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安徽省池州市届高三上学期期末考试 英语 扫描版含答案文档格式.docx

1、A【语篇导读】 本文为应用文,介绍了四个英国和爱尔兰的海边小屋。21. B细节理解题。由Seaspray部分 an award-winning family beach resort perfect for learning to surf.可知。故选B。22. D 细节理解题。由Wans Barton部分while the open-plan living space with oak dining table is ideal for large group dinners 可知。故选D。23. B细节理解题。纵观全文,四个小屋都离海滩较近。B【语篇导读】 本文为记叙文。介绍了漫画大作家S

2、tan Lee及他的作品特点。24. D 细节理解题。由第三段He restored the industry in the 1960s by offering the costumes and action longed for by younger readers while insisting on delicate plots, college-level dialogue, satire, science fiction, even philosophy.可知Stan Lee的作品兼具服饰,动作,情节,语言,风格,科幻和哲理。25. C 细节理解题。由第五段But I dont th

3、ink you ever outgrow your love for those kind of things, things that are bigger than life and magical and very imaginative. 可知在Stan Lee看来,成年人依然有对高于我们自己和高于我们生活的充满想象力的东西感兴趣。故选C。26. A推断词义题。由第六段: By some accounts, he came up with a new comic book every day for 10 years.可知冒号后为解释说明, 由 “据记载, 10年来Stan Lee每天

4、都会出一本漫画书” 可知他是一位高产的作家。故选A。27. C 细节理解题。由最后一段“The beauty of Stan Lees characters is that they were characters first and superheroes next,”. 可知在Stan Lee的人物角色首先是“人物”(生活中某人),其次才是超级英雄。C【语篇导读】本文为说明文,研究发现很多人尽力去尝试健康的生活方式反而增加了心理压力导致早亡,建议大家不要一味去追求所谓的健康的生活方式而要注意劳逸结合,多休假。28. D 细节理解题。结合第二段during the course of a 4

5、0-year study和第三段His findings arose out of research that he began in the 1970s on 1,200 businessmen细节信息可知他这项研究以1,200商人做研究对象, 研究了四十年,故选D。29. D 细节理解题。由文章第三段最后一句话It producedthe puzzling results that men who were given intensive health advice and reduced their risk of heart disease by more than half were

6、 more likely to die early.可知接受强化健康建议并将心脏病风险降低一半以上的男性也会早逝,故选D。30. B 细节理解题。由全文最后一句话family doctors “often recommend that patients take time away from work or go on holiday if they are stressed可知答案,故选B。31. C 主旨大意题。本文大意为:尽力去尝试健康的生活本身就给人带来压力,反倒加速一些人的死亡,故选C。D【语篇导读】本文为说明文,全文主要讲述研究发现讲故事能塑造我们的想法和记忆力,从而对我们的人生产

7、生深远影响。32. A推断词义题。上文:研究发现证实了“讲好故事的确会有好的结果”,下文Laboratory research也有力的阐述证实了这一点,故选A。33. D 细节理解题。由第一段if you provide students with an ambiguous story about a breakup and then ask them to tell a version that places the blame on just one of the parties可知参与者首先被提供了一个关于分手的模棱两可的故事,接着被要求以谴责一方的方式来讲述这个故事,故选D。34. C

8、 推理判断题。由第二段“Stories shape memory so dramatically,” says Holmes. “Once you tell a story, its hard to get out of that storys framework, and they tend to get more dramatic over time.”可知故事对我们的影响很大很深远,故选C。35. A文章主旨题。全文主要讲述研究结果发现故事对人的影响,故选A。第二节【语篇导读】 本文为说明文,介绍了在面试中如何更好地提问。36. A考查上下文语境。此处为全文主题句,总领全文,下文讲了几条

9、建议,A项符合题意, 故选A。37. G考查上下文语境。 本段主要讲问公司的目标,中心词为 mission, 故选G。38. F考查上下文语境。本段讲问工作本身,面试前你有所了解,但不全面,所以要问,故选F。39. B考查上下文语境。通读全段,本段讲公司的文化,作者是建议读者问文化方面的问题,故选B。40. E考查上下文语境。 由前句but not as a “make it or break it” opportunity,可知无论面试结果如何,我们都会学到一些东西并成长,故选E。第3部分 语言知识运用第一节【语篇导读】本文是记叙文,作者通过自己过没有红绿灯指示的马路的经历告诉我们:人生是我

10、们自己的, 我们应该为自己的人生做出决定。【答案】1-5 CBBAD 6-10 ABCCD 11-15 CAADB 16-20 DDBCA41C考查名词及语境理解。结合下文It was 5 p.m. it was rush hour and pure chaos.可推断:交通灯因故不亮, rules规则;arrangements安排;lights灯;accidents事故,故正确答案为C。42B考查连词及语境理解。结合上文It was 5 p.m.和下文it was rush hour and pure chaos可知:下午五点,是交通繁忙的时期,因为灯不亮,所以交通混乱,前后为因果关系,故正

11、确答案为B。43B考查动词及语境理解。 结合上下文意,我要过十字路口,四面都有人,因此陷入(be/get involved)了混乱中, 故正确答案为B。44A考查动词及语境理解。cross 穿过;ignore 忽视;overlook俯瞰;忽视;observe 观察;看;庆祝;结合上下文意,我发现十字路口的人都在寻找时机过马路,故正确答案为A。45D考查动词及语境理解。结合上下文意,老太太身子前倾(lean forward), 随时准备过马路,故正确答案为D。46A考查副词及语境理解。Directly直接地;直地;Suddenly突然;Obviously清晰地;清楚地;Roughly 粗略地;

