. = do ones best to do sth.We should do our utmost to achieve our goal in life. 35. 我相信这个不是最好或者唯一的方法做I do not believe it is the best or only way to36. 这意味着每个人都必须知道他在世界上所造成的影响和他们在世界上所扮演的唯一角色。What is meant by this is that each individual must be aware o

10、f the impact he or she has in the world and their unique part to play in this world.37. 我们已经看到了并继续看We have seen and continue to see38. 我们经不起We cannot afford to39. 越多,似乎越少As more and more, there would seem to be less and less40. 这不会这只会It will never, it will only41. 因此It remains, therefore, that42. 不一

11、定非有的负面影响.does not have to be to have a negative effect.43. 关于研究得最多的话题对造成了影响The most studied issue that has been the impact of on44. 大多数人普遍接受It is widely accepted by most that45. 不用说It goes without sayingNeedless to say, it is46. 我想说的是I would like to argue that47. 许多人会同意.,但是有些人会反对Many would agree tha

12、t, but some would argue that48. 有些人会反对的观点Some people would be opposed to the idea of 49. 我们都知道的是As we are all aware50. 据我所知As far as I can see51. 然而,基本上能肯定的是However, what is almost certain is that52. 对于达成了完全的一致There is almost complete consensus regarding / that53. 首先First and foremost54. 在领域,主要的研究者已

13、经暗示了It has been suggested by leading researchers in the field of that55. 但是对于这个问题的解决,在世界范围内毫无进展Yet little has been done to solve this problem worldwide.56. 举出最后一个观点To make one final pointThe final point that I would like to raise / make is that57. 我相信当的时候,作为,最可能采取不同的而且可能更大的责任I believe will most like

14、ly adopt a different and possibly greater responsibility as when58. 而且,近年来我们已经目睹了在的增长趋势Furthermore, in recent years we have witnessed an increasing trend in59. 仍然和之前一样遥远 remain as distant as ever60. 然而,同时In the meantime, however, 61. 那些支持的其他人Others in favor of62. 现在随着我们进入了21世纪Now with our entry into

15、 the twenty-first century63. 伴随着的第一个并且是最明显的问题The first and most obvious problems associated with are 64. 更严重的问题是A further problem is65. 在本地、国家和国际间at local, national and international levels66. 所有代价at all costs67. 好处和坏处benefits and downsides / pros and cons68. 在世界的每个角落in all corners of the world69. 我

16、会试着去反映和的立场I will try to reflect the positions of those whoalongside those who70. 这个解决所需要的是What is required of this situation is71. 需要记住的重要的一件事情是What is important to remember is that72. 历史没有任何时候像现在这样,有的趋势In no other time in history have we witnessed such a drive toward73. 当谈到When it comes to discussi

17、ng74. 特别地,我想说明的是In particular, what I would like to point out is that75. 就个人而言,我完全支持Personally, I fully sanction that76. 的优点是非常多的The obvious advantages of are many.77. 21世纪,我们最艰巨的挑战是Our toughest challenge of the 21st century may be 78. 公众感兴趣和关注的话题a topic of public interest and concern79. 的广泛使用the wi

18、despread use of 80. 是20世纪末和21世纪初最为瞩目的现象之一 is one of the most remarkable phenomena of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. 81. 已经在世界范围内引起了广泛的关注 has received a great amount of attention throughout the world. 82. 随着世纪的不断推进,已经得到更大的关注As the century continues, a greater emphasis has been placed on 83.

19、关于话题highly debatable issue:激烈争论的话题the most enduring topic:最经久不衰的话题the hottest topic:最热门的话题84. 随着的使用便得普遍,它的优缺点已经成为争论的话题With the utilization of becoming ever-present, its pros and cons has become a subject of discussion.85. 在最近几年里,没有什么话题可以像的争论那样吸引如此之多的注意No issue in recent years has drawn as much atten

20、tion as the debate surrounding 86. 在过去大约二十年的时间里,这一话题受到无休止的争论For the last twenty years or so, the issue of has been subject to nothing but endless dispute.87. 最近几年,关于的争论已经被激化了In recent years, the debate about has been intensified by 88. 已经成为一个重要的产业,它对的重要性无可比拟 has become an important industry, an indu

21、stry that is second to none in terms of important to 89. 是的一个特征 is a feature of 90. 支持者和反对者之间的争论一直没有平息。A row between supporters and opponents remains unsolved.91. 就存在很大的争议There is a big controversy surrounding / over 92. 人们认为 be thought to 93. 同意一个观点 agree on the point that 94. 对而言,是一个有趣的问题For , it

22、is an interesting issue 95. 对于或许没有什么比更为重要的了There is probably no issue more important to than 96. 在最近几年里,的持续曝光已经引起新的讨论In recent years, the ongoing disclosure of has ignited a new row on 97. 与此相反的意见是The counter-argument is that 98. 人们对持怀疑态度There are serious doubts about 99. 在我看来,对的反对意见是基于不正确的事实和偏见的It

23、seems to me that the objection against is based on incorrect facts and stereotypes.100. 我强烈反对I profoundly disagree with 101. 对于这一观点,我表示支持I subscribe to / am favor of an opinion that 102. 我同意他们关于建议I agree with their recommendation that 103. 我对有两方面的看法I am of fixed opinions about 104. 就我所知As far as I a

24、m concerned105. 对于我持很高 / 很低的评价I have a good / low opinion of 106. 我认为It is my considered opinion that / It is my view that / From my point of view, / As I see it, / I am the opinion that / I take the view that 107. 需要考虑到很多因素Many factors should be taken into consideration.108. 关于的好处和坏处The pros and co

25、ns of 109. 两个观点都是部分正确Both sides are partly right.110. 要明白,我们需要先看看支持每个观点的事实To understand , we must first look at the facts in favour of each argument.111. 关于的争论是不会有结果的Disputes about are fruitless.112. 概括性论述an outline of 113. 关于的正负面影响将在下面进行概括Both positive and negative effects of will be outlined below

26、.114. 我相信我们可以很有把握的说I believe we can safely say that 115. 整体的影响overall effect116. 带来了机会又造成了问题pose both opportunities and problems117. 没有足够的证据证明There cannot be enough evidence to conclude the point that 118. 关于A和B想法不一致A be at cross-purpose with B regarding 119. 给带来了严重的影响constitute a serious problem for 120. 核心部分a central part of / an integral segment of 121. 关于的直接后果direct result of 122. 与在根本上是冲突的be fundamentally at odds with 123. 跟上步伐keep pace with 124. 对于是至关重要的be critical for 125. 是现在面临的最大挑战之一 is one of the greatest challenges that face today1

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