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1、A. fell B. argued C. cheated D. enrolled13. We must _ our thinking and work to the new circumstancesA. adopt B. tutor C. adapt D. communicate14. It has been a while and I am still_about the fast pace back here in my school. I miss the life in England so much!I miss your_too. We had an amazing year!A

2、. compromising; help B. struggling; companyC. compromising; company D. struggling; help15. The stranger calling himself a friend of my fathers_to be a cheat. I was almost taken in by his trick.A. turned out B. looked out C. pointed out D. came out16. This years Spring Festival Gala was a fine perfor

3、mance that _ attention from first to last.A. deposited B. accumulated C. commanded D. illustrated17. Why are you all _ me? I did not steal the computer!Im sorry, but you were the only one who had access to it.A. calling on B. taking on C. turning on D. putting on18. Setting up a good example is a mu

4、st for parents, which can get their kids to look away from iPad and _ books instead.A. make allowance for B. make sense of C. take responsibility for D. take pleasure in19. We lost in the quarterfinal mainly because our two key player_hurt in the first five minutes of the game.A. boomed B. drafted C

5、. retired D. wrestled20. On hearing her mother was sent to the hospital because of heart attack, Jane dropped the phone and _ from the office.A. disappeared B. left C. escaped D. fled21. Considering the heavy pollution caused by fossil fuels, many people are _ the use of alternative energy sources .

6、A. accenting for B. catering for C. compensating for D. pushing for22. Teaching is not just a simple piece of work; its an art _ a science.A. is based on B. based with C. based on D. depended on23. We must _ a new teacher at once to the mountain school.A. appreciate B. appoint C. arrange D. name24.

7、Its surprising that this innocent-looking person should have _ such a crime.A. committed B. acted C. made D. performed25. The Colosseum _ for nearly 500 years with the last recorded games held there as late as the 6th century.A. put into use B. remained in useC. went out of use D. made the use26. Th

8、e writer was so _ in her work that she didnt notice him enter the room.A. concentrated B. focused C. absorbed D. centered27. We are trying to get people to like us and approve of us: Our greatest fear is of being _ and rejected.A. abandoned B. ruined C. reminded D. stressed28. If applicants do not m

9、eet these requirements they will not be _ to graduate school, even if they had excellent undergraduate grades and an impressive resume.A. permitted B. attracted C. suited D. admitted29. Over the years, Londons economy has changed from a manufacturing economy to one _ financial services.A. cared for

10、B. applied to C. preferred to D. based on30. He continued his writing until 1990 when a worsening eye condition _ the end of his active career.A. signed B. signaled C. considered D. communicated31. With knowledge-based economy starting to _ and becoming a growing trend, new industries have kept emer

11、ging.A. take shape B. take actionC. create civilization D. pay attention32. The massive appeal of China s online literature has also _ its reach to millions of readers worldwide.A. evolved B. slipped C. extended D. shaped33. At first, the company _ many fine promises to Jack in order to get him to w

12、ork for them.A. held up B. held back C. held off D. held out34. The young couple wrote to Mr Grand to_his warm reception during their visit to his farm.A. acknowledge B. update C. consult D. acquire35. Ronnys steps_, and there was a moment of absolute silence.A. died down B. died away C. died off D.

13、 died out36. Warmblooded animals have the ability to _ body heat exactly to maintain their ideal temperature despite changing weather.A. respond B. attach C. adjust D. expose37. Recent years have_the rapid development of the Internet and its influence on society and people.A. watched B. observed C.

14、witnessed D. realized38. When studying at home, its critical to _ an inspirational studying environment.A. set up B. polish up C. back up D. fix up39. The boat whistled past, making the water in the river _ open.A. slid B. split C. sprayed D. slipped40. Julies success _ the faith her teachers had pu

15、t in her.A. clarified B. classified C. simplified D. justified41. She wanted to know why he coffee to tea.A. solved B. performed C. preferred D. charged42. No matter how low you consider yourself, there is always someone _ you wishing they were that high.A. getting rid of B. getting along withC. loo

16、king up to D. looking down upon43. Suddenly it _ to me that we should do what we could to collect money for the poor college students.A. happened B. took place C. occurred D. came about44. In our childhood, we were often _ by Grandma to pay attention to our table manners.A. robbed B. reminded C. sus

17、pected D. cured45. Richard insisted the United States was larger than China, but he had to _ when Elizabeth showed him the map.A. keep his word B. have a word C. eat his words D. get a word答案与解析1. C【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果你总是试图用外表给别人留下深刻印象,你就无法建立自尊。A. follow跟随;B. direct指导;C. impress使有印象;D. adapt适应。分析语境可知,

