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1、AWhat can you see?BYes,I can CLet me see,pleaseDI cant find it 9Tom,please _ here Ago Bcome to Cgo to Dcome 10Whose car is it?_ AIts Toms brother BIts Tom brother CIts brothers DIts brother of Tom 11M y house is over thereWhere _ ?Aare your Bis yours Care you Dis your 12The woman is fifty years old,

2、_ she looks young Atoo Bor Cbut Dso 13Its _ eight oclock _go to the classroom Aabout;Its time to Bon;s time Cin;s time for Dabout;s time in 14Which one is your father?AYes,he is BNo,he isnt CA man in the hat DThe man in the hat 15_ YesWe are twins AYou look after her BYou look like me CYou look the

3、same DYou look at him B)找错。下列各句中均有一处错误,请找出。16Lets look at the book on my desk AB CD 17“This is your coatPut on it,please”“Thank you” ABCD 18Are there any water in this big bottle?A BCD C)逻辑排列。19(1)Her bike is brokenCan you mend it?(2)I think soLet me see (3)Can you help her?(4)CertainlyWhats wrong?A

4、(4)(3)(2)(1)B(1)(2)(3)(4) C(4)(2)(1)(3)D(3)(4)(1)(2) 20(1)Yes,thats my football(2)Where?(3)Its behind the door (4)Lucy,wheres my football?(5)There is a football here A(5)(4)(2)(3)(1)B(5)(4)(1)(2)(3) C(4)(5)(2)(3)(1)D(4)(3)(1)(5)(2) II阅读理解(Reading com prehension):(共30小题,计30分) (A)根据文字及图片内容,选择最佳答案。21Wh

5、ats the womans first name?ARita BLibby CCanada DLondon 22Rita usually _ to work Agoes Bwalks Cruns Ddrives 23Rita arrives at the hospital at _ A8:00B8:30C9:00D9:30 24Rita goes to London by _ Atrain Bbus Ccar Dbike 25What does Rita have on Sundays(星期天)?AShe eats bread BShe doesnt have anything CShe c

6、ooks by herself(她自己) DWe dont know (B) Henry is a shop assistant(店员)He works in a shop at the station(车站)He gets up at 7:30 He drives to the stationAt the station he sees a friend,M aryShe goes to work by train(火车) Her train leaves(离开)at 8:00Then Henry starts workAt 11:00he stops work for fifteen mi

7、nutes and drinks coffeeHe doesnt have lunchAt four oclock he stops work and has tea and a cakeHe leaves work at 5:00He doesnt stay late(晚) 26How does Henry go to work?AOn foot(步行)BBybus CBy car DBy train 27How many hours does Henry work in a day?AAbout 7hours BAbout 8 hours CAbout 9hours DAbout 10 h

8、ours 28Does Henry have lunch at home?AYes,he does BNo,he doesnt CYes,he cooks by himself(他自己) DHe has supper in a small restaurant(饭店) 29When does Henry go back to work at noon?AAbout 10:45 BAbout 11:00 CAbout 11:15 DAbout 11:30 30When does M ary start(开始)work?00B8:C9:00 DWe don(C) 阅读短文,在相应人物下写出姓名。(

9、D) 阅读下列有关动物的介绍,完成文后问题。Camels can live up to twelve days without(没有)water Guide dogs are colour-blind(色盲),so they cannot see the difference between a green and red light Koalas only eat one thingthe leaves(叶子)of the eucalyptus tree(桉树)They dont even drink water The blue whale(鲸)is the worlds largest(

10、最大的)animalit weighs about a hundred and fifty tons37Camel means(意思是)_ in Chinese 38Guide dogs dont know which is and which is _ 39Can we say Koalas dont need(需要)any water at all?_ 40Jim weighs(重)60kgHow many“Jims”weigh the same as a blue w hale?(E)41What is the name of the airline company(航空公司)?42Wh

11、ose ticket(票)is it?43Where is he going(将要去)?44What is the flight number?45How much is the fare?46When will(将)the plane take off(起飞)?(F) Im Peter WhiteIm an English teacherThis is my living room Its quite largeIt has two big windows and a small window ,so the room is brightThere are some flowers in a

12、 vase on the small desk near the window There isnt any chair,but there are two large sofasBetween them ,there is a small coffee tableThe walls are white,and there arent any pictures but a map of Beijing on the wallThere isnt a TV set in the room ,because I dont like it 47My living room is very becau

13、se it has three windows 48Where is the vase?49There is _ chair in the living room 50I dont like _ ,so there isnt any in my living roomIII完形填空(Cloze test)(共15小题,计15分) A)从方框里选择适当的词完成对话。that,this,OK,my ,right,Mr,our, thanks,brothers,sons,twins,teacherLi Lin :Father,this is KateShes an American girlKate

14、,(51)_ is my father Kate:How do you do,(52)_ Li?Father :How do you do?Sit down ,please (53)_ Are you my(54)_ classmate?Yes,I amLi Lin and I are in the same class (55)_ teacher says Im like KateBut we arent(56)_ Yes,you are(57)_ You are good friends B)看图,根据图画意思及部分提示填空。One day,an elephant(大象)is walkin

