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1、 C.Two days ago.5. What is the man going to do ? A.Wait for the next bus. B.Hurry to catch the next bus. C.Run to the airport.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白.第段对话或独白拍有几个小题.从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答的时间。第段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6.What colo

2、ur are the womans clothes?A.White B.Green C.Black.7.Why was the womans son sentenced to death?A.Because he murdered his own mother. B. Because he killed rich woman . C. Because he stole much money and robbed the passengers in the bus.8.How would the womans son be dealt with? A.He would be in prison

3、in all his life. B.He would be hanged. C.He would be shot. 听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9.What does“off-color” mean in this dialogue? A.Someone doesnt feel well. B.Colorless. C.Color run.10.How did the patient feel that morning? A.Better than last night. B.Worse than last night. C.As bad as last night.11.Is the

4、patiens temperature low or high? A.Normal B.A little low C.A little high. 听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12.What is the most probable relationship of the two speakers? A.Workmates. B.Friends. C.Boss and eployee.13.Why did the woman leave Format?A. Because the company closed down. B. Because the pay was low. C. Be

5、cause the she had a quarred with the man.14.How many years did the woman work for I deal Systems? A.Two years B.Ten years . C.T welve years. 听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15.About what time did the accident happen? A.Shortly after 3:00 p.m. B. Shortly before 3:00 p.m. C. Shortly before 5:16.How many people were

6、hurt in the accident? A.Ten B.Eleven. C.Twelve17.Which of the following sentences can describe the accident? A.The accident was a result of drunk driving. B.Poor weather conditions led to the accident. C.A moving truck hit a stopped bus. 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18.When did Tim find his shoes were lost? A.

7、 He found them after he got off the train. B. He found them before he got on the train. C. He found them when he was on the train.19.What had Tim lost three times? A.His shoes B.His bag. C.His pencil case.20.Last Tuesday Tim was late for the special meal. A.half an hour hour C,one and a half ho

8、urs第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分45分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21.What terribl weather weve been having these days! Yes.It is little desappointing . A.a;a B.不填;不填 C.a;不填 D.不填;a22.When you talk with a friend over the telephone,you may feel that you are close the actual

9、distance is not shortenede. long as if C.even if well as23. What do you think children need most ? Many things,but they need love and education. all all C.after all D.above all 24.We liked the oil painting better we looked at it. A.the more B.the monemt C.than D.while25. Why

10、? Where is the key to the sound lab? Dear!You it n the taxi! A.had never left B.never left C.havent left D.didnt leave26.As an experienced driver,he can at a glance whats wrong with your car. A.say B.speak C.see D.tell27. a top gymnast it is mpotant to start to start when very young. A.If become B.B

11、ecoming C.To become D.Become28. How doed it happen that yur business goes wrong? But I have done all that is by law . A.requested B.judged C.desired D.required29. the bench ,which has just been painted. A.Dont sit doen B.Keep off C.Dont seat on D.Keep up 30. You had no difficulty finding the key to

12、the question. . A.No problem B.None at all C.Take it easy D.Not at all 31.You look nice in green. Green you very well. A.satifies B.matches C.fits D.suits32. How did they get along after the quarrel? They reached the point they wouldnt talk with each other. A.which B.that C.where D.how33.Listen,what

13、 is that ? Oh,it sounds like Mother upstairs, A.coming come C.came D.comes34. Li Ming went abroad in 2000. No wondre, I him ever since. A.dont see B.hadnt seen C.didnt see D.haven t seen35.I had been knocking at the door several times ,but no one came to open it.I sid to myself ,“No one be indo

14、ors.” A.must B.can C.may D.should第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36至55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该涂黑。I had just got in a taxi at the railway station. 36 ,I found one of my suitcases 37 .Just then ,I saw a young fellow about thirty 38 away with it ,zipping (拉开的拉链)the suitcase ope

15、n and drawing 39 valuables.“Stop thief !” Stop thief !” I Stop!”I shouted and drew open the car door and 40 out to him,followed by the driver and half a dozen passers-by. Very soon the thief 41 at the turn of the road .The driver seizd the thief by the neck and put hishands into his trousers pocket,