18、此处表示用外表给别人留下深刻印象,impress sb. with sth.(用某物给某人留下印象)。故选C项。2. C考查动词短语辨析。政府宣布设立一项特别基金。A. taking up 占据;B. looking up查找;C. setting up设立;D. making up组成、编造。由语境可知,此处指的是特别基金的设立,setting up符合句意。3. D在此期间,对外贸易的增长速度比内战以来的任何时候都要快。A. paid支付;B. managed勉励完成;C. owned拥有;D. expanded提高;增加。由语境可知,此处指的是对外贸易的增长速度比内战以来的任何时候都要快

19、,expanded符合句意。故选D项。4. B在本节中,我们将介绍在整个系列中要使用的这些工具。A. fill填满;B. introduce介绍;C. count数;D. pour倾倒。由In this section (在本节中)和which well make use of throughout the series可知,是要介绍这些要用的工具,introduce符合句意。故选B项。5. C考查动词短语。打败新冠病毒是不容易的,但是如果我们坚持,最后我们就会成功。A. hang up悬挂,结束;B. hang about闲逛,闲呆着;C. hang on坚持不懈;D. hang out闲逛

20、,逗留。根据句意,面对新冠病毒,只要我们坚持不懈,我们最终就会取得成功。故选C。6. B很抱歉,我不能和你一起去电影院,因为我不得不照顾我生病的弟弟。A. refer to查阅,提到;B. attend to照料,照顾,处理;C. lead to导致;D. stick to坚持不变,遵守。根据句意,我要在家照顾我生病的弟弟,故选B。7. A考查实义动词辨析。由观察和实验得出的证据通常被用来证实科学理论。A. confirm证实;B. conclude得出结论;C. consult 咨询,请教;D. confuse使更难于理解。根据常识可知,科学理论是需要观察和实验得出的证据来证实,故选A。8.

21、 D长期以来,经济学家一直将教育视为一种投资,从长期来看,这种投资对学生个人和整个社会都有良好的回报。A. gets around到处走走,传开来;B. makes up编造,组成;C. holds on 不挂断电话,继续;D. pays off得到回报。此处指最终会“得到回报”。故选D。9. D哪吒是中国有史以来收入最高的动画电影,于2019年8月在北美上映。A. relieved减轻,解除;B. restored修复;C. registered注册;D. released发布,释放。此处指电影“发布,上映”。10. D考查非谓语动词和词组辨析。如果公立学校没有制定出明年的支出计划并获得批准

22、,他们可能无法从政府获得足够的资金。分析句子可知,空中词做it的宾语补足语,和it之间为被动的关系,应用过去分词,approve of意为“赞成”,而approve意为 “批准,同意”,故选D。11. A在大多数西方国家,龙被描述为怪物。A. described描述;B. achieved实现;C. detected检测;D. improved改善。结合句意表示“描述”,故选A。12. C他没有公平地比赛他作弊了。A. fell跌落;B. argued争论;C. cheated作弊;D. enrolled登记。根据上文He didnt play the game fairly可知“他比赛作弊(

23、cheated)了”。13. C我们必须使我们的思想和工作适应新形势。A. adopt采取;B. tutor辅导;C. adapt使适应;D. communicate交流。此处为短语adapt to表示“使自己适应于”。14. B考查动词和名词词义辨析。已经有一段时间了,我仍然在努力适应学校的快节奏。我非常想念英国的生活。我也想念你的陪伴。我们对过了很棒的一年。A. compromising妥协; help帮助;B. struggling努力; company陪伴;C. compromising妥协;D. struggling努力; help帮助。结合句意可知,第一空处用“努力”,第二空处用“

24、陪伴”符合语境,故选B项。15. A这个自称是我爸爸朋友的陌生人结果是一个骗子。我差点被他的把戏骗了。A. turned out证明是,结果是;B. looked out小心;C. pointed out指出;D. came out出版,开花。结合句意可知,此处用“结果是”符合语境,故选A项。16. C今年的春节联欢晚会是一场精彩的演出,从开始到结束都吸引着人们的注意。A. deposited存储;B. accumulated累积;C. commanded博得;D. illustrated解释。command attention是固定搭配,意为“博得关注”,符合上下文语境,故选C项。17. C你们为什么都把矛头指向我?我没有偷电脑!我很抱歉,但只有你能接近它。A. calling on呼吁,拜访;B. taking on承担;C. turning on把矛头指向;D. putting on穿上。由下文“Im sorry, but you were the only one who had access to it.(很抱歉,但只有你能接近它)”可知对方在怀疑是“我”偷了电脑,turn on 表示“攻击,把矛头指向”,符合上下文语境。18. D考查动词短语词义辨析。设立一个好榜样于父母而言是

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