15、g to the town(小镇) He comes to(58)_ riverThere(59)_ (be)a little bridge over(60)_ (61)_ is very glad to run to the bridgeHow ever,when he(62)_ (be)on the bridge,it bends down (63)(it,be用缩写形式) dangerous(危险)“What could(64)_ do?”He thinks hardAn idea(主意)comes to him He makes this bridg e upside down(倒过来

16、)It is stron genoughHe stands(65)_ the bridgeOh!Wonderful(太棒了)!He smiles(笑) IV句型转换(Sentence pattern transformation)(共10小题,计10分) A)按要求转换下列各句型,每空一词。66I can spell the word(改为一般疑问) _ _ spell the word?67Andy is at school(改为否定句) Andy _ _ school 68This is Rose,and that is Cindy(改为选择疑问句) _ that Rose _ Cindy

17、?69You must put on your coat(改为祈使句) _ _ your coat,please 70Jim looks like Sam (改为同义词) Jim and Sam _ the _ B)对划线部分提问,每空一词。71The table is near the window _ _ the table?72T his is“bank”in English _ this _ En g lish?73The number of my fathers car is JE8805 _ _ is your fathers car?74O ur teacher is thirt

18、y years old n ow _ _ is your teacher?75There are forty-five studen ts in our class _ _ students _ _ in your class?V动词填空(Fill in the blan ks w ith ver bs)(共10小题,计10分) A)用所给动词的适当形式填空,每空一词。76_ (be)everyone here today?77Sorry ,I_ (not kn ow)the young girl 78You_ (must listen)to your teacher 79My name_ (

19、be)Feng Ling I_ (be)a student 80Can you_ (look)after your sister?B)根据短文内容,填上适当的动词,每空一词。Look!Here(81)_ two picturesThey(82)_ the sameLets(83)_ a look at them carefully(细心地)There(84)_ a differen cebetween them Who can(85)_ it?VI翻译(Translation)(共5小题,计10分) 86One Sunday morning Mr Brown and his child,Bil

20、l are in a big shop87Mr Brown wants to buy a new blouse for Mrs Brown Bill likes oranges,and his father buys them for him ,tooBill also wants to buy some picture-books88There are many other things and many people in it89They are men and women ,old and young 90They all want to buy something there VII

21、智力测试(Intelligence test)(共5小题,计5分) 91Which sen ten ce is in the picture ?92Its first(第一个)letter is in“book”but not in“look”Its second(第二个)is in“ink”but n ot in“thank”Its third(第三个)is in both“ink”and“book” And its last(最后一个)letter is not in“ship”but in“jeep”What is it?93Which two of the numbered piece

22、s will fit together to make cube A?(哪两块能拼成图形A?) 94That g irl is a blue stocking She knows everything Guess the meaning of“blue stocking”(You can answer in Chinese) 95What has three hands but only one face?VIII写作(Writing)(共2小题,计20分) (A) 看图写文,开头已给出。假设你是初一年级3班的学生。词数50左右。Fred,Rose,Nick and Reiko are my

23、friends 根据图画和所给提示写一段对话。词数:5070。王先生应邀去美国,Mr Green夫妇带着他们的两个孩子(Ann and Sam)到机场迎接并向王先生介绍他的家人,还让Sam帮王先生将手提箱拿到小汽车上。2002年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初一组样题参考答案及评分标准听力部分(略) 笔试部分 I 单项选择:1A2C3A4D5B6B7B8B9D10C11B 12C 13A 14D 15C 16A 17C 18A 19D 20C II 阅读理解:(A)21A 22D 23C 24A 25D (B)26C 27B 28B 29C 30D (C)31Tom 32Emma 33P

24、eter(Nick)34Nick(Peter)35Sara 36Ben (D)37骆驼38g reen ,red 39No,w e can t402,500 (E)41HONG KONG AIR WAYS LIMITED 42JONG CHANS 43SINGAPORE4440145¥3,0004611:50 (F)47bright 48On the small desk near the window49no 50TV III完形填空:A)51this 52Mr 53Thanks 54daug hters 55Our 56twins 57right (B)58a 59is 60it 61H

25、e 62is 63Its 64he 65on IV句型转换:A)66Can you 67isn t at 68Is;or 69Put on 70look;sam e B)71Where is 72Whats;in 73What number 74How old 75How many;are there V动词填空:A)76Is 77don t kn ow 78must listen 79is;am 80look B)81are 82look(are)83have 84is 85fin d VI翻译:86 星期天早晨布朗先生和他的孩子比尔在一个大商店里。87 布朗先生想给布朗夫人买一件新罩衫。8

26、8 那里还有很多其他的东西和许多人。89 有男的,女的,老的,少的。90 他们都想在那儿买点什么。VII 智力测试:91 Nice to meet you92bike 931an d594才女95clock VIII写作:参考范文:Fred,Rose,Nick and Reiko are my friendsFred is 11 years oldHe is in Class 5He is American Rose is 12 years oldShe is in Class 2 and she is EnglishNick is 13 years oldHe is in Class 4Hes English,tooReiko is 10,and she is i

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