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高考英语完型填空 政治经济文化类.docx

1、 高考英语完型填空高考英语完型填空 政治经济文化类政治经济文化类 2019高考英语完型填空-政治经济文化类 李仕才 完型填空之政治经济文化类(一)Learning a second language fuels childrens intelligence and makes their job prospects brighter.36 the fact is,in U.S.A,as in many other English speaking countries,speakers of two or more languages are in the 37.Eighty-four per

2、cent of US people are monolingual(speakers of only one language).This leaves a small number who 38 to speak two or more languages.No matter how proud people are of their cultural roots,to speak anything 39 English is a marker of difference here.Thats why fourteen-year-old Umar is 40 when people comm

3、ent on the fact that he is able to speak Arabic.Umars mother points out:“In U.S.A,its not 41 for kids to be bilingual.But,if you speak another language to your children in U.S.A,it is thought that you are not helping them to 42 society.”But in fact,the general 43 among experts is that learning a sec

4、ond language is good for children.Experts believe that bilinguals people who speak _44 languages have a clear learning advantage 45 their monolingual schoolmates.This 46 on how much of each language they can speak,not on which language is used,47 they are learning Arabic,French,Chinese or any other

5、language.Vinss Millon,a professor of Foreign Language Training,says:“A lot of studies have 48 that children who speak more than one language sometimes learn one language more 49,but in the end they do as well as their monolingual schoolmates,and often better,in other subjects.”The view is that there

6、 is a(n)50 from the effort of learning another language.A few other 51 agree that“Bilinguals tend to use language better as a whole.They also 52 greater creativity and problem-solving ability,and they learn further languages more easily”.With all of the benefits,why do we not show more 53 for learni

7、ng other languages.Parents and teachers 54 in bilingual education say it is pressure from friends at school,general 55 to other languages in English-speaking countries,and problems in the school system that are to blame.36.A.And B.So C.But D.Thus 37.A.minimum B.maximum C.minority D.majority 38.A.cla

8、im B.pretend C.decide D.plan 39.A.more than B.less than C.rather than D.other than 40.A.excited B.embarrassed C.disappointed D.appreciated 41.A.common B.unusual C.unique D.general in up C.contribute to D.figure out 43.A.distinction B.commission C.announcement D.agreement B.

9、two C.three D.more 45.A.beneath B.beyond C.over D.of 46.A.determines B.focuses C.comments D.depends 47.A.if B.Whether C.when D.because 48.A.rejected B.released C.revealed D.reminded 49.A.slowly B.rapidly C.easily D.efficiently 50.A.outcome B.improvement C.advantage D.tendency 51.A.parents B.learners

10、 C.schoolmates D.professors 52.A.display B.produce C.inspire 53.A.concern B.respect C.enthusiasm D.intelligence 54.A.involved B.impressed C.competing D.replacing 55.A.opinions B.obstacles C.senses D.attitudes 【参考答案】36-40 CCADB 41-45 BADBC 46-50 DBCAB 51-55 DACAD (二)Like many families in S

11、anyati,a small countryside town in western Zimbabwe(津巴布韦),Johnsons family does not have a television.One day after school,Johnson arrived home and 41._ something unusual in the house.At first,he 42._ his father had bought a television,but when his mother said it was a computer,he was 43._.Its not th

12、at Johnson didnt like the 44._;he just didnt know how to use it.Johnson and his father didnt even know how to turn it on.Nobody in our neighborhood knew how to 45._ a computer,Johnson said.But things 46._ when Nikon,a young family friend,came from a big city to visit.Nikon knew all about computers.“

13、At first,I was always 47._ the wrong button,”Johnson recalled.“But I kept on going 48._I was eager to learn.”After three weeks,Johnson had mastered some computer 49._,such as opening and closing files.Johnson kept on practicing after Nikon 50._.His speed slowly improved.Soon,Johnson felt 51._ with t

14、he computer.Meanwhile,Johnsons friends 52._ what had happened to him.He no longer played soccer after school like he used to.Johnsons friends 53._.Were Johnsons parents 54._him from playing with them?Did he have new friends?One day,three of Johnsons friends surprised him at home.They couldnt 55._ wh

15、at they saw a computer,and Johnson was operating it.After that,Johnson began to teach them how to use the computer.It wasnt long before the neighborhood kids wanted to learn,too!The computer began to experience 56._ because the kids were pressing too many buttons.So he 57._a plan.He began charging f

16、or lessons.But this did not stop more kids from coming.Those whose parents did not have money 58._with chickens or goats.Johnson has taught computer skills to 30 students from his local school.With the money earned from 59._,Johnson has bought a television and a radio for his 60._.And he plans to buy a new computer and keep on teaching.41.A.realized B.noticed C.received D.achieved 42.A.felt B.found C.thought D.decided 43.A.disappointed B.interested C.satisfied D.excited 44.A.television C

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