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1、 What time is it? Its seven fifteen Whats the time for? Its time for breakfast. Now what time is it? Its eleven forty-five. Its time for lunch.2. 新课展示(New Presentation)老师通过钟表和数字卡片讲解本课重点句型What time is it? Its seven oclock. Its twelve thirty .Whats the time for? Its time for及词汇eight oclock, twelve, th

2、irty ,forty, fifty。1)老师看着自己的表自言自语地说: Oh, its eight oclock. Its time for class.2)然后老师拿出事先准备好的钟表问: Whats this ? 老师然后拨钟表到整6点问:What time is it now? 并引导学生回答:Its six oclock.然后拨钟表到整7点问: Its seven oclock. 然后拨钟表到整8点问: Its eight oclock.并将six oclock, seven oclock, eight oclock写到黑板上;3)然后让时针不动,转动分针,引导学生练习15,20,2

3、5,30,35, 40,45,50的表达。如:老师可把分针拨到8:05问: What time is it now? Oh, Its eight five.然后又把分针拨到15分问:then, what time is it?用手指指着钟表开始是五格五格的数,之后是一格一格的数(five, ten, eleven, twelve ,thirteen, fourteen, fifteen .)Its seven fifteen.同时将数词卡片15张贴在黑板上,边贴边说fifteen,fifteen, fifteen. Its seven fifteen. 以同样的方法教授thirty, fort

4、y, fifty。同时提醒学生-teen构成“十几” 而 ty构成“几十”说“几十几” 由“十位数+连词符号+个位数”构成。从而让学生了解100以内的基数词。如45=forty-five, 35= thirty-five,56=fifty-six等。4)师生一起玩我拨钟来你报时的游戏。 A 老师把钟表拨到7:15 ,T: what time is it? Ss: Its seven fifteen. 老师引导学生说Its time for breakfast. Its time for breakfast.说完就伸手拿起桌子上的牛奶和面包吃。B 同样的方法老师把钟表拨到8:00,问Hi, Lo

5、ok at the watch, What time is it?Ss:Oh, Its eight oclock, T: Be quick! Its time for school.说着背着书包装做要上学的样子C接着老师把钟表拨到八点半说:Now its eight thirty. Whats the time for?Ss:Its eight thirty, Its time for class.D老师接着又把钟表拨到11:45分问:How about now? Its eleven forty-five. Its time for lunch. T& Oh good! Its time f

6、or lunch.3 小结:询问时间我们可用What time is it?来提问,用Its . 来回答。整点的表达我们可在整点后加oclock,几点几分我们可以先说几点再说多少分。想表示现在是该干什么的时候了我们可用Its time for来表示。4 巩固活动:1)我说时间你来拨钟表。老师可快速说出一些时间:如eight oclock, twelve thirty ,four forty-five, five fifty, six thirty-five等,让学生拨钟表,看谁拨得又对又快。2)猜时间游戏; 叫一个学生背对着大家,另一个学生面向大家举起自己的表盘或钟表。大家看着钟表上的时间说:

7、Its time for classlunchbreakfastsupperschool等,问What time is it?让背对着大家的同学猜现在是几点几分了。看谁猜得又快又准。5 播放Listen and read部分录音.听,并跟读这些句子,然后回答问题并将自己的钟表拨到相应的时间。老师举起吃早饭的图片问:T: Whats the time for breakfast? Its seven fifteen.学生边回答边把自己的钟表拨到7:15分。 Whats the time for school? Its eight oclock. 学生边回答边把自己的钟表拨到8:00点。 What

8、s the time for class? Its eight thirty. 学生边回答边把自己的钟表拨到8:30分。 Whats the time for lunch? Its eleven forty-five. 学生边回答边把自己的钟表拨到11:45分。6 播放Listen, look and match部分录音.听并连线,看看哪个句子和那幅图意匹配。7做Lets practise(I).两个学生一组,请你根据同伴所画钟表的时间进行问答。用What time is it? Its .8 做Lets practise(II).请你看着表盘进行问答。老师分别转动表盘到7:15,8:00,8

9、:30,11:45的表盘进行问答。老师将8:00的表盘拿出来:S: Its eight oclock.T;S;Unit 2 Its time to get up.第一课我们学习了用What time is it?问时间,并用Its seven oclock.Its twelve thirty.等表示不同的时间和用Its time for表示现在是该干什么的时间了。今天我们继续学习时间的表达。同时学习另外一种表示现在是该干什么的时间了的句型Its time to do sth.让学生搞清楚Its time for和Its time to do sth.两句结构的不同。同时要会说会用会写get u

