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1、From the above mentioned analysis, we can safely draw the conclusion that other sources like the Internet and television are indispensable supplements to the traditional education forms. And students should also learn much more from the Internet and television.【高分词汇】grasp vt. 抓住,抓紧He thought mathema

2、tics more difficult to grasp than physics.他觉得数学比物理更难捉摸enthusiastic adj. 热心的,热情的China has the most enthusiastic fans in the world.中国有全世界最热情的球迷be suitable for 适合的 The weather is suitable for outdoor activities.天气适合户外运动practical adj.实际的、实用的 The plan takes on a more practical aspect.这个计划具有更切合实际的性质supple

3、ment n. 补遗、补充 v.补充Try a B vitamin supplement.试着补充些维生素Bindispensable adj. 不可缺少的,绝对必要的 The computers are now an indispensable tool in many businesses目前,计算机是很多公司不可或缺的工具【万能句型】1.Some people argue that , while others hold the opposite view. Speaking for myself, I stand on the side of the former one.译文: 一些

4、人认为,然而其他人持有相反的观点。在我看来,我支持前者。解读:这种句型结构适用于第一段,引出题目中双方的观点,同时表明自己的立场,表示支持前者或后者的观点。2.From the above mentioned analysis, we can safely draw the conclusion that 通过上面的分析,我们可以得出结论,那就是,这种句型结构适用于结尾段,承接上文,并给出结论。这种句型结构在绝大多数的议论文结尾都可以使用。2、出国留学的利弊More and more students choose to go to another country for their high

5、er education. Do you think the benefits outweigh the problems associated with it?In order to acquire more knowledge, more and more people decided to further their study abroad. I believe that the benefits of studying abroad for higher education are far greater than problems that could be associated

6、with it. There are many reasons supporting my view.First and foremost, students can learn advanced knowledge and management experience which can widen their horizons and minds. Then, studying abroad can provide a good language environment to students and make it easy to pick a language, which can co

7、ntribute to remove language barrier and make international cooperation much easier. Besides, studying abroad can cultivate students ability to live independently and their characters, for they have to deal with many problems and learn how to be accustomed to a new environment and how to get along wi

8、th foreign teachers and classmates. Last but not least, studying abroad is an excellent way for students to learn about themselves and the world in which they live in. By communicating with foreign friends, they will experience the characteristics of a distinct culture and see the similarities to an

9、d differences from their own.However, studying abroad also brings about many disadvantages. Firstly, students will be confronted with so many psychological problems. They often feel lonely and helpless in a new environment. Furthermore, the tuition is very high, which is a very heavy burden to the a

10、verage people. To sum up, the advantages of studying abroad outweigh the disadvantages greatly. We should encourage students study abroad. When they accomplish their curriculum, they can make more contribution to the construction of our society.acquire vt. 获得,学到The company has recently acquired new

11、offices in central London.公司最近在伦敦市中心弄到了新的办公室further vt. 促进,推进Well do all we can to further your plans.我们将经历促成你们的计划。associate vt. 是发生联系,使联合I dont associate the two ideas.这两个概念我联系不起来。horizon vt. 范围,视野Go out for broaden your horizon.出去开开眼界。cultivate vt. 培养She cultivates her mind by reading many books.她

12、博览群书,修身养性。deal with 应付,处理;对待He must deal with many difficulties.他必须应付许多困难。be accustomed to 习惯于He is accustomed to loneliness.他对于孤独已经习以为常。get along with 与和睦相处He is good-tempered; he gets along with everyone.他脾气好,和谁都处得来。3、老师在信息时代的作用Teachers used to convey information, but now with wide resources of in

13、formation from the Internet, there is no role for teachers to play in modern education. Do you agree or disagree?Nowadays, the computer is growing in popularity in education for its marvelous functions. Some people, therefore, claim that teachers roles are not significant any more in the Information

14、 Age given the convenience and efficiency of the Internet in terms of information access. As far as I am concerned, however, this point of view seems a bit partial and misleading.Most important of all, it is often the case that teachers can benefit students in many ways which computers cannot. Indee

15、d, teachers often bring students a host of knowledge and ideas out of text books, such as ethics and such kind of things. There are plenty of vivid evidences to support the opinion that teachers are usually serving as the guide for students, a role which can never be performed by computers. For exam

16、ple, when I studied in high school, one of my teachers helped me with my study and taught me how to deal with difficulties in my life as well. It is impossible for computers to fulfill these actions.In addition, a more subtle point is that young students are more susceptible to the adverse influence

17、 of computers. It is a general principle that juveniles are usually lack in the sense of judgment to tell right from wrong. So they are more likely to be distracted from study by the lure that comes along with computers. Therefore, teachers are superior to computers in cultivating students.To conclu

18、de, it is all very well to suggest that teachers invariably enjoy the most crucial role in fostering young people, we should not lose sight of the dramatic benefits brought by computers as well. That is to say, teacher can never give way to computers buy they can make computers facilitate their jobs

19、.convenience n. 便利,方便,有益 The house has all the modern conveniences.这栋房屋有各种现代化的设施。in terms of 就.而言,从方面说来He referred to your work in terms of high praise.他对你的工作大加赞扬。ethics n. 道德规范,伦理学 The ethics of his profession dont permit him to do that.他的职业道德不允许他那样做。subtle adj. 敏感的,微妙的 Her whole attitude had under

20、gone a subtle change.她的整个态度发生了微妙的变化。be susceptible to 对敏感In his weakened condition, he is very susceptible to cold.他身体很弱,因此很容易患感冒。superior adj. 较高的,上级的,较好的Youre a very superior young woman.你是一个非常优秀的年轻女性。foster vt. 养育,抚育,培养Nowadays young couple sometimes foster.现今年轻夫妇有时领养别人的孩子。give way to 让路,让步Cloudy

21、 mornings give way to clear evenings.【谚】早晨云遮日,晚上星满天。facilitate vt. 使便利,减轻的困难Tractors facilitate farming.拖拉机使耕作便利。1.As far as I am concerned, however, this point of view seems a bit partial and misleading. 在我看来,这种观点有点偏颇并且容易令人误解。这个句型常常用于第一段的末尾,表明作者的立场和观点。2.Most important of all, it is often the case t

22、hat 最重要的是,在这个句型中,it is often the case 一般不用翻译,它所表述的实际内容就是that后面的内容。省略了it is often the case 也没有错,放在这里主要是为了增加文章的语言色彩。4、通过看电视学习Some children can learn efficiently by watching TV. Therefore, they should be encouraged to watch TV both at home and at school. To what extent do you agree or disagree?There ar

23、e many ways of learning, and watching TV is one of them. Some children can learn quite well by watching TV. Hereby, some people argue that children should be encouraged to watch TV both at home and at school. As far as I am concerned, however, this point of view seems a bit absurd and ridiculous.On

24、one hand, in spite the function of learning, TV has so many demerits. Firstly, watching TV is harmful to eyes. Staring at TV for a long time may lead to short sight. Secondly, not all the contents on the TV are suitable for children. Some of TV programs contain violence and obscenity, which are harm

25、ful to the childrens growth. Thirdly, long time sitting before TV is not good for physical growth. Staying in one position for a long time can lead to crookback.On the other hand, apart from TV, there still are other efficient ways which can help children to learn. First of all, children can compreh

26、end considerable number of things by playing games. Traditional games do good to exploit childrens wit, and modern games help them to get a rough idea about the society. Then, telling stories is another efficient way. Encouraging children to tell stories can develop their observing abilities and language skills. Last, sightseeing is also a valid method which can help children contact close with the nature. For example, organizing children to the zoo

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