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八年级英语上册 Unit 12《Whats the best radio station》同步练习 人教新目标版0Word下载.docx

1、 T h is m orn in g, bu t you w eren t . A. in B. ou t C. over D. for 4. Thanks takin g care of m y little dog. A. to B. for C. abou t D. on 5. Children often play the sn ow in win ter. A. with B. for C. again st D. in 6. Cou ld I som e m on ey from you ? A. borrow B. len d C. u se D. ask 7. W h y do

2、n t you help your m other do the dishes? B ecau se I to do chores. A. hate B. like C. en joy D. u se 8. J im , you r bed after you get u p in the m orn in g. A. fold B. m ake C. show D. put 9. My paren ts are ou t. I have to m y baby brother. A. look at B. look for C. take away D. take care of 10 .

3、C ou ld I u se you r com pu ter? S orry. I am it. A. taking ou t B. tu rn ing on C. workin g on D. depen din g on 11. Last week I m et m y old frien d Li Min g, bu t I forgot him for his telephon e n u m ber. A. ask B. askin g C. asked D. to ask 12. you please play basketball with u s? S orry, I . A

4、. Cou ld; can t B. Cou ld; didn t C. Can ; don t D. Can ; cou ldnt 13. You can go ou t, but you clean you r room first. A. have B. are C. cou ld D. have to 14. M ay I borrow you r bike, L in da? . H ere you are. - 2 - A. Im n ot sure B. Im sorry C. I hope n ot D. No problem 15. I th in k ru n n in g

5、 is an easy w ay to keep h ealth y. , but Bill doesn t thin k so. A. I disagree B. I agree C. Im afraid not D. I don t thin k so . 完形填空 What do you thin k of doing chores? In fact, very 1 people like doin g chores arou nd the house. 2 , we all know that p eople m ust do them . Kids who live 3 Washin

6、 gton have chores to do to 4 th eir fam ily every day. The chores are differen t 5 differen t kids. Parents often show them 6 to do different chores. It is good for p aren ts to 7 their children to do chores at 8 early age. Many p aren ts thin k chores are 9 for ch ildren even very youn g on es. Chi

7、ldren 10 m an y im portan t skills to do chores. Th e skills will be good for children in th eir lives. 1. A. m any B. m uch C. little D. few 2. A. H owever B. So C. For D. Un til 3. A. on B. with C. for D. in 4. A. do B. h elp C. hold D. save 5. A. for B. of C. in D. from 6. A. what B. how C. th at

8、 D. which 7. A. m ake B. keep C. teach D. let 8. A. a B. the C. an D. / 9. A. im portan t B. borin g C. tired D. free 10. A. m ake B. n eed C. do D. call . 阅读理解 A David did well in all his subjects except(除之外) physics. Mr Brown, his physics teacher, gave him his physics paper an d said to him , Show

9、 it to you r dad an d ask him to sign his n am e(签名) on the paper. David played football un til it was 7 oclock. When he got hom e, his paren ts fin ished su pper. H is dad was watchin g TV an d his m om was doin g the dishes in the kitchen as u sual (像往常一样) . Dad, m ay I ask you som e question s? D

10、avid asked happily. Yes, of course, said his dad. If you can t an swer them , youll have to do som ethin g for m e. OK, Ill do as you tell m e, said his dad. What is cooler, walkin g or sittin g in the su n ? Walkin g is cooler. It can m ake win d. Which clothes can keep ou t(阻挡) the sun light, shir

11、ts or coats? Coats can keep ou t the sun light because they are m uch th icker(比较厚) than shirts. Is a m an sm art if he wears a coat an d walks in the sun in sum m er? David looked at his dad and waited for his an swer. H is dad thought for a m in ute an d sh ook h is h ead(摇头) . David took out his

12、paper, Now sign your nam e on the paper, please. - 3 - 1. What does Mr Brown teach at school? A. Geography. B. H ow to sin g. C. Physics. D. H ow to play football. 2. Who usually washes the dishes at Davids hom e? A. The m other. B. The father. C. David. D. Both the paren ts. 3 . What do you thin k

13、the father has to do fin ally? A. Do the dishes. B. Sign his n am e. C. Watch TV. D. Walk in the su n. 4. Wh at do you thin k of David? A. H e isn t active. B. H e is tall and stron g. C. H e is sm art an d athletic. D. H e doesn t work hard at school. 5. Which is NOT true accordin g to the passage?