10、pgo to bed walk, I can run and stop, I can wake Jack up.(边唱边画)Can you guess, Who am I ?Who am I?Yes, My name is “clock” My name is “clock”2)老师拿出钟表,利用Mike和 LiShan手偶进行对话引出本课话题 。老师:LiShan:Its eleven fifty.老师:Oh, school is over. Mike: Its time to go : Lets go )老师通过钟表和单词卡片讲解课文重点句型和词汇。1) 老师拨动钟表让学生复习上一课所学的

11、问时间和说时间。在黑板上左边张贴对应的图片,并将重点的句子(红色标注Its time for 写在中间,将Its time to写在右边如:A老师拨钟表到8点问: 学生回答:Its eight oclock.老师打开书本说:Oh, Its eight oclock, its time for class.B老师再拨钟表到7:45: 学生:Its seven forty-five.老师举起上学的图片问: 学生 Its time for school.将上学的图片贴到黑板的左列并引导学生说: Its time to go to school.C老师再拨钟表到七点: 学生B :Its seven o

12、clock.老师举起起床的图片问Whats the time for? 边将图片贴到黑板上边引导学生说: Its time to get up.D老师再拨钟表到9:00问What time is it?Its nine oclock.老师举起上床睡觉的图片问Whats the time for? Its time to go to bed.E老师再拨钟表到7:30问:Its seven thirty.老师举起吃早饭的图片问Whats the time for? 边将图片贴到黑板上边引导学生说Its time for breakfast. 强调说Its time to .老师举起打乒乓球的图片问

13、Whats the time for? Its time to play ping-pang.3小结Its time for后跟名词,Its time to后接动词短语。两个句型都表示是该干什么的时间了。4 巩固活动1)我来比划你来猜,看哪组是最佳搭档。老师让学生两两自由组合,让一个学生来做吃饭,上床睡觉,起床,打乒乓球,回家,看电视,玩游戏,上学,上音乐课等动作,全班同学问Whats the time ? 叫另一个同学猜并用Its time to 句型来回答,在有限的时间里猜出最多的获最佳搭档奖。5播放Listen and read部分录音.听,并跟读这些句子。6. 播放Listen, lo

14、ok and match部分录音.听并连线,看看哪个句子和哪幅图意匹配。7. 做Practice ( I )“ 幸运大转盘”的游戏。看谁是今天幸运大赢家。 老师将事先准备好的在不同的时间贴有吃早饭,上床睡觉,起床,吃午饭,打乒乓球,回家,看电视,玩游戏,吃晚饭,上学,上音乐课等的图片的幸运大表盘立在教室前面,让学生上来玩“幸运大转盘“的游戏,全班同学用Whats the time?来询问,转的同学用 Its , Its time to句型来回答。回答错误游戏则结束,换下一个同学。8做Lets practice(II)这部分可安排成“按时做事“的游戏。老师可将事先准备好的4:20, 7:30,7

15、:40,4:45的表盘拿出来问大家:Whats the time?然后让学生回答:Its ,Its time to.老师再和学生一起拿起相应的工具,做相应的动作,边做边说:OK, Lets go. Unit 3 I thirty.前两课我们学习了时间的表达以及现在是该干什么的时间了。这一课我们来学习词组wash the face, play games, do the thirty. Thats good.老师通过钟表,吃晚饭,看电视,做作业,玩游戏,洗脸等的单词卡片及相关用品讲解课文重点句型和词汇。在黑板上从左到右依次张贴对应的时间钟表,单词图片,重点的句子Its time to和Is it

16、 time to(红色标注)。1)老师拿出Mike的钟表问Whats this ?Mike: (看了看说)Its a clock.老师继续问: Is this your clock, Mike? (仔细看了看)Yes, its my clock.2)老师拿着钟表拨出不同的时间让学生复习巩固What time is it? Its .Its time to get up fifteen.老师边拿出脸盆和毛巾不断的做洗脸的动作边说:Its time to wash the face. Wash the face,(同时将Its time to wash the face. 的句子写在黑板上)还可边

17、洗脸边唱:This is the way wash the face, wash the face. wash the face in the early morning.4)老师用用同样的方法教授play games, do the thirty.老师问Is it time to play games?同时将Is it time to wash the face? 的句子写在黑板上.接着回答No, Its time to do the oclock.老师问Is it time to oclock2 wash face at seven fifteen3 thirty 4 forty-five

18、5 p lay games at four fifty 6 oclock8 do the thirty9 go to bed at nine oclock8)老师问:What time do you get up, Mike? At eight oclock. Eight oclock. You get up at eight oclock. What time do you get up, Mary?Mary: I get up at seven oclock. What about you, Tom?Tom: Me ,too.老师问:What time do you oclock. sev

