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1、20. in a single dayPart B: Listening Comprehension1. Statements1. 【原文】Up to now, none of the candidates who applied for the position has the required credentials. Wed better let our ad in the Help-Wanted Section run for more weeks.【预测】划出每个选项的关键词:A)not one qualified; B)nobody applied; C)only one appl

2、ied; D)interviewed nine,显然话题是应聘、面试。B)、C)项矛盾,可能有一个成立。A)中的qualified应该是关注的重点,此选项的内容在深度上高于其他3个注重数字的选项。【解析】答案为A)。听力的重点在前半句:none of the candidates who applied说明B)、C)错。D)中的nine是对none的混淆,也不对。nonehas required credentials与A)中的not qualified相符合。【注释】credentials:证件,关于某人可以相信、信任或具有权力的证件或证明书。Help-Wanted Section:(报纸上

3、的)求助、招聘版。run an ad:做广告。2.【原文】Originally Florence was only asked to make some introductory remarks, but she ended up giving a speech herself when the speaker came down with the flu.【预测】划出每个选项的关键词,判断话题显然是speech,并涉及到introduce remarks(介绍辞),选项中有一个混淆点:是Florence还是speaker作了演讲?听时特别注意判断这个问题。【解析】答案为B)。前半句讲的是or

4、iginally(原本的)情况:Florence致介绍辞,后半句的but转折必然是重点:end up giving a speech(最终作了演讲),原因是speaker came down with flu(得了流感病倒了)。句子提供的信息与B)相符。【注释】end up doing sth:以(没有预期到的结果)告终。come down with (disease):病倒了。3.【原文】You know what? Ive got to finish that evaluation report for the board meeting next week. A 10-page repo

5、rt within the week! There goes my social life this weekend.【预测】读题划关键词,每个选项均有一个不同的动宾词组:finish report; hate to join social activities; work extra time; not attend board meeting。听力时判断整句的主题最为重要。【解析】答案为C)。此题的干扰项中出现原句中的不少关键词汇,但正确的选项却是根据说话者的语气推理出来的:前两句说到report的长度和时限,后半句说道:周末的社交生活又泡汤了!由此可推出work extra time这个

6、信息,故选C)。【注释】There goes:losing sth/opportunity/money as a result of sth that has just happened。例如:There go our chances of winning the championship!赢得冠军的机会又泡汤了!4.【原文】The director is kind of busy now and has no time to read over your proposal. How about dropping in tomorrow morning to see if I have som

7、ething definite?【预测】四个选项中出现的关键词频率最高的是:director, proposal,四个选项似乎牵涉到三个主题,听时注意主语和动词的判断,以确定主题。答案根据前半句判断,它所表达的意思即:主管太忙了没时间读一遍你的计划,read over和A)中的attend to(关注)信息相符。后半句给出一个建议:明天再来看看有什么确切的消息(something definite)。显然讲话者是主管的助手或秘书。此题的干扰项B)中的错误在于help you read一词,不合逻辑。【注释】proposal:提议,建议。kind of busy:有点忙,口语中常用到kind o

8、f, 表示有一点。5.【原文】We dont have enough information for our financial plan, but it is due tomorrow. So Im afraid well just have to make do with what we have got.【预测】读题划关键词,发现B)、C)、D)均牵涉到时间状语的辨析,而A)中的ask for more time 也与时间有关,听时关注原句中的时间信息。【解析】答案为D)。原句中与时间相关的信息:it is due tomorrow,并且整句并未提到要求延期的信息,later than

9、expected及ask for more time均可排除。所以选D)。【注释】have do with sth:将就着用,凑和着用。例:I havent got any cream, so we will have to make do with milk. Have sth to do with/have nothing to do with6.【原文】Americans use a variety of strategies to avoid silence. They keep on talking, especially during business negotiations.

10、Because they think that silence makes a bad impression.【预测】划出每个选项的关键词,A)核心词:talk too much,bad impression;B)核心词:silence, uncomfortable;C)核心词:keep silent, employ strategy;D)核心词:aggressive。四个选项均与Americans在business negotiation方面的行为/态度相关。前半句清楚地指出:Americans avoid silence,选项A)、C)可以排除。后半句的keep on talking和si

11、lence makes a bad impression均进一步指出美国人在谈生意时的态度,但没有达到D)中aggressive(好争吵的、有决心成功的)那样的程度。故选B)。【注释】a variety of strategies:各种策略。employ:动词,正式用法,使用。He employs a special teaching method in the classroom.7.【原文】We have enjoyed a relationship with China for more than half a century. But I do not believe there ha

12、s ever been a more exciting time to do business here.【预测】四个选项的信息量很大,快速浏览,发现A)、C)、D)三个选项中均有表达转折的词:though;despite, 而B)则是虚拟语气:could have done more business, 所以在听原句时关注语气:是虚拟还是转折?判断语气后,若能排除虚拟,再根据A)、C)、D)中的关键词:best time; unable to start business; need to find a better time来确定答案。这题较难,是一道推理题。听到But时,确定转折语气,按

13、听力的原则,but带出的句子往往是考点所在:我觉得之前在这里没有更好的做生意的时机。暗示的意思就是:现在是最佳时机。【注释】I do not believe there has ever been a more exciting time to do business here.=I believe there has never been a more exciting time to do business here。8.【原文】Ive already mentioned to the director about the signing of the agreement three ti

