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1、Everyone would agree that.B 结尾1) Only in this way/Only when./Only through., will/can we.或:It is only if/when.that we will.It is only if all sides of society take their roles fully that we will achieve the society we want.2) As long as.we will be able to./the problem is bound to.As long as we persist

2、 in spreading scientific knowledge among the masses,all the superstitions are bound to go out of our life.3) With a constant/steady improvement in .(或With the gradual worsening of.) sth.will.With a steady improvement in our legal system,this problem will sure be solved earlier or later.4) In a word,

3、there is every/little chance/probability/possibility time to come.AIn one word,there is every chance that this Chinese Traditon will continue to entertain millions of Chinese citizens.C. 中间1建议和解决方法1). A great number of solutions are being offered. Some people suggest that _. Others argue tha

4、t _.2). But I dont think it is a very good way to solve _. For instance, _. Worst of all, _.3). My suggestion to deal with/solve/relieve the problem are as follows. In the first place,. Secondly,. Finally4). If we let the situation go as it is, . By that time, . 如果让这种情况继续发展下去,那么到那个时候,.。5) If., will

5、there be anything that can make me even happier? 如果(我们怎么怎么做),那将没有比这令我更高兴的了。2.It 结构1) It is advisable to exercise(拥有)patience in dealing with such complicated situations.2) It is necessary that young and old people should communicate more with each other.3) It is certain that fresh air and exercises

6、are more enjoyable and beneficial than medicine.4) It is well known that many of our problems are caused at least in part by failure to communicate.5) It seemed to me that the only thing that matters is to learn through failure.6) It pays in the long run (从长远的角度看.)to introduce new technique.3.动名词或分词

7、结构1) Drinking,eating,and smoking excessively can do severe harm to even a young persons health.2) The art of communication requires learning the language and culture of the audience.4.递进式结构1) Fresh vegetables are nutritious(有营养的);furthermore,they re cheaper than frozen ones.2) Helping others will no

8、t only bring joy into other peoples lives,but also added happiness into our own.5.表示重要性或必要性1) Its important to set aside time for relaxation,hobbies ,and entertainment as well.2) A harmonious atmosphere is essential(necessary / critical / indispensable)to achieve success.3) Global warming can endang

9、er our lives so much that we are obliged to make a careful study of the problem and try to find out a lasting solution to it.6.表示目的1) The purpose of a test is to show what you have leaned about a subject.2) The intent is not to catch everyone but rather to catch enough to spread the word.3) Competit

10、ive sports are recommended to young adults to prepare them for the competitive world of college and business.7.表示结果1) Too much work and too little rest may lead to loss of health.2) If you try to learn too many things at a time,you may get confused.3) By consistent hard work we will be able to achie

11、ved our objectives (目标). 转载请注明来自8.表示对比和比较1) Jobs and work do much more than most of us realize to provide happiness and contentment.2) Work is more than a necessity for most human beings;it is the focus of their lives,the source of their identity and creativity.3) Rather than a punishment or a burde

12、n,work is the opportunity to realize ones potential.4) The more scientists find out,the more questions they are unable to answer.9.表示条件或假设的结构1) Without the distraction of TV,they might sit around together after dinner.2) As long as the brain is given plenty of exercise it keeps its power.3) Were it

13、left to me to decide whether we should _, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.4) Without a degree and with no vocational experience their chances of getting good jobs are slim.10.表示举例1) Take_for example,2) An illustration(例证)may make the point clear.11.表示采取措施1) The government should

14、be taking effective(有效的)measures to overcome current difficulties.2) As college students, we are obliged to make every effort to help support the Olymic Games.3) The school authorities should invest more energy and money in improving working and living conditions for the teachers. 12.表示让步关系1) While

15、it may be more convenient to possess a car,it is also expensive and troublesome at times.2) Although I do not earn a great deal of money for this job,the pleasure I receive from the work makes it worthwhile.13.表示因果或前提关系1) Because of(owing to) the pressure(压力)of examinations, many students are left w

16、ith little or no free time.2) Perhaps its because few of us know how to accept compliments(赞扬)gracefully.3) That is why housework is considered as such a dreary grind(乏味的苦差事)。4) The reason for this is that14.表示存在的问题1)One of the greatest problems facing the 21st century will be what to do with all th

17、e rubbish produced in the world.2) To travel abroad is a desire shared by many people,but few can afford to do it.3) Cheating is now considered to be a major problem in colleges and universities.4) Many people find it harder and harder to keep up with the radical changes that characterize our time.5

18、) At first thought, the problem seems far too involved (复杂),but it can certainly be solved when seriously dealt with .15 There be结构四六级无忧1) There are other techniques that might help you with you studying.2) There is much that we can learn from the Chinese classic works.3) There is no sense(道理)in lea

19、ving important decisions to inexperienced people.精彩废话万能句The rapid progress in science and technology has given a powerful shove-ahead to the productive forces of the world and the economic and social development of humanity. 科技的快速发展带给世界生产力和人类经济和社会的发展一个强劲的推动力.can help one stand tall and aim far, broa

20、den ones vision and give full play to ones intelligence and wisdom on the broad arena of the modernization drive. 站的高看的远,开扩自己的视野,在现代化建设的大舞台上充分发挥个人才智Lets join hands and work together to contribute a greater part to the harmony of our society. 让我们携手共同奋斗,为建设和谐社会作出更大的贡献!Famous scientist Marie Curie once

21、 said, Nothing is life is to be feared; it is only to be understood. In the same ways, once we understand the casuses of this phenomenon, we can confidently believe that we will solve the problem with the following means:精彩虚词1. admittedly 应当承认: Admittedly, a few governments have taken timid measures

22、.2. simply 简而言之: The answer is simply money.3. surely 肯定地: This is surely the most short-sighted policy you could imagine.4. increasingly 不断增长地 While money is eagerly collected in vast sums with one hand, it is paid out in increasingly vaster sums with the other.二、应用文文体A Letter of Application1. 我是大二

23、学生(sophomore),现申请从自动化系转到商务管理系2. 申请的主要原因3. 对转系带来的麻烦表示歉意,并希望有关领导能同意我的申请Dear Sir/Madam,I am a sophomore with major in Automation. Though I have made a great progress during my first year academic training, I find that I am more interested in Business Administration. Now I am writing to you to formally

24、request to switch to this area of study.The main reason for my decision is that the major I am studying in is my parents choice. They insisted that I should study what they had learned before but after a years study I have come to realize this is not the career I want to pursue in my future life. Be

25、sides, I have attended business classes as my optional course and achieved a good success, which further confirms my decision. I am sorry for any inconvenience or trouble that might have been caused by this change. The decision is not made lightly. I do appreciate your kind consideration and sincerely hope you will grant me the shift to the new department.Yours sincerelyZhang Ming

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