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高考英语书面表达讲义及训练28参考范文 英语写作引导句型5Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、(5)校外租房现象。注意:1.短信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;2.词数120左右。Dear President,_Yours,Next year I will go to study at university, but I dont know how to adapt myself to university life. I hear many freshmen are at a loss what to do when they are at university. They cant take care of themselves in their everyday life,

2、 feeling lonely and homesick. Clothes, money or mobile phones are sometimes gone. And because of different climates and food, they often feel sick. Some even rent rooms outside the campus. Could you tell me how to deal with these problems so that I will be able to suit the university life in the fut

3、ure?Li Hua*结束13 In recentthe past 5 years, many citiesnationspeople have been faced /plagued /troubled withexperienced/witnessed /undergone thea(n) serious problem ofacute shortage ofalarming increase in13.1 In recent years many factories of our country have been faced with the problem of how to mak

4、e their workers more productive. Seeing many idle workers smoking, chatting, or playing cards during the working hours, some experts claim that the solution is to increase economic reward. Other people feel that the iron rice bowl should be roughly smashed. But does mere money lead to greater produc

5、tivity?近年来我国许多工厂一直面临着如何提高工人的生产效率的问题。针对许多工人上班的无所事事,抽烟,聊天或打牌的现象,有些专家主张通过增加经济报酬来解决。另一些人认为应彻底打破铁饭碗。但是增加钱是否就能提高生产率呢?13.2 In recent years, China has experienced an alarming increase in juvenile crime - that is, crime mitted by individuals who havent e of age. Whether the category is murder or robbery, mug

6、ging or rape, the story is the same: juvenile crime is on the rise. Our society has traditionally treated the juvenile as a special kind of offender, one who warrants punishment different from that given to an adult, even though the crime may be the same. Now it is time we asked ourselves: Does the

7、treatment work?最近几年,中国的青少年犯罪率急剧上升。不管那些没成年人的犯罪涉及到谋杀、偷盗、抢劫或是强奸,情形是一样的:青少年犯罪在增加。我们社会的传统做法是把这些青少年当成一种特殊的罪犯处理,尽管他们的罪行和成年人一样,但所给的惩罚和成年人不同。现在该是问一问我们自己的时候了:这种做法是否有效?14 One of the searchingburningpressinginteresting questionsproblems facingconfronting our nationsocietyworld today is .14.1 One of the basic qu

8、estions facing our society today is: What promise or threat does new technology hold for our global future? Since the decisions our society makes about technological development will undoubtedly have tremendous consequences in the years to e, it is urgently necessary to explore this question, especi

9、ally by examining science and technology in their relationship to the development of humanity.当今社会面临的基本问题之一是:新技术会给世界的将来带来什么样的希望或威胁?由于我们的社会所作出的关于技术发展的决定会毫无疑问对未来产生巨大影响,因此探索这个问题,尤其是通过检查科学技术与人类发展的关系来这样做就变得非常紧迫和必要了。14.2 It has bee apparent to us that one of the biggest problems confronting our Chinese ed

10、ucation today is the increasing vocationalization of our colleges and universities. Throughout the country schools are under economic pressure to bee job-training centers and employment agencies. All courses are geared to cater to the business needs.很明显中国的教育现在面临的最大问题之一是高等院校职业化倾向。在经济发展的压力下,全国许多大学成了职业

11、培训中心或就业市场机构。课程的设置都一昧迎合市场的需要。15 One of the biggest issueshottest topicsmost popular thingsmost serious problems many people talkplain about now is.15.1 One of the most popular topics many city residents talk about now is the tide of the rural poor flooding the cities. They plain that the migrants hav

12、e brought crime and prostitution, that they are putting pressure on population control and social order; that they are threatening to take already scarce city jobs and exacerbating housing shortages; and that they have worsened traffic and sanitation problems. True, these are the problems posed by t

13、he migration, but what about the contribution the rural worker have made to the citys development and prosperity?许多市民现在谈得最多的话题之一是源源不断涌进城市的民工潮。他们抱怨民工把犯罪和卖淫带来了,给城市人口的控制和社会秩序带来了压力,并威胁着夺走本来已很紧张的城市工作机会,使得城市住房、交通、卫生等问题更为突出。是的,这些都是民工潮带来的问题,但怎么看待他们对城市的发展和繁荣所作出的贡献呢?15.2 One of the best qualities that most pe

14、ople admire in others is the willingness to admit ones mistakes. It is extremely hard sometimes to say a simple thing like I was wrong about that, and it is even harder to say, I was wrong, and you were right about that.大多数人所佩服的别人的最好的品质之一,是敢于承认自己的错误。有时人们发觉很难开口说这样简单的话:“在这一点上是我错了。”而说:“我错了,你是对的。”则更难。12

