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2、公权力和公共资源存在的意义。如果真的放任十几岁的孩子选择上什么课,大多数会选择什么也不上,教育政策不由学生投票表决是有原因的。其实要说受厌恶程度的话,英语和数学还真是难分伯仲啊.给两个网址大家感受一下:What most people a lifetime with less than English : 99.9% for the rest of your life with less than prose; most people a lifetime with less than high school mathematics. this understanding of educati

3、on still stays in one or two centuries ago, they want is not education, but the training. If I go to new Oriental to learn cooking, I learned a cook didnt help to me, that is a bad review, if I went to new Oriental study toefl, result the toefl test no help to me, that is to bad review. But educatio

4、n, at least university grade two previous education should be general education, is for later work and life lay the foundation of study and life. Because you never know what you will use, if it were not for the foundation, that is to the student future development (opportunity) and social (quantity

5、and quality of all kinds of talent resources) is not responsible for. If you dont agree with, then you can choose not in high school to college, to learn more practical skills and workmanship, but since in high school, dont blame technical school practical is better than high school education. , mos

6、t people learn for so many years still cant actually use English : this has nothing to do with English, about how to teach English to learn English, I dont think to cancel the English will have any help to solve this problem. Some people think that if the socialization of learning English, did not h

7、ave the pressure of the test students should really interest and want to learn English because it is over, return to the essence of learning English. But the problem is that in the case of other subjects are still takes an exam, students even know the importance of English tend to give the universit

8、y entrance exam to study of the subject, the pragmatism at present, the depth of bone marrow all the activities of high school students in the college entrance examination as the center, once canceled or English in China, hoping they in extracurricular autonomous learning English is not very realist

9、ic. The importance of exercise, for example, who knows, health is more important than English, but there are still a lot of students to do topic, never exercise. As a whole under the exam-oriented education, the persons choice is deformed. Dr Many masters not finish course, because English professor

10、 because English not commented the title still has nothing to do with English, is a question of policy flexibility and English examination forms. To tell the truth, to the level of masters, PhD, professor, except what is the Chinese characteristic disciplines, otherwise how could English level cant

11、do research? All kinds of literature and cutting-edge developments are in English, if you dont look at what research can make? So the master of English should be the main investigation ability, such as reading literature. Some view the comments: since English is so important, that you will learn, if

12、 not the university entrance exam plus market regulation, no problem. Now that compulsory education is so important, then, that even if you dont force you will also learn ah, why even obligations?Problem is that let people completely free choice and rely on market regulation can sometimes produce ha

13、rm to individuals and society as a whole, this is the meaning of public power and public resources. If really let teenagers choose what class, most will choose what also not, education policy by students to vote for a reason. In fact, if the degree of disgust, two in English and maths is same ah. gi

14、ve everybody feel the two sites: 另一些观点认为英语的重要性明显不如语文和数学。那我们来看一下:互联网上每天产生的英文信息量可能比其他所有语言相加还多,世界上绝大多数国际组织、学术期刊、学术会议都使用英文,英文是科学、国际贸易、外交、航运、航空等领域的通用语言,是国际交流的默认语言。在许多领域,添加翻译这一环节是会大大降低效率的,比如在科学领域,一本书还没等翻译完可能就已经过时了。在信息时代,能够及时获取一手信息和必须等待二手信息之间的差异可能就是决定成败的关键。更别说学习英语还能更好地了解外国文化、历史、政治、社会,消除对世界的偏见和误解,这对中外交流是非常重


16、况而非应试能力)。也就是说,对于一些其他学科,即使你在学校里没学到某方面知识,那也至少有一定机会在工作中自学补救,但英语到要用的时候才发现水平不够,再设法提高就格外地困难和缓慢了。再加上人脑学习语言的天赋随着年龄增长不可逆地迅速下滑,如果不在小学中学打好基础,寄希望于大学、工作时再弥补再按需学习,是一件非常低效和痛苦的事。所以放松中学英语学习,吃亏的还是学生自己。从中学就开始赌自己这辈子用不到英语,到底是“理性选择”,还是心理暗示自我安慰?2. 公平性这一点说的人很少,但我觉得其实很重要。城乡之间英语水平的差异大于其他任何科目。城乡教育资源差距一直存在,但英语这个学科的特殊性拉大了这种差距。人



