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1、s better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one than to have an opportunity and not be prepared.与其有机会但却未准备好,倒不如暂无机会,但却为机会的到来做好准备。11.The basic difference between an ordinary man and a warrior is that a warrior takes everything as a challenge, while an ordinary man takes everything either

2、as a blessing or a curse.一个普通人与一个牛斗士的基本区别就是一个斗士把一切都当作挑战,而一个普通人要么把一切当作上天的恩赐,要么把一切当作灾祸。12.All you need to do is to use what you have and give your ability a chance to show, because the more you use of what you have, the more youll have to use.你需要做的一切就是利用你的所有并给你的能力一个展示的机会。因为你对你所拥有的运用得越多,你就会拥有更多可供运用。13.

3、It takes a little courage,And a little self-control,And some grim determination, If you want to reach the goal.需要一点勇气,一点自我约束,还有一些坚毅,如果你想达到目的地。14.I would rather fail in a cause that will ultimately succeed than succeed in a cause that would ultimately fail.我宁愿在最终会成功的事业上暂时失败而不愿在最终会失败的事业上暂时成功。15.We sta

4、rt marking the right decisions for long-term gain rather than making the wrong decisions for short-term gain.我们开始为长远利益做出正确的决定,而不是为短期利益做出错误决定。16.It takes action, preparation and planning rather than waiting, wondering or wishing to accomplish anything in life.要想人生有所成就,就需要行动、准备和计划而不是等待、傍徨和一厢情愿。17.Inst

5、ead of feeling inferior because someone else can do something you cant, why not concentrate on the things you can do that others cant. 与其因为别人可以做你所无能力做的事而感到自卑,为什么不集中精力去做那些你能做而别人不能做的事呢?18.I dont want to be one of those people who never go anywhere without a thermometer, a hot water bottle a raincoat a

6、nd a parachute.我不想成为没了温度计、热水瓶、雨衣和降落伞就寸步难行的那些人的一员。 19.Just remember that nothing is as bad as it seems and nothing is as good as it sometimes appears。记住:没有什么东西像它看起来的那样糟,也没有什么东西像它有时看起来的那样妙。20.Just like a small fire cannot give much heat,a weak desire can not produce great results. 就像一团小火不能释放巨大热量, 虚弱的愿

7、望也无法产生伟大的结果。21.To a winner , the tougher the competition, the greater the incentive,the better the performance, the sweeter the victory. 对于一个赢家而言,竞争越是激烈, 刺激(激动)就越大,表现就会越好, 胜利的果实就会越甜。22.The harder you work, the luckier you get. 你越努力,你就会越幸运。23.Under adverse circumstances, some people break records and

8、 others break down. 在逆境中,有人打破纪录,有人精神崩溃。24.Remember the bigger the obstacle,the bigger the opportunity.记住障碍越大,机遇就越大。25.Most of us just exist and keep counting our days rather than making our days count. 我们中许多人只是肉体上活着不断数着日子度日,而不是让我们的日子变得有份量。26.It is better to deserve an honor and not have it than to h

9、ave it and not deserve. 与其拥有名誉但名不符其实,倒不如名符其实而尚未得“名”。27.How a person master his fate is more important than what his fate is. 一个人如何把握他自己的命运,比他的命运是什么样更为重要。28.To find something you can enjoy is far better than to find something you can possess. 找到你能享受的东西比找到你能占有的东西要好。29.The harder you fall, the higher y

10、ou bounce. 你跌得越重,弹起得就越高。30.The poor man is not he who is without a cent, but he who is without a dream. 穷人不是身无分文的人,而是没有梦想的人。31.The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible. 积极的思考者能看见看不见的东西,摸到摸不到的东西,实现不可能的东西。32.Make your life a mission, not an intermissio

11、n. 使你的生活成为一次使命, 而不是一次间歇或中断。33.I have found that if you love life, life will love you back. 我发现如果你热爱生活, 生活也会反过来爱你。34.Instead of thinking about where you are, think about where you want to be. 不要只想着你在哪里,想一想你希望在哪里。35.Believe that the aim of life is to have nice time, go to nice place and meet nice peop

12、le.你该相信:人生的目标在于度过一个美好的时光,到美好的地方,见美好的人们。36.Little by little, I begin to see, to hear, to know who I am. 一点一点地,我开始看到、听到、知道我是谁了。37.It is difficult to say which is impossible , for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and reality of tomorrow.很难说什么事情办不到的,因为昨天的梦想就是今天的希望、明天的现实。38.He who buys what he

13、 does not want will soon want what he cannot buy. 一个常买不想要的东西的,很快会发现他买不起想要的东西。39.To know that we know what we know ,and that we do not know what we do not know, that is the true knowledge .知之为知之,不知为不知,是为真知。40.You will never have what you like until you learn to like what you have.在学会你喜欢已有的东西之前,你永远不会得

14、到你喜欢的东西。41.The young man who thinks there is nothing important to be done is pretty sure to do nothing important. 一个认为没有什么大事可做的青年必定成不了大事。42.An original writer is not one who imitates nobody, but one (whom) nobody can imitate. 有独创性的作家不是不模仿任何人的人,而是谁也模仿不了的人。43.Most people let conditions control their a

