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1、adv。此外(还),而且27beyond prep.(表示位置)在较远的一边;超过;迟于28blame n& v责备;责怪,埋怨29boring adj.乏味的,令人厌烦的30brave adj.勇敢的31broad adj。宽的,宽阔的32burden n(义务、责任等的)重担,负担v烦扰;使负重,装载高考链接1(2016全国卷)Approaching the vehicle,they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window。2(2016全国卷)Im sure I was the last person in t

2、he world he wanted to accept assistance from. 3(2015重庆高考)Alice paid the vet to continue treatment.I grew anxious:what if the family had simply left the cat behind?4(2014湖南高考)Whatever failures I suffer in my life,an ironed shirt tells me I am good at something.Besides,through ironing Ive learned the

3、method for solving even the most troublesome problems。Group 21calm adj。镇静的,沉着的,平静的v镇静,使平静下来2care n照料,保护,忧虑v介意,在乎;关心3carefully adv。小心地,仔细地4carry v运送;传送;传递5carve vt。刻;雕刻6change n变化;零钱v改变,更换;兑换7cheat n& v骗取,哄骗;作弊,舞弊8cheerful adj。兴高采烈的,快活的9choice n选择;抉择10circumstance n条件;环境;状况,情况11clap vi.拍手;鼓掌n拍手12clea

4、n vt。打扫,清扫adj。清洁的,干净的13colleague n同事14colour n颜色vt.给涂色,粉饰15combine vt。使联合;使结合16comfort n安慰;慰问v安慰;慰问,慰藉17comforting adj。令人欣慰的;安慰的18comfortable adj.舒服的;安逸的;舒服自在的19comment n评论20communication n交际,交往;通讯21company n公司;商号;伙伴v陪伴22challenge n挑战(性)v向挑战23chance n机会,可能性24conclusion n结论;结局;推论25condition n条件,状况,境况

5、,状态26confuse v使迷惑,混淆,使混乱,搞乱27consequence n结果,后果28continue vi。继续,延续29contribute v贡献,捐献;投稿30contribution n贡献全国卷)She gave me a comforting smile,nodded while listening patiently,and then printed out the ticket immediately。2(2015广东高考)On the whole,our population is getting older。The changes in our populat

6、ion will have lasting effects on our social development and our way of life.陕西高考)I passed the clean comb back to Dad.He smiled at me and carefully placed his comb on his wallet。4(2015福建高考)Kerry had visited her friend and had spent the whole time criticizing her choice of boyfriends,the way she was l

7、iving,the way she related to her mother,and various other things she felt she needed to express。Group 31convenient adj。便利的,方便的2correct v改正;纠正adj.正确的,对的;恰当的3cost v值(钱),花费,使付出代价n价格;费用;成本;代价4courage n勇气;胆略;胆量5cover n盖子;罩;封面v覆盖,遮盖;掩蔽;行走(一段路程);占(多少面积、时间);采访,报道;够付(费用),足以支付6crazy adj。疯狂的;热衷的;着迷的;精神失常的7crow

8、d n人群,一群人,一伙人vt.拥挤,涌上(心头)8cure vt.治疗,医治;治愈;纠正,矫正;消除(弊病等)n治疗;疗法;对策,措施9curious adj。好奇的10dangerous adj.危险的11decade n十年;十年期12decide v决定,决断;判决;下决心13decision n决定14deed n行为;事迹;行动15defend vt。防守;保卫;辩护16delay v n拖延,延迟,延期;延误,耽搁17deliberately adv。故意地,蓄意地,存心地18describe vt。描写,叙述,描述19design vt.设计,策划n设计,布局;图案,图样,样式

9、20destroy vt.破坏,毁坏21determine vt。决定;影响;确定22determined adj.有决心的,意志坚定的;果断的23different adj.不同的,有差异的24dig v挖(洞、沟),掘25digest v消化,领会26direction n方向;方位;指示27dirty adj.脏的;卑劣的28disappointment n失望;沮丧29discover vt。发现30disturb vt。扰乱;打扰;使焦虑31draw v绘画;绘制;拉,拖;提取,领取(金钱);吸引;引起32dream n vt。梦,梦想江苏高考)And at that moment,

