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1、Module 2,My New Teachers,高中第一册,amusingenergeticintelligentnervousorganisedpatientseriousshystrict,adj.有趣的,可笑的adj.精力充沛的adj.聪明的adj.紧张的,焦虑的adj.有组织的,系统的adj.耐心的adj.严肃的adj.害羞的adj.严格的,Vocabulary,intelligent kind lively nervous organised patient popular serious strict stupid energetic shy,Decide if they are

2、 positive(+)or negative(-).,+,+,+,+,+,+,+,-,+,-,-,-,To get general ideas,Skimming,young,beautiful,kind,serious,strict,good-looking,energetic,young,What is the main idea of the passage My New Teachers?,The passage introduces three new teachers and the students impressions of them.,Para.1,Mrs.Chen is

3、a strict but good teacher because her teaching is well organized and clear.,Mr.Wu is a good teacher because he is good-looking,energetic and humorous.,Mrs.Li is a good teacher because she is kind,patient and tolerant.,Para.2,Para.3,Match the paragraphs with their mean ideas.,To get detailed informat

4、ion,Scanning,True or False,1.Mrs Li explains grammar clearly and I can follow her.2.Mrs Li makes me feel stupid when I make mistakes.3.With Mrs Lis help,I begin to do better in English.4.Mrs Chen is very strict and some students dont like her.5.Mr Wu is rather good-looking,so all the students like h

5、im.,T,F,T,T,F,1.Which teachers do students like a lot?,Mrs Li,Mr Wu.,2.Who is a very good teacher but is serious and strict?,Mrs Chen.,Reading Comprehension,3.What subject do you think Mrs Li is teaching?,English.,4.Whats that girls first impression of Mrs Li?,Her first impression of Mrs Li was that

6、 she was nervous and shy.,6.What subject does Mrs Chen teach?,Physics.,5.What do students think of Mrs Chen?,Shes very strict and serious and doesnt smile much.,8.What subject does Mr Wu teach?,Chinese.,9.How old is Mr Wu and how is he?,He is about 28.He is energetic and rather good-looking.,7.Why d

7、o most students in the class like Mrs.Chen?Her teaching is well organized and clear.,10.Is Mr Wu liked by his students?,Yes.,11.What does he do when he gets excited?,He talks loudly and fast,and waves his hands about a lot when he gets excited.,He tells jokes when the students get tired.,12.What doe

8、s he do when his students get tired?,English,kind,patient,Explain grammar clearly,avoid making students feel stupid.,Text analysis,Physics,serious,strict,organi-ed and clear,Not smile much,none dare to be late,explain exactly what is happening.,Chinese,28,good-looking,Energ-etic,amus-ing,Talk loudly

9、 and fast,wave his handsabout a lot,tell jokes sometimes.,To solve difficult points,Careful reading,Language Points,1.My first impression of Mrs Li was that she was nervous and shy.我对李老师最初的印象是她既紧张又害羞。impression 在此处为可数名词,意为“印象”。ones(first)impression of 某人对的(最初)印象leave/make an impression on 给某人留下深刻印象,

10、2.Ive always hated making mistakes or pronouncing a word incorrectly when I speak English,but Mrs Li just smiles,so that you dont feel completely stupid!我总是不愿意犯错误或者在说英语时念错词。李老师只是笑笑,你就不会感到自己是个大笨蛋。,always强调“一直是这样”。另外,be always doing 表示“老是,老”,多半表示责难,不满或表扬。如:He is always complaining about something.他老是发

11、牢骚。He was always asking for money.他老是要钱。He is always helping others.他总是喜欢帮助别人。,2)so that 在此处引导表示结果的状语 从句,意为“因此,这样就”。如:She is very careful,so that she seldom makes a mistake.她非常细心,因此她很少犯错。Nothing more was heard from him so that we began to wonder if he was dead.再也没有听到他的消息,因此我们怀疑他是否死了。,3)dont feel com

12、pletely stupid 并不觉得自己是个大笨蛋dont(否定词)和completely,all,both,every,everyone,everything 等表示全部概念的词一起连用,表示的是部分否定,而非全部否定。例如:All is not gold that glitters.=Not all that glitters is gold.发光的并不都是金子。Everybody wouldnt like it.=Not everybody would like it.并不是每个人都会喜欢它。,3.Shes very strictwe dont dare to say a word u

13、nless she asks us to.她非常严格,如果她不要求,我们连一句话也不敢说。unless相当于if not,意为“要不是,除非”,这句话也可以说成:We dont dare to say a word if she doesnt ask us to.,4.because her teaching is so well organized and clear.因为她的讲解非常有条理,很清楚。,organized为形容词,意为“有秩序的,效率高的”。如:,a highly organized person 一个很有条理的人,a well-organized office工作效率高的办

14、事处,此外,它还有“有安排的,有准备的”意思。如:,a badly organized event 组织得不好的事情,organized crime 有组织的犯罪活动,5.this is one class you dont fall asleep in.这是一节你不会想睡觉的课。句中的in是不可少的。这句话可以分为两句话:This is one class.In the class you dont fall asleep.,1.教堂给汤姆留下很深刻的印象。The old church _ Tom.2.对此他并不完全了解情况。He doesnt know _ about it.,根据汉语,完

15、成句子。,made a deep impression on,everything,3.除非她先道歉,否则我不道歉。I wont apologize _ she apologizes first.4.把它拿近点儿,让我看看仔细。Bring it closer _ I may see it better.5.如果我开车时睡着了,就叫醒我。If I _ at the wheel,wake me up.,unless,so that,fall asleep,Use the above words to describe your new teachers!,Homework,Collect more

16、 information about your teachers.Try to use some of the words we have learnt in this period.,;英超比分 https:/英超比分;原来血脉壹半左右,这实在是太不值了.根汉也欣慰笑道:你小子能这样醒悟倒也不枉咱收你坐咱座骑,血脉再强又如何,那都是借祖先庇佑,或许你这壹辈子都无法超越祖先高度.而咱们,要做就要做自己,比祖先,都要强大若是没有这种意志,还在修行界混什么混,早晚会被人给淘汰.恩,老大说对,所以咱才没有吞食小红,而是决定娶小红为妻了.白狼马笑道.娶她为妻?根汉有些意外,咧嘴笑道:什么时候办喜酒呀?不用了老大,酒就不用摆了,咱们简单吃个饭,弄个仪式就算是成亲了.兽修之间嘛,哪用得着这么多礼数,咱还想赶紧和小红有一些孩子呢.白狼马笑着说.根汉倒是有些尴尬:来你这小子是要走到咱前面去了呀.嘿嘿,大哥嫂子那么多,随便找一些,能给你生壹堆呀,那还不是你不乐意嘛.白狼马拍起根汉马屁.根汉苦涩笑了笑:你大哥咱现在过什么日子,你可是清楚哦,可没有空,也没有机会呀哎还是你小子幸福呀.祝你和小红幸福吧,如果可

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