19、en oclock. You get up at seven oclock. What time do you ?John: I to a dialogue again, then answer the questions.(播放对话部分录音,回答问题,并做相应的动作。 T: Whats the time? Ss; Its seven fiftyfifteen.(学生把钟表拨到7:507:15) Sorry, Its seven fifteen, not fifty. Is it time to get up?(做起床穿衣状或拿出get up的单词卡片) No, T; Is it time t

20、o thirty. How about you? (学生把钟表拨到7:30) Me, too. (老师把钟表也拨到7:7 做Lets practice (I )学生两两一问一答:问的学生做相应的动作或举起图片。回答的同学边回答边把自己的钟表拨到相应的时间。学生A出示吃晚饭的图片或做吃晚饭的动作问:What time do you , join, jump rope等几个动词。What day is it today?MikeHe She is jumping rope on the playground.TheyWe are playing volleyball.Monday,Tuesday,

21、Wednesday, Thursday,run , jump rope,join.3 会说会用Lets go and join , jump rope,join的单词卡片。7. 19页挂图。8. 1-7的扑克牌若干张。9. 学生准备跳绳,悠悠球,足球,乒乓球, 排球等教学过程2. 热身(Warming up)老师戴上Tom 和David的手偶利用钟表、日历,跳绳,乒乓球等进行对话引出话题:David: Its four oclock. Is it time to play ping-pong? What day is it today? Its Wednesday.(出示周三日历) Oh, I

22、ts Wednesday. Sorry , We play ping-pong on Tuesday.(周二) Its Wednesday. (拿出跳绳)We jump rope on Wednesday. Look, Mike is jumping rope there. Lets join )老师利用日历及相关活动用具讲解课文重点句型和词汇。1) 老师可开门见山直接问学生What day is it today?根据实际情况举起当天的日历引导学生回答: Its Wednesday. Wednesday, Wednesday.并将单词卡片贴到黑板上。同时老师引导学生学会按音节,读音规则来拼读

23、单词。然后又拿出前一天的日历问:Is it Wednesday ?学生会说No, 老师接着问What day is it? 并指着上面星期二的地方引导学生说:Its Tuesday, Tuesday . Tuesday.并将单词卡片贴到黑板上。老师以同样的方法引出Monday, Thursday等,并将相应的单词卡片张贴到黑板上。2) 老师问学生: Oh, its four thirty. School is over . (边收拾自己的东西边问)Is it time to go Tuesday. Boys and girls , Lets go and play.边说边走到教室的一角拿起各种

24、体育用品,学生也拿自己准备的体育用品开始活动。3 ) A: 老师看着大家忽然指着一位正在跳绳的学生说: Look , Mike is jumping rope. Jump rope, Jump rope, 老师拿出跳绳I like jumping rope. Lets join them. OK.师生一起边跑步边说:We are running.3小结: 当我们要描述当前人正在做某事时,我们用be +动词的现在分词来构成的进行时态来表示。其中be 要和主语人称和数的变化保持一致。我们说:MikeLi DongSheHe is doing The boysThe girls TheyYou We

25、 are doing1)看图抢答老师出示19页挂图问:Look, What are the doing? S1: They are playing. 老师又指着图中跳绳的Mike说: This is Mike, what is to a dialogue, then answer the questions.(播放对话部分录音,回答问题,同时做相应的动作) Its Tuesday.(学生边回答边举起周二的日历) After school, is it time to go the playground.(指指外面学校草场的方向或用手比划出一个大操场的样子)7做Lets Practise(I).

26、 Do in pairs. 看谁是今天的参与之星。老师可将放大的每日活动的安排表贴在黑板上,然后告诉学生说,今天是自由活动,让学生自己选择一种开始活动。然后让学生尽量的参与到别人的活动当中。看谁参与别人的活动最多谁就是今天的参与之星。学生A指着打乒乓球的同学说 :Look! They are playing ping-pong.学生B看了看每日活动的安排表说; They play ping-pong on Tuesday.学生A: Lets go and join them.学生B: OK. Lets .8做Lets practice(II). 由一个同学做动作模仿某种动作,让别的同学猜他在干什么。 如:老师可让一个学生做跳绳的动作然后问大家:What is to the radio, sing songs等词汇。同时教育学生学会使用礼貌用语并关心他人。Im making a present for my mother in my room.What are theyyoupupils doing?What is to the radio, sing songs3 初步了解感叹句.4 会说、会用日常口语:Let me , pencil,

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