16、 drawing out money, credit card,telephone book and all and 42 them back into my suitcase. Half an hour later,the car was running 43 full speed on the express highway.I sat back and 44 a long sigh of relief (欣慰) .But as I 45 out those stolen things from the suitcase and started to check them, I becam

17、e 46 .A blood test report of a 58-year-old woman appeared.I suddenly 47 that the taxi driver 48 the thiefs belonging and put his into my suitcase.The pitiful and im-ploring (哀求) look of the young man 49 across my mind again.My heart began to 50 . Two years hae passed since then .But the event 51 com

18、ing back to me ,often more vividly(清晰地) than in actual life. Was the young man a habitual (惯常的) robber or a dutiful don 52 had been driven to desperation (被迫无奈) to find money to save his mothers life?My heart 53 for him.How I 54 I had gone back that summer afternoon to return the 100 yuan and say so

19、rry to him.For the first time in my life , I realized that 55 are very close.36.A.Luckily B.However C.Meanwhile D.Suddenly37.A.losing B.dropped C.fallen D.missing 38.A.Luckling B.taking C.throwing D.being39.A.out C.away D.back40.A.looked B.handed C.rushed D.picked41.A.forced B.was forcing C.wa

20、s cornered D.had to 42.A.pulled B.pushed C.gave D.went 43.A.towards D.with44.A.blew B.sounded C.spread D.breathed45.A.brought B.found C.took D.carried46.A.excited B.pleased C.satisfied D.puzzled47.A.realized B.recognized C.reminded D.found48.A.was mistaken B.must have mistaken C.had mistak

21、en D.might have mistaken49.A.showed B.came C.flashed D.lighted50.A.beat B.worry C.feel sad D.sink51.A.contiues B.keeps C.occurs D.happens52.A.不填 B.which C.who D.whom53.A.aches B.hurts C.worries D.breaks54.A.suggest B.consider C.regret D.wish55.A.heart and soul and life C.friendship and help

22、D.hate and love 第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该涂黑。AThere is a schooly ard which spread quickly across primary and middle schools.It goes: It is me who has the heaviest shool bag ;it is me who is the first to go out in the morning and the last to come home;and

23、it is me who works the hardest,sleeps the and is the most pitiful.The song vividly too much school work and heavy burden placed on the students.Competition for college abmisson and high hopes from parents become heavy burdens,an ar-ticle in Beijing Review magazine said.Researches found that the scho

24、ol bag of a primary school student weighs at least 5 kilongrams, and students at junior middle schools usually wake up at 6:00 a.m. for school ,which runs past 5:00 p.m. Many schools also require students to review their lessons at night .It is too much a pleasure for children to rest during the wee

25、kend.Such an education system may result in an imbalance in a childs moral(道德的),intellectual and physical development,experts warned in the article.Under the heavy pressure,students tend to view study as a suffering,which is likely to cause psychological(心理的) or social problems ,experts said.In fact

26、, the overload schoolwork has got the attention of the Ministry of Education.In Jan-uary 2000,the Ministry of Education held a teleconference aimed at reducing the burden of pri-mary and middle school students.Following the teleconference,the ministry sent out an emergent (紧急的) notice on reducing th

27、e heavy burden of students.Immediatey ,most primary school students got relax time, but only for a while, according to the article.This year many students found their teachers returning to the “old path” again,giving end-less homework ,giving exams and grading students according to their scores.More

28、 parents are hiring tutors(家教) for their children.Parents are still buying all kinds ofextra teaching materials.56.What do the researches done mainly deal with? A.Sadness and happiness of the students in China. B.The schoolyard song. C.Students,parents and teachers. D.The causes and side effects of

29、such education.57.What does the schoolyatd song show? A.The students are willing to do so. B.The students are sad. C.The students are overloaded. D.The students are happy.58.The following may be the causes of such present education except . A.the examination system remains B.lightening school bags C

30、.present judgement on teachers and schools D.Education and Aims59.What would be the best title for the passage? A.Strdents and Homework B.A Schoolyard Song C.Reforms and Changes Are Needed D.Education and AimsBThe Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Peoples Congress is considering inviting to C

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