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1、 2.according to the above way, lead students to readrulera/one rulerpencilthree pencils pencil-boxa pencil-boxschoolbagschoolbagin the supermarketin the bookstorea story book 3.ask some students to read the above new words; 4.introduce a sentence pattern which is used to describe what happened in th

2、e past by was/were,and then lead students to read the sentence pattern :A:B: Step three: Homework 1.write the above new words 3 times.On the blackboard: Unit 1 Getting Ready for School a/one pen school a/one ruler bag three pencils in the supermarket a/one pencil-box schoolbag a/one story book in th

3、e bookstoreTeaching Reflection: Due to my first teaching in primary English,I lack of much experience.I need to improve myself through endless study. I found that the English foundation of our students were weak,I will slow down the teaching step,at the same time,I will teach more simple English son

4、gs and play games in the future.Unit2 Back to school词汇:visit, took, photo, swam, sea, have a good time句型:Did you have a good time in England? Yes, I did. Im form Hes from.教学准备多媒体、课文挂图。Step one:1.greetings between the students and students a thing, and ask them2.according to the above w

5、ay, lead students to read visit took photo swam sea have a good time took some photosswam in the sea3.ask some students to read the above new words;4.introduce a sentence pattern which is used to describe what happened in the past by was/were,and then lead students to read the sentence pattern : Did

6、 you have a good time in England?Step three:1.write the above new words 3 times.Due to my first teaching in primary English,I lack of much experience.I need to improve myself through endless study. I found that the English foundation of our students were weak,I will slow down the teaching step,at th

7、e same time,I will teach more simple English songs and play games in the future.五年级英语上册教案Unit 3 A Visit to the ZooLesson 5教学目的与要求 复习第一单元学习的几个国家的名称和be from的句型。 能听懂、会说这几种动物的名称:panda, zebra, kangaroo, penguin。 知道上述几种动物的产地分别是:China, Africa, Australia, the South Pole。 能用下列句型谈论上述几种动物的产地和它们的食物。Are they fro

8、m? Yes, they are.Where are they from?What do you feed them?What do they eat?教具准备一幅世界地图或一个地球仪、大熊猫(复数)、斑马(复数)、袋鼠(复数)、企鹅(复数)和非洲的教学卡片。1. Learn to say. 学说英语教师分别出示熊猫、斑马、袋鼠、企鹅教学卡片,问同学: 同学们会回答的是:Pandas are from China. 其它的还不会回答,从而引起同学们的兴趣,告诉同学我们今天要和课本中的小朋友一起去参观动物园,听听饲养员介绍这些动物来自何方,吃的是什么食物。 Are the pandas from

9、 China? (一般疑问句)Yes, they are. (肯定回答) leaf的复数形式是leaves,而fish和squid的单复数形式相同。教师可以为学生总结一下名词复数形式的变化。2. Look and write. 看图填写卡片3. Play a game. 游戏目的在于复习句型,be from 巩固所学习的单词kangaroo, zebra, penguin, the South Pole4. Read and answer. 阅读回答问题只要求学生在老师的帮助下读懂短文并回答问题。(泛读练习)教学反思:看得出学生十分喜欢上英语课,学习积极性很高,虽然有部分同学仍羞于开口,害怕发

10、错音,说错话,但我相信,经常地鼓励、刺激、调动,他们说的欲望会逐步增强,现在最重要的是给他们信心,让他们觉得学英语不是很难的事,他们会做得很好,因为我经常说:“ Youre clever. Good. Excellent”欣赏他,给学生们准备了礼物Stickers。另外,我发现坚持大量的重复和操练,能起到事半功倍的效果,是教学中的重中之重,我在本节课中使用男女生,小组,开炮,大小声等多种操练方式,使其显得有趣而不乏味。五年级英语上册教案 Lesson 61.学习动词过去式:seesaw, eatate2.学习词组:take a photo of, buy a book about, on ou

11、r way home3.学习句型:What animals did you see? We saw . We ate .word cards, tape, PPT, etc.Teaching Steps:.Greetings: T: Class begins! Good morning boys and girls.Revision:1.Sing a song:Old MacDonald Had A Farm2.Review the words of animals:T: Boys and girls, I have many photos. Look! Whats this?Ss: Monk

12、ey panda How about this?Kangaroo按音节击掌拼读kangaroo, kangarooPenguin : How about this one? Penguin. 介绍评价方式:Today, you are kangaroo group, monkey group, penguin group and panda group. Look, whats your favorite food? 逐个询问各小组最喜欢的食物,并奖励各小组ok. Now, lets have a race and see which group can eat more food. Are

13、you ready?Review the past tense:am,iswas arewere buybought dodid gowent swimswam taketook havehad Now, look at the screen. Lets review the past tense and play a game: 连环炮 Did you have a good time? Now lets say a chant.播放PPTChant:Yes, I did.I bought a book.Thats a nice book.Did you have a good time?I

14、 took a photo.Thats a really nice photo.Presentation:导入课题: I had a good time last Sunday. I took some photos. Look, I took a photo of the birds. Thats a nice photo. Follow me: a photo of the birds, of the birds, I took a photo of the birds.带读2遍And look, I took a photo of thepandas .转换PPT I took a ph