15、日前,针对学生的零用钱(pocket money)的消费方向,你对你们市某中学的高中和初中的部分学生进行了问卷调查得出数据如下表。现请你用英文给某报社编辑写一封信,反映这一情况,并呼吁中学生树立正确的消费观。1书信中不必一一列举具体数字,只要抓住主要问题和数据说明问题即可。2字数:120150字。开头已给出不计人总词数。Dear editorRecently a survey has been done to find out how middle school students spend their pocket money_Dear editor, Recently a survey h

16、as been done to find out how middle school students spend their pocket money. In this survey, both junior students and senior students spend most their money on books, sacks and playing games, still some money goes to clothes, banks, sports, and so on. The survey shows that about 44of seniors prefer

17、 books to sacks (37%)and playing games (31%).On the other hand, only 32of juniors will spend their pocket money buying books, while over a half buy sacks and 44spend on playing games. Both seniors and juniors would not waste too much money in clothes or put it in banks.I think too much sacks will no

18、t only makes us put on weight but also does herm to our health. In addition. if we play games without limit, well lose much precious time, which results in low grades. Furthermore, the money is hard-earned. I hope we students value our money as well as our time.*结束2019-2020年高考英语书面表达讲义及训练(28)参考范文 英语写

19、作引导句型(6)16 NowPerhaps most dangerousundesirableharmful for our nationworldcollege is the trendtendencyphenomenon of.which is apparentobviousevidentpervasiverampantunder way in.16.1 Perhaps most dangerous for our nation now is the official corruption which is rampant in nearly every field of our soci

20、ety. Once our officials were content with television sets or imported cigarettes as payment for official services, they now demand land rights, stock certificates, and even directly dollars.现在对我们的国家最有危险的恐怕要算是官员的腐败。腐败之风已蔓延到我们社会的几乎每一个领域。过去办事官员还只满足于电视机,香烟之类的东西作回报,现在他们已要求土地产权,股票证券,甚至直截了当要美元。13假如你叫李华,是长沙

21、市某中学学生。最近你校在为一批来自英国的学生征询住宿家庭,你有意申请。请根据下表提供的信息用英语给校长写封信,说明你的理由。申请理由:住房条件宽敞、整洁、环境优美语言优势擅长英语,父母是英语教授,不会有交流困难接待经验上个月刚刚接待过两名美国学生参观游览父亲可驾车陪同参观附近的名胜其他(内容由考生自己添加)1文章必须包括所有要点。2词数:100左右。信的开头与结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear sir,Im writing to request a valuable chance to be one of the host families of the British students.

22、_We have a large and clean house, which lies in a beautiful area of the city. Im good at English and my parents are both professors of English, so Im sure we wont have any difficulty municating with English speakers. My father is an excellent driver and we will be very glad to show foreign students

23、around some nearby places of interest in our own car. Last month we received two American students. We had a great time. Besides, my mother cooks well, so the students will be able to enjoy delicious Chinese food. I would greatly appreciate it if I could have the chance to make friends with them.Loo

24、king forward to your reply.Yours*结束17 InflationCorruptionSocial inequality is yet another of the new and bitter truths we have to learn to face now.constantly.17.1 Cheating is yet another of the bitter truths we have to learn to face now. It is so prevalent and so widely accepted that it bees a way

25、of academic life. Even the mast gifted students, the one who presumably could get good grades without cheating, are being the constant offenders. Getting a good academic record and later a good professional career is the most important goal and they will do anything they must to attain it.考试作弊是我们不得不

26、接受的又一严峻的事实。作弊是那么普遍和司空见惯,已成为大学生活中的一个方面。连最有天赋的学生,那些不靠作弊也能取得好成绩的学生也常常作弊。对他们来说,有一个学业优秀的记录和将来有一个令人羡慕的工作比什么都重要,为达到这一目标,他们什么都会干。18 A(n) virtual epidemicacute shortageserious campaign of. is now under way in this country.society. According to a recentnew studypollsurvey , .18.1 A virtual epidemic of pregnan

27、cies is under way in this nations teenage population. In 1993 alone 26270 babies were born to unwed teens. Predictably, educators, parent groups and newspaper writers have responded to this news with a clamor for more and better sex education. Indeed, that is urgently necessary, but is sex education alone the whole answer?未婚少女怀孕,这一现象就像传染病一样正在该国蔓延开来。就1993年便有26270个婴儿为未婚少女所生。可以预料教育工作者、家长团体和报纸记者对此大声疾呼要加强和完善任教育。是的,这是非常必要的,但仅仅靠性教育能解决问题吗?(2)(25 min.)(原创)生活中,我们总是有这样或那样的负担。怎样才能甩掉这些负担,轻松前进请就此写一篇英语短文。主要内容包括:(1)这些负担有什么影响;(2)用什么来对付这些负担;(3)具体怎样做。注意: (1) 词数不少于120个;(2) 不能使用真实姓名和学校名称。_

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