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1、年 级: 2012 级 班 级: 英 语 2 班 姓 名: 许 可 欣 学 号: 120801219 摘要语言是文化的载体,深受文化的影响。语言和文化是紧密联系,互相渗透的。在外语教学中,文化起着至关重要的作用。长期以来,文化因素在外语教学中一直未能得到应有的重视。由于人们对语言片面的理解,词汇和语法几乎成为了外语教学的全部内容。虽然学生能造出准确流畅的句子,但是他们并不能在真实的在交际中很好的应用,甚至,在一些正式场合,他们可能犯一些很明显的错误,造成交际障碍甚至误会。在实际的外语教学和外语学习中,进行一定的文化意识培养与文化背景知识教育,有助于学生更好地了解和学习文化,加深对语言本身的理解

2、与掌握,从而更好地学习并应用外语,并进一步提高跨文化交际能力。本篇论文主要涵盖以下几方面的内容:1. 语言和文化。包括语言和文化的关系及外语言教学和学生的文化意识。文中比较详细的分析了语言和文化密切的关系,并且介绍了在外语言教学中培养学生文化意识的意义。2. 怎样通过外语教学培养学生的文化意识。文中简单地介绍了三种不同的方法。其一是让学生了解外语言所在国的风俗习惯及风土人情,老师在外语教学中,可以逐步的想学生渗透外语言所在国的各种情况,让学生可以对外国文化有一个初步的了解。其二是通过比较本土文化和外国文化的相似处及不同点来让学生更加深刻的了解外国文化。其三是在实践中培养学生的文化意识。老师可以

3、组织一些生动有趣的有关外国文化的活动来向学生们介绍外国文化。3. 在培养学生外国文化意识的同时需要注意的一些问题及培养学生外国文化意识的重要性。需要注意的问题包括老师应该因材施教;掌握循序渐进原则,不能急功近利;在培养学生外国文化意识的同时也要着重加强学生对本国文化的认识及了解,让学生意识到他们应该承担起弘扬中国优良传统的任务。关键字:文化意识 外语言学习 交际能力 外国文化Abstract: Language is the carrier of culture and it is also influenced by culture. Language and culture are clo

4、sely linked. In foreign language teaching, culture plays an important role. For a long time, due to the one-sided understanding of language, vocabulary and grammar became almost all the content of foreign language teaching. Although the students can make accurate and fluent sentences, they may make

5、some obvious mistakes, resulting in communication disorders and even misunderstanding. In the practice of foreign language teaching and learning, some training and education of cultural background knowledge can enable students to have a better understand of culture, so as to promote students communi

6、cative competence. This thesis mainly covers the following contents:I. Language and culture. Chapter one describes the relationship between language and culture, foreign language teaching and the students cultural awareness. II. How to cultivate the students cultural awareness in foreign language te

7、aching. This chapter introduces three different methods. One is to let the students understand the local customs and practices. The second is by comparing the similarities and differences between the native culture and foreign culture to make students have a more profound understanding of foreign cu

8、lture. The third is to cultivate the students cultural awareness in practice. Teachers can organize some interesting activities let the students know the foreign culture. III. The considerations and importance of developing students cultural awareness. Some problems that need pay attention include t

9、hat the teacher should teach students in accordance with their aptitude; grasp the principle of gradual, not be anxious to achieve quick success and get instant benefits; when cultivate students foreign cultural awareness, teachers should also strengthen their knowledge and understanding of our own

10、culture, to make the students realize that they should undertake to carry forward Chinese fine tradition task.Chapter OneLanguage and CultureI. The relationship between language and culture Language and culture are closely related to each other. Some scholars think that the relationship between lang

11、uage and culture是部分与整体的关系,一个社会的语言只是文化的一方面。 is the relationship between the part and the whole, the language of a society is just one aspect of culture. But most people think that language can reflect culture, and culture can also reflect language.Culture and language are permeating each other. Langu

12、age is the carrier of culture, but at the same time, it is also the product of culture, and it has profound cultural connotation. It is not only the manifestation of culture, but also an important part of culture. And culture, it restricts the form of language. It constantly put its essence into the

13、 language, and finally, it becomes the culture of language and the basic contents of language performance. In cross-cultural communication, how to express a thought and culture are closely related. Only tightly integrate with the culture, language can be more vivid and clear. On the other hand, lang

14、uage as a symbol, it marks the social reality. It is able to reflect the different peoples world view, affect peoples beliefs, values, and mutual relations of cultural orientation. Cultural content is hidden and has a dynamic resistance, rheological properties, complexity, and other characteristics.