15、oto of the zebras.(操练: I took a photo of the .)And guess! Where did I go? I went to the zoo. Zoo. The zoo! I visited the Zoo. So today well learn Unit 3 A Visit to the Zoo Lesson 6. Teach: What animals did you see? Today I want to show you my visit to the zoo. Please look carefully and remember what

16、 youll see. 播放一段动物视频剪辑 播放完毕后T:Class,What animals did you see? 引导学生回答S:kangaroo 奖励手拿过去式卡片:s, a, w saw摇头晃脑:seesaw 再问一个动物 进入快速反应 快速反应:PPT快速闪现动物图片,学生用We saw .抢答。T:Look carefully! 直接抢答We saw . What animals did you see? Good! 奖励说得快的小组 九宫格速记大比拼: Lets play九宫格速记大比拼. Here are 9 animals. What are they? Ss:S1:W

17、e saw3. Teach: We ate some bananas.Great! Look! What did the monkey eat?S: melon 手拿过去式ate词卡 The monkey ate melon. A,t, e ate eatate eatateate 贴上词卡 ate bananas 板书 We ate some bananas. What did the kangaroo eat? We ate some leaves. How about penguin and panda? We ate some fish. We ate some bamboo.4. T

18、each: I bought a book about penguins. We saw many animals just now. Whats your favorite animal? My favorite animal is penguin. But I didnt see the penguins at the zoo.So I bought a book about penguins. Look, here it is.小声到大声操练短语:a book about penguins读整句I bought a book about penguins.12遍.课文教学 I visit

19、ed the zoo. And I bought a book about penguins. In Lesson 5, Chen Ling and Peter also visited the zoo. What did they do?Lets have a look. 看课文VCDAnswer the questions:1)What animals did they see?2)What did Peter do?3)What did Chen Ling do?4) What did they eat? 回答问题Listen and repeat.Practice1. Listen a

20、nd number Here are 6 pictures. Lets listen and number the pictures.Check3. Learn to write:P28 提醒学生注意动词过去式的正确写法讲评、订正. Summing-up1.动词过去式:seesaw , eatate 2.词组:take a photo of 拍一张的照片 buy a book about 买一本关于的书3.句型: 你们看到了什么动物? We saw .我们看到了 We ate . 我们吃了.Homework1.抄写本课的动词过去式、划线词组和句型各2遍,并翻译2.听读Lesson 6 五遍,家

21、长签字3.完成活动手册Lesson 6在这节课中,我通过采用实物、图片、动画、课件等多种直观教学手段,为学生创设真实生动的语言情景,学生能在我所设计的各种情景中使用所学的句子及回答,如迎嘉宾活动,扔小球,接力问答,看谁拍得快等。所设计的活动有信息差,避免了明知故问,不是不动脑筋的重复,而是体现了Learning for using.的观念。这里正体现了英语新课程标准的教学思想。使学生的思维一直处于兴奋和积极探索状态之中,激发学生持续地自我学习,开发学生智力。让学生们能够运用所学语言知识,做到真实的交流。因为本课是节巩固课,除了有几个新授单词外,一般将来时和现在进行时这两种句型学生在以往课文中已

22、经接触过了,因此我在所有句型的导出和应用部分,都力求将课堂交给学生,最后也由学生透过实践观察后总结出两种句型的区别。当然,本节课也存在不少不足之处,如课堂游戏的操作,教师该如何控制场面,不致混乱。对单词、句子进行操练的方式还可以多样些等等。Unit4 Making Phone Calls一、教学目标1. 知识目标:(1)词汇:speak. Mid-Autumn Day(2)May I speak to, please? Speaking. Did you eat moon cake?2能力目标:(1)能运用“Hello. This is”May I speak to , please?”Spe

23、aking.等打电话的固定用语。3. 情感目标:了解在打电话用语方面的中西方文化差异,培养学生对英语的兴趣。二、教学重难点:Did you eat moon cake?三、教学用具:导读机、教学课件、单词卡片、四、教学过程:1. GreetingsGood morning .Boys and girls. Good morning .Ms Chen.2Free talk Hello! (先面向一二两组的全体学生) Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you ,too. Whats your favorite food? Whats your favorite fest

24、ival? (面向三四组的全体学生) Do you like Spring Festival?S :Yes,I like./No,I dont like. On Spring Festival. We get pocket money. And we say Happy New Year. I say Happy New Year. You say(这时候走到一学生的旁边请他来说)S:Happy New Year. Heres your pocket money.(说着把红包给学生)Lets look .On Spring Festival, Chen Ling say Happy New Y

25、ear to her grandma. They are making a phone call.3. Leading a.引出课题Today were going to learn Unit4 Making Phone Calls Lesson7 Mid-Autumn Day is coming. (边说边显示中秋的图片)Chen Ling is inviting Peter to come to her house .They are making a phone call.Now lets listen.开始播放课文VCD录像,先让学生听、看课文一遍。然后再让学生看一遍。第二遍看课文录像时,好的同学可以小声跟读。第二遍看完以后。提出问题:(1)Whos calling?(2)What time do they have dinner together?(3)Why do they have dinner?让学生带着这三个问题打开书本再把课文看一遍,然后回答问题当学生

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