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1、CeachDteach7AhealthBwithCtheyDclothes8AeachBideaCcleanDsea9AdollarBcarCparkDfar10AcloseBhisCalsoDexercise三、补全单词,并写出汉语词意。11s_ f_( ) 12pr_ c_( )13co_ _ sc( ) 14tr _v _l( )15h_ _ lth( ) 16_x_ mpl _( )17f_ _ld( ) 18br_ g_ t( )19l_ng_ _ ge( ) 20_ _ch( )21h_ lpf _l( ) 22f_ _e_ gn( )23m_ n_ b_ s( ) 24f _s_

2、( )25st_ nd( ) 26s_ ngl _sse _( )27b_ sin_ ss( ) 28c_ mp_ ny( )29c_ nt_ _ y( ) 30j_ b( )四、中英互译下列词组。31good for_ 32a long time_33 a lot of _ 34like walking_35take the bus_ 36and so on_37不客气。_ 38上车_39他们中的每一个人_ 40将来有一天_五、用方框中词的适当形式填空,每词只能用一次。41I want some chicken. Where can I _it?42They often_ on Sunday

3、s. They buy food and vegetables.43A fruit shop _fruit.44Doing eye exercise is _your eyes.45We have classes _Monday Friday.46We usually go home for our holidays _.47My mother likes_ very much.48Do you _French? Im sorry. I cant.49_ is the TV set?Its 3 000 yuan.50 It sells all kinds of food, like bread

4、, milk, tea, coffee _.六、从方框中找到合适的问句,将其代号填入相应答句前的括号内。51Im going shopping.52Nine yuan.53Thank you. Id like a coat.54Ninety yuan. The shirt is twenty-five yuan and the dress is sixty five yuan.55Three bottles of orange, please.56Some food for supper this evening.57No, Id like some other things.58No, I

5、dont like it at all.59The blue one is expensive.60Hes a worker.七、选择填空。61His father goes to work _bike.AonBby aCby hisDon a62They are going for a swim_ afternoon.AthisBin thisCtodayDon today63_ is a new coat like this?AHow longBHow manyCHow muchDHow about64Do you like_ or _?AsingingdancingBto singdan

6、ceCsinging to danceDsingdance65How do you like this book? I like it _.Avery wellBvery fineCvery muchDvery better66_do you want to have, eggs or fish?AWhichBWhatCHowDWho67He_ a new coat today.Aput onBwearCis putting onDis wearing68Can you speak Japanese? Yes, but only _.AsomeBlittleCa littleDmuch69It

7、s four oclock. Its time _.Ago home Bto go to homeCgo to home Dto go home70Can you help me_ the box?Its too heavy.AcarryingBcarryCtakingDtake71Let him _.Ato come inBcome inCcoming inDcoming72_does it take him to walk there?DHow often73Eating too much is not good _your health.AofBtoCwithDfor74I dont_

8、TV every day.AseeBwatchClookDread75Thank you very much._.ANoBThank you, tooCYoure welcomeDThats right八、根据中文提示,用所给的词连成句子,注意语序。76瓶子里有多少水?much, how, there, is, water, in, bottle, the_77我父亲通常8点钟去上班。usually, my father, 8:00 oclock, goes to work, at 78邮局离学校很远。the post office, the school, be, far from79步行对

9、健康有益。good for, walking, be, health80他们中一些人英语说得很好。some of them, very well, speak English, can九、根据中文提示,将下列句子译成英语。81我想买一些今天晚饭吃的食品。Id _ _ _some food for supper this evening.82车上这些人来自不同的国家。These people_ the bus_ _ different countries.83他十分喜欢烹调,但他根本不喜欢做家务。He likes _, but he doesnt like_ _ _.84让我们去问一下老师吧。_

10、 go and_ the teacher.85有一位老爷爷在湖边钓鱼。_ _an old man_ by the lake.十、阅读理解。Linda: Excuse me, Bill. May I borrow your ruler, please?Bill: Yes, of course Oh, wheres my ruler? I cant find it. Is it in your desk? Let me have a look. NO, it isn Is it in your schoolbag? No, it is not in the bag. Ah. I see it! I

11、ts under the desk on the floor! Here you are. Thanks. But this one is too short. Do you have a long one? Sorry. I only have this one. Well, where can I get a long one? I need one now. You can buy a long one in the shop. Which shop? The one near our school. Do you think its still open now? Whats the

12、time by your watch?s about five fifty. I think its still open. It opens at 8:30 a. m and closes at 6:30 p.m. OK. Lets go and see.86Linda wants to borrow Bills_ArulerBpenCeraserDknife87Bill has a_ ruler.AlongBshortCdearDcheap88Whats the time by Lindas watch?s _.AfiveBten to fiveCfive tenDten to six89

13、The shop is open for _ hours every day.A11B10C8D1290This dialogue may happen _.Ain the school Bat homeCin the shop Din the supermarket十一、完形填空。I work in a small shop. Its near an American (91) . Every day students come to (92) things. (93) the morning I get up at six, and then I have breakfast. I go

14、to school (94) bike.I (95) to shop at about six fifty. The shop (96) a seven. We sell things (97) food and drinks. We have school things, too. So there are often many (98) in our shop (99) morning to evening.I have lunch in the shop. At seven in the evening the shop is closed. (100) go home for supp

15、er.91AfarmBfactoryCschoolDriver92AbuyBsellCtakeDwant93AOnBInCAtDFrom94Dby95AgoCstayDlook96AopensBopenCis openingDis open97AwithBlikeCforDabout98AworkersBfarmersCstudentsDpeople99AinBonCfromDat100AAll weBAll usCAll of usDUs all参考答案与提示一、father, travelling, uncle, fishing, fish, back, uncle, eat二、1B 2C

16、 3D 4C 5D 6A 7A 8B 9A 10C三、1safe(安全的) 12price(价格) 13course(当然) 14travel(旅行) 15health(健康) 16example(例子) 17field(田地) 18bright(明亮的) 19language(语言) 20each(每一个) 21helpful(有帮助的) 22foreign(外国的) 23minibus(小型公共汽车) 24fast(快) 25stand(站) 26sunglasses(太阳镜) 27business(生意) 28company(公司) 29century(世纪) 30job(工作) 四、3

17、1对有益 32一段很长时间 33许多 34喜欢散步 35乘公共汽车36等等 37Youre welcome. 38get on the bus 39each of them 40one day 五、41buy 42do shopping 43sells 44good for 45fromto 46by sea 47cooking 48speak 49How much 50and so on六、51C 52E 53G 54H 55D 56B 57J 58J 59F 60A七、61D 62A 63C 64A 65C 66B 67D 68C 69D 70B71B 72A 73D 74B 75C提示:

18、(1)本题中第67题答案是 D。wear“穿着”,表示状态。(2)第70题答案是B。help后可接动词原形也可接动词不定式。(3)第71题答案是B。let后接动词原形。八、76How much water is there in the bottle?77My father usually goes to work at 8:clock.78The post office is far from the school.79Walking is good for health.80Some of them can speak English very well.九、81like to buy 8

19、2on, come from 83cooking, doing housework at all 84Lets, ask 85There is, fishing十、86A 87B 88D 89B 90A十一、91C 92A 93B 94D 95B 96D 97B 98C 99C 100C附:听力原稿On Sundays, Jim likes going out in the car with his father. He likes travelling. Li Lei likes going to see his uncle. He likes fishing with him. Sometimes they catch lots of fish. They take them back. Li Lei helps his uncle cook them for supper. Then they eat them.

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