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1、Atook Bhad taken Cwere taking Dwould take【答案】D约约翰得到了他父亲和祖父带去上学的同一个手提箱。would表示过去常常的意思,相当于used to。根据句意,此处表示“他父亲和祖父过去常常随身带着的”。故选B。4They made up their mind that they_ a new house once Larry changed jobs.Abought Bwould buyChave bought Dhad bought【答案】Bonce引导的是条件状语从句,根据主句将来时从句一般现在时的用法可知,从句一般过去时,主句应是一般将来时的过

2、去时。句意为:他们打算只要Larry换了工作他们就买新房子。故答案选B。考查时态和语态。【名师点睛】考查过去将来时。一、would+动词原形表示过去将来时构成过去将来时,常表示根据计划或安排即将发生的事。例1:He said he would come to see me.他说他要来看我。例2:He told me he would go to Beijing.他告诉我他将去北京。二、was /were+going to+动词原形也可表示根据计划或安排即将发生的事。She said she was going to start at once.她说她将立即出发。I was told that

3、he was going to return home.他告诉我他准备要回家,本句中关键词为made up这一过去时态,这是在过去计划将来做某事。因此,用过去将来时。5 Bob, did you go to the film at the weekend? I _, but I remembered I had a lot of homework to do.Ahad Bwould Cwas going to Ddid【答案】C-鲍勃,你在周末去看电影了吗?-我本打算去,但是我记得我有很多作业要做。这里表示过去本打算做而没有做,用was/were going to do是一种虚拟语气。所以选C

4、。考查虚拟语气6Jeffery said he to the get-together the next day, but he didntAhad come Bwould come Ccame Dcan come 句意:Jeffery说他第二天来参加聚会,但是他没有。主句是用一般过去式,从句应该是相应的过去时,从句的时间是the next day,所以用过去将来时,所以选B。考查时态7We had to be patient because it _some time_ we got the full results.Ahas been;since Bhad been;untilCwas;a

5、fter Dwould be;beforeD解析在“itbe一段时间before/after/since从句”句型中,before从句中的动作经过一段时间后才会实现;after从句中的动作发生后已经过去了一段时间;since从句中的动作完成后到现在已经有一段时间了。结合题意可知,答案为D项。8When Harry was at college, he _ go to the reading room after supper every day.Ashould BmightCwould DcouldC 考察情态动词。句义:Harry上大学的时候,每天晚饭后都要去阅览室。Would表示过去常常,

6、愿意。根据句义可知本句表示的是过去习惯性的动作。故C正确。9The students were told that they _ at the school gate at 2:00 the following afternoon.Amet Bwill meetCwere to meet Dwere met考查时态的语境运用。本题意为:学生们被告知将在第二天下午两点在学校大门集合。从told可以看出这是发生在过去的将来时,排除B选项和A选项,be to do表示将要发生的事情,符合题意。故选C项。10I had a discussion with Mr. Baker and hoped he

7、_ us an early reply.Awould give Bgive Cgave Dhad given本句中横线前面使用的是过去式hoped,说明表示的是过去的希望,所以使用过去将来时。我和贝克先生进行了一次讨论,希望他能给我们较早的答复。故A正确。考察时态11Johnson was much depressed as he didnt sell half as many computers as he thought he_Awill Bdid Cwas Dwould本句中前面半句中的was说明本句使用的基本时态是过去时。Peter很难受意为他没有像他原来以为的将要卖出的那么多的电脑。

8、本句中的would是一个过去将来时的用法,表示在过去的一个时间看未来。故D正确。12We made _ clear when and where we _ going to have the meeting.Athat; are Bit; are Cit; were Dthat; were我们弄清楚了什么时间和什么地点召开会议。这里it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的从句;第二空谓语动词的时态根据主句的动词来确定,主句用了过去式,宾语从句也用过去式,故选C。考查代词及动词时态的用法。点评:本题难度适中。代词是高中阶段要求掌握的语法项目,尤其是it的用法多,并且还是高考常考的知识点,需要考生在平时

9、反复的练习中巩固掌握它的用法。动词的时态是高考必考的内容,考生必须会理解不同时态的用法。即学即练:At the shop, they wanted to show me all the dresses, but I was interested only in _ in the window. A. this B. that C. it D. the one解析:D。the one替代the dress.13The local government announced that only when the fire was under control _ to return to their

