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本文(扎实高中英语知识基础新概念英语第三册 Lesson 6 文章词汇语法详细解析Word文档下载推荐.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

扎实高中英语知识基础新概念英语第三册 Lesson 6 文章词汇语法详细解析Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、The expensive shopsin a famous arcade near Piccadillywere justopening.地道表达open营业When do you open/close?Opening hour营业时间Adj.开门的,营业的We are open/closed.固定表达高档商店the expensive shops商店开始营业the shops are just opening英语时态一般式和进行式有着怎样的差异?昨晚我睡得很好。当时我在睡觉,突然,被一个奇怪的声响惊醒了。分析:例句1:一般过去式,表示该动作开始于过去,也终止于过去。单次动作已发生已结束的特

2、点。例句2:进行式时间背景,一张充满延展性的时间幕布。不强调动作的起点、不强调终点,也不强调动作的长短。文中的例子:1) The expensive shops in a famous arcade near Piccadilly were just opening.皮卡迪利大街附近的一条著名拱廊街道上,几家高档商店刚刚开始营业。2) Mr. Taylor, the owner of a jewellery shop was admiring a new window display.珠宝店主泰勒先生正在欣赏新布置的橱窗。注:通过进行式的使用,提供的是舞台背景,环境铺垫,而核心事件,还未上演。

3、1-2在早晨的这个时候,拱廊街上几乎空无一人。At this time of the morning, the arcade was almost empty.在早晨的这个时候at this time of the morning【At this time在这个时候(at和time搭配)This time of the morning早晨的这个时候此搭配可以随意替换at this time of Sundays在周日的这个时候】(街上)空无一人(the street) be empty1-3珠宝店主泰勒先生正在欣赏新布置的橱窗。Mr. Taylor,the owner of ajewelrys

4、hop, wasadmiringa new window display.(英式拼写jewellery)jewellery集合名词,表示珠宝的总称。jewel是可数名词,可以指一件珠宝饰品,也可以指未加工的一颗宝石。“一件珠宝”用a piece of jewellery或者a jewel来表示。jewel用在比喻中:the jewel in the crown最出类拔萃的人或者事物。The high-speed line between Shanghai and Beijing is the jewel in the crown of the countrys bullet train net

5、work.京沪高铁本是中国高铁网络皇冠上的明珠。admire欣赏;敬佩心情愉悦地看着某事物/某人We gazed out the window and admired the scenery.我们凝望窗外,欣赏美景。We stopped to admire the view.2)钦佩I admire your courage.(敬佩)近义辨析admire VS respectWe all respect Mary for her courage.我们都十分敬佩玛丽的勇气。=admireYou must learn to respect other peoples privacy.你需要学会尊重

6、他人的隐私。= admirerespect的第二层含义:慎重行事、行事,以免犯错、冒犯他人。Respect others privacy尊重他人的隐私respect childrens wishes尊重孩子们的意愿珠宝店a jewelry shop(商店)橱窗a window display句式句法Mr. Taylor, the owner of a jewelry shop,was admiring a new window display.名词短语the owner of a jewelry shop作为同位语,补充说明人或物,而不是用定语从句或分成两个简单句,可以简化句子。BeiJing

7、, our capital, is developing enormously.1-4他手下两名店员从早上8点就开始忙碌,这时刚刚布置完毕。Two of his assistantshad been workingbusily since 8 oclockandhad only just finished.过去完成进行时例子1:She had been working here for 10 years before the new boss came.新老板到来之前,她已经在这里工作了10年。工作整整10年,一直到“the new boss came”,且这个动作在“新老板入职”这个过去时间

8、节点上,依然在进行中。因为重点落在动作的完成度上而并非动作的继续进行上,所以,这里的had been working可以换成过去完成式had worked。例子2:A: Why did you look so tired?那时你为啥看起来那么累?B: Because I had been working overnight.因为(你看到我)之前我在通宵加班。问话人A使用的did,说明是过去发生的事情。根据问答的逻辑,A当时看到B的时候,B已经停止加班。因此,这个动作在提问之际,已经完成。回答者B说的had been working侧重点落在“正在加班”这个进行式上面,因为持续的奋战,才会显得疲

