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1、m afraid that was impossible,” replied the doctor.“Well, then since you neither killed my wife nor cured her, I have nothing to pay you.”1. Before entering the lawyers house the doctor stopped for a while, because_ .A. the doctor wanted to ask something about his wifes illnessB. the doctor thought i

2、t impossible to save the womanC. the doctor was afraid that the lawyer would refuse to pay himD.the lawyer was too poor to pay his bills2.Because the lawyers wife was seriously ill, the doctor_ .A. couldn t do much and didnt save her lifeB. tried his best and saved her at lastC. had to do everything

3、 he could for herD. had to spend a lot of time to cure her3.The word “reassured” in the passage means _.A.he was told again and again B.he was paid some money firstC.he was quite sure that he would be paid D.he was quite sure that he could cure the woman4.Which of the following is the best title (标题

4、)for the passage?A.The Lawyer and His Wife B.The Lawyers TrickC.A Good Doctor and a Poor Lawyer D.A Serious IllnessBFriends come to visit us in the evening, they spend their time telling us they are in a hurry and looking at their watches. It isnt that our friends are all very busy, it is just that

5、When we havent got a television. People think that we are very strange. “But what do you do in the evening?”,they are always asking. The answer is very simple. Both my wife and I have hobbies. We certainly dont spend our evenings staring at the walls. My wife enjoys cooking and painting and often at

6、tends evening classes in foreign languages. This is particularly useful as we often go abroad for our holidays. I collect stamps and Im always busy with my collection. Both of us enjoy listening to the music and playing chess together. Sometimes there are power cuts and we have no electricity in the

7、 house. This does not worry us, we just light candles and carry on with what we were doing before. Our friends, however, are lost-no television!-So they dont know what to do. On such evenings our house is very full -they all come to us. They all have a good time. Instead of sitting in silence in fro

8、nt of the television, everybody talks and plays games. 5. The couple have not got a television, because . A. they are not rich enough B. they are strange people C. they enjoy spending evenings in their own ways D. they dont know what to do when there are power cuts6. Both of the couple are intereste

9、d in . A. learning languages B. traveling C. staying home alone D. watching people play games7. At night when there is no electricity, the couple . A. have to stare at the walls B. can do nothing but sit in silence C. will have many visitors D. have to go out for candles8. The writer tries to tell u

10、s that _.A. the television is useful B. electricity is important C. life is enjoyable without television D. life is impossible without a televisionFrench lessons in FranceWhatever your level is, choosing to take French lessons in France is the best way to learn French. Place yourself in the local cu

11、lture and practice your newly found skills in your free time.You will be taught by native (本地的) French speakers who have a love for teaching and use excellent teaching techniques. Lessons are interesting and you will speak French on the first day both inside and outside the classroom. Learners Suita

12、ble for all levels from beginners to advanced (高级的) Over 18 years oldClass Schedule (课表) Classes start on Mondays and run throughout the summer. Please arrive at the school by 8:15 am on your first day for a short level test. It will help to place you in the right class. Classes run from Monday to F

13、riday each week. Classes start at 8:45 am each day depending on your level. You will have 3 classes per day lasting 55 minutes each. You will have a short break between classes. Free Time and Tours The school offers a lot of cultural activities throughout the week. These activities can include cooki

14、ng lessons, wine and cheese tasting, visits to Paris, cycling, movies and much more. You will have plenty of free time to explore (探索) the local area and practice your newly found language skills or just relax on this learning holiday with a difference.Other Information You should bring a small dict

15、ionary, pens and paper with you.Get more from your holiday, have fun, meet new people and take home a new language skill that will stay with you forever.9. What is special about the French courses? A. They are taught in small groups. B. The teachers are young French speakers. C. People learn French

16、in and out of class. D. They will offer a wine tasting license.10. On the first day, the students should _. A. take a language test B. pay for their study C. do a survey D. introduce themselves to the class11. How many lessons are there in a week? A. 21. B. 30. C. 15. D. 12.DHomesick is a compound w

17、ord made up of HOME and SICK. You know what each word means on its own, of course. But think about what the words mean when they are used together. Homesick means SICK FOR HOME. Now think for a minute about SEASICK. If you change the word home in the definition(释义)to the word sea, would the definiti

18、on fit SEASICK? Seasick means SICK BY THE MOVEMENT ON THE SEA. When you are homesick ,the only place you want to be is at home. When you are seasick, the last place you want to be is at sea. Have you ever heard of a person being heartsick? Heartsick doesnt mean that something is wrong with a persons

19、 heart. people are heartsick when they are hurt deep inside and when they feel as if their hearts are broken. But, on the other hand, we have such compound words as handshake, handstand, and handbag. Perhaps you may write definitions for them.12.The word SEASICK means“_”. A. to be eager to go to the

20、 sea B. what has nothing to do with the sea C. to be sick because of the sea D. that the sea is terrible13.When we say a person is heartsick, we mean that_. A. his heart is sick B .his heart needs testing C .hes sorry at heart D. hes terribly disappointed and sad14.“The last place you want to be” is

21、_. A. where you want to be most B. where you want to be least C. where you go the last D. the last place you go to 15The definitions of handshake, handstand and handbag are_. A. easy to know B. difficult to knowC .impossible to learn D. unnecessary to learn 第二部分完型填空(共20小题,每题1.5分,满分30分)The two teache

22、rs were sitting in the teachers room. For a moment there was 16 . Then one of them, Miss Smith said “Im afraid Id have to 17 him.” “Now, Alice,” said her friend Mrs. Jackson, “is he such a terrible student?”“Thats just the 18 ,” the other woman replied. “Tom is my best student. The problem is that h

23、es now so lazy that he never gets 19 done. He hasnt handed me 20 of his homework for three weeks and Id be surprised 21 he did now.” 22 before had Mrs. Jackson seen Miss Smith look so unhappy. “Have you 23 with him about it?” she asked.“Why should I? He knows he has to prepare his lessons and do his

24、 homework. I 24 that clear the first day for class. When the course started , he did so 25 that I considered asking the 26 to give him a scholarship (奖学金). But now he even 27 in class! Ive never seen such a 28 in a student.”“You should have a 29 with him. Give him a chance to tell his side of story.

25、”Miss Smith spoke to Tom and 30 all about it. He was studying all day and 31 most of the night in a factory to pay for his education. Of course he was tired in the 32 and sometimes could hardly keep 33 . Miss Smith soon arranged for him to have a 34 and he was able to give up his 35 and concentrate

26、(集中精力) on his studies .16Adistance Bsilence Cpleasure Ddelight 17Afail Bteach Cbeat Dtell 18Alesson Bthing Ctrouble Dboy 19Ahomework Bhousework Ccleaning Dwashing 20Asome Bplenty Cany Dlots 21Aeven Bif Cthough Dwhen 22ALong BUntil CEver DNever 23Aquarreled Btalked Cdealt Ddiscussed 24Asaid Bthought

27、Crequired Dmade 25Aquickly Boften Cmuch Dwell 26Aschool Bclass Cothers Dparents 27Atalks Bsleeps Claughs Dwalks 28Amatter Bchange Chabit Dway 29Alesson Blook Ctalk Dmeeting 30Astudied Bgot Clearned Dunderstood 31Asleeping Bworking Cspending Dstaying 32Amorning Bafternoon Cevening Dnight33Asilent Bcl

28、ean Cwarm Dawake 34Ascholarship Broom Cteacher Dposition 35Aeducation Bsleep Cjob Dpay第三部分七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Do you know Australia? Australia is the largest island in the world. It is a little smaller than China. It is in the south of the earth. 36 _The population of

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