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1、长沙四年级英语阅读理解10题篇训练题含答案长沙四年级英语阅读理解10题篇训练题(含答案)1 Once, a Chinese student went to study English in England. His family name is Sun. It is the same as the English word sun.England is a country with bad weather. It is often cloudy or misty(有雾的), and it rains now and again, so the people there dont get muc

2、h sunshine in the whole year.When the Chinese student arrives in London, a tall English policeman with a long face opens his passport to check it. The policeman is interested to find the Chinese name Sun in the passport. He thinks it is pronounced(发音)just like the English word sun, so he said to the

3、 Chinese student, I see your name is Sun. You are wanted here! The Chinese student is very surprised. -But after a moment the policeman begins to smile, Mr. Sun, youve brought sunshine to England! So we dont want you to go away! 1The weather in England is _.A.cloudy B.misty C.rainy D.A, B and C2Engl

4、ishmen like_ very much because of the bad weather.A.Chinese students B.rain C.sunshine D.their country3The policeman checks the students_.A.bag B.passport C.ID card D.plane ticket4The Chinese student was welcomed because he had got_.A.a nice name B.a good passport C.luck D.much money5The sentence Yo

5、u are wanted means are not welcome to come here B.we dont like want to have some names D.we dont want you to go away6The policeman was a _ man.A.funny B.bad C.foolish D.rude【答案】1D2C3B4A5D6A【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文叙述了一个中国学生去英国学习的故事。这位中国学生姓孙,和英语单词“sun”一样。英国的天气恶劣,全年白天见到的阳光不多。当这位中国学生来到伦敦时,一位英国的警

6、察看他的护照时,认为他的姓氏和英语单词“sun”发音一样,微笑着说,我们需要阳光,因此不想让你离开英国。1细节理解题。根据It is often cloudy or misty, and it rains now and again,可知,英国的天气经常多云或有雾,而且还时常下雨;故答案选D。2推理判断题。根据so the people there dont get much sunshine in the whole year. 所以那里的人们一整年都没有多少阳光。以及Mr. Sun, youve brought sunshine to England! So we dont want yo

7、u to go away! “孙先生,你给英国带来了阳光!所以我们不想让你离开!”由此可以推知,因为天气不好,所以英国人非常喜欢阳光;故答案选C。3细节理解题。根据When the Chinese student arrives in London, a tall English policeman with a long face opens his passport to check it.可知,警察检查了学生的护照,故答案选B。4细节理解题。根据He thinks it is pronounced just like the English word sun,以及Mr. Sun, you

8、ve brought sunshine to England! So we dont want you to go away! 警察认为这名学生的中文名字“孙”和英语单词“sun”发音一样,所以警察说:“孙先生,你给英国带来了阳光!所以我们不想让你离开!”由此可知,这名中国学生很受欢迎是因为他有一个好名字,故答案选A。5词句猜测题。根据上文He thinks it is pronounced just like the English word sun,他认为它的发音就像英语单词“sun”一样,以及下文Mr. Sun, youve brought sunshine to England! So

9、 we dont want you to go away! “孙先生,你给英国带来了阳光!所以我们不想让你离开!”结合I see your name is Sun. You are wanted here! 可知警察说:我看到你的名字是“太阳”,这里需要你!也就是说不希望“孙先生”离开;故答案选D。6推理判断题。根据But after a moment the policeman begins to smile, Mr. Sun, youve brought sunshine to England! So we dont want you to go away! 可知,这位警察和孙先生开了一个

10、玩笑,由此可推知这位警察是一位幽默的人,故答案选A。2 Seven students live together in a large, bright room. The school wants students to learn to live together and think for others. Four counselors take care of them during the daytime. At least one counselor is on duty at all times.During the night, one counselor is on duty.

11、 In the morning, he or she helps the children get ready for school, have breakfast and go to their classroom.Young people learn to live together in the group. They learn about others, and they learn about themselves by watching others.1There are students in each room.A.5 B.7 C.112Some students live

12、together .A.just for fun study well learn to live together3The word “counselor” here means .A.住校生 B.辅导老师 C.寝室长4Which of the following is NOT true?A.A school dormitory(宿舍) is a place where some students live togetherB.There are four counselors in the schoolC.Four counselors must check the r

13、ooms during the night5The best title for the passage could be .A.The School Dormitory B.The Counselors C.Students and Counselors【答案】1B2C3B4C5A【解析】【分析】本篇文章难度适中,主要讲述为了让学生学习一起居住并且为其他人考虑,七个人会住在一个大的明亮的房间里,并且有辅导教师全天照顾。1细节理解题。根据Seven students live together in a large, bright room“七个学生住在大的明亮的房间里”可知,每个房间有7个人

14、,故选B。2细节理解题。根据The school wants students to learn to live together and think for others“学校想让学生们学习一起居住并且为其他人考虑”可知,学生们住在一起来学习一起居住,故选C。3词义猜测题。根据Four counselors take care of them during the daytime. At least one counselor is on duty at all times“四个辅导老师在白天照顾他们,至少有一个辅导老师一直值班”可知,counselor译为“辅导老师”,故选B。4细节理解题

15、。根据Seven students live together in a large, bright room“七个学生住在大的明亮的房间里”可知,宿舍就是一个一些学生住在一起的地方,排除A;根据Four counselors take care of them during the daytime“四个辅导老师在白天照顾他们”可知,学校中有四个辅导老师,排除B;根据At least one counselor is on duty at all times“至少有一个辅导老师一直值班”可知,不是四个辅导老师,故选C。5主旨大意题,根据Seven students live together in a large, bright room. The school wants students to learn to live together and think for others“七个学生住在大的明亮的房间里,学校想让学生们学习一起居住并且为其他人考虑”可知,文章的标题可能是“学校宿舍”,故选A。【点睛】解答词义猜测题时,可以使用如下技巧:1、根据上下文来猜测词义;2、通过同义词或近义词来猜测词义;3、通过构词法来

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