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1、 /2This is very important information. Please . OK. I will.Awrite down it Bwrite it down Cwrite them down3Mom, I didnt win the competition, I will not easily give up my efforts. Alex, keep on trying. I am sure you will make it!Aalthough Bunless Cif4Nelly is as as Kelly. Yes, but Kelly studies than N

2、elly. Thats why she always gets better grades.Asmart, harder Bsmart, more hard Csmarter, harder5What is your prediction about the future?I think there more cities but pollution.Awill have; less Bwill be; less Cwill be; fewer6I expect our country stronger and richer. Yes, thats what Chinas Dream is a

3、bout. Everyone should play a part.Ato become Bbecoming Cbecome7Can you hang out with me this weekend?Sorry, I am not sure. I have to visit my grandparents.Amust Bmight Ccan8This summer, our school sent teachers to help the left-behind children in mountain areas.Ahundreds of Bhundred of C2 hundreds9I

4、f everyone more about others in the future, the world will become a better place.Acare Bwill care Ccares10Thanks for letting me share the problems with you. I feel much better now. Just remember: dont keep problems to . I am always here for you.Ayourself Bmyself Coneself二、完型填空 Once I thought love me

5、ant flowers, gifts and sweet kisses. So, I really not sure whether there was love between my parents. They didnt act in the romantic ways that I read in books or I saw on TV, and it was 11 for them to send flowers to each other on Valentines Day(情人节).One day, my mother was sewing(缝) a quilt. I 12 he

6、r if there was love between them. She stopped her work and looked up. I had never asked her such a question before, so her eyes were full of 13 . After thinking for a few minutes, she said, “Look at this thread (线). Sometimes it 14 , but most of the time it disappears in the quilt. If life is a quil

7、t, then love 15 a thread. You can 16 see the thread anywhere or anytime, but its really there, and makes the quilt long and strong.” I listened carefully but I couldnt understand her 17 the next spring.My mother suddenly got seriously ill. Every morning and dusk (黄昏) after she went back from the hos

8、pital, my father helped my mother walk slowly on the country road. There were many beautiful flowers, green grass and trees, and the sunshine gently fell on them 18 the leaves. All of these made up the most beautiful picture in the world. Reading their eyes, I knew they loved each other and they 19

9、stay by each other s side when necessary. Love was just a thread in the quilt of our life. Love is 20 , making life strong and warm.11Apossible Bimpossible Csuccessful12Aasked Btold Csaid13Asurprises Bsadness Canger14Aappears Bgrows Cmixes15Ais different from Bis similar to Cis far from16Ahardly Bus

10、ually Calways17Aafter Bin Cuntil18Aacross Bthrough Cunder19Awere ready to Bhappened to Cwere up to20Ainside Boutside Cbeside三、阅读单选Teresa, Madrid, Spain My 21st birthday was in April. I was really happy to go out with some friends. They pulled my ears 21 times, once for each year. Its an custom(习俗).F

11、rancisco, Paris, France Im going to be 30 next Friday. In France, when you celebrate a birthday, you often invite people out. I know that in some countries its the oppositepeople take you out. Lin Xiaohan, Taipei, China Yesterday was my 16th birthday. It was a special birthday, so we had a family di

12、nner together. I was happy to get some money from my parents, My mother cooked noodles for me, because noodles are for a long life.21Who is the oldest of the three?ATeresa BFrancisco CLin Xiaohan22Lin Xiaohan had noodles on his 16th birthday because .Anoodles are easy to cook Bnoodles are delicious

13、Cnoodles are for a long life Alien Books On Sale7th February15th February Ding Wangtai Book Market60% off if you buy more than 10 books#The BEST GIFT# for children during the Spring Festival SeasonName: Aliens are My Homework Author: Bruce Coville Price: $ 6In stock(库存) Aliens for Lunch Authors: Ste

14、phanie Spinner& Jonathan Etra $ 4Only 18 left in stock The Three little Aliens and the Big Bad Robot Margaret McNamara $ 7 Out of stock 23How much should you pay if you buy 12 Aliens are My Homework?A$ 72 B$ 28.8 C$ 43.224How long will the book sale last(持续)?A7 days B8 days C9 days25Which of the fol

15、lowing is NOT true?AYou can buy the books as gifts for childrenBThere are less than 20 books by Stephanie Spinner&Jonathan EtraCThe most expensive book is available Coco(寻梦环游记), Disney s latest cartoon movie, did a successful job in showing the afterlife and peoples memories(记忆) of their dead family