14、mes this month. Each time he said he was ready, but nothing happens.【预测】每个选项的动词不同而主语和宾语相同:A)already sign; B)read 3 times; C)cant sign; D)not ready to sign。听时尤其注意动词的辨析。此题也是一道推理题。整个句子描述了一个情节:mention the signing of agreementsaid he was readynothing happens。也就是说,说好签却没有签。【注释】略。9.【原文】We are a new and grow

15、ing firm in the area. And were willing to do our best to attract customers away from our competitors with more favorable terms.【预测】四个选项均是因果关系。划出关键词:A)not compete, since just started; B)want more customers, so make more offers; C)unable to provide best service, because no competitive advantage; D)mer

16、ge competitors, as growing。句子的后半句是理解关键:attract customers away from our competitors (把顾客从竞争对手那里吸引过来),凭什么条件?more favorable terms(更加优惠的条件)。【注释】terms:(pl)条件,例如:We are trying to negotiate the loan on favorable terms.(我们正在协商,力争以更优惠的条件获取贷款)。 merge our competitors:合并我们的竞争者。10. 【原文】Compared to a meat-centere

17、d diet, meatless meals can easily supply all the essential nutrients our body requires, and cost only 20 to 30% as much.【预测】划出关键词,按常识可以排除B)。判断句子的主题是有肉/无肉的饮食对身体是否有益。理解的重点在后半句:supply all the essential nutrients,与C)中的equally nutritious相符;cost only 20% to 30% as much与less expensive相符。【注释】meat-centered d

18、iet:以肉为中心的饮食。essential nutrients:必要的营养物质。(补充:素食者:vegetarian;veggie(口语)。2. Talks and Conversations Questions 11-14【原文】M: By the way, Christina, when is Nancy going to leave for New York? W: She is already gone. She left last Friday. The office wont seem the same without her. But we certainly gave her

19、 a great farewell party. (电波干扰) Yes, but was it really a surprise? Well, I think so. Didnt you ask everyone not to say anything about the party? Of course I did. But I think somebody gave the surprise away. Who would do anything like that? Mrs. Sampson might. You know she cant keep a secret. And she

20、 and Nancy are such good friends. Didnt you warn her to be careful about what she said? I told her not to say a word. Well, surprise or not, Im sure Nancy had a good time. She was smiling and laughing all evening. And crying a little too. She asked everyone to come and visit her in New York. And eve

21、ryone was asking her to write or to call, or best of all, to come back. Were all going to miss her. Just about everybody in the office working for Nancy in the correspondence section. Yes, and she is a true friend and always tries to help everyone. It wont be too long before I see her again. Im goin

22、g to New York next month. And she invited me to stay with her. Thatll be wonderful. Anyway, shes still working with the same company. So Im sure well get to talk to each other on the phone pretty often. (注:噪音)【大意】这个对话发生在两个同事之间。办公室的一个同事Nancy走了,他们都觉得Nancy是一个很不错的人,在她走之前同事们还给她举行了欢送派对,不过有人事先走漏了风声,把这个“惊喜”

23、事先告诉了她。Nancy将去纽约工作,还在同一家公司,所以他们仍能保持联系。女士还准备了下个月去纽约看她。【解析】11. What happened to Nancy?答案为C)。推理题。对话开头提到:when is Nancy going to leave for New York?说她要走,但没有讲原因。到对话结尾处提到:shes still working with the same company.点出了她其实是transfer(调走)了。12. What did her colleagues do for her?答案为B)。细节题。对话开头即提到we certainly gave

24、her a great farewell party。13. Which of the following is not true about Mrs. Sampson?答案为A)。出处为W: Mrs. Sampson might. You know she cant keep a secret. And she and Nancy are such good friends. M: W: I told her not to say a word. 听到这部分对话时可以在B)、C)、D)旁打勾。而听到对话结尾时也不应忽略女士所说的Im going to New York next month.

25、 And she invited me to stay with her,应在A)旁做好相应的笔记,这样才能确保答题时万无一失。14. According to the conversation, who is going to New York the following month?答案为D)。女士在结尾说Im going to New York next month. And she invited me to stay with her.而在对话开头寒暄时,男士称女士为Christina。故选D)。Questions 15-18American businessmen frequent

26、ly use social situations to make business deals. One of the best examples of this practice is the business lunch. Therefore, knowing how to conduct yourself at business lunch is often just as important as the business discussion. For formal business lunches, it is wise to phone at least 1 day ahead

27、to reserve a table. After you have been seated and given a menu, your waiter will come and ask if you would like to order anything to drink. Nowadays, it is quite acceptable to order a mineral water, a soda, or fruit juice, apart from wine or a mixed drink. After he has taken your beverage order, yo

28、ur waiter will leave you to make your food selection from the menu you have been given. It is the hosts responsibility to discover whether or not his guests have any special dietary restrictions. If, however, a host does not do that, a guest should not announce his dietary practices to everyone at t

29、he table. Instead, he should discreetly ask the waiter about the ingredients of any dish in question. He should also have in mind a second dish he might order, just in case. Usually, the host will allow his guests to order first. Occasionally, a host may collect orders ahead of time and place them h

30、imself. Napkins should be placed on your lap, and used periodically to wipe the corners of your mouth, especially when you are eating soup, salad with dressing, or an entre 主菜in a sauce. When you finish the meal, the napkin is then placed on the table beside the plate.【大意】商业午餐是美国商人用来谈生意的重要手段之一。本文介绍了美国商业午餐的习俗,比如该如何点饮料,如何点主菜,作为主人和客人分别应怎样做才算礼貌。文末还具体的讲述了餐巾的使用方法。15. Which of the following is recommended for a formal business lunch?出处为For formal business lunches,

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