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1、A. fair B. full C. wise D. magical24. In the past, people _ got information from paper books.A. properly B. probably C. recently D. mainly25. Before using the new machine, you should _ the instructions.A. look up B. look through C. look after D. look for26. We cannot change iron(铁)_ gold.A. off B. a

2、way C. into D. to27. Waving her 5-year-old daughter goodbye, Wang Yaping, together with Zhai Zhigang and Ye Guangfu, _ into space aboard(搭乘)the Shenzhou XIII on October 16th, 2021.A. goes B. go C. went D. has gone28. Ms Liu always encourages me _ Original English Novels.A. read B. to read C. reading

3、 D. reads29. I bought a book for _ friend. I hope she likes reading _.A. my; this B. mine; that C. mine; one D. my; it30. You _ ride an electric bike without wearing a helmet(头盔)in Tianjin.A. can B. neednt C. mustnt D. may31. _ I dont often make dinner, I can cook well.A. Since B. Although C. Until

4、D. So32. We can _ our rubbish into plastic, glass, paper and rubber.A. decide B. dig C. divide D. discuss33. The XXIV Olympic Winter Games _ in Beijing in 2022, so we can also call it Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games.A. will hold B. will be held C. is held D. was held34. - Please tell me _. - At tw

5、enty to ten in the morning.A. where you do eye exercises B. where do you do eye exercisesC. what time you do eye exercises D. what time do you do eye exercises35. - We have finished reading the new words of Module 10, Ms Wang. - _ Lets read Module 11.A. Nice work! B. No way! C. You bet! D. Promise!三

6、、完形填空(本大题共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Once there was a father and a son. They were ill-tempered(坏脾气的)and never gave way to _36_.One day the father decided to invite some friends for dinner in his house. He told his son to buy some _37_ in the town. When the son got what h

7、is father wanted, he turned _38_ and walked towards the town gate. Just then a man was coming from the _39_. The gate wasnt _40_ enough to let two men in and out at the same time. But _41_ of them would way to the other. They _42_ straight face to face inside the gate hour after hour. The father was

8、 worried. “What shall I do? My son hasnt _43_ yet. I cant wait any longer.” He wanted to know what was the matter with his son. So he left his friends at home, and he himself went to the town to _44_ his son.“You may first take the meat home for my friends. Let me stand here against him _45_.” he sa

9、id to his son when he knew what had happened.36. A. another B. one C. other D. others37. A. vegetables B. meat C. bread D. rice38. A. up B. along C. back D. down39. A. inside B. outside C. front D. middle40. A. wide B. deep C. long D. high41. A. all B. both C. either D. neither42. A. lied B. walked

10、C. stood D. went43. A. been B. gone C. come D. returned44. A. look after B. look for C. look up D. look around45. A. instead B. instead of C. rather D. rather than四、阅读理解(本大题共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AMy grandmother is very good at sewing(缝纫). She has a 50-year-old sewing mach

11、ine that is still working well in her house. She uses it to sew many different things. She sewed the colorful blanket(毯子)that I use every night.Every weekend, when I go to visit my grandma, I sit on a chair watching her sew. One day, I asked, “Grandma, can I have a try?” Grandma was a little surpris

12、ed at first, but she was happy to let me try. She got two small pieces of cloth and asked me to sew them together. I worked on the foot pedal(脚踏板)with my little feet, but it didnt move. Grandma gave me a hand and the sewing machine started working. I was a little slow, but Grandma said I did quite w

13、ell and I just needed to keep going.Now I learn to sew whenever I come to visit Grandma. I even dream of becoming a fashion designer one day.46. What does Grandmas sewing machine look like?A. Its heavy. B. Its clean. C. Its big. D. Its old.47. What do we know about the writers grandma?A. She likes t

14、o sew colorful things. B. She is a very good sewer.C. She sews blankets every night. D. She is 50 years old.48. What does the writer do every weekend?A. She visits Grandma. B. She helps Grandma sew.C. She buys cloth for Grandma. D. She cleans Grandmas house.49. What did Grandma say when the writer t

