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广东省广州市届高三毕业班综合测试二英语试题 Word版含答案文档格式.docx

1、 7 ,turn away or face the pain. I decided to return. I later found out that the lightning had stopped my heart for 5 minutesDoctors were 8 I had survived. Through much hard work I eventually recovered 9 But while my body slowly healed,I remained terrified of stormsThe army doctors insisted I 10 my f

2、ears and overcome them. So on one overcast day,I stood outside my house and waited. The rain came,wetting mybare feet. I saw the flash and heard the thunder at the same time. Lightning burned through meonce more and threw me back into the house. Id been struck again! The first time I was hit,I was t

3、old the 11 of surviving were one in twelve million. Butwhat were the chances of surviving twice? I already lived with so much 12 that physically it wasnt much worse the second time.But I became more 13 It took me years to overcome my terror and feel comfortable againleaving the house. My life as a s

4、oldier was 14 by one in a wheelchair. Nevertheless Ilearned to 15 Although I still feel pain every day,Im now able to work and liveindependentlyI am no longer afraid of living1 A. fighting B. working C. sleeping D. reading2 A. fire Broof Crainstorm D . smoke3 A. jump B. laugh C. hide D. leave4. A. s

5、lowly B. secretly C. softly D. loudly5 A. Electricity B. Light C: Rain D. Sound6. A. hitting B. leaving C. controlling D . dragging7. A. right B. problem C. choice D. dream8 A. confident B. disappointed C. worried D. amazed9. A. socially B. mentally C. physically D. visually10. A. hide Bface C. sens

6、e D. ignore11 A. reasons B. chances C. advantages D. consequences12. A. success B. joy C. failure D. pain13A. fearful B. powerful C. thankful D. regretful14. A. protected B. saved C. replaced D. shared15A. adapt B. forgive C. escape D. complain第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,

7、在空格处填人一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为16一25的相应位置上。 The giant panda loves bamboo. An adult panda requires 12. 5 kilograms of bamboo,whichit 16 (hungry)pulls out with its powerful paws,to satisfy its daily needsWild pandas live only in the high bamboo forests of Central China. These mountain forest

8、sare cool and wet一just as pandas like it. In the summer,they may climb as high as 4000 metersto help themselves to bamboo 17 (grow)at higher altitudes. Frequently,pandas 18 (see)eating in a relaxed sitting position,with their back legsstretched out before them. 19 they may appear inactive,they are i

9、n fact skilled tree-climbersand efficient swimmers Giant pandas are unsociableThey have a highly developed sense of smell that males use 20 (avoid)each other and to find females for mating in the springAfter a five-monthpregnancy,a female gives birth 21 a cub. The blind baby pandas weigh only 142 gr

10、ams andcannot crawl(爬行) 22 they reach three months of age 23 are born white,and developtheir much loved colouring later. There are only about 1000 giant pandas left in 24 wild,with perhaps another 100 inzoos. Because they are so rare,much of 25 we know about pandas comes from studyingthese zoo anima

11、lsII阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Is it possible that the sinking of the Titanic was caused by a ghost? A lot of the story belowis true. but did it really happen quite like this? Our story begins not in the icy cold waters of the North Atlantic,

12、but rather thousands ofmiles away in Egypt. It is here,perhaps,that we can find the start of the mystery(谜)of theTitanic,in the year 1910,in the great city of Cairo One day,a famous professor of Egyptian history called Douglas Murray was staying inCairo,when he was contacted by an American adventure

13、r. The American had something unusual to offer Murray,something that was certain to thrillhim:a beautiful ancient Egyptian mummy case,containing the mummy of an Egyptian queenitwas over 3000 years old,but in beautiful condition一gold,with bright paintings on it. Murraywas delighted with both the obje

14、ct and the asking-priceHe gave the man a cheque immediately. The cheque was never cashed. That evening the American adventurer died. For his part,Murray arranged to have the treasure sent back to BritainHowever,it was not long before helearnt more about the beautiful mummy case:On the walls of the t

