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1、6.国际油价持续攀高给世界经济特别是发展中国家经济的发展带来不利影响;海啸、飓风等自然灾害频仍给受灾国家造成巨大损失;禽流感疫情不断暴发给本地区有关国家造成严重危害;等等。The surging international oil price has had a negative impact on the world economy, and the economies of the developing countries in particular. The frequent occurrences of natural disasters such as tsunami and hur

2、ricane have inflicted heavy losses on disaster-stricken countries. The continued outbreak of avian flue has seriously affected some countries in this region.7.我们要坚持协商一致、团结互助、灵活务实,以实现贸易和投资自由化、便利化为目标不断扩大市场开放,以经济技术合作为杠杆不断消除发展差距,以共同应对本地区面临的重大挑战为目标不断深化合作。Adhering to the principle of seeking consensus thr

3、ough consultation and displaying solidarity and mutual support, we must adopt a flexible and pragmatic approach to further our market opening so as to attain the TILF objectives. We must also avail ourselves of the leverage function of Ecotech cooperation to mitigate the development gap. To address

4、the major challenges facing the region, we must ensure that our cooperation is constantly enhanced.8.今年进行的茂物目标中期审评表明,我们在达标的道路上取得了长足进展,地区贸易投资环境明显改善,经济技术合作不断加深,合作成果惠及更多成员。The mid-term review of the Bogor Goals this year shows that much progress has been made in the process of achieving these Goals. No

5、ticeable improvement has been secured in the regions trade and investment environment and Ecotech cooperation has been further strengthened, from which more and more members have gained benefits.9.我们支持加强单边行动计划和集体行动计划,通过完善成员相互审议机制,促进区域贸易和投资自由化、便利化。We are supportive of the Individual Action Plan (IAP)

6、 and Collective Action Plan (CAP) and we will push ahead with the TILF process through the improvement of the peer review mechanism.*1.从善如流 do good naturally and happily; take advice with a receptive mind; readily follow what is right2.自欺欺人 deceive oneself as well as others3.顺民意, 合民情 accord with the

7、 popular will and sentiments4.全国人大高票通过反分裂国家法(实际上没有反对票) The NPC passed the Anti-Secession Law with no dissenting The NPC passed the Anti-Secession Law with noopposing vote.5.两国边境地区可以说是阡陌相通, 鸡犬之声相闻 (中缅关系) China and Myanmar are close neighbors, with their border people living within hailing distance.6.

8、我们不应该厚此薄彼。 We should not favor one to the neglect of the other We should not favor one over the other We should not play favoritism.7.走自己的路, 让别人说去吧。 Go ones own way, whatever others may say.8.讲公道话, 办公道事 Fair in word and deed Act fair and square9.黄金发展期 golden/rare/prime period of development10.矛盾凸显期

9、(二十一世纪上半叶,我们既面临“黄金发展期”,又面对矛盾凸显期。) a period of increasing problems a period of major challenges11.赢得主动 to take the initiative; to gain the upper hand to master the situation12.整体资源 use pooled/all/aggregate resources13.随着世界制造业大规模向中国大规模转移,也带来一定程度的“能耗转移”。 The massive shift of manufacturing to China has

10、also brought about a transfer of energy consumption(to a certain degree).14.在经济和社会协调过程中的一系列两难问题 dilemma in the process of coordinating economic and social development15.高投入,高消耗,高污染的旧式工业化道路 the old-style industrialization characterized by/with/ featuring high input, high consumption and high pollutio

11、n16.不合时宜的社会治理模式 outdated governance17.后发优势 advantages of a late comer18.中等收入阶层 middle-income group/section19.中国特色的人力资源优势 Chinas advantage in human resources20.世界经验还要借鉴下去,中国特色还要坚持下去。 We will continue to draw on foreign experience while maintaining Chinese characteristics.21.(消费结构)基本生活型 consumption pa

12、ttern of low-income groups;consumption pattern of meeting the basic needs of life22.现代生活型 modern-life consumption pattern23.(在爱滋病区)实行免费匿名检测 free and confidential test24.(政协)反映社情民意 to reflect social conditions and public opinion25.忧患意识和塑造意识 sense of urgency and willingness to initiate /to shape thing

