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1、能力目标:熟记颜色类单词,会用这些单词描述事物。情感目标:体验自主学习取得成功的乐趣。教学重点难点重点:让学生根据规律掌握数字13-19,并识记数字20.难点:教学方法情景驱动法师生活动过程设计意图一、Warming up1.Greetings 师生间进行简短问候。2. sing a song (边做动作边唱)二、Presentation活动一:数字变变变老师提前准备好20支铅笔,并提问:What is this? How many?复习数字112。老师左手拿出3支铅笔右手拿出一支铅笔对学生说:three and one is four.经过几组练习后,所给的数量逐渐变大直至出现13。老师教授

2、并板书thirteen(并将teen用彩笔书写),同样的方式教授14,引导学生自己总结这些单词的构成规律,然后猜写1519。全班同学、女同学、男同学等多种分组方式以报数的形式练习数字1-20.活动二:七彩世界请同学们回答问题:How many colours do you know?请穿不同颜色衣服的同学到前面,复习blueblackredgreenyellow,并教授新颜色单词puplepinkorangewhite.并板书。从每组中请出一名同学站在台前,听老师说出的颜色,快速指出黑板上正确的那个单词,并把它读出来。活动三:今天我们的好朋友 Panpan and Weiwei也来到了我们的课

3、堂,让我们一起来看一看他们之间又发生了什么有趣的事情。听课文录音。再听课文录音,并思考问题。1)How many colours in the text?2)Weiwei他们一共搭了多少块积木?3)最后他们成功了吗?3. 请同学们小组讨论并回答以上问题,再次听录音,同时找出有关数字的单词。4 . 听课文录音,并请同学们逐句跟读,注意模仿录音中的语音和语调.四、Practice1.act :请同学们分角色朗读、表演本课课文。2 .say and do.(学生四人一组,每组学生得到1-20的数字单词卡片,教师给出一个数字如:twenty。学生将从自己组的卡片中选出几张数字卡片读出来,这些数字的和必

4、须是twenty。如:eleven 和nine或者 thirteen 和seven。速度最快的一组获胜。)3.Game (请同学们描述自己衣服的颜色。五、Summary1.同学们了解了哪些知识?谁能来描述一下?(学习新单词,能描述周围事物的颜色,并学会了数字1-20。2.那就请同学们运用所学知识介绍一下你的家庭或者是小组成员吧。Homework请用今天所学到的知识向同学描述自己的房间。巩固与拓展训练: 用下列字母拼写出单词。1. i r t n e h e t n 2. e e r n g3. s t e n e I x 4. r u l p e p5. f t i e e f n 6. t

5、e n w y t教学反思Module 1 Numbers Unit 2 Ive got twenty points.1、 Language knowledge语言知识学习20-30之间的数字用及短语“have got”单词winner ,point和句型“Have you got?”及其回答:“Yes, I have/No ,I havent .”2、 Language skills语言技能能够听、说、认读单词和短语,能够用本课的功能用语和他人交流。3、 Sentiment情感态度培养学生学习英语的兴趣,激励学生积极参与活动,积极与他人合作。教学重点掌握语言结构“Ive got twenty

6、-six points.” 及“Have you got?“Yes, I have/No ,I havent.”能听、说、读单词和短语“twenty-one, twenty-two ”“have got ,point ,winner”并能熟练运用新知识与他人对话。教学难点灵活运用新知,与他人进行熟练对话。任务型教学法,直观教学法、认知法等教学方法Step 1 Warming-up1GreetingT: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, Miss Zhang. 2Free talk We have four groups, Sam gro

7、up, Amy group, Daming group and Lingling group. Today well have a race, the group gets the most points is the winner,(出示单词卡winner) “winner”冠军.“Point”, “Point to the window.” .指向窗户。Step 2 Leading in and presentation1. CAI出示图片20只小狗 Right! (增加一只小狗)But now how many dogs ?20 + 1 = 21twenty and one is twe

