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2、的前进方向,就必须始终代表最广大人民的根本利益。党员要时时处处发挥先锋模范作用,就必须认真学习贯彻“三个代表”的重要思想,联系实际认清“三个代表”的重要思想所揭示的新时期党的先进性的内涵,努力使自己的素质与先进性要求相适应,行动与先进性要求相合拍,真正把先进性的要求体现在行动上,落实到工作中。 二、党的十六大从中国的现实国情出发,提出要全面建设小康社会,在社会主义道路上实现中华民族的伟大复兴,这是历史和时代赋予我们党的庄严使命。对党的十六大精神的学习也是党员群众路线教育活动的重要内容。三、中国共产党员是中国工人阶段的先锋队,同时是中国人民和中华民族的先锋队,是中国特色社会主义事业的领导核心,代

3、表中国先进生产力的发展要求,代表中国先进文化的前进方向,代表中国最广大人民的根本利益。党的最高理想和最终目标是实现共产主义。中国共产党以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想作为自己人的行动指南。认真而深刻地理解中国共产党的性质、宗旨、纲领,将使我们更好地开展这次党员群众路线教育活动。 四、认真学习党员义务,使我也更加时刻牢记自己作为一名普通党员所要履行的职责,也更加有利于我们保持党员的先进性。通过保持党员先进性活动,我更加认识到自己作为一名普通党员所肩负的责任,我将一如既往地按照党员标准严格要求自己,始终保持思想上、行动上的先进性,为了实现十六大提出的宏伟目标做出自己的

4、贡献。(作者系镇党委书记)附送:老人与海象征主义探究内容简介:AbstratThe Old Man and the Sea, praised b a famous riter as the most exellent simple artile in this generation , is a masterpiee of the unielding man Heminga. But ith regard to the smbolism, it has been t 论文格式论文范文毕业论文AbstratThe Old Man and the Sea, praised b a famous r

5、iter as “the most exellent simple artile in this generation”, is a masterpiee of the unielding manHeminga. But ith regard to the smbolism, it has been talked differentl, and as equivoal in the explanation b Heminga himself. The Protagonist, the living environment, the sea, the Shark, the Marlin are

6、not themselves but have signifiant smbolial meaning. Here the author ill analze its smbolism thoroughl through some aspets suh as the leading harater,the living environment and Hemingas philosoph of life refleted b the smbols, ith a vie to help the reader get a better understanding of Ernest Heminga

7、s masterpieeKe WordsErnest Heminga; the smboli fators; ieberg theor; the living environment; philosoph of life摘 要被威谦、福克纳誉为“这代人最优秀的一个单篇”的老人与海是硬汉子海明威的力作,而对于老人与海的象征主义,评论界各执已见,海明威本人的解释也模棱两可。而小说中主人翁桑提亚哥和生存环境、大海、鲨鱼、小孩等角色实际上并非角色本身,表面上简单的角色及故事情节有着深刻的象征意义,所以笔者希望从文章的主人公、其生存环境等各个方面对其象征主义进行剖析、总结和归纳老人与海的象征手法以及海明

8、威的人生观在各象征因素中的体现,以期能帮助读者更好地理解这部作品。关键词海明威;象征因素;冰山原理; 生存环境; 人生观IntrodutionRegarded as a giant both in Amerian literature and the orld literature, Ernest Heminga as born on Jul21,98, at Oak Park, Illinois. In the hildhood, influened b his father, Heminga as interested in musi, pitures, hunting, fishing

9、and the like.His variet of interest, espeiall the love of fishing extremel affeted all his life and he dre muh riting inspiration from his fishing experiene. Taking adventures also plas a vital role in his life and for the reason that he experiened the to orld ars. As a notieable representative of t

10、he “Lost Generation”, Heminga published the books of this sort, The Sun Also Rises at the age of 26. Beause the book hiefl deals ith the living attitude of the post-ar generation, espeiall the lives of those ounded soldiers and the loneliness and disillusionment of the modern people hose ideal as sh

11、attered at the time hen “God is dead”, the thought life as nothing and meaningless. In this ase, Heminga beame the spokesperson for the The Lost Generation.I. Introdution to the BakgroundThe old Man and the Sea is a fable of an old mans life hih as told b Heminga.Heminga is a famous Amerian riter of

12、 modern times. He is also an international literar elebrit in the orld. His father is a prominent dotor, and also a dab at fishing and hunting. The influene of his father made him full of love ith fishing and hunting. His life as ative and adventurous, but it as full of pains. The First and the Seon

13、d World Wars had affeted Heminga a lot, he had one joined the arm and had injured in Ital, and he suffered muh that as brought about b the ar deepl. He as disappointed ith the orld and pessimisti about the fate of the man. In his earl das novel, The Sun also rises depits the ar, desribing the beilde

14、rment of the European and Amerian oung people, then he as look don upon b someone around him and some riters. “You are all the generation that has been at a loss.” So, seeking a out and seeking the understanding of life is the theme that Heminga anted to explore. He as an unielding man, so he portra