19、语了,而如果想到了大学或者工作了再学,难度就非常大,吃亏就更多了。就像高考和招生虽然对农村学生各种不公平,但如果没了高考,就更不公平了,连争取公平的机会都没了。如果高考是600和500的差距,那么如果没有高考大家纯拼资源,那可能会是600和200的差距了。3. 母语和国学一些人觉得学英语使学生中文水平下降,不重视中文学习和传统文化的传承。前者的问题主要是缺乏语言学常识和对语言的狭隘理解。人脑是个很牛的东西,两种甚至多种语言并存根本不算什么,不会存在学一种语言会把另一种语言“挤出去”的情况,更何况那种语言还是母语。那为什么有些人英语学多了偶尔会想不起中文词呢?道理很简单:用进废退。可以类比打字多

20、了不会手写汉字。问题不是英语学太多或者打字太多,而是汉语用得太少和手写汉字太少的问题。解决办法(如果你觉得这是个问题的话)不应该在英语上开刀,而应该鼓励学生除了日常简单交流外,用中文进行一些相对正式的公共演讲,开展一些诸如话剧、辩论的活动,并在平时尽量克制用英文词代替中文的习惯。再来说说许多人对语言的狭隘定义。一般对语言“标准用法”的定义有两种:prescriptive (规范式) 和 descriptive(描述式)。规范式就是人为规定,中文应该这么说,A用法是对的,B用法是错的。描述式认为,现实生活中大多数人习惯的用法就是正确的用法。一般这两种定义是互补的,保证一种语言在具有稳定性、统一性


22、面临危机了,那到底是英语的问题还是传统文化和国学的问题?扣黑锅最容易了,难的是寻找自身问题,认清潮流,与时俱进。4. 减负又是选软柿子捏。在中国的教育现状下,哪怕是教打麻将,都能给学生带来负担,让他们失去兴趣。即使把除了语文之外所有科目都取消,学生负担也不会有半点减轻。况且英语还算是比较能教出趣味性的一个学科,放点电影、美剧,让学生排点小短剧什么的,兴趣很容易调动的,也算是一种减负和调解了。追着英语打不排除有排外情绪在作祟。4.5 愚民(这个只能算是吐槽.)你们都学会英语了,真相不是包不住了么。听过一句话很经典:一百年前,我们学英语是为了认识世界;现在,我们学英语是为了认识中国.虽然我坚持反对

23、高考取消英语和减少英语在教育中的比重,但对高考英语和其他科目的改革和调整还是比较期待的,因为这些改变很可能会代表着更深层次教育改革的方向。The other view is the importance of English clearly as Chinese and maths. That we look at: English information on the Internet every day will add more than any other language, the worlds most international organizations, academic j

24、ournals, academic meeting all use English, English is a scientific, international trade, foreign affairs, shipping, aviation and other fields of common language, is the default language of international communication. In many areas, add translation this link is will greatly reduce the efficiency, su

25、ch as in the field of science, a book before translation may be outdated. In the information age, to be able to get firsthand information in time and have to wait for the difference between secondhand information may be the key to determine success or failure. Let alone learning English can also gai

26、n a better understanding of foreign culture, history, politics, society, eliminate bias and misunderstanding of the world, it is very important for Chinese and foreign exchange. Globalization will not ask would you like it or not, to go tsundere his side play, figured it out myself to catch up slowl

27、y. That maybe some absolute and some sadness, but at least in the foreseeable future, English is the direction, English is the world. Maybe high school does for some people dont use English, but the high school math, science is also the same. They are a basic subject, is to lay a foundation in the f

28、uture, not to have direct cash practical function. On the other hand causes of emphasis on English education and the special features of the language learning. Some of other subjects, such as politics, history, and even science was born, as long as there is a certain foundation, so the students a ch

29、ance to in a short period of time through intensive study, relatively good grasp of the discipline of a niche (of course, there are exceptions). But English depends on accumulation, let the brain continued access to training, to adapt and to strengthen, so study the effect of dr.kissinger generally

30、inferior to other disciplines (said is true masters and FeiYingShi ability). That is to say, for some other subjects, even if you didnt learn some knowledge in school, it is at least a chance to work in self-study remedy, but discovered levels is not enough to want to use English, try to improve it is extraordinarily difficult and slow. Coupled with the human brain to learn a language talent to the rapid decline with age is not reversible, if not in elementary school middle school foundation, hope college, at work to make up for on-demand learning again, is a very inefficient and painful t

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