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1、2,并且确保您的Apabi Reader安装在全英文目录下。 and make sure your apabi software installed in english directory3,IE浏览器允许弹出窗口(打开系统自带的IE浏览器,点击“工具Internet选项隐私”,点击“阻止弹出窗口”去掉左侧的对勾,然后点击确定。点击“工具Internet选项安全”,查看是否阻止了弹出窗口。)IE browser allows pop-up Windows4,如果您的电脑是vista系统,请到控制面板用户帐户中,关闭UAC(用户帐户控制)功能,然后重启电脑后尝试。Closed UAC in T

2、he control panel if vista os. Reset os after setted up .5,如果您的操作系统为winXP,IE浏览器的版本为6.0,请您在Internet选项中将“安全”“自定义级别”里的与ActiveX控件有关的设置都改为“允许”或“提示”。ActiveX control relevant Settings are changed to allow or tip. If your os is winxp and ie browser is Version 6.0.6,如果您的浏览器为IE7.0,那么在浏览器中出现闪动提示,提示阻止了check.dll控

3、件运行时,请更改为允许check.dll控件运行。(该闪动提示的页面见下面的图,浏览器上面出现黄色细条提示“此网站需要运行以下加载项”)Clew stop check. Please DLL control operation to allow connector.check the DLL control operation,. If IE browser is Version 7.0Please run the add-on in the red circle. Thank you very much.A:Thank you for your mail. The Apabi Reader

4、you have installed is version 3.1. To perform the 翻阅原书 function you need Apabi Reader 3.2. The trial site does not provide our the latest version(edition) of Apabi Reader. Please go to URL: to download our newest version of Apabi Reader.安装apabireader有哪些注意事项? Which attentions when install the apabire

5、ader soft?1,请下载最新版apabireader进行安装。2,按装apabireader时,请把ie浏览器全部关掉。3,安装apabireader时,请使用administrator管理员,或者具有管理员帐户的权限的帐户。1, Please download the best and latest version2, Shut up IE soft when install the software3, Please use administratorlongin os .下载图书失败,Apabi Reader“下载中心”的“下载信息”为:下载证书文件证书无效,请与我们联系下载证书失

6、败结束下载.证书无效多数情况是有第三方软件把证书文件屏蔽了,请查看系统托盘看是否有一些常见的第三方软件,如雅虎助手等。Certificates invalid mostly the certificate documents of the third party software, please check the shielding system tray to see if there are some common third-party software, such as yahoo assistant, etc.电子书借阅下载后,将ceb文件拷贝到其它电脑上为什么无法阅读? Apab

7、i Ebooks have downloaded ,but dont read after copy ceb files to another pc?Apabi电子书采用了先进的数字版权保护技术,直接将一台电脑上下载的ceb文件拷贝到其它电脑上是无法阅读的,遇到这类问题,可以先把借阅的图书归还,然后再在另一台机器上借阅下载。Digital Rights Management (DRM)is based on certain computational methods to protect digital contents by preventing unauthorized replicati

8、on of them. Only authorized users may access such digital contents. The protection provided by Founder Apabis DRM to digital contents such as eBooks, electronic periodicals, eNewspapers, electronic document, etc has enabled controllable redistribution of digital contents along with administering and

9、 tracking capabilities to their use.开始下载出现这个问题,是由于网络连接不是很好或者图书地址有误。请多次双击Apabi Reader“下载中心”的“下载列表”中的进度条,重新启动下载图书。如多次尝试仍然不成功,请将出错信息告知我们。Apabi520This is due to network connection is not very good or incorrect address book. Please download times Apabi double-click hint centre download list of the progre

10、ss bar and restart the download books. Like many attempts to still do not succeed, please inform us an error message. Apabi520下载图书失败,Apabi Reader“下载中心”的“下载信息”为用户不是管理员或者没有写文件权限,创建UDB文件失败!Permission denied: only adminstrator or authorized user can create UDB file.Task end请确保您以管理员的身份登录计算机系统,并且对D:Docume

11、nts and SettingsMachine_NameApplication DataFounderApabi Reader和ApabiReader安装目录的权限。如果您的电脑是vista系统,请到控制面板用户帐户与家庭安全用户帐户,点击“打开或关闭用户帐户控制(UAC)”,把方框中的“钩”去掉,然后重启电脑后尝试。If customers computer is vista operating system, please go to the control panel user accounts and family safety user accounts, click on the

12、open or closed user account control (UAC), Cancel the check option at this label, then restart computer.if it the OS is windows 7beta. Apabireader dont support it currently.证书文件可能被破坏,请重启一次Reader或者参照说明书恢复文件。如果您的操作系统是其它操作系统,请您删除reader安装目录(用鼠标右键点击Apabi Reader的那个绿色的快捷图标,选择属性,点击“查找目标”,这时会进入Apabi Reader的安

13、装目录)下的eBookCEBVoucher这个文件夹,然后重新启动reader。为什么输入用户名和密码后总是出现“抱歉,系统拒绝您匿名登录,请与管理员联系”?请确认您已经输入读书卡上的用户名和密码,然后点击登录。成功登录后,可以看到原输入用户名和密码的地方变为“欢迎您,*”。或者与我们联系。 安装好Reader3.0后,但是不能打开?I tried to install the Apabi 3.0 client but cannot open the reader after installed?A: 可以卸载后重新安装。 卸载后注意要删除安装目录下的所有文件,并删除系统盘document a