10、homes.Athe residents would be allowed Bhad the residents been allowedCwould the residents be allowed Dthe residents had been allowed考查Only引导的部分倒装句。Only引导的倒装句要满足两个条件,only放在句首,且强调的是状语。本题only放在了后面句子的句首,强调是是时间状语从句when the fire was under control。故使用部分倒装的形式。当地政府宣布,只有当大火被控制住以后,据居民们才可以返回家中。考查部分倒装句部分倒装中考查较多的

11、有:(1) 含有否定意义的词never,seldom,little. hardly,not,scarcely,nowhere,by no means(决不)等置于句首时。(2)以only修饰作为状语的副词、介词短语或从句,且放在句首时。注意:only 修饰状语从句放在句首时,状语从句不需要倒装,只能倒装主句部分。(3)当so置于句首意为“也如此”,neither,nor置于句首意为“也不”时。当so表示对前句内容的肯定和附和,译作“确实,正是”时,用自然语序。(4)当not onlybut also, sosuchthat, not until, no sooner than, hardly

12、when等连词置于句首时。(5)在as引导的让步状语从句中(名词形容词/副词动词+as+主谓结构)。(6)虚拟语气的条件状语从句省去 if时,须将were,had,should提到句首构成倒装句。(7)频度副词often, always, once, now and then, every other day, many a time等放在句首时。(8)为了使句子保持平衡,为了强调表语或为了使上下文紧密衔接时,常使用倒装语序。14When Peter _ the car door, he found the key left in his car. So he had to call for

13、help.Aopened Bwas opening Cwas to open Dhad opened当皮特刚想打开门时,发现钥匙忘在了车里,因此他不得不求助。因为皮特他没有钥匙,想打开门还未打时,表将来,只有be to do 可以表将来,故选C。考查动词的时态的用法。动词的时态是高中语法知识点的重难之一,需要考生掌握各种时态的用法,有分析理解复杂的句子结构及语境的能力。She said a new bookshop_ in the high street.A. opened B. was opening C. was to open D. had opened她说在商业大街上有新开了一家书店。

14、15 I would never go to that supermarket again. The quality of the goods there is too poor. _.ANor am I BNeither would I CSo do I DThe same with menor 和neither都可用语否定陈述之后,引出另一否定陈述表示也不,前后时态一致; so do I我也是/ the same with me和我一样,都表示肯定。根据第一句中would never go可知选B。考查连词。此题主要考查否定连词nor和neither的用法,以及英语的用语习惯。16As e

15、arly as his second film, Chaplin had developed his own manner of acting, the one that _world famous.Awould become Bhad becomeCwas to become Dbecamewas to become world famous.带有情态意味, 含有“势必, 一定会。” 的意思, the one that was to become world famous 再此相当于the one that was on the way to becoming world famous =t

16、he one that was sure/ certain to become world famous 而A. would become 只是一般意义上的预见。 这个主要取决于上下文, 和作者对所述之事的肯定程度。17He promised that he _ us in the party, but he hasnt turned up until now.Awill join Bhad joinedCwould join Dhas joined他答应将和我们一起参加聚会,但是直到现在他也没有出现 。A. will join 一般将来时; B. had joined过去完成时;C. wou

17、ld join过去将来时;D. has joined 现在完成时。题干中“答应”是一般过去时,过去答应将要做某事,应该用过去将来时。故选C。考查动词时态的用法。18Our uncle will be here to attend a meeting tomorrow, you know?Oh, I thought that he _ today.Ais coming BcomesCwas coming Dwill come试题分析:-我们的叔叔明天来这儿参加会议,你知道吗?-哦,我原以为他是今天来呢。根据thought判断后面的宾语从句用过去时态,故选C。考查动词时态19The girl to

18、ld me that she beaten and she telephone the police.Awas; would Bhas been; willChad been; would Dhad been;本题考查时态。此句是间接引语,由主句谓语动词told 可推断:第一个空应用过去完成时;第二个空应用过去将来时。所以答案为C。20The novel written by the author _ best, but five years ago no one could have imagined how great a role he _ in the literary world.A

