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1、C. soD. but此题考查连词。这本书现在已经售完了,但你可以在图书馆借到。前后句为转折关系,故选择转折连词but,故答案为D。D3. _ an opposing idea effectively, you can use the following words and phrases.A. To expressB. ExpressingC. ExpressedD. Being expressed此题考查非谓语动词做状语。为了有效地表达一个对立观点,你可以使用如下词汇和短语。所以排除D,express的逻辑主语为you,和 express之间为主动关系,且表目的,排除B、C故答案为A。A4

2、. Sometimes tests are needed _ doctors discover exactly whats wrong with your body.A. sinceB. beforeC. althoughD. if此题考查状语从句。有时在医生发现你的病症之前,一些检查是必要的。A自从;由于;B在之前;C尽管;D如果,根据句意得应该选择 before,故答案为B。B5. It gives us great delight _ Chinese science fictions are becoming increasingly popular.A. howB. whatC. th

3、atD. why此题考查主语从句。中国科幻小说正在变得越来越受欢迎,这使我们非常开心。It做形式主语,真正的主语为后面的从句。因为从句不缺成分,且句意完整,故答案为C。6. The boy is having a fever. Youd better damp a towel and lay it _ his forehead.A. acrossB. withinC. throughD. beyond此题考查介词。这个男孩发烧了,你最好浸湿一条毛巾,然后放在他的额头上。A穿过、横过;B在.之内;C从空间里穿过;D超出范围,句意为在表面穿过,故答案为A。7. Just an hour ago h

4、e told me on the phone that he _ home right after his work.A. has comeB. comesC. cameD. would come此题考查时态语态。一小时前他在电话里告诉我他工作完就会回家。主句为一般过去时,从句表示从过去那一点看将来将要发生的事,故选择过去将来时,故答案为D。8. We really appreciate our learning environment, _ we can have direct communication.A. whomB. whichC. whereD. when此题考查非限定性定语从句。

5、我们真的很感激我们的学习环境,在这里我们可以进行直接的交流。从句不缺成分,故选择关系副词。先行词为 environment,表示抽象地点,故答案为C。9. _ the difference between the two findings is one of the worst mistakes youve made.A. IgnoredB. IgnoringC. To ignoreD. Having ignored此题考查非谓语动词做主语。忽视两个调查结果的不同是你犯过的最糟糕的错误之一。开空处缺句子主语,且表示主动,故用 doing的形式,故答案为B。10. You seem to be

6、familiar with this city.I _ here for three years. Its so great to be back.A. livedB. had livedC. have livedD. live你似乎对这个城市很熟悉。我在这住了三年了,回来的感觉真好。由于live的动作发生在过去,且没有持续到现在,故选择一般过去时,故答案为A。11. I wish I _ photography then. If so, I could give you a hand at present. A. studiedB. had studiedC. have studiedD.

7、will study此题考查虚拟语气中的wish从句的虚拟。我真希望我那时学习了摄影。这样的话,我现在就能够帮助你了。从句为对过去的虚拟,故选择 had done的形式,故答案为B。12. The girls eyes brightened when she saw the birthday present she _.A. would promiseB. had promisedC. would be promised D. had been promised 此题考查时态语态。当女孩看到她之前被承诺过的生日礼物时,她的眼睛亮了。由于 brightened和saw为一般过去时,选项动作发生在

8、 brightened和saw之前,故选择过去完成时,故答案为D。13. If you leave this application form and go to another website, you will lose _ you have already filled out on this form.A. whateverB. whoeverC. whereverD. whenever此题考查名词性从句中的宾语从句。如果你把这个申请表放在一边,去看另一个网站,你就会丢失掉你已经填写的部分。宾语从句中缺fill out的宾语,故选择连接代词,又因为宾语指物,所以选择 whatever,

9、故答案为A。14. In the library you can use your own computer to connect to Wi-Fi specially _ for readers.A. preparingB. to prepareC. preparedD. prepare此题考查非谓语动词作定语。在图书馆里你可以使用自己的电脑连接专门为读者们准备的Wi-Fi。prepare的逻辑主语是Wi-Fi,其与逻辑主语的关系为被动关系,故答案为C。15. The small restaurant is always crowded in every part.Thats _ it ha

10、s a unique dining environment and quite a few wonderful dishes.A. whyB. because此题考查名词性从句中的表语从句。这个小饭店总是挤满了人。这是因为它有独特的就餐环境和几道很棒的菜。表语从句中不缺成分,但句意不完整,缺“因为”, because是“因为”的意思,故答案为B。第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。All Quiet in a Darkened LibraryAfter my mother died, my fat

11、her, who was 75 at the time, began to regularly visit the local library in Epping. He loved going there 16 he enjoyed reading different kinds of books, especially reading the newspapers on Saturdays. The library had a small area, where the soft carpet, folding chairs and lap desks 17 a comfortable s

12、pace for independent reading. My dad would sit there for hours. This particular wintery Saturday, at about 12 noon, after being there for two hours, my dad 18 that it was very quiet and darker than usual. He looked around, realizing that all the staff had left and he had been 19 locked in.My dad was

13、 a “panic merchant” at the best of times, so I can only 20 what he was like when this happened. The doors had been locked from the outside and he had no way 21 . He must have felt completely at a 22 , since he didnt know some 23 for handling this kind of crazy situation. My dad looked at the notice

14、boards to try to find a 24 phone numbera staff member or someone he could ring to help let him outbut without 25 . So he rang the police station and they kindly got in touch with the head librarian.The head librarian immediately rang my dad back at the library, and 26 that she would be soon there. S

15、he tried to 27 him and even explained how he could make a coffee if he wished. This was very nice, but my dad was in too much of a “ 28 ” to do so.Thankfully, the head librarian arrived 29 the hour and let my dad out. She apologized for the 30 it had caused my father and sent my father back home in

