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直击考点高考英语3500词汇 上答案及标注版文档格式.docx

1、10. I have no _ for (喜欢、爱) all kinds of advertisements on TV. affection11. Shes asked to be left _ (别打扰她),but the press photographers follow her everywhere. alone12. According to the law, it is banned to carry _(非法的) objects among ones baggage. illegal13. Our plans of banning the sale of the alcohol

2、 are still in the air, let _ (更不用说) the sale of cigarettes. alone14. What you said amounted to great encouragement. From then on, he became a man of _(抱负). ambition15. This hotel offers its guests different kinds of _(娱乐活动). We can also amuse ourselves by holding a party. amusements16. Parents are n

3、aturally _ for (为而担心) their children when they leave home. anxious17. I_(道歉)to Jane for being absent from her party. apologized18. The police _ to (呼吁) the public to remain calm. appealed19. The public have an _ for (爱好) scandals. appetite20. Every teacher should carry _ (履行) their duty. When studen

4、ts have trouble, they should help them to carry through it. It is important for the teachers to carry on with the teaching plan until they succeed. out21. I would appreciate it if you can make an _ with (约会) me. appointment22. It was the architect who designed the building, which _an area of (占地) ab

5、out 600 square hectares. covers23. Jane often argues with her friends over little things _ from (由引起) their different opinions. arising24. All families are busy making arrangements for the _ (到来) of the new year. arrival25. The government has_ (任命) some experts to find out an approach to the serious

6、 problem. appointed26. Mary showed her _ for (为表感谢) what the neighbors has arranged for her when she was ill and stayed in the wheelchair. appreciation27. I felt _ of (很惭愧) my falling asleep during the class. ashamed28. Athletes tend to _ (依附) themselves to all kinds of sports. attach29. His parents

7、 would like him to be an artist, but he wants to be an _(天文学家). astronomer30. All the shop assistants work together in a very friendly _ (氛围). atmosphere31. My aunt made an _ to (尝试) get close to the dog, but unfortunately she was attacked by it, so she went to see the doctor immediately. attempt32.

8、 All the _(观众) were attracted by his superior performance. audiences33. The meeting was held to make people _of (意识到的) the awful environmental problems. aware 34. I worked hard to be a student above the average and I was so surprised that I was _ (授予) the first prize in English speech contest. award

9、ed35. We should hold a positive _ towards (态度) our life. attitude36. The man with a badminton in his hand is a friend of my brother. He is well-educated with a _ degree (学士学位). bachelors37. Whoever gets a ticket will be admitted to the ball regardless of their _(背景). backgrounds38. Stopping to look

10、up a new word while reading is actually a _ (障碍) to understanding the whole passage. barrier39. Jack lost his_(失去平衡)and fell off the balcony. Although he was sent to the hospital in time, his parents walked back and forth with anxiety. balance40. Why so many Chinese have accidents in Britain is that

11、 British people drive on the left while we drive on the right. Different traffic rules bring _ (导致) our failure. about41. The new technology was_ to (应用于) farming. applied42. The painting on the _ of (以.为基础) the beauty of nature is attractive. basis43. Jenny was a beautiful girl, but she suffered fr

12、om a serious disease. She was brave enough to battle with the disease although she bore a heavy _ (承受很大的负担). burden44. Physical exercise is _ to(对有好处)health. beneficial45. Water can change into ice below _ point(零下,冰点之下). freezing 46. Dont paste (粘贴) some cheating information. Otherwise, you will be

13、 _ with (指控) what you have done. charged47. Li Ping holds a firm _(坚信)that if he does his best in his study, he will not fall behind others. belief 48. Hello, everyone. I am glad to be here to make a speech about how to protect our environment on _ of(代表)my company. behalf49. There is a chance that

14、everybody will be admitted to a key university. Dont take your chance and never cheat in the exams. Instead, just work hard. Even if you fail by chance, you can stand up and do it again. That will build _ your character (培养). up50. Dont worry. It wont be long before the plane arrives. It is behind _

15、(晚点)due to the weather. schedule51. He tracked down his cousin and uncle. The _(后者) was sick. latter52. I often _(请客)my friends to restaurants and all the bills are on me. Bit by bit, my wife blames me for it. Sometimes she feels a bit too blue. treat53. He was bitten by a dog yesterday. When we wen

16、t to the hospital, we saw him in bed black and blue in the leg. It was a black _ (害群之马). sheep54. Who is _ (该受责备) for it. to blame55. He is blind in both the eyes, so he has to live a bitter life. We should not_ a blind eye to ( 对视而不见) them. turn56. I met him by _ (巧合) in a ship off the coast. coinc

17、idence57. Its said that two blocks were blown up, which _ the traffic (阻塞) for hours. blocked58. The _(委员会)consisting of 12 members made comments on commercial competition, and came up with several proposals to improve it. committee59. The _(董事会) is having an important meeting, so I have to go aboar

18、d the plane right away. board60. Im not getting on well with my families and in _ with (和冲突) them sometimes. collision61. I have to bother you for my bike. Its brake broke _ (出故障). You are bound to repair it. down62. Use your brains in the boxing match. You are sure to make a _ (取得突破). breakthrough6

19、3. The boat broke _ (撞碎) on the rocks, people on board were breathless with fear. up64. My younger brother often gets up at 11:00 for _(早午饭), but he builds up his strength by playing basketball every afternoon. brunch65. Wesatinasemicircleaboutthefire and discussed why Jack worked very hard, but he

20、was still _ (倒数第二). the last but one66. He is good at _(计算) and cares for doing business. calculating67. Being one of the _( 候选人) to be president of the Students Union, he couldnt help calling me up, telling me the news. candidates68. When we write U.K, we should write it in _ (用大写字母). capitals69. I

21、n celebration of the famous poets birthday, I was invited to the celebration and honored to meet with so many _(名人). celebrities 70. China _ Television Station (央视) lies in the center of Beijing. Central71. Generally speaking, in summer a chain of disasters will take place in China, so we Chinese ha

22、ve to meet the challenge of fighting against them. Droughts, floods or landslides are really _(具有挑战性的). challenging72. Li Na got the first place in the French Open. She was worth the _(冠军称号). championship73. Prepare some _(零钱) for tips. change74. The weather in the mountainous areas in Yunnan is_(易变

23、的). So check up if you bring a raincoat with you. changeable75. HisattemptstopeddlehispaintingsaroundLondonstiny_(画廊)sceneprovedunsuccessful. gallery76. Amancame_(视察)ourschoolyesterday. inspect77. Ill go on a business trip. Whats the _(天气) like today? Cathy, whats the climate in your hometown? weath

24、er78. Some _(同事) are so cold to me. colleagues79. We should note important changes that have already come _ (发生) . about80. When he came across a spring of clear water in the desert, he helped his sick _(同伴) come back to life. Finally a new plan to survive came into being. companions81. Some minorit

25、y people in Hetian, Xinjiang _ crimes (犯了些罪) by killing policemen and making communication stop for several hours. committed82. In the _ of (在的陪同下) some officials, our Premier Wen Jiabao inspected the train crash site. He urged the victims to be compensated without delay. company83. The swimming ath

26、letes from around the world were in _ with (与竞争) one another in Shanghai in 2011. competition84. Many cars and buses got stuck at _(十字路口) for so long that almost every driver was cross with such bad traffic. crossroads85. The teacher has a good _ of (精通) five foreign languages. command86. Though I always concentrate my mind on what the teacher say

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