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1、履行(3)adj.吸引人的(4)adj.自信的;确信的(5)n.邀请;招待(6)adj.额外的(7)adj.熟悉的;常见的(8)adj.敏感的;易受伤害的(9)vt.假装;假(10)vt.&vi.系上;缚上 B.phrases(短语连线)(1)依赖;依靠(2)认为有(重要性,意义);附上,连接(3)打碎;分裂;解体(4)另外;也(5)最重要;首先(1) up(3)above all(4)rely on(5)in addition2.根据释义写出单词或短语。(1) something used to make music(2) person whose job

2、is to play or write music(3) to imagine something would come true (4) person going past(5) to tell exactly what one thinks (6) to go away in different directions(7) to connect something with another(8) to receive money for what you do(9) paid in money but not by cheque(该题为课本28页第一题。对于C班的学生可适当降低难度将该题设

3、计为选择填空题,如下:)2. 根据释义从方框内选择正确的单词或短语填在横线处。earn passer-by musician musical instrument in cash to be honest dream of break up (4) to imagine something would come true(6) to tell exactly what one thinks【讲学案】Wordsform寓词于境 阅读下列句子,注意form的意思和搭配。1. After the discussion a new plan began to form in my

4、mind.2. They decided to form a club in the village.3. I think that swimming is the best form of exercise.4. She filled in the form and handed it to the teacher.自我归纳 form作_词(句1、句2),意为_,常与plan, club, opinion等词搭配;作_词(句3、句4),意为_,常用于in the form of(以形式)中。拓展 form up排好队伍;form into组成、排成、分成;form from由构成、由组成。即

5、学即练 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。(每空一词)1. 我们学生应该养成良好的习惯。Good habits should _ _ _ us students.2. 水有时会结成冰。Sometimes water appears _ _ _ _ ice.3. 天边正在形成暴雨云。Storm clouds _ _ on the horizon.perform【寓词于境】 阅读下列句子,并试着总结perform在句中的含义及用法。1. The musician had never performed in London before.2. You should perform your promise.

6、3. You shall perform the experiment the way they do.【自我归纳】 perform作动词,意为:_(句1);履行(句2);执行(句3)。【拓展】performance n. 表演,演奏,执行,履行,表现 performer n. 表演者,执行者【即学即练】 翻译下列句子。1. 老师让我在电脑上完成一个简单的任务。2. 到目前为止,他的剧作已经被表演了很多次。pretend观察 阅读下列各句,观察pretend在句中的用法。1. He pretended to be friendly with me.2. Lets pretend that we

7、re on an island.3. She pretended a headache so she wouldnt have to go.4. She wasnt really crying; she was only pretending.5. She pretends to various abilities she doesnt, in fact, have.6. It is a pretend meal this evening, with nothing whatever on the table.点拨 pretend作及物动词时,意为“假装”,可以跟不定式、从句以及名词,如:句1

8、、2、3;作不及物动词时,不跟任何结构,如:句4;pretend to 自称具有,自称应得到,如:句5;pretend adj. 假装的,想象的,如:句6。小试 用pretend翻译下列句子。1. 他装出不在意的样子。2. 我们按门铃时他装作不在家。3. 她自称具有广博的知识。earn观察 阅读下列各句,观察earn在句中的用法。1He has earned a lot of money this month.2His honesty earned him great respect.点拨 earn vt. 赚得,获得,如:句1; 使得到,赢得,如:句2。拓展 earnings n. 薪水,利

9、润,赚得的钱 earner n. 挣钱者,挣工资者;赚钱的生意 earn ones living 谋生小试 根据A句句意完成B句。1. A. He makes $3,000 a year by writing.B. He _ $3,000 a year by writing.2. A. The little girl made a living by selling matches on the street.B. The little girl _ _ _ by selling matches on the street. familiar观察 阅读下列各句,观察familiar在句中的用法

10、。(1)English,maths and history are the subjects that are familiar to you.(2)Are you familiar with the computer software they use?点拨 familiar adj._, 句2。常构成短语:be familiar _意为“为所熟悉”如:句1,其主语通常是人们所通晓的事物,to的宾语通常是指人的名词;be familiar _意为“熟悉,通晓”,如:句2,其主语通常是指人的名词,with的宾语是主语通晓的事物。小试 (1)The voice on the phone soun

11、ded familiar me.电话里的声音我听着很熟悉。(2)Young people are familiar thismagazines content and style.年轻人熟悉这本杂志的内容和风格。Expressionsplay jokes on【寓词于境】 阅读下列句子,并试着总结play jokes on在句中的含义及用法。1. Bob often plays jokes on Mary.2. Betty wondered if the others were playing jokes on her.【自我归纳】 play jokes on意为:_, 相当于make fun

12、 of,后多接表示人的宾语。【联想】 make a joke of取笑,拿开玩笑; no joke不是闹着玩的,不容易的【即学即练】 用以上短语的适当形式填空。1. The naughty boy likes _ his classmates.2. Trying to find a job these days is _, I can tell you. break up寓词于境 阅读下列句子,注意break up的意思。1. She insisted on paying for the teapot she had broken up.2. Their marriage was breaki