19、sells; was to play Bwas selling; was playingCsold; had played Dis sold; is playingA考查时态和语态。动词sell,write,read,open,lock,shut,wear,wash,keep,cook,cut,burn,run等与well,smoothly,easily等连用时,说明主语内在的“性能”、“特点”,用主动形式表被动含义;又因这本小说现在销量最好,所以用一般现在时。第二空用过去将来时表示“从过去某时刻来看将会发生的动作”。故选A项。21At college, Barack Obama didnt

20、know that he the first black president of the United States of America.Awas to become BbecomesCis to become Dbecame在大学的时候,奥巴马不知道他将成为美国第一个黑人总统。用过去将来时表示过去某个时间将要发生的事情,所以选A。【点睛】英语中的时态主要由动词的形式决定,因此在学习英语时态时,要注意分析动词形式及具体语境,想象在那个特定的时间动作所发生的背景,这个动作是经常性动作、一般性动作、进行性动作、完成性动作还是将要发生的动作。这题的解题关键是didnt know。22The ma

21、nager said that not one mistake _ to see reported to him in the following month.Awould he want Bhad he wanted Che would want Dhe had wanted【分析】考查倒装句和时态。经理说,接下来的一个月,他不想有错误汇报给他。not one mistake否定意义的短语置于句首要部分倒装,即将助动词置于主语he之前,结合本句的时态,经理说用的是一般过去时,在接下来的一个月应该用过去将来时,即would。23We were all surprised when he mad

22、e it clear that he _ office soon.Aleaves Bwould leave Cleft Dhad left当他表示他很快就会离职时候我们都很惊讶。根据“made”和“soon”可知,此处表示过去将要发生的动作,应该用过去将来时,故B项正确。24Mother promised she _ me an English-Chinese dictionary.Ais buying Bwill buy Cwould buy Dhas bought考查宾语从句的时态。妈妈答应给我买一本英汉词典。she _ me an English-Chinese dictionary.是

23、一个宾语从句,主句Mother promised使用了一般过去时,从句要使用相应的过去的时态,所以用过去将来时,故选C。25Just an hour ago he told me on the phone that he _ home right after his work.Ahas come BcomesCcame Dwould come考查动词时态。就在一个小时前,他在电话里告诉我,他下班后马上回家。根据句意可知一小时前他说下班后回家,表示从过去某个时间点看将来的动作,要用过去将来时,故选D.过去将来时表示从过去的某一时间来看将来要发生的动作或存在的状态。过去将来时常用于宾语从句和间接引

24、语中。过去将来时由would,was/were going to,was/were to was/were about to等加动词原形构成,也可由was/were on the point of加动名词构成。例句 I knew you would agree. 我知道你会同意的。 I said I would arrange everything. 我说我来安排一切。I didnt know if he would come. 我不知道他是否会来。26Albert Einstein was born in 1879. As a child, few people guessed that h

25、e _ a famous scientist whose theories would change the world.Ahas been Bhad beenCwas going to be Dwas考查动词的时态。阿尔伯特爱因斯坦生于1879年。小时候,很少有人猜测他会成为一位提出的理论改变世界的著名科学家。横线部分表示过去将要发生的动作,应用过去将来时,仅有C项was going to be 为过去将来时。分析4个选项可以知道,该题考查的其实是不同的时态。掌握英语的时态和语态,必须掌握好英语中的助动词(do, be, have)和时间状语这两个核心问题,如本题的1879, would c

26、hange的提示。另外也要结合使用语境综合分析选项,最终得出答案。27I writing the paper as scheduled, but my mothers illness interfered. I hope you will excuse me.Aam to have finished Bwas to have finishedCwas to finish Dought to finish【解析】考查时态。根据interfered可知应该用过去时态,因为write 这个动作发生在 my mothers illness interfered 这个时刻,而这是一个过去的时刻,就是说,我之所以“没有完成调查表”,是由于“我母亲疾病的干扰”,要不然过去已经完成了。我本来是按计划写完这篇论文的,但是我母亲疾病的干扰。我希望你会原谅我。28-The guy standing at the bar is so handsome. Any idea who he is?-He is the guy I you about.Ahad told Bwould tellCwas telling Dam telling【解析】考查动词时态。站在吧台那边的那个人真帅。知道他是谁吗?他就是我要告诉你的那个人。因为

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