9、劳。因为这个语境中要强调的是动作的“进行状态”,通过凸显其“持续性”表达出“很辛苦很劳累”的意思,不建议把它替换成“过去完成式”。本文这句话就是为了凸显其“持续性”表达出“很辛苦很劳累”的意思,所以用过去完成进行时。例子3:I had been working on my novel when she entered the room to talk to me.她进来跟我说话之前,我一直在写小说。分析:过去完成进行式与时间状语从句when合作时,特有的一种表达功能。这里的had been working,根例句2一样的地方是,强调进行式,凸显持续写作这个方面;跟例句2不一样的地方在于,这里的

10、“动作完成”并不是主动、自发的完成,而是“被打断,被打扰”后才停止的。这里时间状语连接词when翻译成中文的时候,并不是解释为“当”,而是解释为“之前”。和一般过去式的对比We had been watching TV when he called.他打电话来之前,我们一直都在看电视。We were watching TV when he called.他打电话来的时候,我们正在看电视。She had been cleaning the house when the delivery boy came with a parcel.快递小哥来从包裹之前,她一直在打扫房间。She was clea

11、ning the house when the delivery boy came with a parcel.快递小哥来从包裹的时候,她正在打扫房间。结论:1.一旦换成单纯的进行式,动作的“完成感”就消失了。当下一个动作发生的时候,这个动作依然在持续中。2.had been doing与when搭配,构成“持续动作被打断”,这是“过去完成进行式”的一大特色功能。1-5钻石项链、戒指漂亮地陈列在黑色丝绒上面。Diamond necklaces and rings had been beautifullyarrangedon a background ofblackvelvet.arrange可

12、以表示“安排”,“整理”和“排列”。本句用的是“排列”;“摆放好”的意思。I arranged books on the shelves.我把书架上的书整理好。We arrange these flowers so beautifully.摆放整齐Ive arranged for a car to pick them up at the station.我已安排了一辆汽车去车站接他们。velvetn.天鹅绒、丝绒an iron fist in a velvet glove“外柔内刚”的品质或者特质。I think that she has an iron hand in a velvet gl

13、ove.我觉得她这人看起来柔弱,但是内心很强大。She rules her household with an iron fist in a velvet glove.她管理家庭的方式可以说是外柔内刚。固定搭配在.的衬托下(e.g.夜空中繁星点点。Stars were twinkling on a background of a night sky.)1-6泰勒先生站在橱窗外凝神欣赏了几分钟就回到了店里。(Aftergazingat the display for several minutes),Mr. Taylor went back into his shop.gaze近义辨析:gaze

14、, stare, glare三个单词都可以表示“凝视”。Gaze表示“目不转睛地看;长时间地看”,并含有“惊叹”,“羡慕”或“入迷”的意思。Stare表示“睁大眼睛看”,含有“惊奇”“傲慢”或“茫然”的意思。Glare表示“凶狠且带有威胁性地瞪眼睛”,强调不礼貌的,愤怒的情绪。After gazing at the display for several minutes, Mr. Taylor went back into his shop.After gazing at = After he gazed atAfter having gazed at = After he had gazed

15、 at【注】用分词短语做句子的状语,要注意分词和逻辑主语的关系(主动用现在分词;被动用过去分词);且要注意分词的时态。2-1宁静突然被打破,一辆大轿车亮着前灯,响着喇叭,呼啸着冲进了拱廊街,The silence was suddenlybrokenwhena large car, (with its headlights on and its hornblaring),roareddown the arcade.breakbreak+抽象名词:表示打破一种状态break the silence打破沉默break the tension打破紧张的气氛break the deadlock打破僵局

16、break the monotony打破单调的状态break my train of thought打断连续的思路巧用象声词发出尖利、刺耳的声音The silence was suddenly broken when a large car, with its headlights on and its horn blaring, roared down the arcade.宁静突然被打破,一辆大轿车亮着前灯,响着喇叭,呼啸着冲进了拱廊街。The loudspeakers were blaring music on the square.喇叭在广场上播放着震耳欲聋的音乐。咆哮、呼啸、大喊动物

17、咆哮:We heard a lion roar in the distance.远处传来狮吼。车辆呼啸行驶:The car roared down the street./The truck roared through the village.人类大喊:She roared at him for being late.她大声斥责他迟到。使用象声词,可以让表达更加绘声绘色,具有形象感。with its headlights on and its horn blaring此处是with引导的独立主格结构独立主格结构:名词+非谓语/副词/形容词/介词短语此结构可以很好的简化句子。2-2在珠宝店门口