10、I made the decision:I will develop and follow a personal growth plan for my life. 天津高考)My tenyearold was growing and changing right before my eyes,into this determined human being with a passion and a mission。3(2016全国卷)His words freed me from my bad dreams。湖北高考)The park was crowded,so it took us som

11、e time to find an available site。5(2014四川高考)She was surprisingly unafraid and seemed to be curious about what he was doing。6(2014辽宁高考)Several weeks later,when I described the situation to my friend Ken Hardy,he smiled,“You made a classic mistake。”Group 41drive v驾驶,开(车);驱赶,驱使2drop n滴;少量,微量v掉下,落下;变弱,降

12、低,减少;停止;放弃3during prep。在期间4eagerly adv。渴望地,热切地5earn vt。挣得,赚得,赢得6easy adj.容易的,不费力的,舒适的7education n教育,培养8effort n努力9embarrass v使窘迫,使尴尬10empty adj.空的v(使)变空11energy n精力,能量12enjoy vt。欣赏;享受;喜欢13enjoyable adj。愉快的;有趣的14enter vt.进入;参加;输入15entertainment n娱乐16enthusiastic adj。热情的,热心的17enthusiastically adv.热情地,

13、热心地18entrance n入口;入场;进入的权利;入学许可;进入19environment n环境20envy vt。 n忌妒;羡慕21equal adj.平等的vt。等于,使等于n相等的事物;相同的人22equipment n装备,设备23escape n vi.逃跑;逃脱24even adv.甚至,连(都);更25eventually adv.最终地26examine v检查27excellent adj.极好的,优秀的28excite vt.使兴奋,使激动29excited adj.感到兴奋的,激动的30expect vt.预料;盼望;认为31expensive adj。昂贵的全国卷

14、)One thing is for certain-Larry went above and beyond the call of duty by getting so close to the burning vehicle!His efforts most likely saved the womans life。四川高考)Maybe your mom would enjoy hearing the story.北京高考)On the 20th of that month,Dr.Welch examined a sick boy,Billy,and knew he had diphther

15、ia,a deadly infectious(传染的) disease mainly affecting children.浙江高考)Some do not respect the companies they work for and talk of feeling tired and empty.天津高考)Every evening Id eagerly wait for the phone to ring and then tell her every detail of my day.Group 51experiment n实验vi.做实验2explain vt。解释,说明3explo

16、de v爆炸4extra adj.额外的,外加的,附加的adv.特别;额外;外加5extremely adv。极其,非常6fade vi。褪色,(颜色)消退7failure n失败;失败的人(或事物)8fair adj.公平的,合理的;(肤色)白晳的;(人)白肤金发的n集市;庙会;展览会9faith n信仰;信念;信心10fall vi。落(下),降落;倒下n秋季;下跌11familiar adj。熟悉的12feel v& n感觉,觉得;触摸13finally adv。最后;终于14find vt。找到;发现;感到15fine adj。好的;优良的很好地;精巧地16finish v完成;结束n

17、结尾,结局17fire n火;火炉;火灾vi。开(枪、炮等),射击;解雇18firm n公司;企业adj.坚固的,坚定的19fond adj。喜爱的,爱好的20forbid vt.禁止,不许21forget v忘记;忘掉22forgive vt。原谅,宽恕23form n表格;形式;结构v形成;建立24fortunately adv。幸运地;吉利地25fortune n财产;运气26free adj.自由的;空闲的使自由;解放;释放27freedom n自由28freeze vi。结冰;冷藏;(因害怕等)僵住不动29frequently adv.经常地;频繁地30friendly adj。友好

18、的天津高考)After years of regular treatment,she finally became healthy。北京高考)Conditions were so bad that it was impossible for him to find the trail again。天津高考)She had a firm intention within herself to be the best she could be.广东高考)However,110 years is probably the longest that anyone could hope to live-