13、s26.两元经济结构 urban-rural dual economy27.科学发展观 to take a scientific approach to development;to pursue a scientific strategy of development28.第十一个五年规划 the 11th five-year development guidelines29.生活垃圾无害化处理 domestic garbage was harmlessly treated;innocuous disposal of domestic garbage30.绿化覆盖率 greenery cov

14、erage31.农村土地确权 verify/establish rural land-use rights32.多点支撑的增长局面初步形成economic growth has been brought/driven by multiple props/driving forces /multi-stimuli33.会展经济 conference economy34.城乡一体的紧急医疗救援体系 integrated urban-rural emergency medical service system35.全程办事代理制 full range agent service; through a

15、gent service36.“一站式”办公 one-stop service37.降低企业准入门槛 lower the threshold for market entry/access38.工伤保险 work-related injury insurance39.社会守法意识、公德意识有待增强 to strengthen law-abiding and social ethics awareness40.城市快速路 city express way41.城市主干路 city thoroughfare/avenue42.公共客运系统 mass transit system43.建设园林景观道

16、路 to landscape roads44.积极承接国际服务业的外包转移 seek more service jobs outsourced by foreign countries/companies45.都市型农业 urban agriculture46.(基本完成)国有大中型企业主辅分离、辅业改制任务 separate supporting operations from core operations in large and medium-sized SOEs and turn the former into independent companies(businesses/ent

17、ities)47.社会化服务体系 commercialized/outsourced services48.经营性社会事业项目 public services; profit-making public services49.中央在京高等教育资源优势 the concentration of high education resources under the central authorities located in Beijing50.光机电一体化 optomechatronics(the integration of optics, mechanics and electronics)

18、51.加大对收受回扣、“红包”和乱收费等问题的治理力度 redouble efforts to prevent kickbacks, “red envelope”bribes and other improper charges in medical service52.反省侵略历史 reproach itself for its past aggression53.尊重人才 value competent/professional people54.思想道德建设 moral/ethical education55.现在达到的小康还是低水平的、不全面的、发展很不平衡的小康 The kind o

19、f “xiaokang”(moderate prosperity)obtained so far is still a low-level, incomplete and unbalanced one.57.党和国家的集中统一 the centralization and unity of the Party as well as the state58.加强党性修养 cultivate their Party spirit59.人文交流 cultural and educational exchanges*1党管人才a. Party control over personnel select

20、ion/workb. Party supervision over personnel/human resources workc. Party takes charge/in charge of human resources work2党要管党的方针a. The principle of the Party to toughen internal disciplineb. The principle that the Party organizations should oversee their membersc. The principle that the Party organiz

21、ations should discipline their membersd. The principle of stricter oversight of Party membershipe. The principle that the Party must exercise self-discipline and be strict with its members3发展是硬道理a. Development is of overriding/paramount importance.b. Development should go before anything else.c. Dev

22、elopment is our top priority.d. Development is an absolute/constant necessity.4革命化、年轻化、知识化a. bring forth more younger, revolutionary, professionally competent peopleb. promote ideologically sound and well-educated young people to leading postsc. put revolutionary and well-educated young people at th

23、e leading posts5个体、私营等非公有制a. private and other non-public sectorsb. individual and other non-public sectorsc. non-public sectors comprising businesses of individual and private ownerships/individual and private businessesd. self-employed, private and other non-public sectors6公民道德工程建设a. the project o

24、f enhancing peoples morality/moral standardb. the project of ethical citizenryc. promoting moral behaviord. moral education program7管理宗教事务a. guide religious affairs8积极引导宗教与社会主义相适应a. take vigorous steps to help religions adapt themselves to socialist societyb. encourage the adaptability of religions

25、to the socialist societyc. to (actively) help religions adapt to/suit/fit into socialismd. to help religions coordinate themselves better to socialism9加快国家创新体制的建设a. accelerate the building of the national innovation system10加强党的执政能力建设a. build the Partys capacity to governb. enhance the Partys admini

26、strative/governing/governance capacity/capability11驾驭市场经济a. be an active player in the market economyb. master the laws of the market economy12坚持党管媒体的原则a. adhere to the principle that the Party supervises the work of the mass media13坚持为人民执政、靠人民执政a. serve the people and rely on the peopleb. exercise power for the benefit of the people and with the support of the peoplec. to govern for the people and with their support14坚持以人为本

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