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1、身份证件类型及号码: Party A (Employer): Shandong UniversityLegal Representative: Zhang RongAddress: No. 27, Shanda Nanlu, Jinan, 250100Party B (Employed Professor): Ralf AltmeyerID type and number: Passport (Germany), C4JH63VY7山东大学(以下简称甲方)同意聘任 (以下简称乙方)为山东大学特聘教授,从事教学科研工作。为保障甲乙双方的合法权益,根据中华人民共和国教师法等有关规定,经双方平等协商

2、,订立本协议:Shandong University (hereinafter referred to as Party A) agreed to appoint (hereinafter referred to as Party B) as Distinguished Professor of Shandong University. Both parties in line with the principles of equality and mutual agreement agree to sign this contract under the “Teachers Law of t

3、he Peoples Republic of China”.第一条 聘期. Contract Term岗位聘期为 年,聘期自 年 月 日至 年 月 日。(全职聘期为五年,兼职聘期为三年)聘任期满,经双方协商,可以续签协议。The contract term is years, from , to , .This contract can be renewed upon expiration with the consultations and mutual agreement of both parties.第二条 乙方的岗位工作目标及任务 Party Bs working objective

4、s and tasks 1.乙方在聘期内应完成的工作目标 1. The working objectives of Party B during the contract term2.乙方在聘期内应履行的工作任务2. The working tasks for Party B to perform during the appointment term.第三条 权利和义务 Rights and Obligations1. 甲方权利(1)根据国家有关规定以及特聘教授岗位工作目标及任务,对乙方进行管理。(2)依照中国法律、法规及学校的有关规定,对乙方进行考核和奖惩。1. Rights of Par

5、ty A(1)Party A shall evaluate Party B in accordance with national laws, regulations and relevant provisions of Shandong University.(2)Party A shall conduct performance evaluation, reward and punishment to Party B in accordance with Chinese laws and regulations and relevant provisions of the universi

6、ty.2.甲方义务(1)依法维护乙方应享有的各项权利。(2)为乙方提供良好的工作条件,包括*(3)为乙方提供完成协议规定的工作目标及任务所需要的校内相关政策。(4)聘期内为乙方提供学科建设经费 万元,分年度按照乙方提交的预算进行拨付。2. Obligations of Party A(1)Party A shall safeguard Party B with all rights according to the law.(2)Party A shall provide Party B with good working conditions including*(3)Party A sha

7、ll inform Party B of the relevant policies of Shandong University that needed to complete work objectives and tasks set forth in the agreement.(4)Party A shall provide Party B with Discipline Construction Funds RMB financed in accordance with the budget which submitted by Party B in the period of ap

8、pointment.3.乙方权利(1)在聘期内每年享受人民币 万元的酬金(税前),按实际在山东大学工作时间支付。其中60%的酬金按月支付,40%的酬金年度考核合格(包括工作时间和工作业绩)后支付。(2)享受甲方为其提供的工作和生活条件。乙方也有权享受山东大学对外籍特聘教授的医疗保险待遇。3 . Rights of Party B(1)Party B shall obtain RMB of remuneration (before tax) per year in the period of appointment, paid by the tasks and the actual workin

9、g time at Shandong University. 60% of the remuneration will be paid monthly, 40% of the remuneration will be paid after the assessment.(2)Party B shall enjoy working and living conditions provided by Party A. Party B is entitled to standard health insurance policy as provided by SDU to Distinguished

10、 full visiting professors. 4.乙方义务 (1)认真遵守中华人民共和国教师法及中国有关法律法规,遵守甲方的各项规章制度。(2)乙方在山东大学特聘教授岗位上需全面履行岗位职责,完成岗位的工作目标及任务;接受甲方的管理、监督及考核。聘期内保证在甲方特聘教授岗位上工作时间每年不少于 个月。(全职不少于9个月,兼职不少于2个月)(3)聘期内乙方在山东大学特聘教授岗位上所取得的教学、科研等成果均属职务成果,其发表有关论文、著作或申报有关奖励、专利和科研项目及经费等,甲方为第一署名单位。4. Obligations of Party B(1)Party B shall stric