15、ried sewing?A. She should move the foot pedal slowly. B. She could become a fashion designer.C. She needed to keep trying. D. She needed to get fast.50. Which is the best title of the passage?A. Grandma is Very Good at Sewing. B. Grandma Got Me Interested in Sewing.C. Grandma Loves Me So Much. D. Gr

16、andma Enjoys Being with Me.BThe Maine School LibraryReading for the FutureOpening Hours: Thursday 09:00-17:00Monday 09:00 Friday 08:00-15:Tuesday 09:00 Saturday 09:00-12:Wednesday 09:00-20:00 Sunday ClosedLibrary RulesAll students must have a library card.Computers are for school work only.No food o

17、r soft drinks in the library. Students can only bring their own water bottles.No running or shouting in the library.Mobile phones must be off once you walk into the library.No textbooks can be brought into the library.Students can borrow three books at a time.Students must return the books on time.

18、Late returns will result in a fine, 2 dollars a day for each book.The librday has after-hours return service. Please leave the books in the blue box at the back of the libraryThe books with “Read Here” labels cannot be borrowed. They can be read only in the library.51. If Tony is free from 6:00 pm t

19、o 8:00 pm, he can go to the library on _.A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Wednesday D. Thursday52. The library closes _ on Friday.A. at noon B. in the mid-afternoon C. in the morning D. the whole day53. What can students bring into the library?A. Food. B. Textbooks. C. Soft drinks. D. Water bottles.54. If Ja

20、ne returns three books three days late, how much should she pay?A. $18. B. $9. C. $6. D. $2.55. What is the blue box at the back of the library?A. Library cards. B. Mobile phones.C. Books to be returned. D. Books that can be borrowed.CAnimal and insect(昆虫)bites are often only a trouble thing, but so

21、metimes they can be dangerous. Stay safe by knowing the measures you should take and what to do in an emergency(紧急情况).Insect bites are the most common by far. Some of these can cause unpleasant reactions(反应).Seek medical attention if an insect bite causes bad reactions.Sometimes a bite becomes infec

22、ted with bacteria(细菌), causing spreading redness of the skin and fever which requires treatment.Sometimes an insect bite (especially bee) can cause a serious allergic(过敏的)reaction. The reaction needs urgent medical attention, so call the emergency services.Many insects pass diseases. In many countri

23、es, for example, mosquitoes(蚊子)carry malaria(疟疾)or yellow fever. Protective clothing and mosquito netting are necessary in many parts of the world and are very important in those countries where malaria is common.Always check the risks for the place you will visit before you go - ask your doctor or

24、travel agent, or check out the web.If there is malaria in the country you are visiting, take some medicine as advised (the drugs used from area to area depending on conditions). You will need to start it some weeks before you travel.Keep your legs covered after sunset.Use a mosquito net at night.56.

25、 The underlined word “infected” means _ in Chinese.A. 激动的 B. 感染的 C. 复杂的 D. 清晰的57. We can know that _ according to the text.A. all of insect bites can cause bad reactions.B. all the reactions need urgent medical attentionC. insect bites are sometimes dangerousD. insect bites are always dangerous58. W

26、hen we traval to the country where malaria is common, wed better take _ with us.A. some medicine B. protective clothingC. mosquito netting D. all the above59. Mr Smith wants to visit a country where mosquito is common. Which of the following he neednt do?A. He should keep his legs covered all day.B.

27、 He should use a mosquito net at night.C. He should check the risks for the country.D. He should prepare medicine some weeks before travel.60. The main idea of the passage is _.A. how to prepare for the travelB. the different insects in the worldC. how to ask for the emergency servicesD. the reactio

28、n of insect bites and how to prevent them五、补全对话(本大题共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整。(选项中有两项是多余的)A. What will you sell?B. I was doing my homework.C. I was collecting my old books and toys.D. Where will you sell them?E. Then what will you do with the money?F. Its always great to help others.G. I will give the money to the children who live in the mountains.(Student A and student B meet at the school gate after school.)A: Hi! Liangling. I called you at 9 oclock last night, but you didnt pick up. What were you doing?B: _61_ Why? For our school sale next week. O

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