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1、22Something to be finished Roger? I need figures for accounting. Have finished the calculations? Im just finishing now, maam. Ill have them ready within the hour. All right, thanks. Youre welcome, maam. Ill call you when theyre ready.完成工作罗杰,我需要这些数字统计。你算出来了吗?快好了,夫人。一小时之内我就把把它们准备好。那好,谢谢。不用谢,夫人。好了我就给您打

2、电话。23Asking about a schedule Excuse me, Mr. Emory? Mr. Macmillan, would like to know if you have the completed schedule for next week? Yes, I do, Susan. Just a moment. Here it is. Thank you, sir. Sorry to trouble you. Not at all, Susan. Just tell him to leave it with my secretary when hes finished w

3、ith it.询问时间安排对不起,埃莫里先生。麦克米伦先生想知道您那里是否有下周的全部时间表?哦,我有,苏珊。等一下。给。谢谢您。打扰了。别客气,苏珊。告诉他用完后交给我的秘书就是了。24Confirming a schedule When can you get the finished product to me? We should have it put together by the end of next week. Great! Thatll be ahead of schedule! Good work. Well, as the saying goes we aim to p

4、lease!确认日期你什么时候能把成品交给我?下周末之前就能准备好。很好,这样就比计划提前了。干得不错。过奖,常言道:我们的目标就是使别人满意。25Lunch invitation Hi! Susan! I havent seen you for ages! Ive been really busy. How is everything? Oh, fine. Hey, why dont we grab a bite to eat and do some catching up? Yeah, why not? Ive got a little free time on my hands. Whe

5、re do you want to eat?午饭邀请嗨!苏珊!好久没见到你了!我一直都很忙。你都好吗?不错。嘿,我们是不是去吃点什么,好好聊聊天?好啊,为什么不呢?我正好有点时间。你想去哪儿吃?26Self-introductionHi, everybody. I just want to make a brief introduction. I dont know how many of you know me. Ill be taking over the marketing division when John Jacobs retires. Ive just come over fro

6、m American Vendors, Inc, where I was the Director of Sales from 1985 until this year.自我介绍诸位好。我想简单自我介绍一下。我不知道你们当中有多少人知道我。约翰雅可布退休后,我将接管市场部。我刚刚从美国万德公司调来。我在那里做销售经理,从1985年一直至今今年。27Meeting a new boss Good morning, Mr. Montgomery. Ive been sent over from purchasing to fill in for Clare Williams. Oh, really

7、? Nice to meet you. I thought they were going to leave me here on my own! How long have you been with the company? Oh, about seven years. Time flies, you know! Does it ever! Well, lets get started. If you could begin typing this letter now, Ill see what else needs to be done.见新老板早上好,蒙格玛利先生。我是从采购部调来接

8、替克莱尔威谦姆斯的。喔,是吗?幸会。我以为他们要把我一个人扔在这儿呢。你来公司有几年了?哦,得有七年了。光阴似箭啊。永远如此。好啦,我们开始吧。请你先打这封信,我来看看还有什么要做的。28Introducing new people Tom, this is Mary Bobbins. Shes just come over from sales. Its nice to meet you! Guess well be working together. Yes, shell be working closely with you on the marketing end of things.

9、 Good. Well, welcome aboard, Ms, Robbins.介绍新人汤姆,这是玛丽罗宾斯。刚从销售部来。见到你很高兴。我想我们要在一起工作了。是这样。她会在市场营销方面与你密切合作的。好啊,欢迎你的到来,罗宾斯女士。29Asking about an accent You have an unusual accent, Mr. Robbins. Where are you from originally? If you dont mind me asking. Not at all. I was born in Madrid, but I came to the Stat

10、es when I was a teenager.A; I guess that must be what Im hearing, I really couldnt place it. Do go back to Madrid often? No, I havent been back for more than ten years.哪的口音你的口音很特别,罗宾斯女士。是哪里人? 不介意我问吧?没关系. 我在马德里出生,但十几岁时就到了美国。我听着也差不多,只是搞不准是哪里的口音。你常回马德里吗?不是,我有十多年没回去了。30Discussing a new manager Have you

11、met the new manager in customer service? No, I havent gotten over there in a few weeks. How is he? She. She seems to be doing a pretty good job. Of course, anything would be better than that last guy! You said it! I cant believe he lasted as long as he did.讨论新经理你跟客户服务部的新经理见过面了吗?没有。我有好几个星期没有到那去了。他怎么样

12、?她是女的。看来做得不错。当然,任何人都比原来那个家伙强。太对了。我简直不敢相信他居然呆了那么久。31Trying to get adjusted Hi, how are you? Im fine, thanks. Just trying to get adjusted. Its hard to keep track of everything around here. Thats for sure. Youre new, too, huh? Yeah. I just got here a couple of days ago. How about you?努力适应嗨,你好吗?挺好的,谢谢。我

13、正在努力适应呢。在这里事事都要跟上趟真不容易。那是肯定的。你也是新来的吧?是的,我才来几天。你呢?32Farewell before retiring Well, I guess thats about it. Everythings packed and ready to go. Its hard to believer youre really retiring. What are you going to do with yourself? Have fun! I plan to spend some more time with my grandkids, and I might ev

14、en go back to school. Well, good luck. Give me a ring sometime, and let me know how you are.退休告别好啦,我想就这些了。东西都包好了,该走了。很难相信您真的要退休了。您怎么安排自己的生活呢?享受生活!我打算多花点时间和孙子们在一起。还有可能回学校上学呢。那好,祝您好运。有空打个电话给我,告诉您怎么样了。33Asking for a fax number Excuse me, Mr., Macmillan? Could you tell me the fax number for Mr. Winthrop