16、 members. The movie comes from the Mexican(墨西哥) holiday of Dia de los Muertos(亡灵节). The young boy Miguel loves music so much. However, his family all say NO to his musical dream. That really lets him down, so he runs away from home. On Dia de los Muertos, he goes to the “Land of the Dead” by acciden

17、t(偶然). There, Miguel meets his dead family members and has an adventure(冒险). Only after the experience does he know how much his family love him. In the movie, the “Land of Dead” is not a scary place. There are friendly skeletons(骷髅). On Dia de los Muertos, they can cross a bridge of flowers to “vis

18、it” their living family members. As long as their family put their photos on a family shrine(神龛), they can do this every year. If not, their spirits(灵魂) will disappear into the air. The movie sends a clear and warm message about the importance of family. Family is at the center of Mexican culture. O

19、n Dia de los Muertos, people in Mexico share food and drinks to remember their ancestors(祖先), just like the people in the movie. The movie teaches kids to keep and respect(尊重) the memory of their elders.26How does Miguel feel when his family say NO to him?AHappy BSad CFree27When does Miguel realize(

20、意识到) his family love him?AWhen his family all say NO to his musical dreamBBefore he meets his dead family membersCAfter he has an adventure experience28What can we learn about the “Land of the Dead”?AScary skeletons live on the “Land of the Dea”BThere is a bridge of flowers for skeletons to visit li

21、ving family membersCThe skeletons can also visit living family members if they dont have photos on a family shrine29What is the most important thing in Mexican culture?AFamily BMoney CFood and drinks30What does the passage mainly(主要地) want to tell us?AThe Mexican holiday of Dia de los MuertosBDisney

22、 s latest cartoon movie CocoCA young boys musical dream Inventions makes our life easier and better than before. Time magazine listed the 25 best inventions in the Year 2017. Lets take a look at some of them. iPhone XThe iPhone X is a “dream come true”, says Apple. It has some wonderful features(特点)

23、. The greatest feature is that the face ID allows users to unlock(解锁) their phone just by looking at their iPhone. Another feature wireless charging(无线充电). A third fun feature allows users to create their own emojis(表情包). Just by looking at the screen, users can see emojis about themselves, such as

24、talking pandas. Social robotCan robots talk to us like humans? Jibo can. When you say, “Hey, Jibo,” it will dance and turn round to you. When it talks to you, it will move its round head and big body. Although it has no eyes or mouth, Jibo uses animated icons(动画图标), such as a smile icon, to show how

25、 it feels. All of these features make it seem like a real human. Right now, Jibo can only do some easy things, like taking photos or reading the news to you. But it may learn to do new things in the future. Fidget spinnerThe fidget spinner(指尖陀螺) is probably the most popular toy this year. With a bal

26、l in the middle, it can twirl(旋转) around on your fingertip(指尖) for a few minutes. After it starts to spin, you can put it on a flat surface, such as on a ruler or even on the nose of a dog. Some people say that this little toy can help them to relax their mind. But it may not be a good thing to spen

27、d too much time playing with it.31What does the underlined word “inventions” in Para1 mean?A娱乐 B沟通 C发明32What is the biggest feature of iPhone X?AThe face ID BWireless charging CThe emojis33What does Jibo use to show its feeling?AIts round head BBody language CAnimated icons34To let a fidget spinner

28、keep spinning, you should put it .Aon a dogs finger Bon a flat surface Cunder a ruler35What is TRUE according to the passage?AThe writer thinks inventions are helpful in our lifeBFour features about iPhone X are mentioned(被提到)CIts good to play with a fidget spinner for a long time The way we spend o

29、ur time can be divided into three “bottles”. These are the necessary tasks(任务) bottle, the voluntary(自愿的) tasks bottle and the happiness bottle. Every day, we spend time filling the necessary tasks bottle with useful things, like making money, buying food and paying bills. We then fill another bottl

30、e with voluntary tasks. These are things that we do for others, but we may not enjoy them. This bottle gets filled with tasks like taking children to activities, cooking family meals, and washing your husbands socks. Those bottles are very important. If we dont fill them each day, our family wont run well. However, we often forget to fill the third bottlethe happiness bottle that we fill with enjoyable activities. Is your happiness bottle sometimes empty at the end of the day? Between doing all the necessary and voluntary tasks, time flies fas

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