11、tly obey “Law of teachers of the Peoples Republic of China” and the relevant state laws and regulations, abide by the Party As rules and regulations.(2)Party B shall fully perform the duties of Distinguished full Professor, to complete the objective and tasks of distinguished professor position, to

12、accept the Party As supervision, assessment and management. Ensure the work party positions on time every year not less than months during the contract period.(full time not less than 9 months, part time for not less than 2 months)(3)Party B shall sign Party Bs name and Shandong University both, for

13、 the teaching achievements, the research achievements, which all belong to the duty results, the papers published, the books published, or premiums and patents and research funds which Party B applied for, and so on. Shandong University should be addressed as the first one. 第四条 考核 Performance Evalua

14、tion(1)甲方每年按确定的岗位目标和工作任务对乙方进行年度考核。考核时,乙方填写山东大学高层次人才履职情况登记表,基层聘任单位对乙方履行岗位职责情况及工作进展情况进行审核,履职情况登记表报人才工作办公室备案。(2)聘期结束后,学校根据聘任协议的工作目标和职责,组织有关同行专家对受聘特聘教授岗位人员的履职情况进行考核,并进行绩效评估,视评估结果决定是否续聘。(1)Party A shall carry on annual assessment according to Party Bs objectives and tasks. Party B shall fill in the Shand

15、ong University High-level Talents Performance Assessment Form. This form should be reviewed by employment unit and submitted to talents service office.(2) After the end of the appointment, Party A shall organize peer experts to carry on working assessment and performance evaluation of Party Band dec

16、ide whether to continue the employment agreement on the basis of evaluation results.第五条 协议的变更与解除 Revision and Termination of this Agreement(1)乙方在聘期内如不能履行本协议所规定的职责,考核不合格或有违法违纪行为,经基层学术委员会审议,学校学术委员会审核,甲方有权予以解聘,终止本协议。(2)乙方在聘期内因特殊原因提出辞聘的,需提前三个月向甲方提出申请,经甲方同意后,方可辞聘,并视具体情况承担相应的违约责任。(3)聘任期间如发生双方无法预见、无法防范,致使协

17、议无法正常履行的事由,需要变更或解除协议的,聘任双方应按照国家有关规定妥善处理。(1)Party B does not perform duties under this Agreement, be assessment unqualified or violations of law examined by Grassroots Academic Committee and Academic Committee of Shandong Party B does not perform duties under this Agreement, be assessment unqualified

18、 or violations of law examined by Grassroots Academic Committee and Academic Committee of Shandong(2)Party B shall apply three months in advance to Party A for a resignation with special reasons in the period of appointment, and resign only in the consent of Party A and bear the responding liability

19、 for breach in the specific circumstances.(3)Issues occurred during the appointment that the two parties could not foresee and prevent, resulting agreement can not be properly fulfilled and shall be changed or canceled, the two parties shall properly handle the appointment in accordance with relevan

20、t state regulations.第六条 附则.Supplementary(1)本协议一式三份,双方当事人各持一份,另一份由聘任单位保存;本协议于双方当事人签字之日起生效。(2)除发生不可抗力因素致使协议无法履行外,双方应严格履行协议中的各项条款,如发生争议,双方应协商处理,对协议有关条款的变更,应征得对方同意。(3)本协议如有未尽事项,应由双方协商,做出补充协议。补充协议与本协议具有同等效力。(1)This Agreement is in triplicate, each party holds one copy, the other kept by employment unit;

21、The contract takes effect on the date signed by both parties.(2)In addition to the occurrence of force majeure resulting agreement cannot be fulfilled, both parties shall strictly fulfill the terms of the agreement, shall consult with each other and mediate any disputes which may arise about the agr

22、eement, and shall obtain the consent of the other party for revision of the terms of the agreement.(3)Matters or other issues not covered in the contract, if any, shall be settled through negotiation by both parties with appendix, which shall have the same legal effect as the text of this contract. 甲方法定代表人签字: 乙方签字:(盖 章)Party A Party B(Signature) (Signature)年 月 日 年 月 日

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