15、s office, please? Sure. I have it right here. 232-2453. If that one doesnt work, try 232-2456. Okay thats 232-2453, or 232-2456. Thats right.问传真号码打扰了,麦克米伦先生,您能告诉我温斯普先生办公室的传真号码吗?没问题,就在这里。232-2453。如果这个号码不通,试一下232-2456。好,232-2453或232-2456。对。3435Calling a group meeting All right. I want to bring everybo

16、dy in on this project. When can we start working on this? Well, we could probably get started with a strategy meeting tomorrow morning at 8:00. I tell you what, 8:00 is no good for me, but why dont you guys get started and Ill come by at around 8:45 or so. Thats fine with me. How much time are we go

17、ing to have to work on this?召集组会这样,我想请大家集中到这个项目来。我们什么时候可以着手这项工作呢?嗯,我们也许可以明天早上8点先开一个战略方针会议。我得告诉你,8点对我不合适。但你们何不先把会开起来?我大约8:45左右过来。我没问题。这项工作我们打算要干多久?36Appointment with a client I definitely want to meet with you, Mr. Parker. I just need to sort out my schedule. Well, I know youre pretty booked up these

18、 days. But, weve got to work fast on this. I realize that. We dont have any time to waste. I can put you down for 9:20. Could you make that, Mr. Parker? Let me see. Thats no problem. Ill see you then.约见客户我肯定要见你一面的,帕克先生。我只是需要安排我的时间。我知道你这几天时间排满了。可这件事我们必须得抓紧。这点我知道。我们没时间耽搁了。我可以给你定在9:20,你看行吗?帕克先生?让我想想没有问

19、题。到时候见。37Bosses meeting Hello. Mr. Rothman? This is Michael in Mr. Emorys office. Hed like to set up and appointment with you to talk about buying a new copier. Sure, Id be glad to. What time frame did he have in mind? Hed like to do it as soon as possible, sir. How about tomorrow at 2:45? Mm, yeah,

20、 thatll be great. Tell him Ill see him then.老板的会议你好,罗斯曼先生。我是埃莫里办公室的麦克尔。他想和您定个时间商谈买一台新的复印机。好哇,我很乐意。他觉得什么时间方便?他希望越快越好。您看明天2:45怎么样?嗯,好,这很好。告诉他我那时见他。38Scheduling an interview Mr. Carmichael, this is Ellen Bower calling again. You had said I should call this week to schedule an interview with you. Thats

21、right, Ms. Bower. How are you? Im not sure if Ill be able to fit you in this week, Im afraid. I understand, Mr. Carmichael. Id be glad to make it some time next week. All right, then. Why dont we say next Tuesday at 11:30 a.m.?约定面试卡麦克尔先生,又是我,爱伦鲍华。您让我这个星期打电话和您定一个面试时间。是这样,鲍华女士。你好。我不敢肯定这星期能否有时间见你,很难说。我

22、能理解,卡麦克尔先生。我很愿意安排在下个星期。好吧。那我们就定在下周二上午11:30如何?39A last minute appointment Joe, can you squeeze me in sometime today? Thats a big order, Jane. I am really swamped. I know what youre saying, but I have to go over the books with you before I go see our tax guy. Right. Okay, let me see what I can do. How

23、 about 1:30 right after my lunch meeting? It wont take more than a half hour, will it?临时约会乔,你今天能给我挤出点时间来吗?这可够呛,珍妮。我的确忙不开。我明白你的意思。可我必须得在去见收税的之前跟你过一遍账。好吧,让我想想怎么办。1:30怎么样?在我午餐会议之后。不会超过半小时吧?40Delaying an appointment Im afraid we are really short staffed this week, Mr. Crandal. Id like to accommodate you

24、, but I just dont think Ill have the time. Are you telling me youre not going to meet with me? Not at all, sir. Id just like to push it up to next week. Ill have a lot more free time at the beginning of next week. Well, I dont like it, but I guess I dont have any choice.推迟会面时间恐怕这星期我们的确人手不够,克兰道先生。我想给

25、您服务,可就恐怕没有时间。你的意思是不打算见我了吗?绝对不是,先生。我只是想挪到下星期。下周初我会空闲得多。好吧,我不愿意这样,不过我想也别无选择了。41Secretary schedules a meeting Mr. Cranes office. Sandy speaking. May I help you? Hi, Sandy. Its Walter Knight. I need to book some time with Mr. Crane. Certainly, Mr. Knight. When would you like to meet with him? Can you se

26、e what his schedule is like on Wednesday?秘书安排会见克莱恩先生办公室。我是仙蒂,能帮您吗?嗨,仙蒂。我是华特耐特。我需要和克莱恩先生约个时间。没问题,耐特先生。您想什么时候见他?你能看看他星期三是怎么安排的吗?42Meeting a book keeper Excuse me, Alex? What can I do for you, Kim? I was wondering if you could get together with me to go over the payroll. Sure, anytime.会见出纳对不起,阿利克?有事吗?金姆?我不知道你是否有时间能和我一起审查一遍工资表?可以。随时都行。43Making a sales appointment Good morning, Mr. Emory. I was hoping to set up an appointment with you for sometime this week. Hmm. Im pretty booked up this week. Lets move it up to next week. Fine, Mr. Emo

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