8、nty-one Its a hyphen between twenty and one. Dont forget it. (Maybe some pupils can answer it.)20 + 2 = 22twenty and two is twenty-two (S回答后,T带读整句话。2、Practice : Do sumsT:Lets do sums.(一手拿着数字20的卡片)Twenty and three(另一手拿着数字3的卡片)is twenty-three(将两张卡片靠近). 、 Group work学生按照教师的示范在小组内练习、请个别学生完成以下六个题目:20+4 20

9、+5 20+6 20+7 20+8 20+9 Who can do it like me will get 3 points. 3Practice: Rush-to-answer 快答环节 Ill show some numbers, please say the numbers quickly and loudly.教师出示一组数字卡片:21-29,采用指定小组读的形式。 T:(将卡片面向Sam group)Sam Sam: (快速读出数字)Step 3 New lessons1 T: We usually play cards( 出示热身环节的动物牌),like poker . Weiwe

10、i and his friend are playing game with cards. What game are they playing? Lets listen the text. Play the CD-ROM, listen and point Open the book, turn to page 4, listen and point. T: Listen again, and think about three questions:1、His friend has got _ points.2、Weiwei has got _ points.3、_ is the winne

11、r. Explain the questions . Read the text after T. Read the text after the CD-ROM. Step 4 Consolidation Game:Play cards Lets play cards like Weiwei and his friend. But, how to play? I need someone to help me. (学生名), come here. I have some cards , has some cards, then(用动作示范两副卡片混合在一起),I get 1、2、3、4、5 c

12、ards, also gets five cards(动作). If I have two same cards, theyre both mine. OK,now ,start. Have you got a ?(将卡片展示给全班看) Understand? Yes. OK, lets start. GoStep 5 Homework Play the cards with your partner after class.2. Listen and read the text.3. Copy the words twice:21-29(先画好四线格,示范书写。Module2(单元备课) D

13、irections. Function: Asking the way . Describing the directions. Target Language: Imperatives. Go straight on. Turn right . Turn left. Go Straight on, live, road, excuse me , turn left, turn right, next to , supermarket, station, train, up, hill, down, near, house. Left foot, Right foot. Unit 1. Whe

14、res No. 2 West Lake Road, please? Turn left. Go straight on. Turn left. Its next to a supermarket. Unit 2. Wheres Train 1? Its up/ down the hill. Its near the houses. 4. Its at the station. Teaching time: Five periods.Module 2 DirectionsUnit 1 Go straight on.培养学生乐于助人的品质。学习句型Wheres West Lake Road, pl

15、ease? Go straight on. Turn left. Turn right. Where are you going?培养学生问路、指路的能力。教学重点;1. 学习句型:Wheres ,please?2. 掌握单词及词组:house/ go straight on/ turn left/ turn right/excuse me/ next to/ supermarket情景教学法、直观教学法. Warming up TPR活动。教师边说边做:”Right hand up. Right hand down.”学生跟着教师边做边说。. Revision:教师出示一些表示地点的图片如p

16、ark/zoo/shop/school等,请学生抢答出单词。. Presentation:1. 教师拿出公园的图片对学生说:”Im going to the park this weekend. Where are you going this weekend?”学生说出自己的出行计划”Im going to.”2. 教师说:”Sam is going to Damings house. Where is Damings house? Is it in West Lake Road or East Lake Road? Lets wactch the VCD.”3. 学生观看课文VCD,找出答

17、案并回答。4. 教师提问:”Sam asks the way to the policeman. How does he ask?”学生听课文录音,大屏幕上出示Sam的问话。教师指导学生读句子。5. 所有学生来扮演Sam,教师来扮演policeman,同时在大屏幕上演示出课文中的路线图,教师边指图边讲解。教授词组go straight on/turn left/ turn right。6. 教师在大屏幕上出示几种路线图如: 让学生说出路线。7. 学生打开书,跟录音朗读课文。8. 分角色朗读课文。. Practice:1. 活动:问路。让学生自己画一幅地图,上面有三条路,分别标有school/