15、ed the distintive individual harater of “the harater of unielding man”. From all the orks of Hemingas, e an find that hen Heminga hose personage, he espeiall liked to hoose beggar, hunter, solider and so on, the ould protet their dignit b resisting ith the orld hih is full of hostilit, the maintain

16、a graeful demeanour under great fore, but on target. The haraters of the protagonist are different from that of the earl das novel. For example, the leading harater Jordan in For hom the Bell Tolls is a hero ho devotes himself to the areer he inites the evil fore, hih reflets the herished desire for

17、 opposing the fasism ar of the people, hih is full of ide soial meaning and the times breathe. All the haraters of the protagonists in his novel sho his inard orld-he as an unielding man, and has the desire to be the best one in the orld, all these an be improved b the protagonists that are sufferin

18、g but strong-minded As a mouthpiee of “the lost generation”, Heminga suffered old shoulder and attak almost ten ears in the mentar field. In order to save the desperate situation, Heminga rote a ork that he firml believes to be the best orks in his life, hih as alled The Old Man and the Sea, hih is

19、the inheritane and development of Hemingas unielding harater.Heminga gre in the time that smbolism as embodied and expanded from irle of poet into the field of literature. Heminga himself also thought that the novel should be like an ieberg, the one-eighth reveals above the ater, the other seven-eig

20、hths hide deepl in the ater, hih needs the reader himself to understand. In other ords, one has to keep a lose ee on Hemingas ords and reading beteen the lines beause of his highl smboli language. The theme and the desription of The Old Man and the Sea is ver simple, beause it reveals onl one -eight

21、h on the fae, the rest seven-eighths are hidden, hen reading arefull and learning about the ulture and situation at that time, ou an understand the real hidden part b the riter. So, the distintive riting of Heminga is his ieberg theor and smbolism.The Smbolism in the WorksA. The Definition of Smboli

22、sm Smbolism is an artisti movement in the lateth entur that tried to express abstrat or mstial ideas through the smboli use of images. In literature, it is a riting of using something to stand for something else b reasoning of relationship, assoiation, aident resemblane, or a visible sign of somethi

23、ng invisible.As a master in literature, Heminga uses ver simple ords and sentenes to rite some magnum opus, hih is his ieberg tehnique that he uses in his ork. He believed as a good riter, he didnt need to reveal the ation or haraters learl, obsurit an give us the aestheti sense. So the ords and sen

24、tenes in his ork are smboli and suggestive. That is to sa, one needs keep a lose ee to read his orks and read beteen the lines deliberatel. In m opinion, the arbitrariness of Heminga about the smbolial fators full manifest that he is unilling to aept the laurel of “smbolist”. When e stud Heminga, e

25、must start it from The Old Man and the Sea, hih promotes his reative riting to the summit of honor. When e stud The Old Man and the Sea, e have to researh its smbolial fators.B. Major Smbols in The Old Man and the SeaThere are man smbols in this stor, suh as the old man, the bo, the sea, the shark,

26、the marlin and et. This paper onl fouses on the important smbols and analzes the deep meanings of them.1. The Old Man the Best Expression to “the unielding harater”The Old Man and the Sea is a short simple novel that has been hailed as a lassi. The stor The Old Man and the Sea is about an old fisher

27、man named Santiago ho overes the great fores of nature. Not athing a single fish for eight-four das, the old fisherman still keeps on tring ithout being despaired. He goes far out into the sea and athes a huge marlin after three das patient struggle. On his a home sharks e and attak, Santiago tries

28、his best to fight but fails to prevent the marlin from being eaten. In the end he returns ith nothing but the skeleton of the marlin. Man people believe that the novel is about the life of Heminga himself. Beause some parts of the stor do relate to hat Heminga has experiened in his life. The old man

29、- Santiago is the last tragi hero that Heminga portras. Being poor and unluk, his fate is sad, but he is not a man being easil defeated. Hemingas unielding harater is attahed to the old man like a demon, hih is the smbol of Hemingas unielding harater, hih is regarded as an embodiment of Hemingas ieb

30、erg priniple. The old man is a geezer ho goes fishing lonel. The torment that the life gives makes his nek ondensed ith deep rinkles, hih make him look thin and haggard, ever part of his bod looks old, but his ees are blue like the sea, never depressed. At the beginning of the artile, the old man ju

31、st athes up “misfortune”. In integral eight- four das, he has not aught a fish. As a fishing man, that is the most unluk. Even a bo ho spends a long time ith him also has to leave him on the fortieth da. The old mans tragi fate is an x light in art of Heminga misfortune. Heminga had one joined in th

32、e Seond World War and the Spanish War. The soiet after ar is disarraed and destitute. The fantasti phenomenon of the ar and the soiet brought deep spiritual injur to Heminga, hih an be said that he survived the ar after man perils. This is just one of the old mans aspets of being old. We find that, after For hom the Bell Tolls, Heminga did not publish an important artile, Aross the River and Into the Trees

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