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1、A.The mans brother B. The man himself C. The womans brother5. Where does the conversation most probably take place ?A. In a library B. In a park C. In a house 第二节听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段对话,回答第68 题。6Whats the

2、 relationship between the two speakers ?A. Husband and wife B. Passenger and taxi driver C. Newlymade friends7. What time does the plane take off ? A. At 9: 13 B. At 9: 30 C. At 9: 20 8. Why is the woman in such a hurry ?A. She is going to see five teachers off at the airport .B. Its almost time for

3、 her plane to take off .C. Its her first time to take a plane and she is a little nervous听第7段对话, 回答第910题。9. What are the speakers mainly talking about ? A. Holiday plans B. Farming C. Grandparents10. where did the man grow up ? A. In the country B. In the city. C. At the seaside听第8段对话, 回答第1113题。11.W

4、hat did the man do about his old car ?A. He sold it B .He repaired the engine C. He gave it to his friend as a present. 12. How did the man feel about his old car ?A. He shouldnt have spent money having it repaired B. It was in pretty good condition. C. It would go far safely13. How does the man fee

5、l about his new car ?A. We are not sure B . Its much better than the old one C. Its even worse than the old one听第9段对话, 回答第1417 题。14.What can we learn about the boy ?A .He is tired of learningB. His grandfather is seriously illC. He is a good student.15. What makes that woman know the boy is lying ?A

6、. The fact that the hospital has been closed for 2 monthsB. The fact that the boy has cut classes before.C. She met the boys grandfather only minutes ago.16. What does the teacher decide to do ?A. Punish the boy by having him stay for extra work after class.B. Give the boy permission to see his gran

7、dfather.C. Go to the hospital to see the boys grandfather.17. How might the boy feel in the end ?A. Disappointed B. Moved C. Happy听第10段独白, 回答第1820题。18.What did the speaker think had happened when he woke up ?A. The house was on fire B. The house was broken intoC. Some guests had arrived19. Why didnt

8、 the speaker get into the living room ?A. Because he was afraidB. Because it was too dark there.C. Because the police were there.20. What did the police find out ?A. Someone had opened the door with a special key.B. Two burglars (夜贼)were trying to steal valuable things.C. The speaker had forgotten t

9、o turn off the TV before going to bed ?II. 单项选择(15分)21.The old statue , which _ the Ming Dynasty, still attracts the visitors from all over the world today.A. dated back to B. dates back to C. dated from D. dating back to22.You can never be too careful with your homework. You must do as much as you

10、can _ mistakes.A. avoid to make B. avoid making C. to avoid to make D. to avoid making.23. - Very good books, arent they ? - Sure . but look at the price ! I wont buy any unless I find them _. A.very good price B. to be great price C.of good value D.are very valuable. 24. - Does this road lead _ the

11、 railway station ,please ?- No, you are going_ the wrong direction . A. in , to B. to , in C. to , to D. in ,in25. He couldnt help _ of his miserable childhood when he saw the film.A. thinking B. to think C. think D. having thought26.They_ that old house and built a new apartment (公寓) in its place .

12、 A. put down B. tore down C. turned down D. took down .27. It _ to me that I would do something to our eco-travel , seeing that many tourists threw rubbish everywhere. A. occurred B. happened C. offered D. came 28. Whenever I have an appointment (约会), I always like to arrive a little _ time. A. befo

13、re B. ahead C.ahead of D. in front of29. - What about your English test ? - I _ the written papers but failed the oral test . A. looked through B. went through C. pulled through D. got through .30. _in the queue for half an hour , Ted suddenly realized he had left his keys in the car .A. To wait B.