18、zoo/ supermarket/ my house. 在地图的某处标有Youre here. 教师请学生用自己的地图进行两人小组练习,一人问路:”Wheres the zoo, please?”,另一人指路:”Go straight on and then turn left”。2. 活动:我迷路了。教师准备一些路线图和要找的目的地单词卡。教师将单词卡片发给一些学生,再将路线图发给另一部分学生,那单词卡片的学生作为迷路者来问路,如:”Im lost. Wheres the park?”拿着路线图的学生帮助他们来指路。. Summary: 教师说:”Today we have learned

19、how to ask and show the way with Wheres , please? Go straight on. Turn left. Turn right. ” We use them in the daily life. 请学生画出从家到学校的路线图并英语标注。Module2 Unit2 Its at the station.1.Grasp the new wors about position:up, down ,near ,at2.Can grasp how to ask the way and express thedirections .3.Ask the stu

20、dents to help strangers.理解方位介词up, down ,near, at 并明白它们表示的方位位置。Step1.warm up and coming to Play a game:listen and guess. 播放火车的声音,让生猜:Whats this?引新单词train.(使用单词卡,教读、领读) 师引导说:Today Amy will go to her home town by train,and shes singing a song freely, lets listen,Here comes the train 让生拍手跟唱,活跃课堂气氛。Now t

21、his class lets follow Lingling ,and get on the train together.Step2.Presentation and drills 师画小山、房屋和车站的图形,让生猜引新词hill, 拿出黑板擦假扮火车,从火车上山开始引Wheres the train ?师做火车上山的动作引;up the hill-Its up the hill.(生身子向后倾斜状声音逐渐变大) (排火车读、领读、师生分读) 3.同样的方法做火车下山的动作,引Its down the hill.(生做身子向前倾斜状声音逐渐变小) 4.当火车开到房屋前面时因house-hou

22、ses-near(next to)-Its near the houses. 5.火车逐渐慢性到车站引station.-Its at the station. 6.通过驾驶火车,让生练习重点句型。Step3.Practice 1.到站后下车,和Amy一块回家,然后师画地图(课本活动练习3 练习第一单元的方位词) 2.创设情境,带新同学回学校,通过本节课内容复习实践。 3.到校后休息,Have a rest.引课文活动4,Lets chant together.Step4.Summary 回顾今天的旅途,What have you got?Step5.Homework. 画一幅你家附近的地图,用

23、英语来向朋友介绍如何到达某地。Module 3 (单元备课) Activities. Talking about pictures. The Present Continous Tense Shes watching TV. write , letter, picture, friend, take , talk to , little, play with, listen to , read, Songs: Chants and phymes. Unit 1. Shes writing a letter. 1. This is my friend, Lingling. Shes writin

24、g a letter. 2. This is my little brother, Tom. Hes playing with a toy train. Unit 2. What are you doing ?1. What are you doing, children?2. Im listening to music. Five periods. Module3Unit1Sheswritingaletter.1知识学习:句型: 1)-What are you doing? -I m 2)-What is heshe doing? -HeShe is 2习惯养成:培养学生积极主动的学习态度,

25、能大胆开口,积极参与各项学习活动,善于与同学交流。3.能力培养:培养学生用英语进行交流,养成用英语思维的良好习惯,提高学生的创造力和实践能力。4.品德培养:培养学生团结合作的精神,养成良好的文明习惯。难点:直观演示帮助理解。1 Warmupa. Greetingb. Ask and answer检查上节课学过的对话。c.让学生根据以前学过的内容做动作。play table tennis ,swimming, cycling 2. Leading-up准备阶段以后,教师问:Do you know other actions? 出示Lingling 正在写信的图片,学习单词write , letter然后根据词组作出动作。或者教师做动作学生说句子。同学之间练习。同样学习其他的单词、词组。3.情景操练单词的学习过程中,教师或者磁带领读,纠正发音。小组练习。同桌练习等。在练习正确发音之后,句型的练习,教师根据学生的掌握情况采取I do you say ,I say you do ,I do you draw等形式,巩固所学的词组。4课文学习出示课本,大家看一下Sam给大家带来了许多图片,我们来一起学一下他是怎么来向大家介绍的.(1)Listen and point.播

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