13、ng up as time went by.3. The meeting didnt break up until eleven oclock last night.4. The old scientist is slowly breaking up because of old age.5. Sentences can be broken up into clauses. 6. When do you break up for Christmas?归纳总结 break up在上面句子中的意思分别为“打破、打碎”(句1);“破裂、拆散”(句2);“结束”(句3);“身体垮下来、人衰老”(句4)

14、;“分解”(句5);“(学校)期终放假”(句6)。拓展 含break的常见短语还有:break out爆发、起火;break away from脱离;break down出毛病、(计划、谈判等)失败;break in插话、闯入;break into闯入某地;break off突然停止、中断。即学即练 用break up的适当形式填空。1. I _ the candy and gave each child a small piece.2. It seems that the plane just _ in the air.3. Its the last week before they _,

15、and theyre doing all kinds of Christmas things.4. After years of hard work, my mothers health was _.5. Fred has given me no good reason for wanting to _ our marriage.attach . to寓词于境 阅读下列句子,注意attach . to的意思。1. I attach great importance to this research.2. They have attached a number of conditions to

16、the agreement.3. He attached himself to me at the party and I couldnt get rid of him.4. This does not attach any blame to you.归纳总结 attach . to意为“认为有(重要性、意义)”时,attach后常跟importance, significance, value, weight等词;意为“把附在上”时,常用表达是attach sth. (to sth.);意为“缠着、参加、和在一起”时,常用表达是attach oneself to sb.; 意为“与有关联”时

17、,常用结构是attach to sb. / sth.。即学即练 翻译下列句子。1. 他在文件上签名。2. 他重视我所说的话。3. 他参加了登山组。【巩固案】.单词拼写1.Im sure you have the (能力) to solve the problem.Dont be disappointed.2.In the evening he does an (额外的) job in a restaurant to earn more money.3.This company spends a lot of money on (广告) every year to show their prod

18、ucts to the public.4.The little boy likes music and dreams of becoming a (音乐家).5.Some people beg from (路人) in the streets.This is their way of making a living.6.During a football match,thousands of football f often shout at the top of their voice to cheer for their teams.7.She is fond of singing f s

19、ongs.8.Lets go to the theatre first and eat at a restaurant a .9.Were you nervous (紧张) when you gave a p to a TV camera for the first time?10.John worked hard as an actor so that he could e money for his family. 短文填空If we are honest with ourselves,most of us have (梦想) being famous sometimes in our l

20、ives.Most (音乐家) often meet and (组成) a band.Sometimes they play in the street to (行人) so that they can earn some (额外的) money and this also gives them a (机会) to realize their dreams.There was once a band which started in a different way.The musicians of whom the band was formed (戏弄) each other as well

21、 as played music,whose music and jokes were loosely based on the Beatles.Their exciting (表演) were copied by other groups.The Monkees played their own (乐器) and wrote their own music.Though it (解体) about 1970,it reunited in the mid-1980s and it is still popular today.(备注:讲学案和巩固案可根据班级情况选用英语周报上词汇讲解和练习部分

22、; 讲学案部分内容较多,各层次班级根据学生情况进行删减)Period 2 Reading Learning Aims:1. Know different types of music and form a proper sense of enjoying music;2. Learn some reading skills especially the skill of looking for main ideas of a passage or each paragraph.【Preview】1.Do you like music? How does music make you feel?

23、2. Music is a popular way to express a certain kind of feeling. What kinds of musiccan you tell? Give examples!_3. Do you know any famous band? List some if you do. 4. Choose the right answer according to the definitions given. a type of music that people consider to be serious and that has a value

24、that continues for a long time ( ) . a style of music which has a strong loud beat ( ) . a large group of people playing many different kinds of musical instruments together, led by a conductor ( ) . a type of popular music in the style of the traditional music of the southern and western U.S. ( ) .

25、 a type of popular music in which the words of a song are not sung, but spoken in time to music with a steady beat ( ) . traditional music from a particular country, region, or community ( ) A. folk music B. classical music C. country music D. rap E. orchestra F. rock n roll【Learning】Reading: Task O

26、ne: Read the passage quickly and try to find out:1. How many bands are mentioned in the passage? What are their names?2. Which band does the passage mainly talk about?Task Two: Read the passage again and match each paragraph with its main idea:Para 1 How do most bands start?Para 2 How the Monkees be

27、came popular and developed as a real band.Para 3 Many people want to be famous as singers or musicians.Para 4 The Monkees started in a different way.Task Three: Read this passage carefully and join the correct parts of the sentences together. (备注:P35页第一题)1.They produce a new record in 1996 a.but only one person was accepted.2.Most musicians get together and b.but reunited in the mid-1980s.3.They put an advertisement in the c.form a band because they like to write and play music.

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