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1、找出你不会读的题,小组内解决并记忆。)小组合作探究我展示一、用括号里词的适当形式填空。1.Beijing has_(get) about fourteen million people.2.How long_(be) The Great Wall?3.Its about six hundred_(kilometre).4.Its_(a) animal.5.Tell me_(many) about the Great Wall. 写出下列词组的汉语意思。1. 1. in the east_ 2. 2. a picture of the Great and night_4.t

2、ell me more_5.six thousand seven hundred_6.a big map of long_8.What the south of China_10.more than_3、请记录课堂中的学习收获,并用双色笔做好标注。我的质疑通过预习,你有哪些不明白的地方呢?课后(反馈与提高)课后通过本节课的学习,你收获了哪些知识,掌握了哪些学习方法?六年级上册英语学科导学案Module 1 Unit 22掌握fromto和lot的用法能灵活地运用what 的两种用法。1、你记住了哪些新单词、新短语?试着翻译下列句子。1.What a

3、 beautiful girl she is_2.What is in the box?_3.There are lots of boxes in the room.(变为同义句)_( )4.can you count the numbers from one_ten? C.on( )5._New York to Tennessee. Its such a big country. B.From C.of方法提示:学生以小组合作的形式来突破课文。了解文章大意)用括号里词的适当形式填空。1.There are lots of_(thing) to see.2.Whe

4、res_(new York)?3.There_(be)lots of food to eat.4.They are_(Canada).找出课文的重点句写在下面: 先独立自主完成,再小组商榷) Module 2 Unit 1用There be 句型正确描述某地有某物。2、你能总结there be句型的用法吗?写出下列词组:1、发送一封电子邮件_2、想要做某事_3、许多_ 4、某处有某人/ 物_5、中国舞蹈_6、长江_ 7、天安门广场_8、西湖_9、黄山_10、骑自行车去上班_一、用 There is / There are 填空:1、_ a lot of books on the table .

5、2、_ a famous river in China . 3、_ two pens and a pencil on the desk .4、_ lots of books in the library . 二、改错: 1、There are a lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there . _ 2、These are my postcard from China. _ 3、There are lots of bicycle in China . _ 先自己完成习题,再以小组合作的方式来解决,并能讲解。) Module 2 Unit 2There

6、be句型的熟练应用。2、你能用there be句型来描述活动5的图片吗?根据句意,圈出正确的单词补全句子:1、This is ( America / American ) , not China .2、There are ( lot / lots ) of Chinese shops here . 3、Do you want to ( go / going ) to Chinatown ?4、Shes sending ( a / an ) email to my friend .5、There is ( Chinese / China ) dancing .单项选择:( ) 1、Do you

7、miss China ? _. A Some time B Sometimes C Sometime( ) 2、There are _ of Chinese restaurants there . A lot B many C lots ( ) 3、You _ miss China . A do B doing C does( ) 4、Im _ an email to my family in China . A sending B send C write( ) 5、There_ a Chinatown in New York !A are B be C is 先自主完成,在以小组合作的方式

8、来讲解。Module 3 Unit 1能理解have got 的用法。2、你能运用句型have got/has got? 进行造句吗?用have/has填空。1._you got any stamps?2._he got any books?选择正确的单词。4.I_(am/comes)from China.5.He_(is/come)from Harbin. 先独立自主完成,再小组合作解决)一、用括号里所给词的适当形式填空。1.He has got_(lot)of pens.2._ (play)football is my hobby.3._ (be)there a letter for me

9、?4.This postcard is from_(you)mother.5.I like_(climb) the mountain.句型转换。1.I have got some pens here.(变为一般疑问句)_you_any pens here?2.Have Simon and Daming got any letters from China?(做否定回答)_,_ _.3.Ive got many Chinese stamps.(变为否定句)I_ _many Chinese stamps.4.These stamps are from Canada.(变为否定句)These sta

