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1、8分万能作文语料库8分作文语料库雅思8分万能作文:16.80 雅思女考官* 环保话题语料库 1. Intervene in world affairs 干预世界的事物2. resolve these problems 解决这些问题3. nevertheless 然而4. the destructions of the environment 环境的破坏5. I do not think it is the best and only way 我不认为这是最佳的唯一的6. energy insufficiency 能源不足7. famine 饥荒8. abusive behaviours of

2、all individuals 人类的破坏性的行为9. a collective consciousness 集体意识10. what is meant by this is that 我的意思就是11. harm the environment 破坏环境12. is the key to 是-的关键 = is highly profitable to 13. it is contributing to 有助于14. clean technologies that produce a lot less pollution 15. A collaborate(合作) very closely w

3、ith B 16. it seems to me that it is really a matter of having a sufficiency long term vision so that * 教育话题语料库 1. is quickly playing an important part in 发挥重要的作用2. educational institution 教育机构3. via the computer 通过计算机4. factual knowledge 实际的知识5. on-line teaching 在线教育6. reduce the need of the presenc

4、e of teachers 减少了教师的存在7. is profitable to 有益于8. with regard to 关于9. communicate wisdom交流智慧10. build confidence 树立自信11. cultivate ones creative and independent thinking 培养人的创造性和独立性思维* 犯罪话题语料库 1. criminal offenders = violators = criminals = law-breakers 犯罪分子2. juvenile crime rate = adolescent crime ra

5、te = the rate of crime among youth= the rate of youth crime青少年犯罪率3. young offender = teenage criminals 少年犯4. inmate = prisoners= convict 囚徒5. be imprisoned = bring sb into jails = sb was locked up in prisons 被关押6. be released = be set free from the prison被释放7. criminality = crime = malefaction = ant

6、i-social offences 犯罪行为 8. commit crime = embark on the criminal road = break the law走上犯罪道路9. an all-encompassing lifestyle 包含所有的生活方式10. probation 缓刑11. convicted felon = harden criminals重刑犯12. released prisoners = the prisoners released 刑满释放人员13. sentencing polices 判罚政策14. public safety = public sec

7、urity 公共安全15. a far more effective way 一种更加有效的16. former offenders 从前的犯罪分子17. recidivism 累计犯罪18. rehabilitate= reform = reclaim改造 19. psychology of juvenile delinquency 青少年犯罪心理20. domestic violence =family violence 家庭暴力21. distrusting and fearful 猜疑和恐惧 22. pornographic or otherwise vulgar forms of m

8、edia 色情和其它庸俗的节目23. to be led astray 被引入迷途24. enact relevant legislations 立法25. crack down youth crime =diminish crime rate = minimize the rate of crime 降低犯罪26. crimes can be drastically reduced by 犯罪率可以通过-被降低27. Education has an indispensable role to play in 教育在某方面发挥了不和或缺的作用28. One of the most contr

9、ibuting factors of youth crime could be attributed to 一个重要的原因可以被归结为29. Considering the seriousness of the issue, we have no alternative but to implement some practical solutions to resolve it.考虑到问题的严重性,我们没有办法只能想出一些可行的措施去解决它30. join hands in resolving 在解决-方面共同努力* 电视话题语料库:1. numerous educators 2. inst

10、ructional tool = educative tool = play the role of educator 教育的工具3. for educational purposes 为了教育的目的4. benign television content 优秀的电视内容5. seek knowledge = absorb knowledge = acquire knowledge = update knowledge学习知识6. envision sth as = think of sth as 把-当作7. affect the quality of life 影响生活的质量8. impr

11、ove living standards 提高生活水平9. a profit-making entity 赚钱的实体10. besieged by the overflow of 充斥着11. entertainment programs 娱乐节目12. lesson the viewers creativity and imagination 13. undermine physical fitness身体健康14. diminish physical activity 15. multiply the likelihood of obesity 增加了肥胖的可能* 广告话题语料库:1. h

12、as been at the center of heated debate (写作语料)2. is widely accessible to the masses 3. oftentimes adv.时常地4. it is not unusual to find 很普遍的发现5. notably adv.显著地, 特别地6. In this essay I will investigate some of adverse(有害的,不利的) effects television advertising has on viewers. (写作语料库)7. around the globe = a

13、ll over the world 8. no one could deny that 9. it is an educative tool for audiences 10. is employed as a manipulative tool by many advertisers. 11. TV advertisers12. is vulnerable to 易受.的攻击 13. hard sell .硬卖, 强行推销14. flashy images adj.浮华的15. recurring(循环的,再现的) images 16. research has shown that (写作

14、词汇)17. television commercials 电视广告18. mounting(增加的,加剧的) level of obesity 肥胖19. excessive consumption 过量的消费20. the hard and fast result of television advertising 21. in the market economies 在市场经济中22. place excessive(过渡的,过分的) pressure on 23. undue attention adj.不适当的24. is an tempt to 目的是为了25. sell pro

15、ducts 销售商品26. is another feature of advertising 是广告的另外一个特征27. in addition to 除了28. is intrusive(打扰的,不受欢迎的,讨厌的) into 29. viewing time 电视时间30. a bombardment(轰炸,炮击,大量的信息) of unwanted commercials 讨厌的广告31. unwanted nuisance 令人讨厌的人或物* 环保话题语料库:1. resolve these problems 2. I do not believe it is the best an

16、d the only way to 3. arise from the abusive(辱骂的,受虐待的) behavior of all individuals 4. what is meant by that is that 5. furthermore *古老建筑保护话题语料库:1. safeguard / protect the historic buildings 2. knock down / eradicate old buildings 3. a growing population 4. is a decisive factor in 是关键的作用5. provide physical link to our past 6. historic buildings are vital to our prospective future. 7. we cannot afford 8. we have seen and continue to see

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