14、 A. David isn t good at physics. B. David didn t go hom e un til 7 pm that day. C. Davids father an swered all his question s. D. It isn t sm art for a m an to wear a coat in the sun. B Mrs Sm ith h as two dau ghters. Lets h ave a look at what chores they do at hom e. Alice started doing chores when

15、 she was about eight years old. At th at tim e, she did th e dishes with m e together and she has to sweep th e floor. She is ten years old now. She is n ow doin g th e dish es h erself and h as to do the laundry, too. Am y is four an d she started doin g chores this J uly. She clean s the table aft

16、er din n er, an d she also learn s to fold h er own clothes. She likes to h elp m e sweep. I asked h er to help m op (拖地) , but she fell down too m an y tim es. An d 有时候她也帮助她姐姐。 H er work is usu ally n ot p erfect(完美的) . Last week Alice got her pocket m on ey, but lost it two days later. Sh e didn t

17、 do h er chores the n ext two days. Sh e will get the m on ey back if sh e can keep doin g her chores every day till the en d of this m onth. 根据短文内容, 完成下列任务。 6. 将划线句子改为同义句。 7. 写出划线代词对应的人物。 8. 划线句子中有一处错误, 请改正。 9. 将划线句子译成汉语。 10. 将划线句子译成英语。 IV. 词汇 A. 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。 1. Mom told m e to s the floor twice

18、 a week. - 4 - 2. Do you like doing the d after m eals? 3. They hold a sports m every year. 4. Do you often go to th e library to b books? 5. I can t go to th e m ovies with you. I have to f the an im als. B. 用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。 6. For children , (clean ) th eir bedroom s th em selves is a good h abit.

19、 7. Than ks for (invite) m e to your hom e for din n er. 8 . Maria, could I use your MP4 (play)? 9. Could you please clean th e (live) room ? 10 . The girl is old enough (m ake) her bed. V. 根据汉语完成句子。 每空一词。 1. 我讨厌叠衣服。 I the clothes. 2. 你能和我去趟商店吗? Cou ld you with m e? 3. 因为我忘记打扫我的房间了, 所以妈妈生气了。 My m ot

20、her becau se I forgot m y room . 4. 请把垃圾拿出去。 Please . 5. 当我外出时请你照看一下小狗好吗? Cou ld you please the dog when I am away? VI. 书面表达。 下星期你们全家要去青岛度假, 你想请好朋友王林帮忙照顾一下你的宠物狗 Dou dou。 请给她写一封信说明情况。 70 词左右。 开头已给出, 不计入总词数。 Dear Wang Lin , My fam ily is goin g to Qin gdao on vacation n ext week. Yours, Li H u a Unit

21、12 What s the best radio station? - 5 - What do young people _ (think) about _ (place) in town? We _ (do) a survey of _ (us) readers and this is what we learned. All the movie _ (theater) are good, but the Screen City is _ (good) in our town. It has the _ (big) screens and the most comfortable _ (si

22、t) . However, Town Cinema is the _ (cheap) , and it has _ (friendly) service. The most popular _ (cloth) store is Jason s. It _ (have) the best quality clothing. It s also _ (cheap) . Funky Fashions is the _ (bad) . It has _ (real) bad service. As for radio stations, most people think that Jazz 107.

23、 9 FM is really great. It _ (play) the most interesting music. Last _ (week) talent show _ (be) a great _ (successful) . There _ (be) fifteen _ (act) . Eliza Clark _ (win) the prize for the _ (good) performer. She played a _ (beauty) _ (pianist) piece. Hu Yue was the quietest _ (perform) . He _ (dan

24、ce) _ (with) music. The prize for the _ (funny) act _ (go) to Steve Tian and his dog, Fido. _ (them) sang a cute song together. 试题答案 I. 1. D 解析: mine 是一个名词性物主代词, 相当于my名词 , 在句子中作主语。 2. C 3. A 4. B 解析: Thanks for为而感谢, for 是介词, 后面要接动词的 ing 形式。 5. A 6. A 解析: borrow sth. from sb. 向某人借某物; lend sth. to sb.

25、 把某物借给某人 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. C 解析: take out 取出; turn on 打开; work on 从事, 忙于; depend on 依赖, 取决于 句意: 我可以用你的电脑吗? 对不起, 我正用着呢。 11. D 解析: forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事, 指动作没有发生。 forget doing sth. 忘记曾经做过某事, 指动作已经发生。 句意: 上周我遇到我的老朋友李明了, 但是我忘了要他的电话号码了。 12. A 解析: could you please 后面要接动词原形, 在此 could 不表示过去, 而表示请求、提出礼貌的

26、要求或请求许可, 在回答时不能用 could, 而要用 can。 13. D 14. D 15. B II. 15 DADBA 610 BCCAB - 6 - III. 15 CABCC 6. Alice began doing chores at the age of eight. 7. Mrs Smith 8. has had 9. 她饭后擦桌子, 还学着叠自己的衣服。 10. Sometimes she also helps her sister. / Sometimes she helps her sister, too. IV. 1. sweep 2. dishes 3. meeti

27、ng 4. borrow 5. feed 6. cleaning 7. inviting 8. player 9. living 10. to make V. 1. hate folding 2. go to the store 3. got angry; to clean 4. take out the trash 5. take care of VI. Dear Wang Lin, My family is going to Qingdao on vacation next week. Could you please help me take care of my pet dog, Do

28、udou, for a week while we are away? Could you please feed him and give him water three times a day? He likes taking a walk in the evening. Please take him for a walk and play with him when youre free. Hes very cute and Im sure youll like him. Finally, dont forget to clean his bed. Thanks a lot. Yours, Li Hua - 7 -

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