15、ttitude instead of using their attitude to control conditions.很多人让局势控制他们的态度,而不是让他们的态度控制局势。44.Thank you for making learning not a job but a joy.感谢你把枯燥的学习变成快乐的享受。45.Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.教育不是灌满一桶水,而是点燃一团火。46.The chains of habit are too weak to be felt until

16、 they are too strong to be broken. 习惯的链条在它坚固得无法打破之前总是微弱的感觉不到。47.That man is a success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much. 好好地活过,时常地笑过,深深地爱过的人是个成功者。48. Accept your defeats with your head up and your eyes open, with the grace of an adult, not the grief of a child. 抬起头,睁大眼,接受你的失败,带着成人的优雅,

17、而不是孩子般的忧伤。49.The difference between success and failure is the difference between doing exactly right and almost right.成与败的区别就是绝对正确与差不多正确之间的区别。50.If I were a boy again, I would school myself into a habit of attention. I wound remember a good skater never tries to skate in two directions at once. 如果我

18、还是一个男孩,我会训练自己养成专心的习惯。 我会记住一个优秀的溜冰选手,不能都同时向两个方向溜冰。51.When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child; I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. 当我们还是小孩的时候,我像小孩一样说话,像小孩那样思考,像小孩那样推理当我成为大人的时候,我把孩子的方式抛诸脑后。52.Im not happy when Im writing. But Im more un

19、happy when Im not. 我写作的时候不很开心。 但我不写作的时候就更不高兴。53.When I am wrong, make me easy to change; When I am right, make me easy to live with. 当我错时,使我易于作出改变;当我对时,使我易于与人相处。54.The little boy who says, Ill try will climb to the hill-top. The little boy who says, I cant will at the bottom stop. 那个说“我要尝试”小孩, 就会爬到山

20、巅; 那个说“我不行”的小男孩, 就会在山脚下驻足不前。55.Winners dont do different things. They do thing differently. 获胜者并不是做一些不一样的事情。 他们用不一样的方式做事情。56.Desires are weak. Desires become strong when they are supported by direction, determination, discipline and deadlines. 愿望是虚弱的。只有当愿望被目标、决心、纪律和最后期限所支撑时,它才会强壮起来。57.You dont drown

21、 by falling in the water. You drown by staying there. 掉进水里你不会淹死。 你呆在水里不动就会淹死。58.Learn to say“ NO” to the good. So you can“Yes” to the best. 学会对好的说“不行”。 这样你才能对最好说“行”。59.That which is striking and beautiful is not always good. But that which is good is always beautiful. 引人注目和美丽的东西不总是好的。 好的东西却总是美的。60.T

22、he harder a person work, the better he feels. And the better he feels, the harder he works. 一个人越努力,他的感觉越好。 一个人感觉越好,他就会越努力。61.Every time you move your mouth, your memory will deepen. Every time you move your mouth ,your muscles will strengthen. 嘴动一次,记忆就深刻一次。 嘴动一次,肌肉就发达一次。62.We build physical wellness

23、 through proper nutrition, exercise and rest. We increase mental capacity through reading, writing and thinking. 我们通过适当的营养、锻炼和休息来强身健体。 我们通过阅读、写作和思考来提高智力。63.We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. 我们通过所得来谋生。 我们通过所给来创造生活。64.Everyday its as if I play a part. Now I see if I wear

24、 a mask, I can fool the world, but I cannot fool my heart. 每天,我都似乎在扮演一个角色。 现在我明白了,如果我戴着面具,我可愚弄整个世界,但我不能愚弄我的心。65.Theres a heart that must be free to fly. That burns with a need to know the reason why. 有一颗心,定能自由飞翔。 燃烧着求知欲。66.Ability will get you success. Character will keep you successful. 能力会让你得到成功。

25、个性会使你保持成功。67.A hammer shatters glass but forges steel. Are you made of glass or steel? 铁锤砸碎了玻璃却锻造了钢铁。 你是玻璃做的,还是钢铁做的呢?68.When you share sorrow, it divides; when you share happiness, it multiplies. 当你分担忧愁,忧愁就会化二为一;当你分享快乐,快乐就会一分为二。69.Winners see objectives. Losers see obstacles. 成功者看到目标。 失败者看到障碍。70.Stu

26、dy as if you were to live forever. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. 投入学习仿佛你能活到永久。 认真生活好像明天就不存在。71.When you read ,you begin with A B C. When you sing, you begin with Do Re Me. 读书时,你要先学习A、B、C。 唱歌时,你要先学会哆来咪。72.We live the life we choose. We fight and never lose. 我们选择生活, 我们百战不折。73.I praise loudly; I

27、 blame softly. 我大声赞扬; 我轻声责备。74.You must first be a believer if you would be an achiever. You begin to achieve when you begin to believe. 如果你愿意成为一个有成就者,首先你必须做一个有信仰者。 当你开始相信时,你就开始有所作为了。75.Your living is determined not so much by what life brings you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens. 你的生活在很大程度上并非取决于生活给你带来了什么,而是取决于你对生活报以什么样的态度;并非在很大程度上取决于在你身上发生了什么事,而是取决于你如何看待所发生的事。76

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