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1、这时,记忆中每年支付几千英镑,好让 儿子吃好、能参加奇特聚会的印象开始消退。总算熬到头了。As the summer break comes to a close and students across the country prepare for the start of a new term,you find that your graduate son is still spending days slumped in front of the television,broken only by texting,Facebook and visits to the pub.This f

2、ormer scion of Generation Y has morphed overnight into a member of Generation Grunt.Will he ever get a job? 等到暑假快要结束,全国各地的学生正在为新学期做准备的时候,你 发现大学毕业的儿子还歪躺在沙发上看电视。他只是偶尔走开去发短信, 浏览社交网站 Facebook,去酒吧喝酒。这位前“千禧一代”的后裔一夜之间变成了哼哼一代的成员。他能找到工作吗?This is the scenario facing thousands of families.More than 650,000 stu

3、dents left university this summer and most in these financially testing times have no idea what to do next.Parents revert to nagging; sons and daughters become rebels without a cause, aware that they need to get a job, but not sure now. 这就是成千上万家庭所面临的景象:今年夏天,超过 65万大学生毕 业,在当今金融危机的背景下他们中的大多数人不知道自己下一步该做

4、什 么。父母只会唠叨,而儿女们则毫无缘由地变成了叛逆者,他们知道自己 该找份工作,但却不知道如何去找。Jack Goodwin,form Middlesex,graduated with a 2:1 in politics from Nottingham this summer.He walked into the university careers service and straight back out again;there was a big queue.He lived with five other boys all of whom did the same.There was

5、 no pressure to find a job,even though most of the girls he knew had a clearer plan. 来自米德尔塞克斯郡的杰克古德温今年夏天从诺丁汉大学政治学系 毕业,获得二级一等荣誉学士学位。他走进大学就业服务中心,又径直走了出来,因为他看见很多人在那里排长队。跟他一起住的另外 5个男孩也 都跟他一样,进去又出来了。找工作的压力不大,虽然他所认识的大多数 女生都有更清晰的计划。 “I applied for a job as a political researcher,but got turned down,”he say

6、s.”They were paying 18,000,which doesnt buy you much more than a tin of beans after rent,but they wanted people with experience or masters degrees.Then I applied for the Civil Service fast stream.I passed the exam,but at the interviews they accused me of being too detached and talking in language th

7、at was too technocratic,which I didnt think possible,but obviously it is.”他说:“我申请政治学研究工作, 但被拒了。 他们给的年薪是 1万 8千 镑,交完房租后所剩无几,也就够买一罐煮豆子,可他们还要有研究经历或硕士学位的人。然后我又申请了公务员速升计划,并通过了笔试。但在 面试时,他们说我太冷漠了,谈吐太像专家治国国论者。我觉得自 己不可能那样,但我显然就是那样的。”Since then he has spent the summer “hiding”.He can recount several episodes o

8、f Traffic Cops and has seen more daytime television than is healthy.He talks to his friends about his aimless days and finds that most are in the same boat. One has been forced out to stack shelves by his parents.For the rest it is 9-to-5 “chilling” before heading to the pub.So how about working beh

9、ind the bar,to pay for those drinks?”I dont want to do bar work.I went to a comprehensive and I worked my backside off to go to a good university, where I worked really hard to get a good degree,”he says.”Now Im back at the same stage as those friends who didnt go to uni at all,who are pulling pints

10、 and doing dead-end jobs.I feel that Ive come full circle.”打那以后他整个夏天都在“躲”他能够轻松复述交通警察中的 。 若干片段,他白天看电视的时间太多,已经到了影响健康的地步。跟朋友 谈自己漫无目标的日子时,他才发现他们的处境和自己的并没有两样。其 中一位朋友在父母的逼迫下去超市摆货,其余的都是白天 9点到 5点“无 所事事”,晚上去酒吧喝酒打发时间。要么,干脆就在酒吧工作?这样还可 以挣些酒钱。 “我不想在酒吧工作,我上的是综合性中学,我拼命读书才考 上了一所好大学。到了大学,我又埋头苦读,才得到一个好学位。可现在 我却跟那些没上过

11、大学的朋友处在同一个水平线上, 他们整天给客人倒酒, 干无聊的活。我觉得自己好像兜了一圈,又回到了原来的起点。Jacqueline Goodwin, his mother, defends him. She insists that he has tried to get a job,but having worked full-time since leaving school herself, she and her husband find it tricky to advise him on how to proceed.”I have always had to work,”she

12、says. “Its difficult because when you have a degree, it opens new doors for you, or youd like to think that it does.”他的母亲杰奎琳古德温为他辩护。她坚持认为她的儿子已经尽力了, 她自己中学毕业后一直都在工作,可是她和她的丈夫发现,建议儿子如何 继续找工作是件很棘手的事情。她说,“我一直都必须工作。现在找工作很 难,因为如果你有了学位,学位就会为你提供新的机会,至少你自己会这么想。Although she is taking a soft line with her son at

13、 the moment, she is clear that after an upcoming three-week trip to South America, his holiday from work will have to end. He may even have to pay rent and contribute to the household bills.虽然现在她对儿子的态度还比较温和,但是她心里很清楚,去南美度 三星期的假之后,他的休假就结束了。他可能还得付房租,分担家庭开支。“Theyve got to grow up at some point. Weve fin

14、ished paying for university, so a little bit of help back is good,” she says.”The South America trip is the cutoff point.When he comes back therell be Christmas work if nothing else.” 她说,“在某个时候他们总该长大成人,我们已经帮了他们交了大学的 学费,所以他们也该给我们一点点回报了。南美度假就是一个分水岭,他 回来以后如果找不到工作,那就打圣诞节零工好了。Gael Lindenfield, a psychoth