12、粗糙地。结合上下文可知该句句意:在我的正对面是一个正在打电+话的商人。故正确答案为A。47B考查名词及语境理解。结合下文teenager,可推断出他是一个男孩,故正确答案为B。48C考查副词及语境理解。结合上下文意,各位都似乎蓄势过马路,因此我等待,等待他们先过,故正确答案为C。49C考查名词及语境理解。结合上下文意,我等他们过,但他们都没有行动,于是我想了想,准备先过马路,故正确答案为C。50D考查形容词及语境理解。结合上文我先过马路的举动和下文were upset with me,可知:我先过马路的举动得到了其它人的厌恶(screamed yelled shook head),故正确答案为

13、D。51C考查动词短语及语境理解。结合上文a business man talking on his cell phone和下文turned off his可知他现在挂掉电+话,turned up调高;出现,露面;handed up举起;hung up挂断电+话called up给打电+话;使回忆起,故正确答案为C。52A考查名词及语境理解。结合上文dancing to his radio,可知他现在关掉收音机,故正确答案为A。53A考查动词及语境理解。结合上下文意,我先过马路的举动得到了其它人的厌恶,老太太的反应是摇头,后撤;shook ones head 摇头(不赞同);raised on

14、es head 抬头;lowered ones head 低头;nodded ones head 点头(赞同),故正确答案为A。54D考查动词及语境理解。我违背了交通规则了吗?故正确答案为D。55B考查形容词及语境理解。我给了他们足够的时间做交通课上学的东西了吗?故正确答案为B。56D考查动词及语境理解。我的故事是否也适用于对你?lead to 导致;通向;refer to;提及;参阅;指的是; stick to 坚持;apply to运用;适用于,故正确答案为D。57D考查形容词及语境理解。大家过马路迟疑是因为有疑虑的借口:我离群而出,是不是很傻?58B考查动词及语境理解。我们生活中经常面对

15、这样的人;question质问某人;face面临;面对;envy嫉妒;beat击败,打败,故正确答案为B。59C考查动词及语境理解。生活是自己的,不能等待他人为你做出决定。call for 需要;defend for 为辩护;保卫;wait for 等待;care for 喜欢;照顾,故正确答案为C。60A考查名词及语境理解。原词复现,结合上下文,生活是自己的,不能等待他人为你决定是否该行动,make a move 作出行动,故正确答案为A。【语篇导读】本文为说明文,讲述了人的记忆是非常重要,非常复杂的,科学家尚未完全认识它,但我们应注意保护自己的记忆力。61. providing考查词性变化

16、。to为介词,其后用动名词,故用providing。62. remains考查主谓一致。its basis为单数主语且时态为一般现在时,故用remains。63. models 考查名词单复数。电脑模型不止一种,故用models。64. more考查形容词比较级。 后文中有than,前面应用形容词比较级,故用more。65. stored考查非谓语。信息是被储存,过去分词作定语表示被动,故用stored。66. but 考查连词。Not only.but(also) 不仅.而且., 故用but。67. have begun考查动词时态。recently 近来,其后用现在完成时态,scienti

17、sts为复数主语,故用have begun。68. fully考查词性变化。副词修饰动词,故用fully。69. to take 考查动词不定式。 It is adj. to do sth. 固定句型,故用to take。70. that/ which考查从句引导词。定语从句中先行词是物,故用that/ which。第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分35分)第1节 短文改错I would never forget one unforgettable Sunday, that my father taught me how to fly a kite. whenWhen we set out to

18、the playground with a new kite, I felt extreme excited. My father first held the for extremelystring for me, tell me to run with the kite quickly and let them go when it is possible. And then I telling it learnt how to handle the string. Although the kite fell to the ground again and again, but I fi

19、nally got the hang of it and fly it high in the sky. Moreover, I also had better understanding of the flew a word “I am like a kite flying in the wind. One end is my ideal destination. The beginning of wordsthe kite string is the home I miss day and night. ” I, just like the kite, is allowed to fly

20、higher amand higher by my family. 【语篇导读】本文为记叙文。讲述了作者跟爸爸学习放风筝的经历。1. that改为when考查定语从句。该处为定语从句修饰Summer, 从句中不缺成分,Summer在从句里作状语,故用when。2. to改为for考查介词。Set off for前往; 去;固定结构。3. extreme改为 extremely考查副词。此处修饰形容词excited,故用extremely。4. tell改为telling考查非谓语。动词tell表示伴随,故用telling。5. them改为it考查代词。此处指代the kite,故用it。6.

21、 去掉but 考查连词。前有although 引导从句,故去掉并列连词but。7. fly改为flew考查动词时态。放风筝是过去的事情,故用过去式与其前got the并列。8. better前加a考查固定结构。Have a good/better understanding of 对很了解/有了更好的了解。9. word改为words考查名词单复数。Words 作为“某人说的话”讲是可数名词,作为“消息”讲时为不可数名词。10. is改为am考查主谓一致。该句主语应为I, 不是距离动词较近的the kite, 故用am。【参考范文】Dear Eliot,Glad to hear from yo

22、u. Im more than happy to share my favorite Chinese scientist Yuan Longping with you. Yuan Longping is the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output. After many years research, Dr Yuan produced the hybrid rice. Using his new rice, farmers all over the world can produ

23、ce more rice, making it possible to feed the fast growing population. What makes Dr Yuan more inspiring to me is his devotion to his work and his practical work manner. He has been trying hard to rid the world of hunger with his knowledge and technique, even in his eighties now. I admire him very much for what he did for the whole world and I am determined to be a man like him, making great contributions to others and to the world in the future. Yours Lihua

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