15、omb in which it had beendiscovered,there were messages which warned of terrible consequences to anyone who broke intothe tombMurray was disbelieving of these warnings until a few days later,when a gun he washolding exploded in his hand,shattering his arm. The arm had to be cut off. After the acciden

16、t,Murray decided to return to his homelandOn the return journey,two ofhis companions died mysteriously,and two servants who had handled the mummy also passedawayThe now-terrified Murray decided he would get rid of the cursed case as soon as he arrivedin LondonA lady he knew named Janet Jones said sh

17、e would like it,so he gave it to her.Shortly afterwards,Jones mother died,and she herself caught a strange disease. She triedreturning the mummy,but naturally Murray refused it. In the end,it was presented to the BritishMuseum Even in the museum,the mummy apparently continued to cause strange events

18、A museumphotographer died shortly after taking pictures of the new exhibit;and a manager also died for noapparent reason. In the end,the British Museum decided to get rid of the mummy tooThey soldit to a collector in New York. At the start of April 1912,arrangements for the transfer were complete,an

19、d the mummy beganthe journey to its new homeBut the New Yorker never received the mummy or its caseFor whenthe Titanic sank,one of the objects in its strong-room Was the mummy caseOr so they say26From the passage,we know Professor Murray A. was a famous American adventurer B used to work for the Bri

20、tish Museum C was a British professor of Egyptian history D didnt believe the mummy really brought bad fortune27 In Paragraph 5,the underlined word“cursed”is closest in meaning to A. forgotten B. uncommon C. expensive D. unlucky28In what order did the following events occur? a. The case was given to

21、 the British Museum. b Janet Jones caught a mysterious illness c Murrays arm was cut off. d. The mummy case was sold to an American. e A man who took a picture of the case died. f. Warnings were written on the tomb,s walls A. f, c,b,a,e,d B c,f, b,a,e,d C, d,f, b,c,a,e D. f, a,c,b,e,d29According to

22、the passage,where is the Egyptian mummy now? A. At the British Museum. BIn New York. C. In Egypt. D. Under the sea.30What is the main purpose of this passage? A. To entertain readers with a story of mystery B To introduce an important historical event to readers C To warn readers about the dangers o

23、f mummies curses D To inform readers about the true cause of the Titanics sinking B Amy didnt have a little finger. It bothered James at first,but she seemed almost proud of it:she would refuse to use herfive-fingered hand to hold his or move stray hairs from her eyesShe would always use her lefthan

24、d,twisted and shockingBut that was only at the beginning of their relationship. After sixmonths the missing digit became something like a comfort to James一hed notice its absence inhis hand and feel lovedIt was something he couldnt explain to anyone else,and that made himlove the missing finger even

25、moreIt was a secret between them both. There was,however,a certain thing James couldnt ask about. He wasnt sure how she losther finger. It was the only unspeakable topic in the relationshipIt didnt bother him very much.He wasnt a curious person. Hed occasionally slip and begin to ask,but mostly caug

26、ht himself.When he didnt,shed get quiet in company or angry in privateHed let her storm away and waitfor the broken comb of her hand to run through his hair in apology They broke up over a mistakeHis mistakeAmy started an argument over who should dothe dishes,and he lost despite his best effort to p

27、oint out the number of hours he worked. In hisanger,he stabbed a fork into the wall. Amy didnt say anything;she didnt even look upset,just confused. When he pulled the fork out,two prongs(叉齿)stayed in the wall,so he threw itinto the trash. She was still staring,and he felt awkward and ashamed. He to

28、ld her the prongs were in thewall,and the fork was now uselessWhat good would a two-pronged fork be for anyone? There wasnt any talking after that. She simply packed a backpack and went to her mothersThe next day Amys brother and father came by to collect the rest of her clothing and booksNeither of

29、 them looked mad,though James couldnt figure out if they were truly uninterested or ifsilent anger was a family characteristic He painted over the marks on the kitchen wall a week later,but left the prongs in the wallHe fished the fork out of the trash and kept it in the silverware drawer,underneath the utensiltrayHed take it out occasionallyRunning his finger into the rough gap of the missing pieces,hed try to feel what wasnt there anymore.31 Which of Amys finger

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