18、停了下来。Itcame to a stopoutside thejewelers.短语学习Come to+名词It came to a stop outside the jewellercome to后面常接名词,表示达到come to a stop停下来/come to an end结束come to a decision做出决定/ come to an agreement达成协议come to an understanding互相理解/come to success获得成功/come to fame成名停车stop = draw up = pull up【注】英语习惯于将重要的意思用名词表

19、达出来,所以会有如”come to+n.”此类的“结构性动词+表达重要意义的名词”的固定搭配。at the jewelers在理发店类似表达at the butcher(屠夫)s在肉店/ at the baker(面包师)s在面包店/at the greengrocer(蔬菜水果商人)s在蔬菜水果店/ at the grocer(食品商人)s在杂货店/ at the stationer(文具商人)在文具店/at the tobacconist(烟草商人)s在烟草店/ at the chemist(化学家;药剂师)s在药店【注】表示在某一特殊功能的店铺的固定表达2-3一人留在驾驶座上,另外两个用

20、黑色长筒丝袜蒙面的人跳下车来。他们用铁棒把商店橱窗的玻璃砸碎。One manstayed at the wheelwhiletwo others (withblack stockings over their faces) jumped outsmashed the window of the shop with iron bars.留在驾驶座上stay at the wheelThe silence was suddenly broken when a large car,withits headlights on and its horn blaring, roared down the

21、arcade.Tow othersblack stockings over their faces jumped out.(over their faces -介词短语)With引导的独立主格结构absolute structure/phrase)1如果宾语和宾语补足语在逻辑上有主谓关系,应该采用现在分词形式作宾补。She sat staring into the distance with tears streaming down her cheeks.她坐着凝视着远方泪流满面。(Cheek n.脸颊,面颊)2如果宾语和宾语补足语在逻辑上是动宾关系,应该采用过去分词形式作宾补。He ran

22、into the room with his face covered with tears.With his homework finished, he felt happy.3如果表达某事将要发生,要用动词不定式to;With a lot of work to do, he cant go to the cinema.4如果是说明当时的情况,常用形容词、副词、介词短语表明宾语的状态;He used to sleep with all the windows open.(openadj.开着的)He went out with his hat on.(on是副词)With the meeti

23、ng over, we went home.(overadv.结束)He came in with a knife in his hand.(in his hand -介词短语)5总结:with修饰动词,用于句首或句尾,常表示状语、行为方式、原因、伴随状况等。with如果跟在名词之后,是用来修饰限定该名词。【注】1.独立主格结构:若分词短语的逻辑主语和句子的主语不一致,则需要将分词的逻辑给出,则变为独立主格结构。换个说法,独立主格结构相当于一个完整的句子通过将谓语动词改成非谓语动词或者去掉be动词后的精简版本。2.独立主格结构不是一定要有with. With引导的独立主格结构只是其中的一种。如

24、:她盯着他,他不知道该说什么。(1)翻译成两个句子。The girl stared at him. He didnt know what to say.(2)将两个简单句合并成一个句子,其中一句话变成状语从句。As the girl stared at him, he didnt know what to say.(3)将从句精简成独立主格结构。The girl staring at him, he didnt know what to say.2-4这开始发生时,泰勒先生正在楼上。Whilethis wasgoing on, Mr. Taylor was upstairs.进行go on2-

25、5他与店员动手向窗外投掷家具,椅子,桌子飞落花流水在拱廊街上。He and his staff began throwing furniture out of the window. Chairs and tables went flying into the arcade.2-6一个窃贼被一尊很重的雕像击中,但由于他忙着抢钻石首饰,竟连疼痛都顾不上了。One of the thieves was struck by a heavy statue,buthe wastoobusyhelping himself todiamondstonotice any oneself t

26、o.自便My roommate helped herself to my clothes without asking me.我的室友未经我的允许就顺便穿了我的衣服。Be busy doing sth.忙着做某事be busy with sth.Tom is busy (in) repairing his bike. Tom忙着修理自行车Early in the morning, my mother is busy with breakfast.一大早,我妈妈就忙着做早餐。2-7这场抢劫只持续了3分钟,因为窃贼争先恐后地爬上轿车,以惊人的速度开跑了。Theraidwas all over in three minutes, forthe men scrambled back into the carit moved offat afantasticspeed.抢劫a bombing raid空袭a police raid警察突然抽查a bank raid抢银行FantasticYou look fantastic!(人)非常有精神A fantastic tale about dragons奇妙的Move at a Fantastic speed极快的A fantastic amount of money很大的;很多的

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