16、person. We were very grateful, since she could easily have been 31 at having to come back to work. The next day my dad seemed to 32 from this accident. He almost forgot all about the unpleasantness, and even found his experience quite 33 .I guess the entire staff now makes extra sure that the librar

17、y is 34 before they leave. Whats more, my dad has learned an important lesson by himselfnever again became quite so 35 in his reading.16.A. asB. ifC. tillD. though17.A. measuredB. occupiedC. replacedD. created18.A. expectedB. noticedC. admittedD. doubted19.A. accidentallyB. constantlyC. properlyD. i

18、llegally20.A. acquireB. witnessC. imagineD. explore21.A. alongB. backC. downD. out22.A. failureB. lossC. riskD. distance23.A. tipsB. marksC. notesD. senses24.A. convenientB. flexibleC. relevantD. temporary25.A. troubleB. effortC. permissionD. success26.A. promisedB. informedC. assumedD. reminded27.A

19、. forgiveB. comfortC. instructD. persuade28.A. resultB. choiceC. stateD. trend29.A. overB. nearC. beyondD. within30.A. conflictB. anxietyC. regretD. blame31.A. ashamedB. confusedC. annoyedD. pleased32.A. recoverB. reflectC. struggleD. suffer33.A. satisfyingB. amusingC. scaringD. astonishing34.A. tid

20、yB. openC. quietD. empty35.A. distributedB. blockedC. absorbedD. exposed16.此题是连词题。根据挖空前后句逻辑,我父亲爱去图书馆是因为阅读不同种类的书籍,所以为as;其余选项含义为:if (如果),till (直到),though(尽管),故此题正确答案是A。17.此题是动词题。根据动宾搭配,柔软的地毯,折叠椅和小桌子等物体集中在一起“创造”了一个舒适的空间,所以选 created。measured(测量),occupied(占据),replaced(取代)。故此题正确答案是D。18.此题是动词题。根据句间逻辑,在图书馆呆

21、了两小时后,我父亲注意到周围非常安静,而且比往常更黑,所以选 noticed。expected(期盼),admitted(承认),doubted(怀疑)。故此题正确答案是B。19.此题是副词题。根据句间逻辑,父亲是“意外地”被锁在了图书馆里,所以选 accidentally。constantly(不断地),properly(合适地),illegally(非法地)。故此题正确答案是A。20.此题是动词题。根据句间逻辑,我父亲大多数情况下都会有点恐慌,所以我能想象到当这个情况发生的时候,他会处于一种什么样的状态,所以选imagine。其条选项含义为:acquire(取得),witness(目睹),

22、explore(探索)。故此题正确答案是C。21.此题是介词题。根据动作方向,父亲被困在图书馆里,门从外面被锁了,没有“出去”的路,所以选out。along(沿着),back(后面),down(向下)。22.此题是名词题。根据感情态度,前文提到父亲是一个panic merchant,因此此时的感情倾向是向下的,at a loss表示茫然,不知所措,与上文的 panic为同义替换。failure(失败),risk(冒险),distance(距离)。23.此题是名词题。根据搭配,父亲不知道应对这种疯狂情形的方法,技巧,所以选tips。marks(标记),notes(笔记),senses(感觉)。2

23、4.此题是形容词题。根据形名搭配,父亲在布告栏上没有看到相关的,可以求救的电话号码,所以选 relevant。convenient(方便的),flexible(灵活的),temporary(暂时的)。25.此题是名词题。前文说父亲尝试寻找相关员工的电话号码,此句出现but转折,所以是没有成功,故选 success。trouble(麻烦),effort(努力),permission(允许),故正确答案是D。26.此题是动词题。根据上句,“图书馆馆长很快给我爸爸回电话”可知,她在电话中承诺很快会到图书馆。其余选项含义为formed(通知),assumed(假定),reminded(提醒)。27.此

24、题是动词题。根据下句甚至解释会给作者的爸爸做一杯咖啡可知是在安慰作者的爸爸。forgive(原谅),instruct(指导),persuade(说服),故此题正确答案是B。28.此题是名词题。根据前文可知,作者的爸爸从来没有类似的经历,不知所措,因此在馆长提出做一杯咖啡时,作者的爸爸并没有这种状态(心情)去品尝。result(结果),choice (选择),trend(趋势)。29.此题是介词题。上文提到馆长承诺会立即赶来,因此此处应为在一小时内赶到。over(在.之上),near(靠近),beyond(超出)。30.此题是名词题。根据下文,it指代把作者的爸爸锁在图书馆里,因此是由这件事给我


26、不愉悦,此处表示他甚至觉得有些有趣。satisfying(令人满意的),scaring(害怕的),astonishing(令人震惊的)。34.此题是形容词题。根据上文出现的这次意外,此处表示工作人员在离开前要确保图书馆是空着的。tidy(整齐的),open(开着的),quiet(安静的)。35.此题是形容词题。根据上句作者的爸爸从这个经历中学到了宝贵一课,因此此处应表示在读书时不要太过沉浸于其中。distributed(分散的),blocked(被封锁的),exposed(暴露的)。16. A 17. D 18. B 19. A 20. C 21. D 22. B 23. A 24. C 25

27、. D 26. A 27. B 28. C 29. D 30. B 31. C 32. A 33.B 34. D 35. C第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Dear Koko,Ive learned about you from my amazing teacher. I think its fun that you can communicate with us humans by using the sign language. Ive spent a lot of time watching you in different videos and love you from the bottom of my heart.Its heartbreaking to learn about all of the cruel things done to gorillas (大猩猩). In Africa, for example, the killers use guns to kill your fellows for meat. They dont understand the influenc

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