10、mps _ _ from Canada.5.Hes got lots of balls. (变为一般疑问句)_he_lots of balls?Module 3 Unit 2学会运用have,some,any的各种用法。用have got 的正确形式填空。1._your sister_a book?No,she_not.I_got a book.2.My friend_ _some postcards.请用some/any填空。3.Has she got_books here?4.There are_books on the desk.Fill in the blanks.1.canada_(

11、形容词)2.stamp_(复数)3.this_(复数)4.America_(形容词)5.collect_(现在分词)6.get_(过去式)7.have(三人称单数)_8.paint_(现在分词)1.Ive got some American stamps.(变为否定句)I_ _ got _ American stamps.2.They collect stamps.(变为一般疑问句) _they collect stamps?3.Have you got any letters from China?(做肯定回答)_,_ _4.Theyve got some beautiful picture

12、s. (变为否定句)They_ _ got _beautiful pictures.5.Simon has got some presents. (变为一般疑问句)_Simon got _ presents? 在课文中找出这些短语,再以小组竞争的方式来记忆,并能了解文章大意。Module 4 Unit 1掌握句型What do you do on? We always2、你能句型What do you do on? We always进行造句吗?1、国旗日_2、拿着小旗_3、元宵节_4、中秋节_5、端午节_ 6、在电视上看一场精彩的足球赛_7、一顿丰盛的家庭聚餐_按要求完成句子:1、We wa

13、tch a big football game after school.(对划线部分提问)_ do you _ after school ?2、I can tell you more about Thanksgiving Day.(变为否定句) I _ _ tell you more about Thanksgiving Day.3、He gives some presents to the children.(变为否定句) He _ _ _ presents to the children. 4、We carry flags.(变为一般疑问句)_ _ carry flags ?Module

14、 4 Unit 2能够谈论中西方的主要节日。2、选择一个中西方的节日,以小组的形式进行对话表演。填空 :A: Hi, John. Can you tell me _ about American festival ?B: Well, Thanksgiving is my _ festival. We always have a _meal. Its a big _dinner. We should say “_” for our food , family and friends. 给问句找答语:1、Have you got any stamps from China ?2、What do y

15、ou do on Flag Day ?3、Whats your favourite festival ?4、Is there a letter for me ?5、Do you miss China ?A、Yes, there is . B、Its the Lantern Festival. C、Sometimes. D、Yes, I have.E、We carry flags and we sing songs. Module 5 Unit 1能运用can,speak,say说句子。2、你能句型have/has got进行造句吗?将下列句子译成英语。1. 你能骑自行车吗?_2. 是的,我能。

16、用speak和say填空。3. Excuse me,can you_English?Yes,I can.4.You should_sorry to you friend.学生以小组合作的形式来突破单词、短语。找出你不会读的单词,小组内解决并记忆。连词成句。1.England,I,got,have,two,friends,,to,you,pleased3.from,his,father,is,China4.he,not,write,can,English5. can,good,very,you,speak,English 先自己完成习题,再以小组合作的方式来解决,并能讲解、记

17、忆。Module 5 Unit 2用句型 “ I can ”讲述自己的能力,通过介绍自己的情况结识笔友或网友英汉互译。1.笔友 2.用英语和中文写 3.骑自行车 4.收集邮票 5.写电子邮件 1.Australia_(形容词)2.ride_(动名词)3.France_(法语)4.draw_(动名词)5.swim_(动名词)6.collect_ (动名词)你能找出课文的重点句吗?写在下面: 在课文中找出这些介词,再以小组竞争的方式来记忆,并能了解文章大意。Module 6 Unit 1能运用have/has got谈论所拥有的物品。选择填空:( ) 1. I play _ toy. A. to B. with C. about( ) 2. Ive got a letter _ China. A. to B. about. C. from( ) 3. Its a letter Chinese food. A. from B. about. C. to ( ) 4. I have got some photos _ Canada. A. of B. about C. from小组合

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