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1、商品自有住房和出售的公有住房占了较大比重;福利住宅的存留是一个组成部分;而作为可以起调节作用的市场出租住房发育不完全。虽然在实际生活中出租住房已有相当的份额,但它仍然无法与另二者匹敌:没有形成产业,没有户籍登记的法定地位,没有在城市规划上的性质确定,还不能成为一种普通的生活方式。这对城市面貌的多样化,对城市生活的丰富性带来了一定限制,也不利于社会资源的有效利用。2.打破封闭式小区,提高中心城区的人群混合,住在郊区同时工作在郊区 理想的城市似乎应该把居住、生产、商业办公、游憩分开,大片的绿化和宽阔的道路来承担过渡和连接的功能作用。在20世纪70年代以后,这种思路的弊病在欧洲被人们注意到了:住宅区

2、缺少城市感,中心城区夜间成为“死城”,交通问题突出。新的规划观念是:适度混合,促进“微循环”,提高中心城区的可居住性和多元性,提高郊区住宅区工作的可能性。我国目前住宅建设还是十分强调功能分区,再加上“封闭式小区”的通用管理模式,人们的生活流线是“盲肠式”的而不是“网络式”的。街道空间的功能正在向单一的交通功能退化,城区局部的多元化受到影响,多样化的就业和廉价的社会服务正在受到抑制。由于社会福利水平低,商品住宅受市场左右一般都是“人以群分”,“择邻而居”。其实这对社会生活的多元化和以人为本的思想从长远来说是不利的。3.谨慎的改造,拒绝推土机式地破坏城市肌理,从“新村”回归“城市” 从20世纪50


4、业性开发利益和城市公共资源之间的矛盾。4.回归建筑与人的亲切尺度,层数由高到低,密度由低到高 20世纪50年代至70年代,欧洲城市建筑也强调降低建筑密度,增加绿化面积,提高层数;20世纪70年代以后,城市整体绿化环境提高了,住宅越来越体现出层数降低,密度增加,有些中心地区甚至可以达到100%的建筑密度。住宅区内的大绿化风光不再,这为城市中心地区空间的连续性,城市郊区居住建筑的亲切宜人提供了条件。我国住宅目前建筑密度控制在25%-30%,绿化率的强制标准不可动摇。住宅建筑(特别是中心城区住宅建筑)开发的强度决定了高层低密度的住宅建筑方式是 经济 的。但是,通过一段时间的建设发展,高层低密度的弊病

5、也已经凸现:空间尺度与人的尺度对立,重视建筑物而轻视建筑心理对人的影响。目前,在一些大城市,鼓励降低高度和容积率,提高建筑密度,已经开始提上议事日程。5.不同建筑师在同一个住宅项目中毗邻设计,催生集合住宅个性化 为了加快住宅建筑和满足居住的数量要求,从20世纪20年代到70年代,欧洲住宅建筑在标准化、产业化、预制化、装配化方面做过许多努力。但近20年来出现了很多个性化的创造。特别是在福利住宅和出租住宅上,风格各异,令人赞叹。不仅在住宅平面上,而且在外部空间和建筑造型上,都有丰富的变化和创新。他们通过城市设计竞赛来保证住宅区的个性化,通过组织不同的建筑师在同一个项目里毗邻而建来获得丰富的建筑景观

6、。我国目前受投资方式和时间进度的限制,住宅的个性化多样化远远不够。住宅成为“商品”之后,为了追求最多的顾客和规模化的生产效率,有趋同的倾向。虽然现在有个别高档住宅聘请多个建筑师的现象,但并不能够眷顾到大量集合住宅。在城市设计方面,住宅与外部空间上不够协调;在建筑单体设计上受销售的顾虑因而突破不多,限制了个性化的发展。6.“旧如旧,新如新,保留居民,公众参与”,不只文物,被尊重是一切旧建筑的权利 从20世纪70年代起,欧洲开始特别重视旧建筑的保护、改造和再利用,称为“谨慎的城市更新”。不仅针对文物建筑,而且那些普通的旧建筑,都是构成地方特征和维系原有社会经济 文化 延续的载体。在住宅改造上,最突


8、展。究其原因,还是对投入和产出的经济关系过于重视,把旧建筑改造当作商业开发而不是城市文化的多样化建设来看待。7.生态住宅终究不是高技术堆砌,而是文明的居住观念和适用技术的结合 欧洲住宅在生态设计上取得了较大的成就,值得注意的是,越来越重视对生态观念的普及宣传,重视技术的适用性,并不是片面追求高技术。特点是以文明的居住观念作为引导,而不是以单纯经济效益为引导,以适用技术的普及推广为措施。我国的住宅,生态环保观念正在受到越来越多的重视,生态技术运用日益广泛。但是,一些“生态住宅”的项目往往带有以经济效益为先导的动机。我们的优势是:相对的生态技术产品价格比较低廉,群众有节俭的传统美德。从长远来看,还

9、是要把生态观念作为一种居住文明来推广,而不能简单局限于经济效益。8.简约克制是一种深层美,居住氛围从壮丽气派到返璞归真 欧洲住宅,特别是大住宅区,也曾有过追求壮丽气派的经历。到了近几十年,在气质风格上,虽然讲究个性,但是不追求宏大华丽,提倡贴近人的尺度,自然清新的风格。在住宅建筑的造型上,越来越转向崇尚简洁朴素,尺度细腻,返璞归真。在绿化环境上,强调节约管理和运行成本,节约能源和水,处理简洁,一般很少有喷泉水池雕塑出现。我国的住宅建设由于市场化的开发而过于注重包装。建筑造型往往装饰过度,动辄运用曲线造型和屋顶装饰,追求肤浅的“豪华”气氛。在绿化环境的处理上,经常采用大水池,大喷泉,大雕塑,亭台