15、erapist and the author of The Emotional Healing Strategy, says that the Goodwin parents have struck exactly the right note. The transition from university to a job is tough for parents and children: Crucially they must balance being positive and understanding with not making life too comfortable for

16、 their offspring. 心理治疗师盖尔林登费尔德是情感康复策略的作者。她说古德 温家长的说法是很恰当的,从上大学到工作的转换对孩子和父母来说都很 艰难,关键是他们要在支持理解孩子和不溺爱孩子之间取得平衡。“The main job for the parents is to be there because if they start advising them what to do, that is when the conflict starts. If you have contacts, by all means use those,” she says. “But a l

17、ot of parents get too soft,Put limits on how much money you give them,ask them to pay rent or contribute to the care of the house or the pets.Carry on life as normal and dont allow them to abuse your bank account or sap your reserves of emotional energy.”“父母的主要任务就是支持他们,如果他们教导孩子该如何做就会引 起矛盾,”她说。“如果有熟人

18、,一定要找他们想办法。但很多父母心太软 了。必须限制孩子的零花钱,要求他们交房租,或分担日常生活或养宠物 的花销。父母要过正常的生活,不要让孩子随便用你们的银行卡或者榨干 你们的情感能量。Paying for career consultations, train fares to interviews or books are good things; being too pushy is not. But while parents should be wary becoming too soft, Lindenfield advises them to tread sympathetic

19、ally after a job setback for a few days or even weeks - depending on the scale of the knock. After that the son or daughter needs to be nudged firmly back into the saddle.为他们支付职业咨询费、面试交通费及书费是好事,但不能催得太紧。 林登费尔德建议:虽说父母不能太宽容,但是如果孩子找工作遇到了挫折,父母应该体谅他们,宽容他们几天甚至几周这要看他们受打击的程度 来决定。等他们缓过来之后,父母就该坚决要求孩子继续求职。Boys

20、are more likely to get stuck at home. Lindenfield believes that men are often better at helping their sons, nephews, or friends sons than are mothers and sisters. Men have a different way of handing setbacks than women, she says, so they need the male presence to talk it through. 男孩更容易困在家里。林登费尔德相信男人

21、比母亲和姐妹更容易帮助 他们的儿子、侄子、或朋友的儿子。她说,由于男人和女人处理挫折的方 式不同,孩子们需要跟男人谈话,才能度过难关。As for bar work, she is a passionate advocate:Its a great antidote to graduate apathy. It just depends on how you approach it.Lindenfield, who found her first job as an aerial photographic assistant through bar work, says it is a gre

22、at networking opportunity and certainly more likely to get you a job than lounging in front of TV. 她强烈支持他们去酒吧工作:那是克服毕业冷漠症的一剂良方。这工 作好不好要取决于你如何看待它。就是在酒吧打工的时候,林登费尔德找 到了她的第一份工作,当航拍助手。她说在酒吧工作是拓展人际关系的绝 好机会,肯定比赖在家里看电视更容易找到工作。“The same goes for shelf-stacking. You will be spotted if youre good at it. If you

23、re bright and cheerful and are polite to the customers, youll soon get moved on. So think of it as an opportunity; people who are successful in the long run have often got shelf-stacking stories,”she says. 她说: “给超市上货也一样。如果干得好,你就会被人发现的。如果你 聪明、活泼,对顾客彬彬有礼,你很快就会升职。所以,把它看作是机会, 那些最终能成功的人士都有在超市上货的经历。 ”Your

24、 son or daughter may not want to follow Hollywood stars such as Whoopi Goldberg into applying make-up to corpses in a mortuary, or guarding nuclear power plants like Bruce Willis,but even Brad Pitt had to stand outside El Pollo Loco restaurant chain in a giant chicken suit at one time in his life. N

25、one of them appears the poorer for these experiences. 你的儿子或女儿可能不会干好莱坞影星们干过的活,比如像乌比戈 德堡那样去停尸房给死人化妆,或者像布鲁斯威利斯那样在核电站当警 卫,但即便是布拉德皮特也曾经不得不穿上宽大的鸡套装站在墨西哥快 餐连锁店 El Pollo Loco的门口招揽生意。他们中没有一个人因为这些经历 而变得越来越穷。Unit 2 Active reading(1)危险!书可能会改变你的人生Like Lewis Carrolls Alice,who falls into a rabbit hole and discove

26、rs a mysterious wonderland, when we pick up a book we are about to enter a new world.We become observers of life from the point of view of a person older than ourselves, or through the eyes of a child. We may travel around the globe to countries or cultures we would never dream of visiting in real l

27、ife. Well have experiences which are new, sometimes disconcerting, maybe deeply attractive, possibly unpleasant or painful,but never less than liberating from the real world we come from.刘易斯卡罗尔书中的爱丽丝不小心掉到兔子洞里,在那里发现了一 个神奇的仙境。当我们打开一本书时,我们也会像爱丽丝那样走进一个全新的世界。我们能从一个年长人的角度,或通过一个孩子的眼睛来观察生 活;我们可以周游世界,遍访现实生活中从没想过要访问的国家和文化; 我们可以体验未曾经历过的事情,这些事情有时令人不安,也许引人入胜; 可能是不愉快的也可能是令人痛苦的,但无论如何都至少能把我们从现实 世界中解放出来。The English poet William Cowpe

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