14、Have waited C. Having waited D. To have waited31.It was about 3 years ago _ I began to learn English, _ has interested me a lot since then . A. which , that B. that , which C. that ,that D. which , which .32.The kids are having a good time , _ are playing with sand , others with toys . . A. some of

15、them B. of them C. some of whom D. of whom33. There is a big stone in the way . we are trying to _ it . A. replace B. remove C. raise D. reduce34.- How long are you staying here ? - I dont know ;_. A. it all depends B. it doesnt matter C. thats nothing D. if you like .35.Tom was unhappy these days b

16、ut he couldnt say _ bothered him . A. what was it B. what it was C. what it was that D. that what it was .III.完形填空(每小题1.5分,共20小题,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项. A famous actor often had to travel by train. Of course, a lot of his fellow passengers used to _36_ him on his journey

17、s and some of them _37_ to get into conversation with him, but he was usually feeling _38_ after acting until late the night before, so he did not _39_ them to talk to him.One day he had just got into the _40_ with all his luggage when a young man came and _41 down in the seat opposite him. The youn

18、g man took out a _42_ and began to read it, _43_ the actor tried to get some _44_ in his corner of the carriage (客车).When he opened his eyes, he _45_ that the young man looking at him with his _46_ open, his book forgotten. The actor shut his eyes and tried to sleep again, _47 every time he opened t

19、hem, the young man was looking at him with the same _48 look.At last, he gave up the _49 to sleep, took out a newspaper, put it _50 in front of him and began to read, The young man tried several _51 to get into conversation with the actor, but _52. After a long period of _53 the young man said again

20、, “Im George P. Anderson of Willington, Vermont.” This time the actor put his _54 down and said, “So am I.” That was the _55 of the conversation.36. A. call B. recognize C. remember D. realize37. A. offer B. used C. tried D. stopped38. A. tired B. worried C. happy D. sad39. A. advise B. refuse C. pe

21、rsuade D. encourage40. A. train B. ship C. plane D. bus41. A. lay B. sat C. looked D. got42. A. newspaper B. magazine C. book D. letter43. A. when B. because C. as D. while44. A. drink B. help C. food D. sleep45. A. found B. thought C. felt D. expected46. A. book B. mouth C. arms D. shirt47. A. but

22、B. therefore C. so D. however48. A. usual B. excited C. serious D. fixed49. A. decision B. wish C. chance D. attempt (企图)50. A. away B. up C. down D. out51. A. minutes B. ways C. times D. hours52. A. failed B. succeeded C. missed D. refused53. A conversation B. reading C. sleep D. silence54. A. pape

23、r B. luggage C. feet D. hands55. A. topic B. end C. question D. answerIV.阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分) ABooks which give instructions on how to do things are very popular in the United States today. Thousands of these “how to” books are printed; in fact, there are about four thousand books with titles tha

24、t begin with the words “how to”. One book may tell you how to get more money, another one may tell you how to give your money away.Many “how to” books give you advice on careers, They tell you how to choose career and how to succeed in it. If you fail, however, you can buy a book called How to Turn

25、Failure into Success. If you would like to become very rich, you can buy the book How to Make a Million . If you never make any money at all, you may need a book whose name is How to live on nothing.Many of these books make people use their free time better. Some people want books which will give th

26、em useful information about sports and travel. Other people use their free time to make repairs and improvements on their homes. Why have “how to” books become popular? Probably because life has become so complex (复杂). Today people have far more free time to use, more choices to make, and more probl

27、ems to solve. “How to” books help people deal with modern life. 56.“How to” books _.A.are very difficult to get B. have come out in great numberC. can be found in few countriesD. are very valuable and expensive57. Many “how to” books tell you _.A. what to do with modern lifeB. how to live on nothing

28、C. how to give other people adviceD. how to make a million58. “How to” books are popular because _. A. life is very hard for most people B. such books are very cheapA. people have enough money to buy themD. people need to deal with complex life 59. If you cant do your jobs well, you can buy _. A. Ho

29、w to Turn Failure into Success B. How to Make a Million C. How to Live on Nothing D. How to Get a Job BOne morning last week a beautiful dark-haired woman of 38 years old walked into a large department store in London, wearing a coat with hood (兜帽). She carried a large shopping bag in her hand. In t

30、he clothes department she pulled away a suit worth about 80 pounds into a big secret pocket in her coat. Then in the jewelry department she tried on a diamond necklace. Slowly she put it in the hood of her coat and turned away. Then she stopped at the rainwear department. She stole a nice umbrella and walked away

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