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1、江苏自学考试英语试题卷模拟一 试卷一. Phonetics (10 Points)Directions:In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the c

2、orresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1.A. nurse B. thirsty C. universe D. surprise2.A. belief B. niece C. field D. variety3.A. surprised B. pleased C. refused D. increased4.A. temperature B. change C. average D. surface5.A. construction B. coral C. cross D. model6.A. mental B. metal C. total D. m

3、etallic7.A. detective B. decide C. nephew D. desire8.A. determine B. demand C. medical D. belief9.A. peasant B. present C. promise D. possession10.A. speech B. stomach C. charge D. church. Vocabulary and Structure (40 points)Directions:There are 40 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sent

4、ence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.11. Luckily, the fire fighters arrived and _ the terrible fire.A. put on B. put out C. put down D. put away12. For miles and miles, I could se

5、e nothing _ a great fire and lots of smoke.A. beside B. besides C. except D. without13. The shop assistant didnt give me the right _.A. change B. money C. serve D. note14. The prices of fridges have been _ recently.A. pressed B. brought out C. cut off D. brought down15. This means the boy may be out

6、 of job for some time. In this sentence “be out of job” means _.A. be on their days off B. go outsideC. lose his job D. finish his work16. The TV play we watched last night was very _.A. frightening B. afraid C. fright D. frightened17. We took soft drinks to the _ and our friends took beer there.A.

7、bench B. beach C. bank D. bend18. Who will _ the bill?A. pay B. pay for C. pay off D. pay out19. Their debts _ 700.A. added to B. adds up C. add to D. add up to20. There is _ bread in the cupboard, _?A. no moreis there B. not any moreisnt thereC. no longeris there D. not any longerisnt there21.Would

8、 you please go out for a walk with us?_, but Im very busy now.A. Of course not B. Id like to C. Thats all right D. Thats right22.Can I get you a cup of tea?_.A. Thats very nice of you B. With pleasureC. You can, please D. Thank you for the tea23.When can I call on you, afternoon or evening?_. Ill be

9、 at home all the time.A. Any B. Either C. Both D. Neither24.Has anyone seen my glasses?_.A. Here it is B. It is here C. Here are they D. Here they are25.May I use your phone?_.A. No, I dont mind B. Yes, you do itC. Yes, my pleasure D. Im afraid not26. He is much more _ a GermanA. like to be B. likin

10、g to be C. likely to be D. likely27. I had a new tap _ the day before yesterday.A. fix B. fixing C. to be fixed D. fixed28. We couldnt eat at a restaurant because _ of us had _ money on us.A. allno B. anyno C. noneany D. no oneany29. Have you any rooms _? Well stay here for only two days.A. to spare

11、 B. to spend C. to take D. to borrow30. I was so _ moved by his words that I couldnt fall asleep _ into the night.A. deepdeeply B. deepdeep C. deeplydeeply D. deeplydeep31. The crowd cheered _ the sight of the honoured guests motorcade.A. at B. on C. as soon as D. in32. Hes a new comer. So we try to

12、 be as _ to him as we could.A. friend B. friends C. friendly D. good friends33. She had a good time last night, _?A. hadnt she B. had she C. didnt she D. did she34. Dont _ the child, it will frighten him.A. call at B. laugh at C. shout to D. shout at35._?He is a tall young man with blue eyes and bro

13、ad shoulders.A. What is he like B. What does he look likeC. What does he like D. How is he36. She no longer talked and laughed _ she used to.A. like B. as though C. as D. just as37. I dont know why _ late for class.A. you are B. are you C. are you being D. being you are38. As both dictionaries were

14、good, he said he would take _.A. any of them B. all of them C. either of them D. either ones39. _ of them knows much English.A. No B. None C. Both D. Not all40. Will you _ the book Tom Sawyer _ him if he wants to _ it _ you?A. lendtoborrowfrom B. lendtoborrowofC. borrowtolendfrom D. lendforborrowof41. It was _ who helped Tom out when he was in trouble.A. I B. me C. us D. ours42. The leaves of many trees turn _ in autumn.A. to red D. red C. to be red D

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