10、楼阁,争奇斗艳。而另一方面,对建筑的个性化处理和为人民服务的细节方面,独创性还不够,推敲不仔细。在美学观念方面,简洁和克制确实是我们现在缺乏的。实际上,从对住宅的长期使用来看,也应该为住户节约将来的运行和维护费用。原文:The design of Chinas Residential planning U rban development often leads to the imbalance in the position of living unreasonable.Living in the state reflects the outlook of cities, urban dev

11、elopment around the residential phase of the goods, human life is constantly revised in the near perfect.Since the 1970s, developed countries in Europe have taken place in residential building construction major changes, can generally be reduced to eight trend.These trends to a large e_tent with Chi

12、nas current residential development and the way in contrast, has some enlightening.1.Does not mean that the mercialization of its own, welfare housing, rental housing market and its own domestic “third world” The number of cities in China can basically meet the needs of residential, residential stru

13、ctural contradictions in the process will now.Some scholars have pointed out: “mercialisation is not equivalent to its own” and a need to diversify residential development.Rental housing in the area of how the normalization of development, in the residential welfare how to further ensure social just

14、ice and care for vulnerable groups, which will bee the ne_t important task.Looking at European countries residential development process, “the first, after the market to gradually open up.” Today, basically formed its own domestic market rental housing and welfare rental housing two-thirds of the wo

15、rld situation.And Chinas domestic development, is “market-oriented, welfare difficulties, and the rapid opening up”, 20 years on the total growth in residential several times and 10 times, the rapid development of a certain imbalance: modities owned housing And the sale of public housing accounted f

16、or a larger proportion of welfare residential retention is an integral part of, and can play a role in regulating the market rental housing development is inplete.Although in real life rental housing has been a considerable share, but it still can not match with another two: there is no industry, no

17、 registry of legal status, not in urban planning and determine the nature, can not bee a mon Way of life.This diversification of the urban landscape, the richness of city life has brought a certain limit, is not conducive to the effective use of social resources.2.Break the closed area and improve t

18、he downtown areas of mi_ed population, live in the suburbs while working in the suburbs Seems to be the ideal city to live, production, business office, open separate, large tracts of green and broad mitment to the road of transition and the function of the connection.During the 1970s, the idea that

19、 the shortings noted that people in Europe: the lack of urban residential areas flu, the Centre City overnight bee a “dead city”, traffic problems highlighted.The new planning concept is: an appropriate mi_ of “micro-cycle” to improve the habitability of the city centre and pluralism, raising the po

20、ssibility of suburban residential areas.Chinas current housing construction is a great deal of emphasis function Division, coupled with the “closed area” of GM management, peoples life-line is “appendectomy” rather than “work”.Street space is the function of the traffic to a single functional degrad

21、ation, urban areas affected by the diversification of local, low-cost diversification of employment and social services are being inhibited.As the low level of social welfare, the value of the residential market are generally about “the people into groups”, “Optional door neighbors.” In fact, the di

22、versity of social life and people-oriented thinking in the long run is negative.3.The transformation of caution and refused to bulldozers to destroy urban fabric type, “New Village” return to the “city” From the 1950s to the 1970s, the Village spread to the cities inside, to a large number “of the b

23、ulldozer-style”, to meet the function of the city also had a balance of damage.60 in the late 20th century, European countries on the question this way.s current practice for urban residential housing and residential suburbs there was no apparent discrimination, the Centre City demolition-renewal is

24、 a mon method.The results, urban residential village is within the city, suburban residential suburb of New Village is so easily lead to the hollowing out of the cities, villages, the construction of the discrete space.The planning target of the request, only on the volume of the city, suburban low

25、pitch on the inner city slightly tight, suburban Shaokuan; others such as building density and green space is very similar to the indicators, there is no guarantee that the outlook of the city centre district of special measures.Can the downtown areas of cities have bee the characteristics of living

26、 places, how urban space through special legislation to guarantee the continuity of its need to correct the balance of interests and the mercial e_ploitation of public resources between the city of contradictions.4.Building and the return of warm-scale, low-rise high to low, from low to high density

27、 Building and the return of warm-scale, low-rise high to low, from low to high density 1950s to the 1970s, the building also stressed that European cities to reduce building density and increase green space, improve low-rise and 20 in the 1970s, the overall urban greening the environment increase, m

28、ore and more residential floors reflect lower density, Some central areas can even reach 100 percent of the building density.Residential areas of the Green Fengguangbuzai, to the city centre in the continuity of space, residential buildings in the city suburbs to provide a cordial and pleasant condi

29、tions.s residential building density control in the current 25 percent to 30 percent, the rate of mandatory green standards can not be shaken.Residential construction (especially the downtown areas of residential buildings) the intensity of the development of high-level decision of the low-density r

30、esidential construction method is the economy.However, through a period of construction and development, high-rise low-density has also highlighted the shortings: spatial scale and the scale confrontation, to building construction and underestimate the psychological impact on people.At present, in s

31、ome big cities, to encourage a high degree of lower volume and rate of increase building density, has begun to put on the agenda.5.Different architects in the same residential projects adjacent to the design, collection of residential personalized birth In order to speed up housing construction and meet the requirements of the number of living, from the 1920s to the 1970s, the European residential const

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