19、if he or she is extremely healthy and lucky.新课标全国卷)Joe fell into a huge crevasse(裂缝) in the ice below.陕西高考)Her husband was with her,but there was blood everywhere and the woman was embarrassed and clearly in shock.Fortunately,a lot of people stopped to help out。Group 61friendship n友谊,友情2frighten vt。

20、使惊恐,吓唬3front adj。前面的;前部的n前面;前部;前线4function n& v作用,功能;运转,运行5future n将来;未来;前途将来的;未来的6gain vt.赢得;挣得;获得;增加n增加;利润;收获7game n游戏;运动;比赛8gather v聚集9generally adv。大体上,总的说来10generous adj。慷慨大方的,宽厚的,宽宏大量的11gift n赠品;礼物;天赋12goal n(足球)球门;目标13graduation n毕业,毕业典礼14gratefully adv。感激地,感谢地15greedy adj。贪婪的16greet vt.问候;向致

21、敬17grow v成长,长大18guess vi。猜,猜出,想n猜测19guide n向导,指南,导游v引导20guilty adj.有罪的,犯法的;内疚的21habit n习惯22half n一半,半场23hand n手;指针;帮忙,支援v递;给;交付,交上24happen vi.(偶然)发生,碰巧25hard adv。努力地;使劲地;猛烈地坚硬的;困难的,艰难的26hardly adv.几乎不27harmful adj.有害的;导致损害的28hate vt. n恨,讨厌29head n头;头脑;才智;首脑;源头头部的;主要的;首席的v率领;加标题;用头顶;出发;(船等)驶向30height

22、 n高,高度全国卷)“What a wonderful lady!” I thought。Rushing out gratefully I called out over my shoulder,“By the way,whats your name?全国卷)They had begun to integrate(融合) the kinds of play and teamwork they had seen the day before into their game.3(2014福建高考)And each year hed shake his head,muttering(嘀咕) some

23、thing about building self.confidence and working towards a goal.4(2012湖北高考)“What about a horn?” he then asked。“Look,this horn is no larger than a matchbox and has many functions。” Attracted by these functions,I bought the horn.Group 71help n vt.帮助,帮忙2helpless adj.无助的3hire vt.租用,雇用n租借4hit v击,打;碰撞;使突然

24、想起5hold vt。拿;抱;握住;容纳;举行;进行n抓住6holiday n假日;假期7honest adj.诚实的,正直的8hope n& v希望9hopefully adv。充满希望地10hopeless adj。没有希望的,不可救药的11however adv。然而,可是conj.然而,可是,尽管如此;不管用什么方法12hurry vi。赶快,匆忙n急忙,匆忙13impossible adj。不可能的14innocent adj.天真无邪的,清白的15inspire vt。鼓舞;激励16instead adv。代替,顶替17instruction n说明,须知18interest n兴

25、趣,趣味;利息,利益,好处使发生兴趣19interesting adj。20interview n vt.采访,会见,面试21join v参加,加入22main adj。主要的23manner n方式;态度;举止;礼貌24march n游行,行进,行军25mean vt。意思是;打算;意欲26memory n记忆27merry adj。欢乐的,愉快的28mix v混合,混淆29monitor n(班级内的)班长;监视器30move v移动;搬动;搬家;使感动31national adj.国家的,国有的,民族的32nature n自然界;性质;本性,天性全国卷)I helped him move

26、 slowly over the fence.北京高考)Dr。Welch needed medicine as soon as possible to stop other kids from getting sick. However,the closest supply was over 1,000 miles away,in Anchorage。 四川高考)I gently placed one on top of the groundhogs head。Again,not a move.安徽高考)Maybe there is another way out.We need to repair our possessions instead of throwing them away.We also need to rethink our attitudes about spending。新课标全国卷)It was impossible for Joe to climb back or for Simon to pull him up。山东高考)While nursing her ill elder sister throughout the years,Charlotte discovered she had an i

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