14、nd settings用户名application datafounder下的文件为什么我输入用户名或密码,点击“登录”后,没有任何反应? Why do I enter user name and password, click login, without any reaction?可能是因为您的浏览器安装了拦截软件或进行了“阻止弹出窗口”设置,拦截了第一次登入时要添加的用户名和邮箱的弹出窗口,所以看起来象没有任何反应。请您关闭拦截功能即可。比如3721助手等具有拦截功能的软件,浏览器安全级别为高,都可造成拦截对话窗口。取消“阻止弹出窗口”设置见下一题。Because your browse

15、r installed the software or intercept the stop popup window, the first CiDeng intercept fashion to add user name and email pop-up Windows, so look like no response. Please close intercept function. As such has intercepted 3721 assistant functions of software, the browser security level is high, can

16、cause intercept dialogue window. Stop popup window如何取消“阻止弹出窗口”设置?答:()打开系统自带的IE浏览器,点击“工具Internet选项隐私”,点击“阻止弹出窗口”去掉左侧的对勾,然后点击确定。()如果有Google工具条,点击Google工具条上的选项;点击选项卡上的弹出式窗口拦截器,去掉左侧的小勾;点击确定。()如果有Sogou工具条,点击工具条中的“以拦截”让其变成“允许”。为什么点击下载按钮时,Apabi Reader没有自动启动下载?Click on the download button, but why ont start

17、 automatically Apabi Reader?查看一下浏览器的安全级别是否为高。是否防火墙阻止了reader的下载。同时,请关闭腾讯TT旋风下载、网际快车、DUDU加速器、迅雷等的下载功能。Please use the latest version of Apabi Reader software, set the IE browser safe level is low, Whether the download of ceb documents being firewall, stop tt software and Flashget,DuDu .为什么下载图书失败,显示“请在同

18、一台电脑上借还图书”?只有当您把一台电脑上的借阅的图书全部归还后,才可在另一台电脑上借阅图书。借阅的图书必须在借阅该书的电脑上归还。如果出现这种情况,请您登录数字图书馆网站,点击“个人图书馆”,查看您的“借阅历史”,看是否有还未归还的图书。Attention Apabi readers Downloading center, Delete all tasks in it.when you will borrow Ebooks from another computer, you have to return all Ebooks at the computer.为什么下载图书时显示证书文件没有

19、下载下来,网络可能有问题?尝试以下几种方法:(1)退出后重新登录阿帕比数字图书馆(2)打开reader,选择工具-选项-网络设置,把网络超时设置的时间改长些。如果您是通过代理服务器上网,请您打开reader,选择工具-选项-网络设置,添加入您的代理服务器信息。(3)直接点击下载列表上的“启动任务”按钮,重新启动下载任务,多试几次(4)请使用系统自带的IE浏览器登录阿帕比数字图书馆借书。Our IT people are working on putting the Apabi reader on all our student machines on campus and have one m

20、ajor problem which they would like advice on.When you “borrow” a book, the book is saved to a folder on your computer. From the instructions you sent me, it appears that it is saved on your computer to:C:Program FilesFounderApabi Reader 3.0eLibraryCEB.This drive is “locked down” on our computers and

21、 moreover, students move around and use different computers, so we would like to change the location that the files are saved to a drive that is unique to the individual student. Each student has access to a “H-drive” identified by their student number. Can we change the configuration in the Reader

22、to make this the default download (and retrieval) folder for “borrowed” books?Folder of the ceb book can fix,Please open the Apabi reader , Cleck the menu of tools Menu of options option of network setup ,path setup . attached the screen shot I believe that Apabi reader is capable of “reading” a boo

23、k back to you. Can you tell me how this is configured? It would be good to have this feature on the reader when we roll it out as well.Before use the function ,Please setup of Speech plug-ins. attached the screen shot为什么下载图书时提示用户数已满,下载证书失败?可能是同时在线的用户数过多,请尝试退出后重新登录阿帕比数字图书馆;不要使用腾讯TT旋风下载、网际快车、DUDU加速器等下

24、载工具。使用系统自带的IE浏览器登录数图,不要使用Apabi Reader或腾迅TT等登录,清理一下IE浏览器的本地临时文件、cookies。或者和我们联系:apabi520Users may be online at the same time, please try out much after login than digital libraries summit, Dont use whirlwind download, the tecent TT express, DUDU accelerator download tool. Etc. Use system of IE browse

25、r login several graph, dont use Apabi Reader or login, such leaps newsletter TT cleanout IE browser local temporary files and cookies. Or contact us: apabi520为什么下载图书时显示下载图书内容失败?A :很可能是网络问题或者是图书文件比较大。请检查网络,如果您是通过代理服务器上网,请您打开reader,选择工具-选项-网络设置,添加入您的代理服务器信息。然后双击下载列表上的图书,看是否能继续下载,多尝试几次。Probably network

26、 problems or more files are books. Please check the network, if you are through a proxy server, please open access, select tools - hint options - network Settings, add to your proxy server information. Then double-click on the download list, to see if they could continue to download, try several tim

27、es.为什么图书下载后提示“此CEB文件结构已被破坏”?请确保您的reader为最新版本。Please install the latest and Unicode Version ApabiReader software. The Version is 3270.我能正常“在线浏览”,但为什么下载后图书后面内容为空白页?很可能是您下载图书时,使用了网络文件。请您进行如下操作,即可解决问题。请您打开reader,选择工具-选项-网络设置-文件设置,把“使用网络文件”的钩去掉;然后选择工具-选项-网络设置-下载设置,把“替换已经下载的文件”打上钩。最后,重新下载。下载成功后,即可脱机阅读。The cause of the problem is Network files, we sug

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