15、 This blending of culture and language relationship cannot simply be summarized by subordinate or side by side. It should be said that they are the product of human civilization development. At the same time, they are in their respective development and depend on each other.It is worth noting that b

16、etween the second language learning and second culture learning, there are many similarities. In learning a new language, we should find out some similarities between the languages, so that we can more easily learn it. Similarly, in learning a new culture, similarly, in learning new culture, we must

17、 find the similarities and differences between it and our original culture to enable us to learn a new culture with a profound understanding of the national culture at the same time.II. Foreign language teaching and students cultural awarenessFor a long time, due to ignoring the cultivation of cultu

18、ral consciousness, the purpose of foreign language teaching is only limited to let students have the ability to make some proper, grammatical rules of sentence. With the emphasis on various teaching methods to cultivate students language communicative ability position enforcing in foreign language t

19、eaching, various foreign language teaching theory of cultivating the students cultural awareness in foreign language teaching is an extremely important factor. While many teachers are helping their students to promote their ability of using foreign language, they also focus on the training of studen

20、ts cultural awareness. Now, in foreign language teaching, delivering the importance of foreign cultural awareness to students is widely recognized. In foreign language teaching, how to cultivate students cultural awareness perplexed many language educators. Obviously, this is not a simple problem. I

21、t needs our long-term efforts to find how to explain it to students and find the correct method to deliver it to students.Although it is not a simple task to enable the students to fully understand and be able to easily integrate into the foreign culture, but letting the students have a foreign cult

22、ural consciousness can be achieved through multiple methods. In fact, in foreign language teaching, we can choose different method according to the actual situation and integrate these methods. It is essential to follow the principle of gradual, according to the level of the students ability to unde

23、rstand and accept the new knowledge, and then we can determine the content of culture teaching, from the shallower to the deeper, from simple to complex, from phenomenon to essence. Whats more, we must pay attention to cultural internal consistency and content it, so that the teaching content is not

24、 too fragmentary.Any kind of language learning not only means the language system itself, but also contains the language of the survival of the cultural background and social customs acquired knowledge. For instance, Chinese people are very modest. When someone says: you look beautiful today. Chines

25、e people would say: I am not beautiful at all. But British would not say it as that. If you say that, British must be very confused. So this is the difference between the nations. Therefore, in foreign language teaching, the cultivation of students cultural awareness is essential. Only let students

26、understand culture of the country that the second language belong to, he can be based on different occasions, different context to decide what mood and what sentence to accurately express the content that he want to express. Chapter twoHow to develop students cultural awareness through language teac

27、hingI. To know about local customs and practicesWhen students learn a new language,understanding its nationscustoms canhelp them develop a kind ofhabits of thinking to have cross-cultural understanding,to be tolerance and break the inherentlocal culture, and it will have a positive effect on thereal

28、exchange. So,when teachers guide the studentsto learn foreign language, they should do somewesternculture etiquette introduction so that the studentsknow whattopic is taboo, which topic is appropriateto exchange, what style of dress should be wornon different occasions, andhow to express their thoug

29、hts clearly and correctly.During introducing the customs and practices to students, according tothe content, teachers can use the real,as far as possible withphysical display,in order to achieve thevisual effect. Such as introducing cultural landscape and cultural representative image and landmark i

30、n the English speaking countries, teachers can show a map, photographs, pictures and other auxiliary materials to the students. They can also often hold some rich, vivid and interesting activities concerning about English speaking countries customs, ways of life and social interaction. These activit

31、ies can be organized in many forms, such as lectures, discussions, films, slides, videos, which can promote students to understand local customs and practices.Teacher should always encourage and guide the students to read some English simple books in class, and promote their attention and accumulate

32、 on the cultural backgrounds and social customs and other aspects of knowledge in reading. This is very beneficial to cultivating students intercultural communicative awareness, because when the students are reading, they can absorb some of the language and cultural background knowledge, expand the knowledge of English, master the connotation and extension of the uses of words and understand western emotion, attitude and values, which is th

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